Arcturian energy
I've heard a few times over the years in the Openahnd community that people are unclear on how the Arcturian energy feels and how it can help them. So, I thought I'd start a forum topic so people can share their own perspectives and experiences. Maybe we can come a little closer to clarity :-)
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My thoughts...
From my Guides...they come in 2 sizes, around 5' and very tall...the smaller ones help someone I know to do Beautiful energy Healing work. The taller ones are of higher vibration. They like to create conceptual tools that help Humans connect to Source and to rise in frequency. Very Beautiful energy! I was asked many years ago to work with a pair, a male and a female as Guides, but felt then, I wasn't ready for it...sliding doors, wonder if I had, where I would be now :)
Lovely Arcturian Insight
In reply to My thoughts... by Takeli
Hi Takeli, welcome to Openhand π
Thanks for your lovely Arcturian insight. When I connect with them, often the quirky little Yoda comes to mind. I find him a useful metaphor of the sense of the energy I pick up from them...
Much love
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How Arcturian energy feels to me
Hi everyone,
The Arcturian energy is one I've explored into in the past and embodied here and there.
For me the Arcturians find great joy in witnessing events/situations. They're very good at seeing patterns in how things play out - it's less like the sacred geometry of the Andromedans, and more like witnessing the weaving of reality. I could also describe it having a great knowledge of how all the colours are mixed to produce a great painting.
This abilty to see patterns also gives them a great sense of humour. Like having a twinkle in you eye because you see the absurdity of the cosmic joke and what's playing out in front of you.
Sometimes Arcturian energy can seem a little mischievious, though not ever in a way that would cause pain. Perhaps they might behave in an odd or unpredictable way simply to see how it affects the reality around them.
The energy can also be catalytic, but in a very light way - like laughing and gently pushing a child who is learning to ride a bike for the first time - experiencing it with them and yet also being the witness.
I'm curious to know other people's thoughts and experiences around Arcturian energy.
Much love
Arcturians - great also with technology
In reply to How Arcturian energy feels to me by Richard W
Hi Rich,
Yes, I very much share much of what you've said here about your experiences with the Arcturian energy.
I would also add that they're very adept technically. I often find, that where I have tech problems, all I have to do is call on them, and it seems to help resolve things pretty quickly.
Best wishes
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