Many Layers of the Simulation To Peel Off: Evolving Beyond
In recent times at Openhand, we've spoken of how the balance of power in the field has strongly shifted. This is due to the fact that plentiful layers of the Intervention have been broken down. Gaia has completed her soul contract with the Matrix, and the Dragon leylines are reactivating. Thus there's more liberation and sovereignty of consciousness emergent. However, expressions of the "early demise" of the Simulation on Earth are premature. There will be many twists and turns, until the 'snake' ultimately bites the dust.
Balance of Power Shifted
The balance of power in the surrounding energy field has surely shifted. Empathic sensitives the world over can feel it. In the Openhand community, we'd expected as much, having shifted the base layer of the Simulation, founded upon the self-appointed "Council of Nine". They've been a breakaway movement of the Ascended Masters, mimicking the original "Group of 9".
The overriding entity on Earth, "Ra", had been relying upon their background energetic weave to orchestrate things here.
That was until recently, when a small group with Openhand, was able to telepathically tune in with this self-elected "Council of Nine", and reflect the legacy of what's being done in their name here - what's being written to the Akashic Record, for all in the cosmos to see. It's the reflection of truth that's the most powerful 'weapon' in the Universe. It causes control to weaken and unravel.
And so it has. Ra has lost the reliance on his energetic power base. The entity is now looking to realign, and reattune in some, as yet, unknown way. We've witnessed this breakdown through the Intervention field ripple onto the surface of late, for which the outcome of the recent US election was a key sign. The power base there has shifted. There already seems to be a greater energetic opening. These are very positive developments to be optimistic of.
However, for some alternative commentators to be predicting the "early demise of the Simulation" is premature, and quite naive. Why so?
Gain leading-edge insights, from the frontline of the Shift...
External Projection of Consciousness
To predict the early demise of the Simulation reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the depth and breadth of it. To be clear, I'm not saying Gaia herself is a Simulation. I'm saying what's plastered on top, through the five-sense-perceptions, is.
I'm saying that people have been conditioned from birth, to fit within the value system of expected behaviours, to acquiesce to a 'greater authority', to readily hand over sovereignty to this body or that. It's programmed deep into the psyche, cuts right to the DNA level, and is interwoven with karma. All of these layers are entwined with energetic threads that must be dug up, unravelled, and broken down within the being.
Because the external reality is the projection of the internal configuration of consciousness, that's exactly why the power base of society has been so manipulative and disempowering - because the human soul is still coming of age. It's sovereignty that each person must now begin to reclaim. The fortunate development, due to recent shifts, is that the playing field has been levelled to a much greater degree. In this year of the Dragon, reactivating Dragon Leylines and infusing higher-dimensional Dragon energies have ensured this, which we can now all benefit from.
Yes, we can each individually break free and raise our vibration out of the Simulation. However, as more and more beings do this, let's be abundantly clear what that means, in terms of the stability of life on the surface of the Earth.
Reanimating Gaia's Torus
The Torus of Gaia is more strongly reanimating, which is breaking the energetic weave of the Simulation. But to be clear, the Simulation is something humanity currently relies upon. It provides stability and reliability. It's unfair and unjustly weighted in favour of the elites, yes. However, at least there are some means of gaining resources and support within it, from it. At least for now.
That is, until people have learned to manifest in an entirely different way: not from the limitation of the doing-led donkey and carrot syndrome. But instead, by the expression of authentic beingness, infused and supported with manifestation from higher consciousness. This is where humanity is evolving, detaching from the iron lung of the old simulation. But, we must be able to breathe this higher dimensional air before we can fully disconnect. That's why it will endure a while longer, even though in a different, hopefully more open, form.
The opening up of society will not necessarily be smooth. Although we might hope for that, it cannot be guaranteed. We have indeed lifted the lid on the 'swamp'. It means the energies can be cleared. However, it also means they're being stirred up first.
Specifically, what we're now seeing, is "Black Snake" energy being uncovered. What's the dynamic to be aware of?
Anarchistic Quantum Field Breakdown
Black Snake may be considered a quantum field effect, caused by the partial breakdown of the Torus in a particular fractal of life. For example, Gaia. As her Torus has been interrupted by the Intervention, then strings of energy break off from alignment with her Torus, coagulate together, draw wayward souls in, and then form 'anarchistic' behaviourisms. Satanic practice preys upon this kind of energy, harnesses and manipulates it.
As the more controlled and suppressed 'lid' of the Simulation has been broken down, to some degree, then this anarchistic layer of Black Snake energy is rising. It's mirrored on the surface within society's 'leadership' by an increasingly warlike reactivity - firing unprovoked missiles into Russia, for example.
Sadly, it's something we have to expect. If you turn over the proverbial rock in the desert, then the scorpions will scurry out. What can we, as lightworkers do about that? (To me, a "lightworker" is someone whose realised their true energetic selves, enough to have a positive and benevolent realigning effect on their surroundings).
Five Benevolent, Realigning Practices of Lightworkers
1) First, we must secure ourselves solidly within our inner Sacred Ground of Being. We must expect external instability, but nevertheless, learn to stand rock solid in it (Discover your Sacred Ground of Being)
2) We must let go of the polarity of judgment - whether a particular group, or Intervention, is 'right or wrong', 'good or evil'. Instead, to embrace the fact that there are only degrees of misalignment
3) When we cease to judge, we're more free to act as the naturalness of life. Specifically, we can bring our own natural Torus to bear in any given situation - breathwork in meditation is essential to secure this
4) We can learn to extend our own Torus out to embrace other sentient life and locations. Such that wayward quantum field energy, like Black Snake, is steadied, calmed, and reintegrated with the Torus (there are actually powerful Tibetan breathing meditations that breathe in field density, and release purified calmness instead)
5) We can be a positive force for change in the world, expressing freedom of being, natural sovereignty, and creating from the higher dimensional infusion of light.
It's essential now, especially as the Simulation is indeed weakening and breaking down, that we start to take ownership within our creative endeavours; how we live and act; how we inspire the field around us; to take accountability in our lives.
Simulation: Beginning of the End
This is far from the end of the Simulation. Because there are many interwoven layers in humanity to first unpack. But we can definitely say it is the beginning of the end. In that we can quietly celebrate. But then we must get on with the job: that of unwinding karmic density and forging soul. The playing field has been levelled for us to proceed more readily. Each must now fulfill the benevolent calling of the Shift.
Did You Resonate?
If you'd like greater clarity and support on working with the unravelling Simulation, both in your life, and in the world around you, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It's especially crafted to meet these extraordinary times of great transformation...
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
Invoking the Dragon in Dance - shaking off the shadow π«
29/11/2024 Shaking off the Shadow
Today begins the Glastonbury PIlgrimage, with an intrepid group of souls joining us in the planetary heart chakra.
I'll be introducing a new process at the event, which I can call: "Shaking off the Shadow". How does that work?
The Simulation is weakening, but it's still there. Do you know exactly how Tall White entities function? They're synthetic, coded 'holograms' of energy, that encapsulate a fragment of the original soul, yet bound into a collective, with an AI-programmed intention of the controllers.
The Tall White approaches the host's field, in the 4D, and then with the energetic hologram, blends with it. The host (most of humanity), doesn't even recognise they're there. But now, by manipulation of the host's biomagentic morphic field, the entity starts to subtly adjust choices and intentions to re-route them back into the Matrix - but crucially, of their design and intention. The impulses may feel like they're integrated within you, as you. It's the limitation of what they want you to do. That's why we have to become totally present, through all aspects of our field, to regain sovereignty.
When we're aware though, we can break this.
In the same way they're applying programmed intentionality into your field, you can unleash heartfelt intentionality to interrupt their influences and dispatch them. Providing that is, you make yourself aware of the unconscious adjustments of behaviour, and instead, determine to make constant sovereign choices instead. Powerful breathwork can be used to similar effect. But it's when we combine both with movement, that you get a powerful energetic enhancement of the beneficial liberating effects.
I'll be showing the group today, how to apply this heartfelt intentionality into martial arts dance - with the feeling of the Dragon activated through it. It's immensely powerful for clearing your field. Here's the sense of it in this video...
Maybe you can already get the sense of clearing your field with breath, movement and dance?
Just let it flow. It's definitely something we'll be incorporating at future events.
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
Attack in prelude to the pilgrimage π§¨
In reply to Invoking the Dragon in Dance - shaking off the shadow π« by Open
Hi Open,
Wow this is interesting news and quite welcome to have a new way of dealing with Tall White energy.
I have been under constant attack this night, like last time when you lead a group in india.
Never ending mind loops ... until I realised they are there and started softening through their energy. It became less, but the night was not restful.
Some things that occurre that might give reflections of current happenings: i felt a strong pain in the stomach during the night. And there was this song 'hey there Delyla'that repeated its chorus on and on 'what you do to me? What you do to me?' Is that the Tall Whites speaking?
Much love and have a great pilgrimage, Thomas ππΌπ»
That band is called theβ¦
In reply to Attack in prelude to the pilgrimage 𧨠by thomask
That band is called the Plain White T's. ;)
Rather than the Complex Tallβ¦
In reply to That band is called the⦠by Love-the-journey
Rather than the Complex Tall W's :D
Picking up energies from people close to us if unconscious
In reply to Attack in prelude to the pilgrimage 𧨠by thomask
Hi Thomas - I don't think it's the Tall White's singing the song, it sounds way too colouristic for them. They'd have to first know that song with you, in order to reapply/readjust the meaning of it.
I would intuitively say, that's your Twin Flame speaking. How might your energies be infusing with someone close to you - what might you be picking up unconsciously from them?
Much love and well wishes
<<< Open β€οΈ
Hi Thomas, I just felt toβ¦
In reply to Attack in prelude to the pilgrimage 𧨠by thomask
Hi Thomas, I just felt to mention I had exact same thing happen a few weeks back, kept hearing that same song over and over, especially when my mind "wandered". I appreciate your bringing attention to this, so I know to look deeper when it happens, thanksπ barb
So synchronistic
In reply to Invoking the Dragon in Dance - shaking off the shadow π« by Open
During my meditation a new energy came in but instead coming in to commune it felt like an infusion and initiation. Then afterwards I don't know why, but I had this urge to go on the website before I do anything else. Although really curious about what just happened, I'd released the need to know the what and why. And then the video showed me a visual explanation of what I'd just experienced, wow! I'm still integrating and don't understand the why but the video did help some with the what.
It came in through the heart as a powerful column of light and first infused up then it infused down. When complete, it felt like the picture I've seen so many times on retreat of sitting in your torus. And my torus felt like a force field. It felt a combination of body guard/protector of my field and I am now the body guard/protector when I'm present. I could feel feminine, dragon, warrior energy but not an aggressive warrior looking to fight; more of a walk softly but carry a big stick and don't ever back down. It felt like this warrior/dragon energy can cause other energies to back off just by its presence. I could also feel a type of queen or goddess energy but embodied, aligned and "behind the scenes" not looking for or even wanting attention or worship.
So I'm fascinated to see what I experience as this energy integrates.
Ann π
I am feeling this too
In reply to So synchronistic by Ann B
Dear Ann,
It's fierce but feminine. I "saw" white dragons circling through my field. And it's very heart open centre's yet strong through the base. And very attractive - when I am walking about in the 3 D I can see people feeling very drawn when I embody it.
I would love to hear Opens thoughts on this.
Fascinating Torus Experiences of Dragon Energy: Coherency π€
In reply to I am feeling this too by iamdurga
Hi Ann & Megha - thanks for sharing your insights - very inspiring indeed.
I've begun writing a new book, the fifth and final in the 5D Ascension Series. Leading into this Glastonbury Pilgrimage, I've been connecting with the leader of the Draco here, which is helping me formulate that part of the book - what they're about, how they travel etc etc. It's he who inspired that video.
It's very powerful, yes. And it will not back down. But neither will they fight. It's a curious paradox. His key phrase constantly is "coherency". Intervention simply withers away in that presence - simply via a look through the eyes.
What you describe Ann, sounds like an effect of the energy. Possibly that you've opened through the Galactic Core Centre. That would be worth exploring.
Fascinating times.
Much love to all.
<<< Open π
an interpretation
In reply to Fascinating Torus Experiences of Dragon Energy: Coherency π€ by Open
Hi Open,
I felt to share their message as I receive it:
... and have removed it as I inquired and gained insight in accepting mistakes.
Simplify black snake energy
Hi Open,
these are quite interesting developments. It makes totally sense to me, that as the intervention weakens, we as humanity have got to deal with our own issues ... so the rise of BS energy makes sense now.
You say:
Black Snake may be considered a quantum field effect, caused by the partial breakdown of the Torus in a particular fractal of life. For example, Gaia. As her Torus has been interrupted by the Intervention, then strings of energy break off from alignment with her Torus, coagulate together, draw wayward souls in, and then form 'anarchistic' behaviourisms.
I have read this several times and it just makes knots in my brain π
Now that Ann asks a similar question, could you qualify the nature of that energy in simple terms?
Does this mean the BS energy arises in our fields as we are not fully coherent in our own Torus?
I know how BS energy behaves, how it feels in my field and what it does, but i haven't fully grasped its origin yet.
Thank you for illuminating,
Thomas ππΌ
Simplifying the concept of Black Snake entities and their origin
In reply to Simplify black snake energy by thomask
Okay, you could imagine the origination of Black Snake entities with the metaphor of a washing machine.
Consider that the drum of the washing machine is a chakra within your Torus. The washing represents the separation consciousness that forms a particular bodily vehicle. The water represents the unity consciousness of the soul.
Now imagine a small hole develops in the drum (due to unconsciousness there). And a sock seeps through the hole, filled with water (here's where we need to be quite laterally minded with the metaphor!).
The sock detaches from the Drum (from the chakra). It still has some degree of connection through the water. But now it has its own life, which can get twisted, misdirected, and convoluted, over time. Its polarity can also draw in external energy. It doesn't really have a purpose as such. But it acts to create disharmony so as to pull in energy to sustain it. Hence the description of it being 'anarchistic'. Now you have a Black Snake entity in your field, that was originally of you.
It gets more complex as well though:
1) You could be pulling BS entities into your field released from others. Which can especially happen when you're in proximity with another - sexual intimacy is one way an 'exchange' can happen. Which is why you need to be careful going unconscious with a partner - during sleep for example. In this density, I find it always better to sleep apart (sounds extreme, but also necessary).
2) Or else you could find yourself in the proximity of BS energy from a larger fractal you are a part of - Gaia, for example.
How would you know if this BS problem was happening to you? If you ask, synchronicity will speak. For example, accidents, breakages, illnesses, forgetfulness, disconnect, brain fog. Numerology will speak volumes too. The number 13 often speaks into BS energy. But other signs and symbols in nature too. I find crow, and Blackbird alert to it particularly well.
In terms of dealing with the problem, regular chakra attunement meditations are essential. The one Openhand provides is ideal for helping reintegrate the effect - Openhand Chakra Attunement. You're bringing consciousness to the hole in the "drum" (the chakra), and this restores the Torus there (over time, as the unconsciousness diminishes).
A skilled healer would be able to enfold another in their own Torus, and help breathe the misaligned entity back in, stripping out the distortion as that happens. A Master healer would be able to do this at a group level, or even at the level of Gaia - whereby, you occupy that particular chakra of Gaia, breathe the density (the BS entities) back in, and help re-establish greater coherency to the Torus there (this is the ancient Tibetan practice of which I speak in the article).
I trust this makes better sense!
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
How are You Finding the Simulation Breaking Down? π
21/11/2024 Shift Insight
I've been hearing of Alternative commentators recently speaking of an "immanent end" to the planetary Simulation, that keeps so many people enslaved. This is naive. Because it is woven through many inner layers of the human psyche, which is then projected out into society.
We CAN break it down with us, YES!!
People in this movement ARE breaking it down and liberating themselves, to create in an entirely different way - from infusing higher consciousness. However, we still have 3D society to contend with a while longer. So we must have awareness of exactly what is going on in the 3D.
And, as more awaken to their lightworker capacity, we can have a much more powerful benevolent effect on the opening up - the emergence of consciousness.
With that in mind, do read my new article today on what I believe to be the current situation of unravelling.
What are you experiencing and seeing?
Do share, as it helps illuminate and unravel things no end.
Much love
<<< Open π
lots of movement
In reply to How are You Finding the Simulation Breaking Down? π by Open
Post election, changes are happening rapidly. It's almost as if a spell has been broken and a layer of the shadow has been ripped off and exposed for what it is. It seems like the election results became a much needed permission slip for people to draw a line in the sand, say enough, and start taking back sovereignty instead of accepting anything goes. So something is breaking down but overall it seems people are still invested in the simulation.
I'm not sure I understand the intricacies of this new iteration of black snake energy but I have been curious about satanic energy for a while. I've been wondering what's the energy or entity hidden behind it. To me satanic energy is a polarity of the love and light bubble. So I wonder if it's Ra? Or maybe it's an entity that creates a polarity or energetic tension with Ra? Is this energetic tension part of what keeps the construct in place? I'm holding it all loosely for now. No answers have landed yet but it does feel like this energy is meant to unravel as part of the Shift.
Illuminating the deeper layers of the "swamp" π
In reply to lots of movement by Ann B
These are important questions to hold, Ann. And they'll offer important keys to the next levels of unwinding.
My sense is that it's been Ra, through the Simulation, suppressing the Black Snake energy. In a way, a resentful, but respectful cohabitation has served both parties, with common ends. But definitely Ra with the upper hand.
Now that power has been weakened. The Simulation has been confronted and challenged - in some ways, we're seeing it being torn apart (although not completely gone). What's revealing, I believe, is a more demonic layer of entities, manipulated by human groups - the "cult" of which various alternatives speak. But crucially, the underlying spiritual power is diminishing, strongly. I see, for example, that the International Criminal Court has just issued a warrant for the arrest of the Israeli PM, over war crime allegations. That of itself, is massive. Synchronistic of the spiritual protection layers being stripped away?
Also, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, the head of the Catholic Church in Britain, has been forced to resign recently, for covering up child abuse by the clergy here. That too is a massive synchronistic sign of the unravelling of the old power base.
I don't see the Intervention aspects being able to resist the rising Dragon energies through the field - encouraging greater human sovereignty. Especially, for example, due to the Dracos in the field.
And we, as lightworkers, will be able to bridge in support. More clarity will surely follow in the immediate times ahead.
Let's keep witnessing.
<<< Open π
Warrior Energy
In reply to Illuminating the deeper layers of the "swamp" π by Open
Dear Open,
I am feeling a strong upsurgence of fiery warrior energy. It started during the Retreat in Dharamshala and now it's integrating into my life. This includes me confronting peacefully but firmly people I was in fear of. And standing tall despite everything.
This video perfectly describes how I am feeling.
New Zealand Parliament Haka - passionate sovereignty display π¦
In reply to Warrior Energy by iamdurga
Ah yes, I saw it recently, so passionate and moving. This Maori female politician, protesting against a bill trying to limit Maori rights. It just goes to demonstrate a wider rising of planetary sovereignty.
I find it sends shivers up the spine!
In reply to New Zealand Parliament Haka - passionate sovereignty display π¦ by Open
So as this energy is rising within me, I sought to demonstrate peacefully for my apartment that my ex and his Mom have forcefully occupied.
I took some incense and some flowers and was trying to get the torus to move. A massive fracas followed and I was beaten up (true story). The police came and informed me that since he is my husband bashing my head is not much of a big deal.
I went again in the evening. And will continue to, calmly and peacefully lay offerings at the doorstep. (This time I will take my impressive looking but really sweet natured dog :))
I am working within to let go of Fear. (I was hauled to the police station. Also my mother in law accused me of black magic). It is hard in this volatile situation to feel into my Sacred Ground but I am really trying .
I am burning the incense sticks I purchased in Dharamshala to remind me of Openhand energies.
Full on, it is!
What happens when you offer blessings to the bully? β₯οΈ
In reply to Confrontation by iamdurga
Hi Megha,
My heart goes out to you...
I took some incense and some flowers and was trying to get the torus to move. A massive fracas followed and I was beaten up (true story). The police came and informed me that since he is my husband, bashing my head is not much of a big deal!
You're such a brave and courageous soul. β₯οΈ
I can believe, for sure, you've explored why you manifested the situation?
I can't help feeling there's another energy to embody, rather than the one you're presenting with here. A deeper energy of the Torus - like the Earth Dragon aspect perhaps?
Synchronistically, you also posted the video of the Maori lady doing the sovereignty Haka in the NZ parliament. So, as someone is being so aggressive toward you, I wonder how things would be if you presented with Earth Dragon/Draco energy?
To be clear, I'm of course NOT suggesting to fight! But when an energy, like the Draco, is successfully embodied, it can be tremendously psychologically difficult for a bully to attack it. Because they only know threat, their consciousness equates threat with fear (in themselves). Now of course this takes some self-realisation. A gentle soul does not want to create fear in another. However, when confronted with threat, I do believe there's a place for that to be met with courageous power. Not fighting, but holding the energy. The threat, which is their outward projecting malevolence often then turns to fear, which, is an inward pointing triggering reaction - and actually, therefore, offers the possibility of self-realisation to begin, within the bully.
Usually, with the bully, when you offer well-wishes, love, kindness and blessings, they interpret that as weakness, and then continue to exploit or steamroller. So maybe this time, a different embodiment of energy is invited?
If what I'm inquiring with you is accurate, you'd then see synchronicities reflected back to you. To then see how it might feel in you - how it would be embodied?
You'd have to come to the place where all fear had dispersed in you. You stand there in absolute sovereignty. Not backing down. Staring straight in the eyes. Whatever then triggers in the other.
Something to consider and inquire about, perhaps?
With much love, well wishes, support, and respect
<<< Open πβ₯οΈ
Confronting Fear
In reply to What happens when you offer blessings to the bully? β₯οΈ by Open
Dear Open,
I confronted the fear. Thare is a fair amount of it after allowing myself to be bullied for a decade and a half. And yet despite the violence, I showed up strong again. I didn't mean to incite Fear at all, but it seems just by showing up despite the violence, something has shifted.
I had intended to get the torus moving in the situation and the simple act of lighting a candle seems to have catalyzed massive movement. Fear in them and rather firm sovereignty within me.
Thank you for your reflections. I can feel the Earth Dragon bubbling up within me. Green Malachite calls.... I can feel the strength building. It is rather hard to intimidate someone who couldn't care less about the outcome. But is embodying this strong grounded warrior energy.
Bring it on!
"I am Sovereign", "I have rights", "How Dare you."
In reply to Confronting Fear by iamdurga
Brilliant! Very well done indeed π
And.... Let's keep digging, let's keep exploring.
The Dragon energy I'm speaking of is not that "I couldn't care less" - you may or may not have meant this, but these were the words you chose.
The energy is more:
"I am here"
"I am sovereign".
"I have rights".
"How dare you."
It's a staring down through the eyes - like in the Haka. It's not afraid of the outcome - exactly. However, it knows what the right outcome is meant to be, and stands strong in its truth of that. Not fighting, but not backing down either. It will win without fighting - and by "win", I'm meaning succeed into the rightness of the situation.
See how that feels.
Much love and respect
<<< Open β€οΈ
Recklessness vs Resolve
In reply to "I am Sovereign", "I have rights", "How Dare you." by Open
Dear Open ,
Thank you ( and the Universe for this rich ream of enquiry ) .
As you reflected back ,the Fear is what was causing the recklessness ( I donβt care what the outcome is ) which is a subtle but sure form of bypassing to avoid feeling Fear . The Fear is karmic - I regressed into being killed -throttled precisely ,possibly many times .
As I am working with the Fear and contraction in my base I am also witnessing how many around me are being so triggered by me confronting my ex . Their βbe a good girl and donβt ruffle feathersβ programmes are being confronted as I am undoing that same conditioning within the pit of my stomach.
I am working to soften them rather existential Fear so I can make room for the fiery yet firm Resolve you speak of which is dancing in my field but not landed entirely yet .
(There is also a feeling within me of being rather thrilled - so much energy is being released ,I am doing a haka many times a day in my living room :))
What enthrals me is the clarity . This situation is primarily about me settling into another way of Being . What I do( or not) is rather secondary . As I felt into your reply Open ,I looked around and sure enough there was a Butterfly on a hoarding and a Placard saying β New U β
Deep bow to all that are in a similar situation . I feel as though I am processing the situation not just for my own little self but for a large swathe in a similar situation .
Dragon Energy and the tears of Isis
In reply to "I am Sovereign", "I have rights", "How Dare you." by Open
Dear Open,
I confronted my ex again and I did the Haka look with him :) He unleashed a lot of BS energy but I could see he was unnerved by the change within me. He wants to get this over with, for sure.
As I hold the Dragon Energy it is catalyzing a lot of breakdown within myself as well. My ex will be using this peaceful rebuttal and will try and use the police and the courts to bully me into settling for a pittance. I felt into deep Fear of reprisal which has in the past prevented me from taking any real action. (I am sovereign, I have rights!) Again I am given the opportunity to look at where I have handed over my power to these empty systems devoid of any real justice and being used as puppets by the masters.
In the morning I felt into the energy again. And felt into another intervention energy that seemed to stem from a cult my ex's Mom has been part of. Dragon language emerged and I felt like I was confronting the cult's energy as well as setting free the souls of some girls who had been entrapped at the base of their "temple".
And today I cried at the betrayal. Whilst crying I felt like I was grieving the Illusion of Isis at how she would be "protected" by all these expressions of Ra and hence had handed over her immense power to the entity.
As I was having a cup of coffee, a bright blue kingfisher flew past and captured a chameleon, which seemed like a beautiful synchronicity.
So much is happening and I am also helping in the healing of an old relative who needed skin grafting.
I would be very grateful for any reflections Openhanders β₯οΈ
Don't pray for an outcome, but the courage to endure the process
In reply to Dragon Energy and the tears of Isis by iamdurga
Okay, so his energy changed by you changing - fantastic. Tremendously well done π
This jumped out: "He wants to get this over with, for sure."
Are you wanting to 'get it over with?' Or, can you see the enormous growth you're undergoing in this? I'm sure you can.
I would say to really celebrate each unravelling and each reflection that comes your way - like the marvellous Kingfisher. It's one of my favourite birds - although I've never seen one in the wild. What a phenomenal gift you were given!
So, I would say, don't look for the conclusion. That will happen as the natural unfolding of layers.
Dig deep. Discover the deepest aspects of your buried self. And keep coming forth from these.
Don't pray for an outcome, but the courage to endure the process.
Much love and well wishes
<<< Open π
Who wants the Process to end ?
In reply to Don't pray for an outcome, but the courage to endure the process by Open
Dear Open,
I am feeling what can best be described as RAGE . Clearly, this is a lot of suppressed anger that is coming forth at this time . I am working to allow it in. I felt into your question : why do you want it to end ? The immediate answer was ,of course I want it to end . This is horrible etc etc. Waves of sensation are coming into my heart and base and I am frequently in such contraction as my brain tries to make sense of the sensations or bypass or soothe all the tumult I am feeling .
Until now ,when I asked myself -who wants it to stop. And the answer was immediately ,my small identity . Who is threatened by the waves of transformation this happenstance and relationship have catalysed within me . She wants it to stop. As soon as I saw this something quietened and my heart opened to accommodate my emotional upswirl. The Base seems to be reconfiguring actively as well .
The Rage is a cleansing fire . And my Soul gold is being burnt of dross. I am feeling resolved even within this .
My ex has ALL the " cards" and has manupilated me now and before. Yet as a new Energy comes in, here is how I feel.
Having a break down
In reply to How are You Finding the Simulation Breaking Down? π by Open
Hi Open,
I have had an interesting few days where I've been getting clear reflections of things for me to work on. The first issue that arose, I am embarassed to say, related to my fear of not being able to park my car outside my house and that I may need to park a little further down the road. It's absolutely ridiculous, I know, but the feelings came up and my neighbours also reflected the same feelings with their own behaviour around parking. Still can't quite beleive I had the reaction I did but there's clearly something there I need to work on.
The next thing was around not currently being in work and fear around resources. I haven't been in work for a few months and it dawned on me today how much debt I have acrued and that I am unable to afford the payments for loans, credit cards and my mortgage. I started feeling worried and then started cancelling appointments for things that I can no longer afford. One such appointment was with the hairdresser. After cancelling, I burst into tears and my entire financial situation felt overwhelming. I felt through it and quickly realised it's a fear of lack of resources.
After the feelings passed I jumped in the car to go out. I drove just a minute or so and a warning light for the driver transmission, oil light, and check engine light all came on. When I got home I found myself laughing at the entire situation, but I also feel there is more to it.
In October, my previous car broke down. The issue was the mechatronic unit (which at the time I misheard as the 'METRATONic unit'!) which powers the gearbox. Now, just over a month later the gearbox on my latest car appears to have gone. I have been trying to figure out the meaning and all I can piece together is that the gearboxes both going are linked to the shift in some way. I'd appreciate any feedback or insights you may have.
Best wishes
How the external effects speak into internal convolutions
In reply to Having a break down by Nikki (not verified)
Hi Nikki,
I'd say there's a problem in how you 'transmit' energy through your Torus. The problem with the gearbox suggests there's a rigidity in how you flow. The oil warning light might suggest that you're being hampered by Black Snake entities in your environment. It may also be that there's attachment to the location (hence no parking space) and thus fear of moving on.
It's a degree complex, so it's going to involve a good degree of unravelling and focus on different layers of internal experience. It's also inviting courage for change. Especially change of lifestyle - because the gearbox suggests you're running the wrong gears at different times. Causing a 'crunching' of them - of the energy. Which then manifests as resource issues, because at times you're not flowing rightly.
I recall when reintegrating the flow here, at the beginning of my journey, how it stripped away everything that I owned. Until I was at the 'bare metal'. This is where we truly develop trust and lack of attachment/investment in material things. It means you become able to respond more flexibly through life's gear changes.
Despite cost issues, I would strongly suggest engaging with a skilled facilitator, particularly one who knows how to realign the journey and follow the path of the soul.
I would suggest you reach out to Tilly or Joy, who both express fearlessness in moving with the flow, at whatever apparent personal cost.
Much love and well wishes
<<< Open π
Thank you
In reply to How the external effects speak into internal convolutions by Open
Hi open, thank you for your insights and advice. It all hit me quite hard which I guess is another indication that Iβm stuck.
Iβve reached out to a facilitator for some guidance.
Thanks again and see you later this week ππ
Intervention in spiritual practices
In reply to How are You Finding the Simulation Breaking Down? π by Open
Dear Open ,
I wanted to share a few experiences from the vipassana course I enrolled last few days. God only knows why I felt the need to go into it. But it seemed right at the time. Only on the first day it became clear to me I was not there to learn any technique about meditation but do energy work and uncover some aspects of myself.
I noticed how all the rules in the centre like when to wakeup and meditate, where to eat etc where closing me down all the time. And I could see many distortions including guru devotion, rigidity, dogmatism etc. I could feel how following my soul pull at many times where going against what was expected of me. There was a paternalistic controlling energy in the background supposedly for the benefit for all but where we had to hand over sovereignty. It was like the abusive parent who punishes his children but says " I'm doing this for your own benefit!" And the poor innocent child believes it!
The course requires us to hand over our valuables, phone etc before it begins which is a synchronicity of handing over sovereignty which only occored to me later.
I had some fear of authority which I had to confront internally but there was a breakthrough as I worked through it and on the 2nd day I wasnt afraid anymore and feeling incredibly free regardless of the environment. A feeling - I'm going with the torus no matter what! At this point I wanted to leave as I thought the work was complete. Or I was going to butt against the system and create chaos which I didn't want. But later I had some healthy conversation with the main teacher there who wanted me to continue and he adjusted all the rules just for my benefit. Quite an unlikely thing in such a course! Now, I had to be at the main meditation hall only 3 times for the day for group sitting and the rest of the day I had for myself. Things eased on after that. Meditating in the main hall with the group, I was picking all sorts of dense energies and I would later clear them in my room or in nature.
On the fourth day in the hall, when vipassana technique was being guided through the recording I was passing through some torturing hell and I looked at the clock behind which was exactly 4:44. I was feeling trapped there. In the evening I approached the main teacher once again for being relieved from the course. This time he showed an entirely different face. He became quite judgmental and said I'm doing a mistake and I had an unstable mind and so on. Back at my room I had a knowing , I was him in some past life , loosing sovereignty to religious practices , possibly patronising and misleading others. I cried a bucket full of tears asking for forgiveness and released whole lot of energy from my field.
Its quite clear intervention has taken over these spiritual teachings and practices. Or they may have been relevant many years ago but not anymore. They are being carried out exactly like it was done hundreds of years ago without innovation and evolution which in itself could be breeding ground for intervention. They talk about impermanence and change , yet the pracrice itself is rigid. I'm not sure what energies are behind this, possibly Ra and BS. I think its also quite possible that its helping thousands of people on where they are in the journey and I'm careful not to hold any judgment against them.
Back here after watching the video and going through the material here, I'm feeling deeply grateful that my soul had led me here in this lifetime. I recognise where this is comin from.
Namaste with love
Vimal π
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