All comments
- Connected karma and destiny25.05.14
- Is karma genetic?19.01.12
- Painting by numbers25.05.14
- agendas17.01.12
- Aha...17.01.12
- Shared karma25.05.14
- I looked into a lot of this a17.01.12
- The effect of DNA on our evolution25.05.14
- Confused of Berkshire25.05.14
- The reconstitution of Gaia25.05.14
- 'Benevolent' hand, opposing hand25.05.14
- The seeding of humanity25.05.14
- Aliens15.01.12
- The pyramids25.05.14
- Aliens25.05.14
- we are not alone!25.05.14
- From all angles...22.12.11
- Negating the intervention31.03.14
- Enlightenment and lucid dreaming31.03.14
- Dreams and attacks21.12.11