All comments
- Another question for Open20.08.15
- Crop circles astounding indeed19.08.15
- commendable17.08.15
- Synchronicity17.08.15
- Astounding crop circles 201517.08.15
- Latest article on psychic attack16.08.15
- Confused16.08.15
- just start again15.08.15
- Franken "crops"15.08.15
- nice to hear15.08.15
- A necessary evil15.08.15
- <314.08.15
- <314.08.15
- I just love this article....14.08.15
- burtond14.08.15
- Absolute Vulnerability13.08.15
- clumsy13.08.15
- Yes, words can be so clumsy13.08.15
- Further into the flow13.08.15
- Being13.08.15