Field Transformations: Master the Changes Through Freedom of Flow
Powerful transformations are happening in the field at this time. We're in a key energetic portal, 12/12 to 21/12, which is much more than just a numerological date window. It's being amplified first by crucial Gaia realignments in her morphic fields, but what we're also witnessing, is a recalibration by the foundational layers of the Intervention. This transformation needs to be embraced and mastered, so as to sail steadily through.
Field Recalibrations
If we take a well-needed pause as we approach the end of 2024, then look back at the last six months to review all that has transpired and unfolded in the Shift, we'll surely find it's been nothing short of monumental. There's been a critical pivot in the power base of life on the planet, where the Shift energies have unravelled some key foundational layers of the Simulation. Which, of course, is a marvellous development - one we can celebrate.
However, as to be expected, the Intervention will continue to recalibrate to this, trying to blend with it, so as to continue to manipulate it for their own good. As energetic sensitives, you'll likely be pulled this way and that, because everything is interconnected through the quantum field.
We're living in a Simulation of reality, whereby perceptions are being manipulated through the morphic 4D fields. Your being is biomagnetic, so if it can be influenced, adjusted, or 'nudged' in a particular direction, then the controllers maintain the reigns of power over society. This is what we must work with to engage in the field and break down.
Stay up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...
Changing the Nature of Society
Leading into the all-important US election, the base layer of this Simulation had been seriously fractured by an acceleration of Gaia's natural Torus. Since we're all interconnected with her, a strong wave of liberation and freedom has precipitated through society. This is indeed a very welcome development.
A key place in which we've witnessed the immediate surface effect of this, is within cryptocurrency. The Star Being Nations, such as the Arcturians and Andromedans, have inspired authentic cryptos as a means of fracturing the hegemony of the bankrupt financial system. Traditional Finance (Tradfi) of course is being used to suppress and control society. Authentic Cryptocurrency (not CDBCs) is the means of breaking this down, and ejecting the exploitative banksters, by enabling people to exchange peer-to-peer. It's a revelation and a breath of fresh air sweeping through society.
The previous US administration has efforted tooth and nail to shut crypto down, through several key choke points, during the last three years. But this intentional blocking has now been thwarted by a much more favourable President. The crypto market has literally boomed as a result. And many who recognise the energy of this, are feeling a strong degree of exuberance as we head through this 12/12-21-12 portal.
5D Human Emerging Through Shades of Grey
However, what we need to hoist on board within the alternative movements, is that the Shift to the New Paradigm of sovereign consciousness will not happen in one fell swoop. That's because of the extent of the Simulation we're living in, and the fact that it's been interwoven at the DNA level. This is what the Intervention has orchestrated, since the time of the inception of Homo sapiens, and continues to exploit through the Morphic fields.
So we're moving through an inflexion point right now. The Star Being Nations are working to continue to open the field up and help it realign back to the naturalness of the Torus. Meanwhile, the Intervention is recalibrating, adjusting to the new landscape and working to continue to control it. We can clearly see the shadow working to consume and control cryptocurrency, for example, by artificially manipulating prices through hedged (amplified) buying and selling - to manipulate mood, through greed or fear.
How are we to best mediate through such turbulent times?
Understand The Intervention and How to Emerge from it: DIVINICUS
A Fundamental Inner Shift
I'd say there's one fundamental inner shift that we must undertake. And that is to detach even more from the notion of oneself as some kind of fixed identity in all of this - a name, a label, a specific position. All of these fix your consciousness back into the Old Paradigm.

Crucially, right now, we must work to get into the felt-sense of self: a moving flow of dynamic energy. Which currently, is being amplified and emboldened by the planetary infusions of Dragon Energy. Through daily meditation practices of breathing in movement, we can tap into this felt-sense and become more of this "chi-body" as opposed to the rigidity.
The effect of this is going to make you more attentive, alert and responsive to subtle changes and nuances in the field. It will make you more adaptable and innovative. Your choices, expressions and beingness will now shift and create in new ways.

Be careful also of 'irrational exuberance'. The Dragon energy can be wild and free. But also boundaried. It will take risks, but not reckless ones. Keenly observe the situations you're engaged within, whether at work in your relationships or how you generally live. Seek to unravel the attachments to it going a particular way, or needing a particular outcome. However, crucially, DON'T detach. Instead work to flow through, over, or around in the situations. Especially be wary of getting bogged down in the fears and limitations - the controlling - by others.
2025: Year of Acceleration Ahead
To summarise, in your meditations, make sure to integrate movement and flow. Which could be through dance and yoga, for example (Openhand applies a specific soulmotion for this). Or it could be free wheeling and flowing in nature.
Get more used to being a flow of energy, that is alert, flexible and responsive. Get used to making choices from there. As we move into 2025, which is set to be a "Year of Acceleration", this will stand you in good stead, in order to powerfully navigate through, and master the ever-changing energetic field.
Did You Resonate?
If you'd feel to develop your consciousness so as to be able to better master the flow in 2025, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand:
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
Adapatbility and change, in a transforming world π
17/12/2024 Shift Insight
You'd have to be half asleep not to notice the dramatic changes unfolding through the filed right now. And as I explained in my article yesterday, adaptability and change are the key currencies of the moment. We have to approach each day anew, with new possibilities and ways of approaching given situations.
Hence I felt to share this Openhand video, right from the start of the year, capturing the sense of catalysis and change. If you were wondering how to adapt to the transforming field, then this should provide some welcome insight...
Bright blessings to all
<<< Open π
Great example
In reply to Adapatbility and change, in a transforming world π by Open
Hi Open,
Speaking further to the ai/ar thing, I noticed something different in this video and was wondering if ar is used here? Because this would be a perfect example of using a tool benevolently vs malevolently and I can definitely appreciate how impactful it is when used the right way! Namaste, barb,sylvanheart
Crucial adaptation to change in the Transformation of Society
16/12/24 Shift Insight
Pay keen attention to the way the field is shiting and transforming right now, because in this 12/12-21-12 portal, the field is getting very turbulent with 'irrational exuberance' - and the shadow attempts to control or usurp it. So it's highly unbalanced. Which means we're going to need to get used to more freedom of flow and adaptability. Hence my article above today.
In the Openhand upcoming events, especially the New Year Quantum Shift Retreat, we're going to be focussing especially on this - preparing you for more adaptability and freedom of flow into 2025. There are still a few places left - but flow quickly!...
30th Dec-1st Jan: NEW YEAR RETREAT: 3-Days, ZOOM
There's no better time to gather with Openhand than at the turn of a New Year, especially with so much shifting in the field. Gather half-days online, so you can spend time with family too. We'll apply ground-breaking meditations with Openhand Ascended Master Energies to quantum leap your consciousness into 2025. We're developing an unstoppable wave in the Shift.
Activational Ascended Master Energies
Become more responsive & adaptable to the flow: strong warning
In reply to Crucial adaptation to change in the Transformation of Society by Open
When I was putting the viewpoint above together over the weekend and feeling how the field is shifting right now, this video came to me. Which is an AI video, but using the words of Bruce Lee. I found it can provide some valuable inspiration within the transition of the field right now, and especially, how to become more the felt-sense of self, so as to be more adaptable, awake and responsive to the field.
Before watching it, if you watch it, I feel to offer a strong cautionary note:
People have expressed below in commentary, how there could well be a sophisticated deception going on, where a shared truth offers wonderful insight, yet through the subtle application of AI, intervention energies are attaching to the high heart and blocking it. If you're able to be self-witnessing and coherent enough through all your chakras, then the intervention will unlikely affect you. But if in any doubt, then DON'T watch it. Although do be mindful, that this kind of AI approach is now replicating fast across the internet. Let this serve then as a careful warning.
See the illuminating exchanges about the video below.
Adaptability within the mind
In reply to Become more responsive & adaptable to the flow: strong warning by Open
Inspiring video. Resonate with having to adapt and move with the flow at this time. My personal life is providing some reflection around this , where the mind intends to move in a particular direction and thus becomes too focused but the flow is wanting to go in a different direction. This creates some dissonance. Working through some old filters acting at the level of mind. Letting go and anchoring in the felt sense of self helps to move through this quickly.
Vimal π
Feeling it
In reply to Become more responsive & adaptable to the flow: strong warning by Open
Hi Open,
Thank you for this, i find his words very meaningful and heartening. Your encouragement to do movement meditations, along with his inspiring words, is waking in me that very desire and i can feel how i respond internally to it. An affirmation, a turning towards this practice, so i'll be incorporating this immediately. It makes sense to me on a deeper level; stagnancy vs flow, much healthier.
Speaking of ai videos, last night i felt to watch a flick so i chose this movie on Tubi called "Creators: the past" and i think many Openhanders will get a kick out of it. Shatner's in it, along with a great cast. I've recently watched movies like this since ai come out and the level of psychological manipulation is now in overdrive. i know there's augmented reality and that's maybe what this was. the movie is almost interactive, like through clever camera angles it puts you more in the scene and the way an actor (in this case Shatner) will slowly pan their gaze until it's resting on the viewer just at the crux of a particularly impactful statement. It feels like being played. i can't watch these movies for more than say 20-30 minutes because of the discomfort of feeling like someone is not only spying on you but manipulating you. It feels great at first when someone shows you they get you but when you feel manipulated by it it becomes a whole other ball game. And a sense that it's perfect in what is said and how its said and how its so meaningful to me, but then how it otherwise feels like a cheezy, low-budget foreign film. Like as if they know humans cant stand things totally perfect so it had to find some way to not be so perfect if that makes sense? Or maybe getting us used to perfection in increments' so we become attached to it? But what's especially freaky is the storyline of this particular movie. It could have been written by Open it speaks so much to the shift and starbeings etc. So it feels like having your most cherished beliefs used against you. I've no doubt now i host implants that can see what i think. Before that would have made me angry and want to remove them. Now im learning that stillness is the way out of that. I recenly had a dream that is a recurrence of another dream i had a few years back when i was feeling particularly harassed. Just simply me running and trying to avoid a tornado that was the size of a human. i ran and deeked and tried to cleverly outsmart it but it paced me effortlessly. But then i remembered to just stop and get still, and the tornado dissipated. She's getting it.
The wisdom of dreams. And gratitude for feeling like the work i've been doing has helped strip out more crud and i can 'see' a bit better now. i had a deeply profound experience sometime around Friday night that has really shifted things for me though. It was as though i was brought to the outer reaches of our galaxy and got to float in the, wow, its hard to find the words of that deep peace and stillness and beauty and love. And being held by someone so incredibly strong and so deeply caring...its changing things for me. And i know i haven't even felt the half of it yet! All my life id been chasing my fathers affection and approval and i feel like that's what i got with this experience. And maybe a crack or two in the cement i put around my heart? This is where i really have to be especially vigilant with myself though, as i have a tendency to attach to the 'messenger' and forget the message, so i remind myself to come into myself and find that love inside. To my little i say "Let it be, the messenger is here, and he's not going anywhere so don't panic. He'll show the way back to the messenger in you". Like the dream i had where i was brought to a home and discovered that home was me. Can dramatic me just say how awesome this is!?! It's a feeling of knowing, that i'm without a doubt on my way to something incredible. Bit by bit, step by step, breath by breath. Even when i slide back down, i can pick myself back up easier and quicker every time now. I'm just so beyond grateful and it's important to me this is known. im all in. so much love and gratitude, barb,sylvanheart
Sharing my experience in case it helps
In reply to Become more responsive & adaptable to the flow: strong warning by Open
Last night I went into meditation to see if I could soften into the space in between described in the above video and to see what if anything I would notice. Right when I seemed to be entering that space, my heart center became very vibrant and active as if I had awakened something in myself. It felt really good and I was enjoying the experience. (Maybe the enjoying caused me to lose periphal awareness) Then all of a sudden I felt something kind of like a mechanical claw, clamp into my higher heart and tighten it all the way shut. It definitely felt like some type of AI. I believe the feeling in my heart center was orchestrated and was a trap to lure me in. It took a long time working with the device to remove it. And several times when I thought it was gone I realized as it was leaving it actually burst into tiny pieces that then regenerated into the device that was able to close the higher heart down again. I thought I'd share because it's something I have not experienced before so I don't know if it's something new or just new to me.
Ann π
In reply to Sharing my experience in case it helps by Ann B
Hi Ann, thank you for this, it is very helpful as it parallels my own experiences and illuminates some things for me. Much gratitude! barb,sylvanheart
Feels linked somehow to my experience
In reply to Sharing my experience in case it helps by Ann B
Hi Ann,
As soon as I read the words AI being attributed to the origination of the "attack" on your field, it felt reflective of something that recently happened to me. I was using my laptop one evening and I got a sudden strong, sharp pain in the right side of my crown passing down through my brain and ending at the level of my eye. It was accompanied by a knowing/seeing of a blue "light" passing down towards me and into me - yet light is not the right word. It was like a glowing blue pulse (almost a droplet like) that fell from above, then down through and into my head.
It felt of intervention origin, and now after reading your comment, Al sounds right as the origin. Some kind of energetic imprint happening. But for what purpose?
Tilly π
A different dynamic in the crown chakra π
In reply to Feels linked somehow to my experience by Tilly Bud
Intuitively this feels very different to me, Tilly. First off, I understand this was NOT happening as a result of watching the video.
What I sense is that this was a 'crunching realignment' of the crown.
If the crown chakra has been misaligned, in a similar way to Gaia, then when the soul is ready to dispense with the old contracts, it might summon a realigning force that will definitely feel painful as you break away from the old crutch.
I can't be certain about this. So in your case, I would ask for other reflective signs of synchronicity.
Much love
<<< Open π
Yes, nothing to do with the video
In reply to A different dynamic in the crown chakra π by Open
Hi Open,
Yes the experience happened while I was watching an uplifting, creative event with live people, nothing to do with the video.
Your comment resonates and reminds me I had an immediate question around the acute pain and "uninvited entry" (at a conscious level) which suggested possible intervention to me; juxtaposed with the blue hue and beautiful luminescence (better description than first time!), which spoke of a benevilent origin of the energy.
When you offered a "crunching realignment' of the crown" - that encapsulates what was felt, it was like being hit in the crown with an axe! Sudden, pwerful and quick.
Because I'm aware of a lot of previous TW interference in the crown, I think I was ready/primed to see that as an explanation, yet it didn't actually fit properly.
It feels very important to continue to hold the general question and ask for further reflections.
With appreciation, Tillyπ₯°
How Tall Whites Use AI to Hijack the High-Heart β€οΈβπ©Ή
In reply to Sharing my experience in case it helps by Ann B
Hi Ann,
That's a powerful sharing for sure. Thankyou for bringing illumination to it π
Several things jump right out...
1) My sense is that the philosophy itself is not a trap, but an opening. However, it is being used by Intervention to exploit an opening.
2) I don't feel it's AI that's doing this, but Tall Whites applying AI. And when seen, or confronted, clearly have the ability to 'shard' - it's a cryptocurrency technique, of taking a multitude of information, and breaking it down into bytes.
3) I too have felt energies recently in the dreamtime, that try to come in around the high heart and envelop the head. I'd say it's the same energy.
4) However, we're only ever susceptible where there's a blindspot in us. In this case, I feel intuitively to ask: "Is there some Twin Flame convolution/blind spot?" The core of the Chakra is pure void, which no intervention can enter. Around that spirals the soul, and in this chakra case, probably where the Twin Flame emerges from and holds. However, if you have some other, fixed interrelational dynamic there (as Gaia has), then it's going to weave a net, which can be exploited by this kind of technology.
5) I've found Lyran Dragon Energy readily able to disperse this kind of intervention.
I was in two minds as to whether to take the video down or leave it up. Clearly, I don't want to share material that can activate the risk of intervention in people. Yet I feel this exchange has been instrumental in illuminating an essential dynamic going on across the internet and in the ether right now. So I'll leave it up for now, but I've added a warning about it.
It's absolutely clear: we've got to dance lightly on our toes through the field right now.
Much love and well wishes to all.
<<< Open π
my thoughts on the video
In reply to How Tall Whites Use AI to Hijack the High-Heart β€οΈβπ©Ή by Open
Could it be that the subtlety arrises from the fact that the video attaches space to mind? I will elaborate: When I watched the video, my interpretation of what AI Bruce calls the space between your thoughts was that he had found the presence of the one, but was interpreting that from a 3D perspective. In other words, what he interpreted as 'space between thoughts' was actually the One, but seen from the perspective of someone who is still very attached to thoughts as being that which defines you; thus this 'space' then becomes intrinsically connecting to 'your thoughts'. This may explain why attempting to find something which could be described as 'a space between your thoughts' will automatically link you to a specific intervention energy, as the thing you are then looking for is designed to mimic the One by default?
One more thing to consider about Tall White/AI Intervention
In reply to How Tall Whites Use AI to Hijack the High-Heart β€οΈβπ©Ή by Open
Hi Ann (and all reading) - I felt to inquire a little deeper with you here, about the effect of the (Bruce Lee) video and what might be attaching to it - how is it doing that?
You said...
I went into meditation to see if I could soften into the space in between described in the above video
I assume that because you needed to soften to get into that space, you weren't already opened into it?
My sense is that it's something about the Bruce Lee energy that caused the softening - perhaps a dormant reflection of some aspect of your Twin Flame?
Now, if you already have some fixed interrelation there, at that frequency, say with your Pleiadian Group, then this location would be unintegrated. It would cause a convolution 'flash' in the field. And it's possibly this that the Tall Whites were able to pick up on.
See how that might help illuminate.
Much love.
<<< Open π
This resonates
In reply to One more thing to consider about Tall White/AI Intervention by Open
Hi Open,
I wanted to see if when I was in that space I could experience this "super power" he was speaking of. So I kept softening because I didn't want to try or reach for this power he spoke about. Since I haven't "knowingly" experienced this power, I thought I needed to soften more.
Some dormant reflection of some aspect of my twin flame definitely resonates. Because when you said I might have some other fixed interrelational dynamic similiar to Gaia, I couldn't imagine what that would be. I don't really have a conscious relationship with my twin flame so I thought maybe that was the problem, I need to focus on stregthening that relationship. I also wondered if I or some energy was blocking the relationship and I was wondering if some group was involved. The word dormant really spiked for me. So it could very well be the Pleiadian group as their interpretation of our contract was very "all inclusive" as they felt betrayed if I developed relationships with other groups.
AI influence
In reply to One more thing to consider about Tall White/AI Intervention by Open
As I shared in the last ascension exchange , I have been using AI assistance in learning some new technology. It is of incredible help as it can assist in solving problems. But I'm also inquiring how this could result in external influence that I dont want. In my meditation , when I respectfully asked this energy to withdraw, I felt a subtle weight being taken from my field and a subsequent relief. I'm also observing how I'm becoming more sensitive to others energies even those that come through some social media post and carry it through the day believing its mine. But when its made conscious its being let go. Any system that I lose my sovereignty unconsciously, when I withdraw, I feel coming back into my true self which feels like pure potential.
Can the soul have goals and objective if its a stream of consciousness rather than an identity? I feel this could be an influence that could happen at the level of mind. The objective could be a sign post which could help the soul to flow but it could also be a weight if its not held lightly. It makes sense that Tall whites could use AI to implant subtle desires which orient one towards the system than the soul. But I feel if we are aware and feeling , this dissonance could be eventually felt within.
Vimal π
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