The Spiritual Journey: The 3 Aspects of Ascension

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/04/2024 - 05:25

Whether yet realised or not, we are all engaged in the spiritual journey of Ascension - it's only a question of understanding exactly what that means? We know that everything is of consciousness, that emerged as relativity from the singularity at the Bigbang. This dynamic has now cascaded into multiplicity of form. Yet underlying everything, is the journey of Unity Consciousness back to the One. When we align with this, everything in our lives falls into place.

Journey from Darkness into Light

Our planet and humanity are undergoing a massive shift in consciousness - which we. can metaphorically simply as the journey from darkness into light. As consciousness emerged from the singularity, the Unity aspect became confused and convoluted - fragmented within the Separation aspect, like bubbles of froth on a fast-flowing mountain stream.

Yet this Separation, we know, is a complex illusion because everything is still interrelated within the vast ocean of energy. The bubbles of froth are still each a part of the stream, yet they behave individually and can act individually. Each then takes on debris to form eddy currents, and now, identity is created, which around a human soul, we can call ego.

The ego seems to have endless possibility to act separately from the flow. Intervention energies have evolved over the aeons with tremendous sophistication in resisting the flow itself and crystallising complex realities - like the Simulation we currently reside within. Essentially, it's anything to avoid the flow itself.

However, ultimately, the flow is undeniable, because Unity Consciousness is progressively emergent as the Universe realigns to greater sophistication of relativity. The Universal Torus draws the bubbles of consciousness home to the Source, just as the majestic salmon forging its way up the stream to the place of its birth.

The Big Picture

Okay. There's the big picture. And one could easily ignore it. Billions do. But that is ultimately foolish. Because this dynamic, whether denied or not, is moving literally everything within us, in any given moment, and shapes every single aspect of our lives. It's because the interplay of Unity within Separation within us, projects into the outer, thereby to create every single dynamic we encounter, from relationships to how we live and work.

It may appear that we have choice, to do anything we want to. But really choice is a complex illusion. I would say all choices of the ego come from a sense of lack, which then becomes about trying to fulfill itself, secure itself or comfort itself. And that all stems from having lost the real choice - that of aligning with the movement of Soul, within the great universal flow. I put to you that this is the only one real choice you can ever make. And when you realise this journey, it's a choice we make in any given moment - it's recognising the pull of "rightness", the wells up within you, when we open the inner space for it to happen.

Why then, is it that so many people appear so lost?

The 3 Basic Dynamics of Reality

It would help enormously to have a simple understanding of this big picture, but then realise how it interplays in us through three basic dynamics:

1) The Soul remembers its inviolable connection back to the Source, often intiially felt as Oneness, Unity, or Interconnection       
2) Once this is actualised, the Flow of the Soul re-engages to create situations and circumstances inviting the forging of Soul and the creation of a life of aligned, interconnected abundance       
3) Relativity creates phenomenal galactic dynamics of interrelated convergence, that break down old reality constructs and shape new ones of ever higher consciousness.

The 3 dynamics are all about the Ascension of Consciousness within the Universe, which is irrevocable and ultimately, in every individual, undeniable. When we realise this, the best thing we can do, is to align with it. And put simply, that's like "falling off the log" and into the stream of flow - that which wants to well up within us.

Nothing could be more important than this right now. Why? 

The Grand Galactic Convergence

Because when you consider aspect 3 in my short list above, we've moved into a Grand Galactic Convergence, where everything in our reality is breaking down. Yes, as fast as the sandcastles are collapsing by the inflowing tide, the INtervention, with all its AI machinations, are desperately efforting to shore the sandcastles up. But no matter how sophisticated the scaffolding, they will ultimately fail, as they always do. The castles are collapsing with the incoming tide of universal flow. And the very best we can do, is let the ego progressively collapse with them, and fall into the homecoming tide. Ascension is now!

We've stylised this viewpoint in the short inspirational video below. I witness all the time, within the field of the spiritual journey, how all it takes is just one spark of revelation that can completely transform our lives. Be inspired...

If you recognise you're ready now, to fully engage with this Journey of Ascension, then explore the work of the Openhand Ascension Academy. It's perfectly crafted to meet these phenomenal times of homecoming.

Bright blessings       
<<< Open đź’Ž

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We've just introduced a new Event to the Openhand Calendar for November: It's our Resurrection Zoom Retreat, 5 days, from 11th-15th November. It's timed especially for people from Australia and New Zealand, which we've introduced because several from that region wanted to attend the terrestrial retreat there but were struggling to get the funds - so here's how we can meet you in the middle!

During the retreat, we'll definitely be looking at these 3 Aspects of Ascension within your life, and also incorporating Openhand's very latest approach to dealing with past life karma, which we call "Resurrection". It's about attaining absolution across the 4D karmic plane, and is ground-breakling.

It's configured to 5hrs work per day, and although ideal for Australiasians to do in the evenings, it's also possible for Europeans to do in the mornings (Americans also - but by candlelight!).

We're purposefully restricting the places to a maximum of 10, so as to provide maximum one-on-one exchanges, illumination and facilitation with me. So do get your skates on if you'd like a place!

Here are the details...

11th-15th Nov: RESURRECTION: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM     
We're Resurrecting our natural Divinity on this 5-day life-changing retreat, online, with timings most convenient for those in Australia and New Zealand - but also EU and India. Ground-breaking meditation, assisted self-realisation. The places are restricted to 10 only, for maximum one-on-one facilitation and illumination with Open. We have one or two bursary-priced places available.    
Activational Ascended Master Energies


So, readers, I'm intrigued: do you recognise you're ascending in day to day life?
What does that mean to you?

Just a spark of illumination is all it takes. Dive into the inquiry with me. What do you think?