Inspiring video, movies, quotes, divine poetry, spiritual humour, recommended reading and anything else. What floats your boat?

Connecting with Nature

went out for a walk in the 'wilds' earlier. It was windy and rainy and though I was walking down country lanes not mountain paths I began to feel a real earthy wildness. The wind blew stronger and stronger and as I connected with it I felt the raw nature of it, the primal energy of Nature. It felt like it could smash the world to pieces. I realised something really interesting 'wildness' is a state of mind, a state of being, natural is within.

Red Lightning

Visible sprites of red lightning flash.
Invisible lavender smells become visible by
vibrating purple plants swaying in storm winds.
As thunder clashes, this warrior takes a break.

Setting down sword and shield for a moment,
the invisible becomes visible. I see the game
for what it is. There is nothing to war about.
It is time to stop and ask for openness.

Sticking to familiar hides invisible potentials.
Response is allowed to come.
Action becomes visible. Exchanging
sword for hoe, warrior becomes gardener.


Icy visitors from outer realms
race in predawn splendor towards the sun.
ENCKE particles alight in excited rhythms.
Flares trigger LiNEAR memories that hurt.
We have to release them sometime
and its time to change the story.

Four notoriously fickle messengers
gain our attention or lack of.
We the collective need this
exact amount of drama.
Our intention is to be on this version
to activate giving or receiving wisdom.

Prayer for the Day Completion

Prayer for the Day: Completion/2

Some days my raggedy edge of ego creates schisms. Dichotomies both inside and out result in struggle and tension.
As I walk, cold wind nips me and
I wonder if I can do this for one more day.

Silence surrounds me. It soothes
with fleeting thoughts that maybe I don’t need to do everything.
So I let them go one by one or finish, even little things.

Solstice Poem Zombies At the Gate

There is knocking at the door and heavy breathing,
not from me.
Zombies have crashed the gate.
They smell my fear and
I hide under victim patterns from old earth.
Zombies focus on consuming. . . . me.

We have clean out our human collective closet
exposing the darkest of core issues.
It is all about first chakra survival now.
Zombies of dross shadows herd up
and creep up…… on me.

Prayer for Calming Insults

Calming Insults
I breathe into my heart and it lightens.
Counting, I slowly exhale out my crown.
I ground with breath before reacting.
I ask myself, “Is this what I want to create in this moment?”
Insults are a useful gift, my soul’s way of activating me.
Triggers reflect back my own beliefs and show me the reality of where I am.
When I realize this, I am grateful.
I remember that this is my belief right out in front of me.
I can be angry if that is who I am right now or

Prayer for the Day....Ghosts

It is a personal choice on how I want to live my life,
even so, ghosts haunt me.
Shadow sensations lurking in my energy field
hide in vague family patterns deep within my blood.

My eyes catch glimpses in the mirror.
Vacant stares lack compassion but beg for it.
Shadows lurk with a subtle stunned look.
I recognize them as parts of me. Shut down by trauma,
they became lost.

Round and Around Up and Down We Go

Richie, dressed in an orange dashiki, points to the sky.
“Come on, here comes the sun. I want to get back to my roots, let’s hop on these drinking gourds.”
His laughter is powerful and we follow him.

Grounded by a center beam, a turntable twirls the entire base.
Movement starts slowly but quickly builds.
Rainbow colored teacups spin in intense, rhythmic style and
round and around and up and down we go.

The Reset Boogie

The Reset Boogie

And so it begins . . . . the future.
Clasping hands, moving to an inner voice,
dance is the only friend I know.
Solar flares communicate an expansive waltz.
When I push, nothing pushes back. It is strange to be feeling bored.

Reset: Detached from back bending limbo and
leaps that press against gravity,
my inner male-female gracefully merge into a slow dance.
Pause. My mind taps nervous fingers.

Backstage At Heart Theater (Betrayal)

A dark shadow within my heart
whispers about a plunge into betrayal.
Its dagger stabs me deep.

My heart breaks and I hear myself cry.
It is within my trembling voice
while I’m speaking about other things.
I become use to it
and no longer question its existence.

I dance the best I can
moving in energy that haunts me.
Gracefulness does not serve me
for blood spilt on the floor is slippery.
Thankfully, red looks good on me.