The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets

What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. 🙏

Bright Blessings

Open Praying Emoji

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I am usually quite averse to video's with the 'this will blow your mind' kind of title, but this one did not show up for no reason. It explains and visualizes in 20 minutes how intention and sound are intertwined with reality. I recommend this for anyone who seeks more clarity on how and why one person can have a profound positive or negative impact 'just by saying stuff'.

In reply to by Love-the-journey


What a tremendous video LtJ - quite stunning indeed: how our words, thoughts and feelings shape the toroidal field that we're a part of.

The only thing I would caution against is the prickly subject of intention. Where is the intention coming from? If it's ego, then you'll simply create an egoic landscape. But if it's from the soul, then we'll move our Torus in alignment with the natural Toroidal Flower of Life itself.

Thanks for sharing
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Yes, I tend to look past the intention elements most so often add to this kind of knowledge. :) I assume most people here will do the same.

What it mostly spoke of to me is an insight into how it is possible that someone can make you feel small; if they set an intention through applying their willpower with their voice, it infuses their torus and if your own torus is not as strong, you will be susceptible to creating thoughts and feelings from the impact of theirs; subconsciously agreeing to whatever it is they decide to 'inform' you of, i.e. lay their truth on you. It also brings clarity to the meaning of speaking truth; it now no longer comes down to simply being honest to yourself and overcoming the fear of what others think. It is now clear to me how speaking truth goes beyond the impact on yourself and ripples out into the field.

In reply to by Love-the-journey


It must be more than spoken words/sounds that create...visualisation with strongly felt Love creates; and those who speak telepathically rather than verbally would surely also create via toroidal and scalar frequencies.

I wonder what effect the default frequency sound the carrier wave more in lower dimensional frequencies, or is it universal? And where do symbols that are very pure fit in, crop circles, the list goes on 😍

In reply to by Takeli


Indeed Takeli, this are all ways in which reality creates - toning, but without making sound, for example. Or visualising sacred geometry.

I think the crucial thing is, recognising when they're naturally emergent at a soul level. Rather than the mind owning them and creating from the lower self inspiration - which then tends to go astray.

But yes, there are bountiful ways to create!

Well wishes
<<< Open 💎


The Shift in the balance of energies on the planet is massive right now - there's a strong opening in the field, with new infusions of energies coming through. We're especially feeling it here in the heart chakra of the planet, Glastonbury.

How are you experiencing it where you are?

In reply to by Open


The Glastonbury Heart Chakra is positively pulsating right now, with the infusion of new Shift energies. It's perfect timing, right ahead of our Pilgrimage here in the mystical Isle of Avalon (as it is known far and wide). If you're looking for a positive booster to transform your life, then explore what's in store...

Mystical Isle of Avalon Pilgrimage November 2024


In the UK right now, (and in other places of the world) you can feel the shadowy hand of the system creating fear, exacerbation and even rioting as an excuse to exert greater control. It's exactly because they are desperate, and losing grip. For a spiritual being, it's an opportunity to forge spiritual stoicism...


No matter what people say in the spiritual mainstream, you cannot successfully manufacture belief..."believe it and you make it so." This ultimately fails. Why?

Let's say you have inner doubt and fear, encapsulated in karma. No amount of plastering over with manufactured belief is going to heal it. Your surface layer of (false) belief might work for a while, because you're projecting the idea through the mind. But at some point, the karma is going to trip you up.

How to deal with it then?

Where lack of self-belief arises, or doubt in your capacity to mediate through the landscape, the key is to allow it to be - to explore into it; to express with it. Then to be observing yourself inquiring about it.

You have every right to exist.
You have every right to be here as a being.
You have every right to thrive as a soul.

When you contemplate them deeply, going right back to the nature of the Universe and to the very first principles of how the Universe happened, and how the soul emerges from the source, then ultimately, all of the above statements must be true.

It's easy for me to say this. But you actually have to go there to realise it for yourself. And this is no easy journey - because it involves going through the inner density. That's where you have to forge through, by breaking through. That's when you realise all of the above three statements are true.

In this approach, you forge Self-Belief - belief in self. And you forge the belief that somehow, you will mediate through.

This kind of belief becomes unstoppable.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💙

In reply to by Open


Wow, still mind-blowing the synchronicities! Yesterday was contemplating some subliminal recordings I'd downlaoded awhile back but stopped using for these very reasons. Thank you for the uplifting words that I was just reminding myself of only last night. Still with defiance but increasing belief. I have a right to be here! (And so does everyone else!) Gratitude🙏

In reply to by sylvanheart


I'm glad it helped 🙏

Yes, we all have a right to be here, but... there's an essential caveat: the ego is a falsehood, and while it can be here to explore, I could say it has no ultimate right to exist - why? Because the Universe is constantly resolving out distortion - ego is distortion.

So while still in the ego, and still being governed by its direction and choices, then there's no guarantee at all that one would mediate through the situation. Because all constructs that egos create, will ultimately perish.

That's why it's essential to keep breaking through into the soul. This alone has the chance to become immortal.


<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Wow, I find this comment so interesting. The soul has a right to exist, but ultimately the ego doesn't. Because in order for there to be a right, it has to be conferred by some value system. The ego must primarily have a right because it's the mechanism by which soul streams explore density ( on behalf of the one), although they can get mired in karma and have to resolve out. The value system there would be the route by which source resolves out error, possibly evolving to a nirvana like state. Or it could be seen as light penetrating darkness, to retrieve aspects of consciousness lost in creation's process. The interesting term is 'ultimately', in that, presumably, once the ego has served it's purpose, it should dissolve in an aligned mechanism. But that is the quantum flow just being, flowing and correcting through laws of attraction. Viewed from a higher perspective, the dissolution of ego serves the greater good. But having no rights doesn't sound quite right to me. Am I being mired in linear language or unnecessarily looping here? I'm also conscious that my ego mind may be acting as it's own barrister here. Bigfoot, Entwhistle and sons.

In reply to by Open


Coming from the sense of ego attachment to past hurts, this is very liberating and exciting, but still a bit scary. The concept is not new of course but the practice is stalled. The tardy student. An invitation to let go of all I've been carrying for so long. Feeling relaxed tonight, on a whim I take kitty for a stroll (she's accustomed to leash walking) and I 'test' it. Be where you are now. Relax any tightness. Drop those shoulders. Gentle and slow. Observe, bring inner attention to bear. There's something there alright. My spine tingles at this awareness. So subtle, and it must be held so delicately or risk it slipping away. The world is so rich and magical from this place. Im more relaxed than usual and kitty feels this and is calmer herself, bolder. I let her lead and we freewheel, not far but even though the area is familiar, I see things in a new way. We stop and I'm comforted and grounded by the lazy scree of a cricket. Drop those shoulders. Like clouds parting I look at my apartment from the walk and it's no longer a prison but a ship in the night against a backdrop of sultry sunset-kissed clouds, taking me if I allow it, to new horizons. I resist so much at what so very much wants to happen. Mind is telling stories again, come back to here, now. We rest at a great oak. Stop in front a building marked by the word Aztech and a matching circular sign with a terra cotta sun. Stop in front a flag that says "welcome". Breathe. Drop those shoulders for the tenth time. I am so tight! To the back of the building where we sit and watch a bunny. I look for stars amidst the clouds and remember a dream, peering deep into another part of the galaxy and the feeling is indescribable. Space is so much fuller and more alive than I realized. Now to make this my daily orientation. Can I hold it even through my distortions and challenging interactions? Can I learn to keep letting go in the moment? Stay fully present and aware in every moment? With these connections and supports, methinks yes. I contract down a bit knowing I will inevitably fall again, but my faith is increasing in myself bit by bit with the help of friends. Thank you friends🙏

In reply to by sylvanheart


You said...

Be where you are now. Relax any tightness. Drop those shoulders. Gentle and slow. Observe, bring inner attention to bear. There's something there alright. My spine tingles at this awareness. So subtle, and it must be held so delicately or risk it slipping away.

Yes. And, with delicacy there is focus. If the focus remains, then the delicacy becomes steadfast establishment. It has rightness and anchoring with it.

It becomes very solid.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Zoe


I found this totally heart-warming and inspiring - what a beautiful metaphor to everyone on the path, finding and expressing their soul.

He also goes into the "self-saboteur" right at the end... how there can be a fear of what we could become, that we've actually found the path, and what if you now lose it?

The path is your unique expression of soul - and it will always find a way. But things may have to change and we need to be willing to embrace change. We need to find the trust in that, by confronting all our fears.

Thanks so much for the share, I found it very touching.

<<< Open 💎


When you find the going gets tough, and you can't always see the light through the trees, it's essential to keep moving forward, based on the feelings coming through the soul. Because with each step you take, the landscape will reshape in ways you couldn't have necessarily imagined. This is what I call the 'spiritual gym'...