All comments
- reflections welcome28.02.24
- Emotional release for loss - moving Mei-Lan music28.02.24
- Unravelling emotional/mental/physical reactivity to karma28.02.24
- Shattering process of awakening - light at the end of the tunnel28.02.24
- heart whale energy28.02.24
- Ann's Reflections27.02.24
- a few reflections27.02.24
- Thank You & Pushing Through27.02.24
- Journey of the Divine Servant 27.02.24
- How to Process Your Journey if Karma Has Been Wiped27.02.24
- Devastating Realisation27.02.24
- This inquiry and exchange…26.02.24
- The Whale Nation and the Original Lemurians26.02.24
- I'd say yes26.02.24
- Ancient Lemurian Whale Energy?26.02.24
- new type of karma for me26.02.24
- Oh, that mysterious Soul. …26.02.24
- Why do some people not recall past lives?26.02.24
- 7 Ways to Ensure Soul-Harvesting doesn't happen to You26.02.24
- The final temptation on the precipice of absolution25.02.24