In the Shift And Our Lives, Why There is ONLY the Process!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/04/2024 - 05:11

We can want, yearn and desire all manner of things in our lives, or for the outcome of this mighty Shift that we're engaged in. We may be afraid or anxious of certain situations taking shape. We may want things to stay comfortable, steady and secure. None of these things we can guarantee. There is only one thing that you can be sure of - your life is a continual process of unravelling. And when you come into alignment with this, then you'll find joy, satisfaction and harmony, no matter what is going on.

There is only the Torus

The external world we experience is a temporary crystallisation of our internal configuration of consciousness - but it's crucial to say, neither the external nor internal are ever static. Even though it's easy to fool oneself they might, at times, be. The soul is a continually exploring, learning and evolving creature. It emanates from the Toroidal Source at the core of us, which dwells in every fractal of the Universe.

There is only the Torus. The Universe has taken this form from the explosion of the Big Bang - the big out-breath and in-breath. Now you have this continually oscillating dynamic in all sentient life. If we can understand and break down the basic principles of the Torus, then we'll better understand the influences that drive the formative impulses of our lives.

I believe you can break the Torus down to three simple dynamics: 1) There is the singularity Source, from which all manifestation arises; 2) There is an emergence of Separation Consciousness that creates multiplicity of experience; 3) There is the pullback to the unifying presence of the Source by Unity Consciousness, which forms streams of experience called, Souls.

As simple as it sounds, this is the underlying driving dynamic of life.

Receive groundbreaking insights into your life's dynamic

Our Interconnected Divinity

What we can say, at any given moment, in any given circumstance, is that the density we hold within is cast out into the Universe to be expressed and explored - like a washing machine, casting the dirty washing to the outside of the drum. This includes karma, which we can say is where sentient life gets stuck - identified with what's going on in the physical manifestation. But then amidst this crystallisation of form is encapsulated the Soul, which is yearning to connect back into the Source and animate the unifying sense of belonging, and inerconnected divinity.

You could say the Soul has got stuck in the dirty washing, from which it is working to break free and return to the Source.

I put it to you, that in any given moment, our lives are shaped by this process. Whatever we might experience in relationships, in our jobs, or how we live and work, everything that manifests in the external, is the product of this underlying dynamic on the internal.

We experience success, when either knowingly or unknowingly, we come into alignment with this process - when, like a surfer majestically riding a wave, we become as-one with it. You feel like you're aligning with purpose and destiny. Life has meaning and genuine direction. You feel like the whole Universe is supporting and moving with you.

So how can we best embrace and align with this process?

There is ONLY the Process

The first key is to realise there is ONLY the process. It's the only thing ever going on, in whatever situation and circumstance you find yourself in. So work to accept this, embrace it, and turn right into it. Then figure out how best to mediate through - but particularly on the inside.

There are a multitude of spiritual practices out there, but I would say the really successful ones are fulfilling these following three dynamics: 1) They connect you into the Source of who you truly are - the Torus infinite potential at the core of you, 2) They help you process density that's coming up in any given situation and circumstance; 3) They help you unleash the Soul as an authentic expression of your beingness.

In any given moment then, whatever is going on, it's about recognising you co-created the situation to reveal and actualise the next grandest version of yourself. However, you don't achieve this by turning away or denying the difficulty of the moment - instead, it is to turn right into it, examine and explore what attachments, resistances or fears there might be, and then work to unravel these by becoming the One in them. Because that core aspect of you wants, fears or desires nothing - it's already complete in its wholeness. Realise this in any given challenge, then you can open a space right through the moment, so your Soul can emerge out and express.

Now, just like the majestic surfer, you're dancing on the wave of your life. This is true success and fulfilment.

Explore the Openhand Breakthrough Process for Riding the Wave

The Art of Processing

So whatever challenging circumstances or situations might be presenting to you in your life right now, I invite you to explore and process in this way. Then see what unfolds from it. People who do, tend to discover the real miracle of life - that EVERYTHING which presents, is a divine blessing from which great gains are made.

To inspire you in this divine endeavour, Openhand has created a series of videos called: The Ascension Series. Check out the latest - The Art of Processing, and be inspired today...

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎

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Based on experience, it can be extremely liberating in our lives when we realise that there's only ever one thing going on: the process of unravelling and emergence as the soul.

When you learn how to simplify your life down in this way, then it makes the external circumstances much easier to deal with - because you're not trying to fix an outcome. Instead, you're exploring into how to let go, unwind, and emerge out into your next highest iteration.

What's most essential, is that in this way, you're aligning with the flow of the Universe and it's working with you, through you.

Here then, are what I consider to be the three essential keys to successful spiritual practice...

If you haven't already, do review my lead article above:

In the Shift And Our Lives, Why There is ONLY the Process!

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎


There is no destination. No where to get to from here or there. Everyday is part of the Journey. I attempt to treat each day as if it is the first day of a big trip I am to get ready for and  partake in! To journey without fear and full of wonder and excitement ! Nothing stays the same for very long. Awareness, activation, Actualization .... all words I am not that familiar with yet. I just know it moves through fast and furious and continues on to the next. Such fascinating experiences! It challenges everything I think and feel I know.  I am excited for the continued journey!  


It's all too easy to get consumed by situations and circumstances that shape in our lives. But when we realise that it's all a part of an unravelling/expressing process by the Soul, then we are presented with the key that can unlock the door in ALL situations.

There is only ever the Process going on. So do check out today's article above, because it just might ease what you're experiencing in your life.

Do tell me what you think...

In reply to by Open


Brilliant video and article. I rememeber when this was shared in Himalayan Pilgrimage how it really simplified the journey. All we need to be is in the process in any given moment. It also dissolves any need for comparison because my process is all I have really.

This was shared here differrently previous times as self realisation is all that happens in any given moment. The mind could percieve a moment as a second and then could ask the question - what is the process in this moment? I can see it in a differrent light now. What I percieve is the space time warping continuously to the next best iteration in the eternal moment of now. And the seer is simply observing this process. It is also evident in this case that the only real way to be is to join this process by dissolving identification and resisting the process would result in sufferring ultimately.
