All comments
- expectation is not reality05.03.13
- Accepting pain for what it is04.03.13
- is this a pain-thingy thread? :)04.03.13
- Heya! : )04.03.13
- Myth busters26.02.13
- Recommended source for the detoxing ingredients please09.12.17
- Following my bliss25.02.13
- The authentic path22.02.13
- Gateway and Star Soul21.02.13
- Powerful and a 'touch' unsettling26.03.15
- perfect timing20.02.13
- The Power of Being video16.02.13
- Archangel16.02.13
- Truly inspiring. Thanks13.02.13
- Thankyou13.02.13
- Power of Being13.02.13
- The soft option04.02.15
- Ever stronger mirrors09.01.15
- Lemurian experiment 06.08.19
- A comet01.02.13