Dragon Nations Level the Playing Field in US Election and for Humanity
Something powerful is going on in the energy field right now. It's the culmination of a series of essential confrontations of various Intervention controllers who've shaped modern society, from the shadows, since its beginnings. Through the manipulation of DNA, they've pulled the wool over consciousness in a very near complete take-over. Behind the scenes, the Dragon Nations have been soul-contracted, by the Ascended Masters, to now level the playing field for human consciousness. It's a powerful vote for freedom.
Nefarious Non-Human Force
It's clear, to anyone truly inquiring in the depths of multidimensional consciousness, society has been shaped by a nefarious, non-human force, since its very beginnings. In the Openhand work, I've clearly demonstrated how the 2nd and 3rd chromosomes were mysteriously spliced, in order to seal in limitation. It's the missing link: how modern humans with 46 chromosomes 'miraculously' descended from the Hominids who all had 48. It was sophisticated genetic engineering, sealed in place by the chromosome fusion. These genetic architects, the Annunaki, could not have their careful intervention work being unravelled by interbreeding with the original human stock species (the Lemurians).
The Annunaki came from Sirius, after their home was obliterated there, who were then fueled by an unswerving desire to rebuild. Their eyes and intentions fell upon the abundant Earth. But because they occupied only the 4th Density, they needed a 3D vehicle, a slave species, to populate and harvest Gaia. Early humans were the obvious choice. To take over, they needed to isolate modern humanity from the natural Flower of Life, so they could infuse their own Matrix-construct by manipulating perceptions. Once the soul has been suppressed, then they could feed in the agenda they desired. Thousands of years on, you have a modern, high-tech society, that's been controlled by ET intervention in every walk of life.
It was completed by an essential alliance, that took place aeons ago, between these Old Annunaki, the Reptilians, and the Greys from Orion. The leading entity in all of this was Ra, who has steered, or influenced, pretty much all of the religions and spiritual mainstream practices on Earth since Egyptian times. I've shared the evidence and crucial insight for this in the Openhand book...
RESURRECTION: reclaiming our divinity and the planet
Benevolent Support From the Ether
Multidimensional Benevolence and the Star Being Nations have not been blind or inactive to this near-complete takeover. However, they've evolved to the sophistication where they've realised that to fight, project or judge, simply leads to polarisation, and thus the continued disconnect from the pure presence of the Source. Instead, you need to engage, illuminate the distortions and injustices, then trust that truth will set the natural Torus of life free once more. Convince these controllers they are mistaken and misaligned, and that they're wayward behaviour is witnessed and recorded for all in the cosmos to see, then you have a silver bullet, to realign all such manipulative intervention.

Healing The Annunaki: Watch the Documentary
This is exactly what's been going on in recent times by benevolence in the ether, guided by the Group of Nine Ascended Masters in the higher dimensions. First, the Reptilians were confronted by their aligned Draconian ancestors - their intervention of the base frequencies was broken down and many were reclaimed for healing work back in their home constellation. Then it was the Annunaki, where a healing convergence between their two dissonant leaders, Enki and Enlil, was orchestrated by the hand of Benevolence. Their karmic split was healed, they returned to the light, and evolved as the "Anu". They are now actively supporting the liberation of Earth from the 4D. It's precipiated much joy and celebration by those who'd worked tirelessly in the ether to bring it about.
However, this was far from the end of the story. Because the shadow leader, Ra, rapidly reorganised the Intervention around Tall White, 4D synthetic beings, backed by AI. His planetary Simulation has since escalated rapidly, especially fueled by the manipulation of perceptions through legacy and social media - intended to suck consciousness into polarised narratives and subdued consciousness. The covid "plandemonium" was intended to be the coup de grace. And it almost worked. Almost.
Stay up to speed with essential 5D Shift Bulletins from the front line:
This is NOT about Politics
The Bogus Pandemic, on balance, had the opposite of its architect's desired outcome: instead, it precipitated a freedom-wave of human consciousness; people who although might not actually be able to see these interdimensional manipulators, nevertheless, became aware of a clear conspiracy of control going on. Plenty have since turned in the direction of sovereignty and freedom of will - the right to determine their own lives and pathways. Yet still, the balance of power was held tightly by Ra, the dramas and distractions ever-escalating to pull consciousness this way and that. And that's where we've arrived, leading to the all-important US election.
I put it to you, from whatever part of the political divide you may stand, Republican, Democrat, or other, this is actually NOT about politics. It's about freedom - to determine your own life, within the Natural Law, and to freely express your sovereignty. If you dig really deeply, and strip the complexities and judgments down to the bone, I do believe that's the underlying dynamic. It's a vote for freedom (or not), that will influence the direction of society for decades to come. We stand on that precipice, whether living in America or not.
Until recently, it hasn't looked like freedom would win the day. Trumped-up charges in the courts, botched assassination attempts, importing illegal immigrants to vote, and heftily skewed, one-sided, legacy media have seemed like the Intervention would, yet again, hijack the election. And to be clear, writing this, I am not a supporter of Trump - I see this as a vote for greater freedom. My personal choice would have been for the Democrat, RFK, had his party not excluded and blocked him at every twist and turn - at least by him now crossing the house, he gets a democratic platform. What irony!
Certainly, a Trump victory to my mind would be far from perfect. No doubt there would be many vested shadow and corporate interests with their fingers in the pie. But still, by his previous actions, Trump has, generally, stood for greater freedom; notwithstanding the fact that he rolled out the bogus vaxx at 'warp speed' - maybe he too was conned, just like millions of others? None of us are perfect. But at least we do have proof, from past actions, he can swing in the direction of greater freedom. That opening is the one I'd personally welcome at this current juncture.
What have the Dragon Nations got to do with all of this? You might well ask.
Liberating the Flower of Life
The Dragon Nations, such as the aligned Draconians and Lyrans (backed by an army of other groups too), have been summoned, soul-contracted, by the Ascended Masters (the real ones). It's NOT about taking a particular political standpoint, but rather supporting emergent consciousness on Earth, and the liberation of the Torus Flower of Life. Get that going, at a planetary level, and you get consciousness accelerating in people, just like waves of fresh air.

The Dragon Nations have converged here, in recent times, summoned through higher dimensional "soul-contracts" with the Ascended Masters. They've come to level the playing field. How exactly?
There was first one other group of beings that needed to be confronted - those who've been the background architects of many civilisations in this, and other constellations, since the Sirius Explosion. These have been the "Council of Nine" - a breakaway group from the Ascended Masters. This self-appointed Council has mimicked the real "Group of 9" and usurped power here, installing the entity Ra as their frontman on Earth. It's the collectivised consciousness of the Council of Nine from which he gained all his energetic power.
They simply had to be confronted if the natural Flower of Life here was to be re-established. And they have been, in this all-important juncture in history, where humanity is set to emerge from the consciousness doldrums.
A Healing Bridge
I can report that a healing bridge was formed to the real Group of Ascended Masters, and the mimicking Council's wayward machinations were revealed to them - artificially amped-up hurricanes (for example) is straying just way too far from the path, even if your paternalistic nature believes its control is "for the greater good". How could it ever be? Even if much of it was done by the leading entity here, Ra, nevertheless, it was being done in their power and name. It would be their legacy.

And so Dragon Energy was summoned to negate the worst of their interventions. The planteray Dragon Leylines are being reactivated, Gaia's natural Torus restored. It's been a powerful reflection that they are certainly NOT all-powerful. The Torus Flower of Life is the true hierarchy, and when you lean into it, then the doorway is levered open in the direction of greater alignment and freedom. They witnessed the power of this realigning force, when both Hurricanes Helene and Milton were diminished as they came ashore in the US - artificially amped to wreak havoc and fear. It was the line in the sand, the gauntlet thrown down by the Group of 9: "It stops here. No further".
The Council of Nine was stunned by the effect, shocked into surrender. They withdrew and embarked on an intensive regression of healing therapy in the ether, courtesy of the benevolents. It's left their front man, Ra, up shift creek without a paddle.
Read About the History of Group of 9 and Council of Nine
Changing the Leopard's Spots
So where does that leave us on the eve of this all-important election? The one that's not political, but about freedom?
The Dragon Nations are convening here. Not to take over. But to instigate a leadership of restoration of Gaia's Torus Flower of Life, and that in humanity too. This growing wave of freedom will diminish probably all shadow "councils of power" in the days, weeks, months and years going forward. To be clear, the leopard doesn't change its spots overnight. Intervention, manipulation and control are woven into the very fabric of our reality, just as is the Bill of Rights. Manipulation is even encoded down to the DNA level. Just as freedom is woven through the very fabric of the emergent soul.
On the Precipice
We stand on a precipice in society and in the Shift right now. This election will provide the bellwether for the determination of greater freedom and sovereign consciousness going forward. Has that percolated sufficiently through human consciousness yet? Only time will tell. But the freedom bell will ring on, whatever - the Dragon Nations are here to ensure that.
This shift in the balance of power in the field around the planet is not the end of the story of intervention here. But it is the beginning of the end. I do believe we're seeing that effect already, as we head into the election. And whichever way it goes, it's inviting each, and every single one of you, whether American or not, to stand for your own personal freedom and sovereignty going forward.
You can be sure, the "Dragon Party" is backing you to the hilt in that endeavour!
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
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Thank you Open for sharing this perspective. The call to stand for your own personal freedom and sovereignty is certainly something I feel strongly and especially after what we witnessed during Covid. I am having some fear and apprehension and so sharing here.
I find the polarization, anger, and hatred that is felt no matter what political side people stand with disheartening - the absolutism and idea that one side has the truth while the other is surely leading to the country's demise. It all feels like BS to stir up the emotionally reactive little selves and I have tended to see it as one big puppetshow in which it doesn't really matter who gets elected. (This is likely ignorant of me or perhaps where I collapse into the sense that there is no integrity in any of that level of the game).
I realize of course that this is not at all about what is apparent on the surface...and that it is about the energy and movement of the shift and how the energy can flow most freely and productively toward alignment.
The underbelly that has been exposed through Trump's unfiltered commentary (not at all commenting here on the rightness of that) seems to have empowered what feels like a scary energy to me. I do get that the exposure of what has always been under the surface is beneficial and invites ownership of how it is alive within me or how it causes me to be in reaction to it. There is what I will call an angry, self-important, and what I experience as hateful and discriminating energy from some supporters...it's loud and feels like it will run you over (and in Florida it will do so with a monster truck with three huge flags waving behind it with an amplified muffler as it barrels down the road making sure everyone can see it). This part brings up fear in me - not feeling safe - fear of being violated, of being overpowered...it's difficult to square that with freedom and sovereignty (of course freedom and sovereignty have little to do with safety). Still some of the wave of energy as it shows up on the surface, that is calling for sovereignty, does not seem to honor it for ALL - just for some - same old story. On a bigger picture, I get it; in the microcosm, it still feels like power over others.
I would love to work this out, and if there are reflections on it, I am totally open to it.
Thank you! Jen
US Election: What are you triggered by? What's the reflection?
In reply to Overpowering by .Wren
Hi Jen - thanks for sharing. I'm sure many empathic sensitives would have similar feelings and concerns about the current situation - and the prospect of all that Trumped-up brashness actually winning.
Of course what each is seeing, is a reflection of their own subconsciousness - whatever you trigger or react to. AND, it's crucial to realise, this ALSO co-creates the current scenario. People create, and get locked into, their own polarisations.
Some will likely be shocked by that: "What? How could that brashness be a reflection of me?"
What we need to understand, is that there are reflections, and there are inverse reflections - you manifest also the opposite of what you're repressing in yourself.
In which case, what's the shadow you might be expressing?
You said...
This part brings up fear in me - not feeling safe - fear of being violated, of being overpowered.
You're referring to the Trump movement. But can you not see, being overpowered and violated is ALREADY happening by the current incumbents - it's just happening quietly, behind the scenes. The fact that they seem more erudite, is simply about the suits they wear. They're lying to people through the teleprompter.
My question to you then is, where are you concealing your own freedom of authentic expression? Where might you be pushing it down and suppressing it?
Everything that you see, trigger and react to, is a reflection of you. Including the inverse reflection.
Well wishes
<<< Open π
When one manifests theβ¦
In reply to US Election: What are you triggered by? What's the reflection? by Open
When one manifests the opposite of what is repressed in themselves, can it then be said that the blockage is now so severe that one actually starts to manifest the breakthrough in the material? The prominence a manifestation takes within the material would then represent the level of unconsciousness surrounding that blockage. After all, as it currently stands, humanity as a whole agrees upon the material being the only thing that is real and important. This would then mean that breakthroughs of consciousness beyond what can currently be collectively understood can only manifest as destruction in the material. This narrative also offers a viewpoint from which to observe the manner in which collective consciousness affects the severity of the shift.
Why "Being Nice" can have the completely opposite effect
In reply to When one manifests the⦠by Love-the-journey
Right on point.
Yes - what we suppress in ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, ultimately becomes explosive in the external.
"Being nice" for example, can turn out to have completely the opposite of the desired effect.
Better to be honest. That way the truth can mediate through - and that's why, personally, at this juncture, I would tend to favour the Trump campaign - at least it feels a good degree more honest. To be clear, that's not to say it is perfect, by any measure!
Best wishes
<<< Open π
Being exposed
In reply to US Election: What are you triggered by? What's the reflection? by Open
Thank you, Open, for the reflections- I appreciate it. π
I do see that the overpowering and violation is already and has been happening - and I do not believe at all that the current administration is trustworthy. I do appreciate the value of Trump's apparent transparency - it's the movement of energy that scares me, the anger and discontent that is fueling parts of the movement. And I do understand it - the feelings are justified - it is the unleashing of pent-up feelings of being stepped on, suppressed, lied to, and yes, it is this brashness and the anger that is triggering feelings of overwhelm, and your reflection speaks into my experience.
You said: Whatever you trigger or react to. AND, it's crucial to realise, this ALSO co-creates the current scenario. People create, and get locked into, their own polarisations.
Yes, so through my disassociation with the capacity to "wave my flag"/honor rightness as I feel it at the moment, no matter who it hurts or how anyone feels about it, I am part of projecting that into the external, which further allows me to judge and polarise that aspect of myself. There is a big fear of being exposed and being vulnerable to strong reactions in others. This causes hiding and management of expression.
You asked: where are you concealing your own freedom of authentic expression? Where might you be pushing it down and suppressing it?
This theme has been coming up with a close family member who naturally speaks with a lot of passion (which I feel as anger), and it has on multiple occasions triggered the body into feeling frozen - unable to physically or verbally navigate what feels like an attack and fear for my safety - this turns into whole body shaking for hours. I am guessing that the holding back is what builds the energy to a place that becomes more destructive.
I appreciate the feedback - there is a lot to work with here on this theme. Thanks so much!!π
RFK - getting cronyism out of health
Here's the guy (RFK) I would have voted for, had he not been blocked by his own party (and I was in the US). You have to ask, exactly what were they so afraid of? Perhaps the cronyism that RFK has been exposing and suing...
It seems to me that justice, and the shift to greater truth and freedom, is being served by him crossing the house.
RFK on our Oregon voter ballot!
In reply to RFK - getting cronyism out of health by Open
I would have voted for JFK too. Even though he stepped aside, I find it odd that his name showed up on the Oregon ballot I just turned in recently. I felt if people don't know he's no longer running and they voted for him, it'd be a wasted vote. I don't normally vote but in this instance I felt it was necessary, so I made the choice to "Make America Great Again" as the lesser of the 2 evils so to speak. Also, myself, family members and many friends have all changed from Republican status to Independents. Personally, it was my voice to be Independent of all the crap going on in the world right now. Some Democrats are so fed up, they've changed to Republican or Independent status also. So there's definitely a shift happening.
The DOJ (Dept. of Justice) is apparently fighting to allow illegals crossing the border to be able to vote. There seems to be desperation to try to paint Trump as a fascist and a Nazi which strikes me as funny. I don't watch any of it on TV. I believe the craziness is causing so many people to see what's going on now and that freedom is important to so many. I want the shift to 5D to be gentler, but if it ends up being the hard route, I'm going to stand up for my freedom and sovereignty. I hear nothing but "Revolution" coming out of people's mouths all over town if the election goes the hard way. People are not going to put up with their freedom being taken away. I'd rather it not become explosive and my biggest voice to others is we are not to hate. I'm still letting my Pleiadian playfulness and joy loose all over town and people are responding with smiles and happiness. It's much needed right now.
On another note, some ballot boxes have been set on fire. One is in Portland, OR. which is a Democrat city. Another is in WA. state but I don't know if they're Democrats or not. Seems someone wants those Harris voters to not have their vote count.
Today we have a near hurricane strength storm coming in off the Pacific ocean and have had 2 unusual bigger earthquakes due west of Coos Bay, OR. ( not far from me) out on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a week apart, so the weather and quakes are still very active.
It was your email I got today about the shift and election updates that got my attention and prompted my comments here. You're my news source. And boy are the dragons showing up everywhere daily! They're making their presence known right now across the country!
Much love to you and everyone, πβ€οΈ
Concerns about civil war in the US
In reply to RFK on our Oregon voter ballot! by Sherri Sunnygirl
Hi Sherri, thanks for your insights and views from the ground in the US. π
I'd like to pick up on this key point you said...
I want the shift to 5D to be gentler, but if it ends up being the hard route, I'm going to stand up for my freedom and sovereignty. I hear nothing but "Revolution" coming out of people's mouths all over town if the election goes the hard way. People are not going to put up with their freedom being taken away.
What I am feeling from the field right now, is very much along these lines. People have been hoodwinked and conned by the current regime - with each passing day, unknowingly to many, their freedoms and sovereignty are being stripped away. Soon enough, you'll have a quasi-communist state, very similar to what you have in China - with pretty much all freedoms taken away. I'm very surprised that plenty aren't able to see this, directly by the evidence of what's going on.
This is what many in the Trump movement are pushing-back against.
My concern is that if the current (forked-tongue) incumbents continue, you get some form of civil war happening in the US - because plenty will not tolerate what's actually going on. That's not to condone it. But to point to the fact that a greater level of freedom and sovereignty is being called for. Does that look brash and reptilian? Maybe. But I do believe it's a move in the right direction where people would have more freedom in society to freely express their authenticity.
You always see consciousness emergent in waves - in one movement it opens up with a degree of exuberant brashness. Following which, there is a clamping down and binding together. But where the binding gets too tight, that fosters a cancerous and limiting state - which is, I believe, where the US stands right now.
I think a crucial pointer in all of this, is how RFK - from a family of celebrated democrat leaders - was forced to cross the house, because he couldn't even get a platform to speak. He's a measured, balanced, fair and non-judgmental man. I'd say that's a key indicator.
Ultimately society must get past the polarisation of the two-party state, both sides of which, are heftily influenced by corporations and shadow controllers. But we're not at that point yet. In which case, I'd say it's about making the best of a far from perfect situation.
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
For Consideration
Senator or Sorcerer, can one ever know for sure?
To know the dark
In reply to For Consideration by nicolesap
Yes, you can know for sure. It is black magic, an inversion of truth.
To proclaim not to know, then to proceed to clearly point a finger to an extremity is a clever act of manipulation, to the unknowing and uninitiated perhaps.
Let me fix that picture for you.

Unravelling of 4D field is interrupting global shadow takeover
In reply to For Consideration by nicolesap
Trump - Senator or Shadow? Probably some of both.
The point is, do you believe, based on past actions and what he expresses, Trump can open things up enough to ensure a greater degree of personal sovereignty and freedom?
What I do know right now, what I can see with my own eyes, and experience by what's been going on these last four years by the current regime is the following: 1) Huge increase in censorship; 2) Rapid escalation of the Simulation; 3) Massive increase in poverty, brought on by accelerating inflation, and direct manipulation of the resource chains; 4) Full on choke-point attacks on the emergent new finance, crypto, with a blatant attempt to block private people from owning; 5) Massive decrease in state of national health; 6) Porous border protocols that are causing incendiary injustices; 7) Increase in global conflict to the point we stand on the brink of WW111.
My intuitive sense, is that we are on the precipice of breakthrough in these areas, because of the amount of unravelling in the field of the intervention energies - who have clearly accelerated the demise in the USA, and around the world in recent years. And I'm saying that's clearly happened THROUGH current regimes. It's a conspiracy of full-on, global take-over, through two-faced manipulation. This, I have seen, can feel clearly, and know 100% - I have come to know the entities behind what's going on, such as Ra and the Tall Whites, for example, and see the strings being pulled. Whereas I see them less able to influence Trump - yes, they will still try to influence, but as previously when he was in government, they'll probably have less effect. Which is why they've efforted, tooth and nail, to take him out.
But the most important illumination to reveal, is that the 3D becomes the natural actualisation of changes in the 4D.
Energy workers and light workers around the world have been working tirelessly to unravel the intervention in the field, just as I've clarified in my article above, and also, which I've personally done ceaselessly through all this convolution and debacle. This work has allowed in the new realigning infusion of energies - what I'm seeing as Dragon Energies. It's my humble opinion, that Trump would be at least, a partial actualisation of those changes. It's usually the case that the 3D mirrors the 4D - which is why he's even managed to make it to the podium, against all the 3D odds.
Would I trust him to deliver more rightness and freedom 100%? No. But I'd trust him a great deal more than the current incumbents of forked-tongues, reading from puppetmaster teleprompters.
Finally, it's essential to say...
The Shift to 5D will NOT depend on this one election outcome. And definitely, Trump does NOT have 5D consciousness!!! The Shift will happen anyway. It's just a question of this: 1) Does the strangehold on humanity and society tighten to the point the world becomes explosive? Or, 2) Does the pressure soften, so there's more freedom of expression for the emergent consciousness - in which case, the Shift will be able to mediate in a smoother way.
Knowing what happened previously on Sirius with this current bunch of 4D incumbents (I was there to witness it), I can clearly say I'd vote for option 2. I've seen exactly what happens when ignorants try to lock down the natural Torus. Reality gets exploded. That, we would definitely wish to avoid.
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
To stop the Marxist takeover of America
Haa! It seems the indoctrinated are losing their minds. Even on this site! That is awesome.
It is said when we project at others, it's often the case we are projecting at our own shadow. What a scary and ridiculous notion, isn't it?
This is literally music to my ears, and to many I'm sure. Freedom is bullish.
The fork-tongued bain of the benevolently established crypto
In reply to To stop the Marxist takeover of America by Lyra
And that's exactly what I mean - Gensler, the SEC chair of the current regime, has been the fork-tongued bain of the benevolently established crypto.
Just to see him gone, would be a major booster, for what's meant to be a means of breaking the hegemony of the traditional 'bankster' financial system.
Lyra, we're on the same page.
<<< Open π
a rightful name
In reply to The fork-tongued bain of the benevolently established crypto by Open
Yes, Open, I believe we are.
It's always good to find resonance. π
Trump victorious
PLEASE tell me how a victorious Trump who we have HEARD & SEEN him promise to shut down dissent at all levels by ruling as an autocrat, who has NEVER made a statement putting society over his own goals for powe,r & who in his speeches has spewed vile, denigrating vitriol which DIVIDES, not brings together humanity, would prove to be the better choice?? A man with no moral compass or empathy? A man who proclaims himself "perfect," & who has never once admitted to a single shortcoming?
Little middle ground
In reply to Trump victorious by Bonnie Cashen (not verified)
Hi Bonnie - it's clear there's little middle ground when it comes to Trump! He certainly has his flaws, just as we all do, And I'm certainly not considering him some kind of 'saviour saint'. No.
But I wonder where you get some of your statements from? For example, "promising to shut down dissent at all levels?" Yet he's embraced RFK crossing the house from the Democrats, who've tried every which way to shut him down - someone whose spent a lifetime exposing corruption, censorship, and political manipulation by the large corporations. RFK would have indeed been my primary choice at this time, if he'd not been blocked every which way by his own party - at least now he has a platform to express.
You speak of a man with no "moral compass or empathy". But at least what you see tends to be what you get. Personally, I'd rather that than the two-faced, forked-tongued rhetoric, posted on teleprompters by the puppet masters.
My point was not to hold him up as a saint, just that on past record, his approach seems to allow a greater sense of personal freedom and sovereignty - the kinds of things that have been suppressed or nigh shut-down during the last four years.
What I'm saying is that personally, and at this critical juncture, I believe what's necessary is the space for people to be allowed to be themselves, and not shut down at every twist and turn, which is what bigtech, big pharma, legacy media, social media and tradfi have been allowed to do in recent times.
I cannot vote in the US election. Instead, I apply myself to the acceleration of freedom of planetary consciousness - and I trust that will deliver the right outcome, whatever that may be.
Well wishes
<<< Open π
In reply to Little middle ground by Open
This may resonate with some in the community.
Here we go!!!
Looking at Planetary Power Shift in Ascension Exchanges 2nd Nov
We're going to be looking in depth at the planetary shift in power going on at the upcoming Ascension Exchanges 2nd Nov. If you're at all interested and aligned with the Shift, it's definitely not one to miss.
Here are the details and link to booking (max numbers will be set to 22)...
2nd Nov: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open
Dragon Nations level Playing Field in upcoming US election
30/10/2024 Shift Bulletin
Described above in this new Openhand Shift Bulletin, are the various intricate, sophisticated and powerful shifts going on in the energy field right now, particularly with the support of the Dragon Nations; how they've been "soul-contracted" by the Ascended Masters to level the playing field on Earth in the direction of greater liberation and sovereignty of consciousness. It's an essential read for anyone wanting to know the nature of the 5D Shift right now and how things are shaping.
Do share your thoughts and commentary below. I'll be happy to engage and reflect.
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
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