9 Earth Shattering Developments in the Planetary 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/11/2024 - 04:29

I'm writing this during an intensive Openhand Facilitator Conference, right in an eye of the storm moment, as Hurricane Milton makes landfall in Florida, USA. Indeed, we have a number of courageous souls tuning in who've been caught up in it all, and had to evacuate. It's no coincidence that the conference should be happening at this crunch moment in planetary history. We need to grasp the essential significance for the Shift, as we progressively unwind to 5D. What might the storm be telling us all?

Star Beings Entering the Eye of the Storm

Hurricane Helene came ashore right during a pilgrimage we'd convened in the key planetary Stargate at Sedona. Again, several of the group were from Florida, and so with such an empathic group of souls, with an emotional connection into the location, we were readily able to tune into the storm and feel the key dynamics of it. Especially that it had been artificially whipped up through technology.

With Hurricane Helene, we were able to convene the Andromedan and aligned Draconian star groups, plus infusing Lyran Dragon Energies, to help normalise the storm a degree, which we are sure contributed to an easing of the catastrophic effect. Even though this may seem fantastical to some, there will be plenty of energy workers out there around the world who can recognise the possibility of what I'm sharing. We are not merely human. We are multidimensional beings, now able to have an instrumental effect, in the harmonious unwinding of the old karmic construct, as we sail into the new.

But it won't be plain sailing.

Paradise Lost?

We were able to connect into the field intervention energies that instigated Helene - those that were pulling the strings down into the 3D. They are the self-appointed "Council of Nine", mimicking the true Ascended Master Group of 9. We know that Ra (of Egyptian origins here) has been their frontman in the field until recently. Now it appears the entity has been sidelined because of failure in efforts to keep a lid on the Shift, and the emergence of planetary consciousness - even with the application of AI through the Tall Whites.

Here's an Overview of the True Nature of the Ra Entity

The Intervention has been thrust onto the back foot, taken by surprise at the recent resurgence of Gaia and the infusion of planetary Dragon Energies, all of which, are reanimating her natural Torus - her Flower of Life. We witness that through the strong weather patterns, the triggering of earthquakes as the tectonic plates move, and the activation of volcanoes, catalysed by her ongoing Pole Shift. In short, her soul contract with the Matrix is now complete.

Hurricane Milton was a clear signature of this self-appointed Council of Nine, beating its chest in retaliation. Milton being the famous English Poet who wrote Paradise Lost, about the fall of humanity and the ejection from the Garden of Eden: "How dare You. We are are in control here, if you bring in this Dragon Energy, here's how we'll amplify it to destroy your hopes of the New Paradigm". It's also timed, of course, for maximum disruption in the US election - a Trump victory, which many from all political persuasions believe, would likely end some of the key planetary hostilities going on, stabilise the economy, maintain essential borders, and ensure some greater degree of freedom in society. At the very least, that's what is perceived, by many, could happen.

Yet again, our group was able to be the earth-anchor for a convergence of Andromedan, aligned Draconian, and Lyran energies that reduced and redirected Hurricane Milton to some degree, so as to mitigate the worst effects - it was less catastrophic than it was otherwise pumped up to be. Again, it was another key indicator of what becomes possible as we unfold our multidimensionality and expand forth into 5D consciousness.

9 Key Shift Developments Driving the Field:

It's fast and fluid out there in the field right now. Here are 9 of the key developments since the summer:

1) Gaia has completed her soul contract with the Matrix, which she originally required to play out her own 4D karma   
2) Critical old Annunaki, supressive 4D technology, is being removed from the field, including from the planetary heart chakra, in Glastonbury    
3) The Dragon leylines are being reactivated at a planetary level, to support the strong upsurgence of lower earth energies    
4) There's a strong infusion of Lyran Dragon Energies, come to help unravel the intervention, and level the playing field here    
5) There's a strong reactivation of Gaia's Torus, due to the factors above, such that the Shift is now converging through the Inflexion Point, as we gather momentum toward the New paradigm    
6) The previously leading entity of the Intervention, Ra, has been sidelined to a degree, due to an inability to maintain a lid on the Shift    
7) The self-appointed "Council of Nine" have stepped out of the shadows and onto the front line, projecting emotional fear into situations, including weather patterns and global hostility, so as to exacerbate them, with the goal of disrupting the 5D Shift - "Paradise Lost"    
8) On various pilgrimages around the world, we're connecting into 1st Nations groups in the ether, who've been planetary guardians of the Old Paradigm, and are now healing, releasing and unwinding into the new reality    
9) We're witnessing a strong interdimensional convergence of benevolent groups and energies, to hold the steadiness of the Torus, calm the waters, and anchor the space for the natural emergence of resurgent consciousness here.

Stay up to speed with essential 5D Shift Bulletins from the front line:

Taking Centre Stream

Crucially, it is essential now NOT to hunker down in fear. Instead, to allow the resurgent energies to open up our true multidimensionality, as interconnected beings of the Universe - not to allow the playground bully to dictate. Also, it is to deepen into your own inner Torus, what we call, The Sacred Ground of Being, to anchor with your mast in the eye of the storm. This must become a daily meditative practice now. Thus we will more readily stabilise the field, steady the space, and be able to come forwards positively into the accelerating Shift. 

Now is the time to be brave, bold, and courageous in our lives - to reclaim the Paradise Lost, on this beautiful planet. Let every one of us give Gaia a reason to live for.

"There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for."    
The Hopi

If you're inspired by the Openhand insights and approach, explore the nature of our ground-breaking work..

Bright blessings              
<<< Open 💎   

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So last night I was using the guided kundalini meditation. As soon as I started I had several visions which I felt were deliberatley distracting, as if tempting me to what I could have in the 3D including a big beautiful house. When I tested the vision, it didn't return and when I didn't go with the vision and refused to get sucked in by it, I was given brief visions of some kind of beast that I couldn't describe. I felt that the intervention was trying hard to keep me from being in the torus and they threw everything at me to distract me away with fearful images when the dangling carrot wouldn't work. I persisted, felt into the torus and it was one of the deepest meditations I have done so far. Once I was in the torus, there was no sign of any entities or whatever it was that was trying to derail me. 

It's funny that by trying to derail me, it only makes me more determined to coninue.

In reply to by Nikki (not verified)


Hi Nikki - well done for persisting 🙏

It just goes to demonstrate the incredible power of the Torus Singularity. Nothing that is trying to control, can sit in the infinite potential.

Much love
<<< Open 💎


Following our tremendously alchemical Facilitator Development Conference, which by no coincidence was right amidst Hurricane Milton (author of Paradise Lost) and just after Helene, there's been a welcome confrontation/communion with the Council of Nine in the ether - the base layer of this, and several other off-world civilisations. It's an ancient history that goes back through the aeons when this group split away from the Ascended Masters (the Group of 9), to embark on a course of being instrumental in the architecture of forming civilisations. 

Where does benevolent intent cross the line into intervention? This is the question I've been exploring with them, to illuminate the transgressions and travesties. In the end, carrying that weight of consciousness serves no purpose - it's the role of the Torus Flower of Life itself. When you put yourself in that place of responsibility, it's bound to build identity, then twist and burden you into distortions somewhere down the line.

Know that the Group of 9 is there to support the healing process.
It's bound to have a massive realigning/liberating effect in the field.
Time will tell, as the healing journey unfolds.

<<< Open 💎


In this work we talk about sacred ground of being and we practice touching it in meditation but it wasn’t until going through Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton that I learned how powerful it is to be able to find and stay there no matter what is going on around me.


I was facilitating the Sedona retreat when Helene went from nothing to a major hurricane headed straight for where I live in a couple of days.  I had to hold all that and all the emotions that go with it, and not let any of that take anything away from my facilitating the retreat.  I accomplished that by finding my sacred ground of being.  Yet, it did feel like I was being pushed to my maximum capacity.


We knew the hurricane was artificially created and amplified as well as artificially being steered towards Florida.  We knew this was about much more than a hurricane hitting Florida, and we knew star beings were helping.  We were making some progress but it was still projected to be a catastrophic storm and it was hours away from making landfall.  That’s when Open told me he had connected with Benevolence to see if he was meant to help the star beings, except they communicated that he was not, I was.  I immediately went into a state of complete overwhelm.  I had never done anything like this before, I had no idea what to do, I felt like so much was at stake and I do not consider myself anywhere near Open’s level of abilities.  But there was no time to sit in the overwhelm, become one with it, equalize and breakthrough.  Time was of the essence because the hurricane was hours away from making landfall.  So the only thing I could do was let the overwhelm be there, find my sacred ground, and with pointers from Open begin working, and on top of all that still facilitate the retreat.  Somehow by focusing on staying in my sacred ground of being, my “maximum capacity” grew in real time.  Although not able to neutralize the hurricane (and maybe we weren’t meant to) we were able to reduce the amount of catastrophic loss of life and damage that it was predicted to do.


A week later Milton went from nothing to major hurricane in a couple of days also artificially created, amplified and steered towards Florida. It grew into a catastrophic level storm headed right for the part of Florida where I live so I decided it best to evacuate.  I started packing.  If I come back and there’s nothing left, what needs to come with me as I can only take what will fit in my car.  I had to stay strong and focused in my sacred ground to detach from emotional attachments to my belongings.


Then the next morning, after two and a half hours of sleep, I headed out.  What under normal circumstances is a five and a half hour drive turned into eleven because of traffic, flooding from Helene, and Benevolence taking me on what we’ve learned in facilitator school to be a crazy Ivan (going around in a circle) to lose intervention.  And while I’m making this drive by myself on very little sleep I’m also tuning in with Milton and creating a bridge for star beings.  I’d never meditated while driving but there was no time to consider whether or not it was a good idea.  I found my sacred ground, allocated part of my consciousness to the drive and used the rest to  work multi-dimensionally.


I had to drive home during the facilitator conference.  Once again I found my sacred ground, allocated part of my consciousness to the high speed drive in traffic, and used the rest to tune in, process energies and provide information to the group.


Now I’m home, physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.  I’m beyond grateful that except for lots of yard clean up, my home appears to be fine.  So many in my area, including many people I know, can’t say that.


I had no idea how valuable it is to practice tuning into my sacred ground of being in meditation until these past few weeks where I was able to quickly plug in.  Being able to do this is an incredible superpower that is hard to describe until you experience it for yourself.



Ann 🙏

In reply to by Ann B


Dear Ann - I watched you grow that day in Sedona, subtly on the outside (to a casual observer) but massively on the inside. I wondered why I wasn't supposed to be summoning the Star Beings that day - because you were!

It's a superlative example of how we do actually grow.

You have to put yourself in the circumstances where you don't feel you have enough, know enough or are aware enough - where the situation seems way above one's "pay grade". But then you ask, why have the circumstances presented? You step into them. You're stretched beyond measure and breaking point. The shell cracks open. The Dragon emerges!

And then you find yourself capable of super-human capabilities - driving a car at 75mph whilst engaging energetically with your surroundings and amidst a high intensive facilitator conference. It's as I say, there are no inconveniences - only opportunities!

Let's see just what becomes possible now.
Much love and well wishes
<<< Open  💎

In reply to by Ann B


Dear Ann and Open ,

The first thing that struck me when I read this astounding feat was a faint remembering . Especially and including how it pushed you to the limit of what you thought you know. 

I have done this before is what I felt (I am not sure I am being delusional) . 

In the time of the Great Deluge we held space and made safe passage for souls to try to mitigate the extent of the catastrophe . I am “seeing” buildings fall and screams and then deafening silence . Also something about a crystal that toppled into the sea . But we could empathise with its power and used it ? benevolently . Each had our specialty -air ,water ,earth ,sky . ( This sounds like my mind is making something up from an Avengers movie ) 

And we knew how to move together . 

This is what is coming to me . Also my specialty seems to be earthquakes - it just landed that I am in the process of constructing a cottage in a seismically active zone . I am almost afraid to put this out there ,because it sounds fantastical .

Open, are these just implanted grandiose thoughts? Coming from the heart for sure despite being WAY above my pay grade :)- all I am doing in the field is attending to karmic sludge every single day. 


Can’t wait to see you all in Dharamsala 




12/10/2024 Shift Update: Facilitating Field Realignment

We're amidst a tremendous Facilitator Conference right now, with people spanning from the USA (in the middle of the Florida turmoil), across Europe, India and Australia too - we really are reaching out around the world in these phenomenal times.

Yesterday, we were able to connect into this self-appointed "Council of Nine", who we've clearly established are the base layer for the Intervention on our planet. In fact it's now clear, they've been the weave that's interrelating with several civilisations, not just on this planet, but others too. And they've had front organisations working in the ether on their behalf. It's clear, as is so often the case with these wayward beings, that they've begun from an intention to be supportive - just that then became overtly controlling and heftily distorted.

As always though, to judge, castigate and fight, only then perpetuates the polarity, division and discord - no one wins. Our approach is to inquire, understand and empathise. That doesn't mean to be weak or acquiescent - not at all! We stand strong in pointing out the discrepancies, the injustices and the distorted effects - the suffering that's been created here.

By honouring where they came from, and their history, their originations, we were able to begin the healing process. Which is a complex story, that I require a little time to weave together to share in a way that's fitting and appropriate - the words have to be accurate. I'll write on that soon.

In the meantime, the beginnings of this healing connection felt tremendously fruitfull, albeit very raw for them. It will take time and plentiful explorative facilitation with them to bring them fully back to the light - to the Universal Torus. It's going to require patience and sophistication in the work. For now, we can be well pleased with the beginnings. It bodes well for realignment in the field and for the continuance of the Shift - a very well done to everyone involved. The level of intuitive empathy was astounding.

Well wishes to all
<<< Open 💎


I’ve been around the Openhand work for a bit of time now.  Many revelations and realizations have moved through my being.  At times questioning the magnitude of all this unfolding. 

My mind has been on this unwinding journey.  Dissolving and letting go of this reality that I placed so much energy into.  I lost my true self in it all and it’s been yearning to come back home inside my being. 

The energy that has been coming up for me over the past year is “Emerge”, but I feel that this is not just specific to my journey.  There is an element of the collective that I’ve been feeling and seeing, internally and externally.  Coming back to ‘Trust’ is a theme coming up for me strongly now.

Lots of movement internally and externally in my personal life.  Feeling frozen and paralyzed at times by the fear of this or the fear of that. Feeling downtrodden and flat-out exhausted at times, when is this all going to end.  I know the only way out is through.

I went back to work in the world as a remodeler helper.  I put my head down and I thought to myself, do whatever it takes to support your daughters. The first day went great as I got back out there in the world and was working with my hands.  Then day two came and I was asking myself, “is this what I’m supposed to be doing”?  It became clear and evident to me on day two that I was going back to living in old patterns of fear and low self-work.  It was if my soul was putting me through yet another test. 

As I got off work on day two, I had a message from a friend who was asking me if I could work in a couple weeks in Boston.  Now sitting with continuing this construction gig or following the unknown, I had a decision to make.  Many different thoughts and scenarios flooded through my being. 

I woke up at 2am contemplating and reflecting about the way forward.  I popped on to Openhand web and read the above article.  I feel and sense these changing energies moving through my life currently.  My orientation to the Shift has changed.  I cannot fake it a day longer, the energy building within in is growing stronger with each passing day.  I now realize that aligning with my soul is the only place to come from moving forward.

In the middle of the night sitting with all this energy that was coming up for me, I decided to pull a card from my new Rumi Oracle deck.  I took the cards out and started shuffling them until a card fell out.  I was doing this in the dark.  I turned on the lights and the number 13 card came out “Arise”, it brought tears to my eyes as confirmation landed as to the way forward.

A painting of a person with wings

Description automatically generated

I dance before you in sacred spectacle, hoping to garner your attention.  “Look at me!”  I cry to your ailing spirit and despondent flesh, ‘Look at me!”

If you were to look up you would see that I am a mirror of your own being, your light, your heart, your spirit, your all.  Yes, there is pain; yes, there is letting go taking place and you are frightened and uncertain sometimes.  But you make this mean something that it does not!  It means that you are to turn your head away from what is dying; do this gently but firmly.  Turn your head towards what is living.

Look at me!  I will show you truth and you shall laugh your deepest belly laughter with so much glee, sharing in my secret that the only force at work in your life is unconditionally loving divinity. 

I chose to speak my truth to my new employer and chose the path of the unknown.

I share this with you all as we learn to Arise individually and collectively into our true divine nature. I feel things are speeding up and we’re being confronted with all the nooks and crannies inside our being where things are still getting stuck and snagged.  The impetus to follow the soul through this Shift is gaining traction, I can feel it within and without.  I choose to step into my authenticity as an Earth-anchor.  Holding space for self and all to gain the courage and confidence to step into our dormant multidimensionality.

We are not alone; we are all in this great unfolding together!

Sending love and grounding energies to those in Florida who are being affected by the acceleration of this great Shift.

With Love and Gratitude,



In reply to by Chad


Hi Chad - good to hear your update. Yes, so much is shifting in the field, there's no room now for us not to be who we truly are 🙏

It's not easy going forward from this awareness, with so much push-back around us. And also the self-doubts. But that's okay, because it most definitely is doable - we can be supported. However, we must let go of the long-term view and take it step by step. If we can get through the day and know we've been supported, and have sufficient energy and resource for the next day, then that's all it takes to keep moving forward. Before you know it, you're calving a path.

I feel the field opening up in strong ways now. Let's call in benevolence and step boldly along our pathway.

Much love and support
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Discarding the ego censors in your own mind and seeing past the limitations by others to live your own soul is one thing. Facilitating others to do the same is something else. I remember many years ago, life was so unbearable for me, I took myself so a psychiatric unit because I was coming close to taking my own life. I was completely spiritually ignorant at the time. I was interviewed by a team of mental health professionals, it was extremely buerocratic and procedural. During a break, I had a brief transaction with a member of staff and a spontaneous healing self realisation occurred that has stayed with me to this day. He wasn’t like the others, he was relaxed and stayed in the background more, he was probably a support worker of some sort. He had this air of, not being above it all by any means, but knowing something, wisdom. He transmitted to me, in one transaction, that I was okay. That there was nothing wrong with me. He didn’t use those words or discount my experience. But he made me feel and believe that I was okay, normal. To me, that was benevolence coming through, a soul encounter that probably saved my life, changed my life. To be that for others is a wonderful gift in this world. Just to understand, to empathise, and to allow things to be as they are, enough, not to have change them. Then alchemy takes place by itself. Not wanting to fix the other, implying something is wrong with them, but allowing them to realise, in their own time and way, their inherent okayness. No matter what somebody has done or thought they did, to hold the space in that way, completely free of all mind constructs. It’s wonderful gift. Never underestimate the power it has to transform planet and people. I would LOVE to come to the Himalayas but 7-days away isn’t quite spontaneous enough!




You'd have to be dead or zombified not to realise the tremendous upsurge of consciousness going on in the field right now and the turbulence that is creating. It's going to be affecting all aspects of our lives, whether we fully realise it or not.

Just take a browse through the 9 Earth Shattering Developments listed above, which I can only abbreviate at this point. How do you perceive it's all affecting you?

Do share - a problem shared is the route to a problem solved...

<<< Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open & everyone in the Eye of the storm. 🌪

I feel to add, or rather extrapolate another dynamic, that has been very present with me in last few months, following stronger activation and infusion of Dragon energies. It would probably fit in the category ...of benevolent groups and energies, to hold the steadiness of the Torus...

I got to know the energy as The Auroras and they seem to me more as the wave-like form, rather than some sort of being(s). Since their energy is way more of celestial nature, they somehow work well with Dragon energy, that can help them "land on the ground". What is intriguing at this point of the Shift, is the sense of restoration that they can induce, coming in amidst the chaos. Within earthly spheres, I am somehow seeing them as some sort of stabilisers of energy field during intense times of planetary transformation. 

In your article you've been pointing towards the convergence of different articles during the Hurricane Helene, that were there to normalise the storm. As Andromedans are mentioned, I remember some people speaking about the Auroras entering our Galaxy through Gateway of Andromeda. Personally, I haven't made any connection yet, as the energy seems way different and less palpable, compared to any of Star-being nations. Nevertheless, I feel to mention it here; maybe they could offer some unravelling in the process.

Best wishes & warm autumn greetings to everyone swimming in the river stream 🍂🐳

miha 🌳


In reply to by miha


Hi Miha - thanks for tuning in and sharing your insight into the Auroras.

The day before you shared, on the conference, we undertook a closing unifying meditation, where we were connecting up higher Dragon Energies with the Lower. Gaia was there in the midst and feeling somewhat frazzled by the speed and turn of recent events around the storms. That's when I felt (what I thought was) an angelic presence come into the meditation. But as soon as I saw the word "Aurora" in you post, I immediately knew that's what we'd experienced.

So they felt very soothing, easing and supportive. Hence the sense of angelic. But there was more substance to them, and as you say, more of a wider wave like presence. Quite wonderful. It's great to make that renewed awareness.

Love and blessings
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

After a long period of continual shifts and twists and turns in my ( karmic ) story ,I am feeling rather frazzled. Hence I started a course 6 weeks ago in getting in touch with my body . I recognised how much I ignore and supersede the promptings of my body . It is so much easier to hang out in the higher vibes that I have through my lifetime paid only an occasional glance at this vehicle. I am changing that now. Sitting everyday in the fragmentations that I can feel in my lower 3 chakras seems to be the next thing to “do”. And my first lesson is that of self compassion. A deep acknowledgement of traumas and sensations I was papering over with intellectual propaganda before . I am still very much in the grip of this intellectual addiction ,but I have seen it for the first time !

As I get in touch with this “soft animal body “ as Mary Oliver puts it ,I feeling much more grounded . My spirit seems to be coming home . My diet is automatically shifting and my nervous system is settling as I start to relate to inner child personalities. In the midst of yet another ounce of processing I will see my feelings of worthlessness ,then pride ,the envy ,then something unravels ,yet again. I am finding my natural boundaries in how much I want to engage with my 5 senses . In many ways I feel like I am relearning how to be in this body and nervous system and despite all the very “real “ challenges of the simulation I am finding peace and flow .

Here is a beautiful poem by mary Oliver “Wild Geese”

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting—
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.


Deep Bow to my Openhand Family . I am excited that I will be seeing you soon !


In reply to by iamdurga


That's lovely Megha - thanks for sharing.

You're demonstrating great courage, commitment and tenacity in the karmic challenges you're forging through - an inspiration to all. 🙏

See you soon up in the Himalayas, where we'll surely be peeling off some of those karmic layers.

Till soon, much love.
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hello Openhand friends

So good to read of your adventures on this most recent facilitator conference. I was especially touched to read your story, Ann and in particular the steps you were being invited to take, both inwardly and out, to rise to the occasion and adapt to your shifting role in the moment. At the same time as being touched at such a personal level by the situation with both hurricanes. Truly inspiring and synchronistic teamwork at its best - well done all! I'm sorry I couldn't be there. 
With much love to you all, Tonya 🙏💗