How the Shift can make You INVINCIBLE for Your Existence

Submitted by Open on Tue, 02/25/2025 - 15:56

We're entering the zone in the Shift where everything begins to accelerate - it goes exponential. This is where there's the maximum to gain from our journey. It's exactly why souls choose to incarnate here at this time, even though it will become tremendously challenging. It becomes possible to attain an inner actualisation of the soul, where you feel Invincible in life itself. It's a tremendous possibility, enabling you to continuously create, yet be completely free at the same time. How is it possible?

The Feeling of Arrival

On the path of the soul, there's a point where you can attain the feeling of Invincibility. It's an astounding sense of fulfillment, acceptance of self, and the ability to forge forwards, no matter what. It's a tremendous attainment, because it means that you can endure anything the Universe has to throw at you, but still progress through.

It becomes a feeling of accomplishment inside. Arrival. And in my experience, there's nothing quite like it.

It's certainly not arrogance though. It's not a belief of infallibility, and it's certainly not the idea of any kind of perfection. So what is it exactly?

Transform your life in the Shift, with leading-edge spiritual illumination...

Preparedness to Fail

Invincibility arises from your ability to deal with failure, by making mistakes. For things to constantly break down. You're working toward goals and possibilities, those that naturally present in your consciousness, through the Torus. They flash as visions in higher mind, for example, and the heartfelt pull. You commit yourself to these, because you've realised they will deliver the actualisation of soul - which you come to know as purpose and destiny.

Many of these dreams, visions and possibilities will unlikely come to fruition - in the form they began. It's because the field iterates through different configurations until it lands as a step or a completion. And creation spirals in quantum timespace. The identity layers will focus in on something, but the end completion may shift to a different probability, before it lands.

This means you've got to become fluid and flexible. Innovation and ingenuity become the currency of true success. Being prepared to adapt to new situations and circumstances as they arise. Everything is constantly evolving and growing, assuming we allow it to. We'll challenge those around us to be more of what they can become. We'll expect the Universe to deliver ever greater realisation and harmony.

Discover 7 Ways to Innovate To Evolutionary Success

Breaking Through

Invincibility is not grounded in success, in terms of a particular outcome, but on the ability and willingness to deal with failure. To express, have it all go 'horribly wrong', but then to explore, inquire, and ask: Why did it go that way? Where was my distortion? What do I now need to integrate in order to move through?

Maybe it's a new creative project that speaks into your heart and soul. Maybe it's a new meditative practice or service you feel to bring to the world. Or a new book project? Yet it doesn't seem to want to lift off. It doesn't gain recognition or traction. Is that a reason to give up? Ask yourself why you began, what fired your passion. Now, what are the feedback loops in the multidimensional field telling you. How can you come at this in a slightly different way - ones that is more accurate and authentically you.

In short, you're learning about the truth of yourself and your journey. That reality is a process, of constant Breakthrough, within the great Flower of Life.

Learn the Openhand Process of Breakthrough, for mastering your journey

Crucible of Profound Self-Realisation

Where you can master working toward goals, fundamental ones of being in relationship, for example, and yet not attach to how things turn out or how they go, then you've entered the crucible of profound self-realisation and growth. You're now actively engaging with the only thing that's going on in life itself.

To be clear, the Intervention here wants you to fail. If it can get you to succumb to the tired old ways, the tired old expectations of conformity within their system, then they've succeeded. They've limited you into the Simulation, which drolls out daily monotony and conformity. The soul is then trapped. Harvested.

Still many are falling prey to this insipid Simulation. And as you work to break free, you'll likely feel the constant pushback, transmitted through those around you. "You can't possibly step out and be that, can you?"

But I'm reminded of the wonderful scene from The Matrix, as Neo is thinking to escape the revelations and return to his old life: "You've been there Neo, you know exactly where it goes. You know where it ends." (Trinity)

And so you reach the point of no going back. No half measures of acquiescence. This is when you're ready to forge the sense of Invincibility.

Phoenix from the Ashes

Invincibility is not an arrogant feeling. And definitely not one of complacency. You're abundantly aware that your very existence presents irreconcilable challenges to the system, and those around you. And you know, that time and again, you'll make mistakes, you'll fail, and at times, even come crashing down.

But here's the point:

Something tells you to keep getting up. To dust yourself off, and keep forging forward. To innovate and create, from a slighly different focus - that which has learned from what took place; one that is prepared to fail yet again. But then one day, you reach a point, where you look back, and get the sense of:

"Voila. My God. Just look at what I've come through. Look at what I've endured and forged through!"

The feeling of Invincibility then renders itself from the ashes of previous failure. Like the Pheonix within.

You know, that no matter what then presents in life, there's an inner belief that somehow, you'll make it through. This is, of itself, true success. And the feeling of fulfillment, even amidst dramatic change, is utterly priceless.

If You're Reading this...

Everyone reading and actively engaging in the Shift, has the possibility of attaining this sense of Invincibility.

You can come to embody it. And there's nothing quite like it. Which is why souls from across the cosmos are still incarnating here at this time, amidst phenomenal challenge and transfromation, as we forge through dramatic change, into a bright new future.

To be clear though, it's not for the faint-hearted. It's not about just dipping your toes in. It's about wholehearted commitment. Thrusting yourself into the profound crucible of growth.

To inspire, here's an Openhand video on how to approach the process, and what you could possibly gain:

Attaining Invincibility?
If you believe yourself to be one of those souls, then Openhand could help you unfurl that priceless sense of Invincibility:

Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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At the beginning of the article when you said "even though it will become tremendously challenging" the first thought that went through my head is I have no desire to be here when things get tremendously challenging. It doesn't excite me at the soul level to be here for the event. The Universe has thrown a lot at me and I've navigated through but I don't feel invincible. Or maybe in my own way I do. But to me to invincible is an adrenaline filled ray 1 "bring it on" warrior quality and doesn't feel like part of my harmonic.

What feels really right in every cell of my being and coming from my soul at this point in the shift is to work on whatever I need to work on to be ready and able to successfully perform maya samadhi. And what just landed is it's more than a goal, it's part of my mission, part of my soul contract or maybe the renegotiated contract with the Pleiadians and will be a healing for them. When they originally agreed to come here and things got too difficult for them they either didn't know how to leave by their choosing or they thought by doing so they'd fail their mission. My doing so will be healing for the whole group.

I've been told my soul will know when it's time to leave and I'll know how to do it. I want to believe that. But as of right now, on the conscious level I don't have that confidence. I also know as things break down, my role as a planetary facilitator will ramp up even more. So I imagine there will be this dance of being ready to go, but since I came here to help with the shift not being sure if my work here is done or if it's too soon to go.

In reply to by Ann B


Hi Ann,

Perhaps you're hearing my expression of "Invincible" just through the warrior aspect, which is a ready frequency of my nature ⁉️ πŸ˜‰

But the warrior doesn't have to be about 'fighting'. The greatest facet of martial arts for me, was when I discovered surrender within it all - to come from the place of Ray 2 vulnerability. Because this informed the 'play'. And dropping the 'martial' part entirely, there's a 'sparring' with truth, that leads to a rightful outcome. Which can happen in all field dynamics: You explore the variables, 'jive' with the possibility, until the solution then materialises.

So Invincibility can arise as a feeling from all various soul-ray-harmonics. It's not overpowering a situation. Just knowing that somehow, you can make it through. That you have the faculties and wherewithal to accomplish the step in front of you.

I would say there's clearly a filter around the phrase: "tremendously challenging" (something to regress into and unravel through πŸ™).

You can work on a rubics cube and be tremendously challenged. You could be realigning the field and be tremendously challenged. You could be doing crochet, and feel tremendously challenged! But how we deal with it, rests in how we perceive it. If we put it through a filter, then the risk is, we don't feel the solution, and the path through the landscape.

When we filmed on the volcano recently, I was surprised how crumbly, unstable, but also how harsh, the crystallised solidified lava flow was. But then later that evening, as we meditated together in the barn for our final supper, we experienced the field bending, shifting and morphing. I knew it was due to the energies moving within the volcano. The feeling was one of tremendous excitement and transcendence - the density and intransigence of the body now becoming fluid and oscillating. It was a tremendous feeling of excitement, adventure and freedom.

As I also said in the article, many have come here at this time because of the very special circumstances of the Shift, and what it becomes possible to experience.

I believe that the karma the Pleiadians generated here during their first failed incarnation attempt, was because they didn't truly process the mission before landing - they didn't take time to stand back and contemplate the complexity. They saw it all through a "love n light" filter - "everything is perfect". Thus they didn't appreciate the hardship. They underestimated the complexity of the challenge.

We need to be in truth about a given situation. To stand back and contemplate the variables involved. Then a new possibility may arise, in a different way than we're used to. But we have to be patient enough and open enough, because it might be a degree more complex than we'd at first imagined.

Yes, I agree, this can be a great healing for the Pleiadians. And for all the Starsouls of the Lemurian times. It's a key facet that I'm given to write about.

Bright blessings,
Because the future is bright!
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

When you wrote about being invincible, I read the words and could also feel the energy underneath. So very possible what I was reading was coming through your warrior frequency and I was picking up on that. When I navigate through I usually don't have a sense of attainment or accomplishment you speak of because it seems like every time it's different and just as hard. So I guess I thought those feelings were all part of the warrior frequency.

I may have a filter around tremendously challenging and will look at that but maybe I just misunderstood what you were talking about. I don't mean day to day things. My matrix jobs were always extremely challenging, I enjoy games and puzzles that have a challenge to them, I've been through very challenging life events, done challenging sports,etc. What I thought you were talking about is being able to survive physically on this planet will become tremendously challenging. I don't know where I'm from but I know it's not here. So at the soul level, I don't see how it will benefit me to take on such a physical challenge if I'm not physical. I understand what I'm trying to say but maybe no one else does :)


26/02/2025 Shift Insight: Invincibility

It's been a tough ride here over twenty years, bringing an approach forward that challenges just about everything out there - especially, and including, the spiritual mainstream (which, to my mind, is mostly governed by the Intervention).

But it's been entirely worth it. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Not a jot easier... "Bring it on!"

I came to realise the priceless sense of quiet Invincibility. Definitely not brash, loud or arrogant. There's simply no need. That would be the antithesis of the quiet inner sense of arrival that I'm speaking of. And that you won't be squashed in your right to express.

Neither is it about attaining some sense of infallibility - it's more the willingness to take a chance, express, fail, process through, then get right back up again.

I felt to share this perspective above today, as the Shift accelerates, and the challenges present more regularly. See how it might inspire you to forge through your difficulties.

Profound love and well wishes
<<< Open ❀️