Sedona Stargate Pilgrimage

Submitted by Open on Mon, 10/14/2024 - 05:38

Sedona is one of the most eminent spiritual centres in the world - a planetary Stargate, with energy vortices bubbling up and infusing in everywhere. It's also a place of convergence for the 1st Nations in the ether out in the USA, with much history to heal from. Here's an insight into what it's like on pilgrimage in the location with a group of Openhanders. Be inspired for your own journey of emergence...

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Today in the US is Columbus Day.  A national holiday to honor Columbus who is given credit for discovering America.  What I didn't know until today is "But as attention has shifted to Columbus' life and the alleged cruel behavior toward native people who lived in the land that would later become the United States, several states have backtracked on celebrating Columbus Day. Instead, they created a new holiday, Indigenous Peoples Day on the same day, to honor those native people.  While the federal government recognizes Indigenous Peoples Day, it isn't listed as a federal holiday. Despite that, the Biden administration in a statement over the weekend, said the holiday was a time to "recommit to respecting Tribal sovereignty and self-determination and working to usher in a new era of our Nation-to-Nation relationships."  

As I read those words the 1st nations groups who connect with me had such a reaction.  I don't know how accurately I can translate into words the depth of their feelings but after the connections we made while in Sedona, they consider this a safe space and are asking to be heard.

They know they can't blame the unconscious for being unconscious.  And they no longer blame their perpetrators as they now understand they were only playing a role in a story the 1st nations agreed to write.  Yet thinking that changing the name of the holiday is a form of attonement that honors them, their history and their pain is unconscionable.

I say to the 1st nations groups:  even if no one else does, we truly feel you to the depth we are able.  We honor you and hope the ignorance and arrogance that is being revealed does not impede your own healing journey.  

In reply to by Ann B

Hi Ann - thanks for sharing, which I encourage all to read.

I totally get that the 1st Nations would consider this "Indigenous People's Day" development (in place of celebrating Columbus) would be considered as arrogant and ignorant, after all that was done to them. 

At the same time, I ask, can we appreciate the possibility of some shift in consciousness in the direction of alignment?

No system nor society will change thousands of years of injustice (indeed millions if you include the Lemurian Root Nations) in just one leap or movement. It will have to be a progression of inches, one small unravelling at a time.

Here in Glastonbury, when the soul of Mary was released from the Ra intervention, even though locals weren't aware it had happened, synchronistically her statue was removed from the sacred Chalice Well - only for another, different one, to be placed back a short while later.

Can we not appreciate, in the aftermath of the tremendous 1st Nations Healing ceremony that went on with us in Sedona, the incredible synchronicity of this Indigenous People's Day event? Celebrated nation wide. Just to honour the movement in the field itself - not the ignorance of the people carrying it out.

Personally, I celebrate that the field itself has shown response to our healing ceremony. And that's why this synchronicity came about.

It's also how we must depersonalise the past, and identity associated with it. Let's celebrate the unravelling and emergence of consciousness that creates these amazing feedback loops of synchronicity. And that, even amongst the Biden administration. Personally, I am welcomely stunned by it.

Bright blessings
<<< Open đź’Ž

In reply to by Open

Hi Open,

Thank you for your response.  That opened up a space that wasn't there before.

There seems to be a sticking point and this seems like it could be with perhaps some of the other groups as well.  And it's keeping them (and potentially other groups) locked in identity.  From their perspective the "perpetrator" got lost in the role and used much more extreme, sadistic, barbaric actions than were necessary.  And not only that, but took pleasure, felt they had the right to do so, and no sincere remorse has been expressed by the "perpetrators" that maybe they did go too far.


In reply to by Ann B

Yes, I do understand (the pain of the 1st Nations and the injustices). But I would suggest communicating, that by creating the notion of the perpetrator against you, then you become the victim - because it places the power for one's own path and destiny at the foot of another.

Let's consider the barbarous acts of the perpetrator they (the 1st Nations) are referring to. No matter how big the bully, in a relativistic Universe, there will always come another that's bigger. If it's not a human, it will be the storm, if not that, the earthquake, then the volcano, then the solar nova, then the black hole. I say to you each protagonist is merely the microcosmic manifestation of the bigger macrocosm, playing itself out. Whenever you take a stance against this apparent injustice (of the Universe), you will, at some point, always lose. Because you're rendering yourself the victim of this natural unravelling process.

But there is a way to always win. How?

It's by becoming the eternal shape-shifter of life. You learn to dance with the ebb and flow of the Universe. You take form and express, where you can. But when it's your time to leave, you learn to recognise that, and ultimately how to undertake Maya Samadhi - empowered passing on, at a soul level. You decide when it's time to leave.

It's not easy, no. It's a masterful process. But through which, you recognise the weakness of the perpetrator and the bully. Because they really are lost in the illusion of reality. And at some point, just waiting right around the corner, as in the USA and on the planet right now, is a much greater convergence, that is set to blow the entire construct away. Including every bully!

Only the shapeshifters of time will pass through that eye of the storm.
Rather than living in the past, surely that has to be something to aim toward?
That's definitely the central emphasis of the Openhand work here.

<<< Open đź’Ž

It was a very special and moving experience in Sedona this year, working amongst the vortexes, connecting in with the 1st Nations, and experiencing tremendous openings. Here's the video journal I put together from our experiences. How does it inspire you?

Do share your thoughts, feelings and comments below.

Much love to all,
<<< Open đź’Ž

In reply to by Open

Thank you Open, this video is especially magical and meaningful. That music pulls strongly at my heart. The energies there are indeed powerful. Invokes a longing in me for sure. Beyond wanting to just soak up the magic of it, there's a call to be of service too. But I agree with you; it's time to heal and let go and evolve. I feel this on a personal level too, after a couple nights of meaningful dreams showed me who I could be if I let go of the old silliness. I was doing what I love, exploring. And even though I got lost and had many hurdles and barriers to overcome, I never lost that calm stillness, never got frazzled or frantic, it was all the same, an experience. A magical one at that, even during the challenges. This is who I want to become next. I no longer have an urge to run from the work or fall back into old patterns, because I now know what it's like beyond this place I've been hiding in so long. I'm afraid I will fall back but I know what I have to do now to get back to my center. I can't wait for this heart to fully open! I think of the urge to attend these retreats and pilgrimages and the old wall of "I don't have the money" clamps down, but now I'm challenging that. "Why not? Just why the heck not?!?" Maybe it's time to open myself up to miracles. Get creative. Anything can happen if I just get out of the way and allow it. Now it's time to learn patience and surrender to what wants to happen, without telling myself old stories about why I'm not ready or not deserving. All the silly dramas I let myself get stuck in cause my ego can't abide disrespect. Well then why did I create that disrespect? Why am I not respecting myself? All the imperfections, the darkness. A crow is sitting in the tree outside my window just as I write this (Kitty is having a field day!), speaking to this I think. "I'm your shadow and I need your love and acceptance." I feel like I can start forgiving others, and myself for all the things I couldnt before. I really never meant to hurt anyone, haven't I 'dragged myself on my knees through the desert' long enough, like in Meghan's poem? I don't think my twin flame wants that for me. My beloved. I feel like I may finally be ready to start coming back home. And I wouldn't be where I am right now without you Open, my gratitude gets deeper by the day. Thank you thank you thank you! BTW, reading Breakthrough again and I don't think I ever mentioned what a good writer and storyteller you are. Eloquent, and just flows so well. I can see myself on the horizon now, the me I always wanted to be but thought I couldn't be or didn't deserve. I can't wait to catch up with her!!!🙏💙barb

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