Dracos (Lizard people)
Hi Open
I came across some info last week that has put me in a bit of a tail spin.The claim is that the Dracos (Lizard people) have also changed humans, they installed the chakras , kundalini and the 3rd eye with the aim to get us worshiping the wrong god, which is them and then harvesting our energy.Any thoughts?Blessings. Paul
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Realigning Reptilian Entities in the Field 🐉
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your question. Firstly to say, there are many levels of Intervention happening - that all layers of the planetary field have been influenced. As I explained in the book, DIVINICUS, the reptilians (Lizard people as you put it), have held one layer of that field, in alliance with the Old Annunaki and Greys - although things have evolved greatly past that alliance in recent times.
They didn't 'install the human chakras' - that's a misunderstanding of what the chakras actually are. They form naturally as the soul emerges from the source within, and into the various layers of the bodymind. But what the reptilians have done, is to place filters over the chakras. Like, for example, the base chakra and that of lower mind. Such filters get people manipulating life in an exploitative way, which consumes different frequencies of energy, which the reptilians have then fed off (from your field).
It's essential to say that the reptilians are now realigning and extracting from the planetary field, which is a process begun several years ago and assisted by their ancestors, the Draco, who realigned with the light aeons ago. Where there are reptilians still around in the field, or in a person's own field, they too can be realigned through appropriate inner work. They can become supportive Dragon energy in your life.
It's with this in mind that we created the video below, "Healing the Wounded Dragon"...
For more on the reptilians and the Draco, check this Openhand article:
Close Encounters with Reptilian and Draconian Entities in the 5D Earth Shift
Bright blessings
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Thanks Open Thats really…
In reply to Realigning Reptilian Entities in the Field 🐉 by Open
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