All comments
- Moon time and the menstrual cycle 🌖04.06.23
- Honouring the pain and divine feminine04.06.23
- Processing the removal of synthetic womb or implant04.06.23
- Disease Normalized04.06.23
- Absolutely Appropriate!03.06.23
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart …03.06.23
- 3D story with some parallels?03.06.23
- The Pain IS the healing!03.06.23
- Distortions are difficult and painful 03.06.23
- Red Dragon Rising - Kundalini on the Move 🌄03.06.23
- Endometriosis - where uterus lining grows outside the womb03.06.23
- Thank you sincerely Open💜…02.06.23
- White & Red Dragon and feminine energy02.06.23
- Yes Hannah, wow, what…02.06.23
- Womb - moon connection02.06.23
- Releasing intervention02.06.23
- Exploring challenges with birthing implants02.06.23
- Next episode 5D Shift Podcast: Kundalini Rising (trailer)02.06.23
- Working with Rising Kundalini to illuminate blockages02.06.23
- Containing sexual Kundlini through Tantra02.06.23