Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.


These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...


Major Benevolent Action to Realign Greys During Feb Full Moon

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/06/2023 - 05:59

I can report that a major multidimensional benevolent mission engaged the Grey intervention around the earth during the build-up to the February full moon, and that a great deal of success was achieved which is most likely to have a pivotal effect on the field. To be clear, the Greys have been the key field technicians here that have locked the planet down. That intervention is being strongly rolled back by the infusing realigning energies of the Star Being Nations. These are exciting and rejuvenating times.

859 Reads

5D Shift: We're Living in Two Worlds Now - A Critical Time for Focus

Submitted by Open on Tue, 01/31/2023 - 05:09

It's become abundantly clear that we're living very much in two worlds now, not one. The Old Paradigm is still very much present, with its daily game of escalating charades, BUT, its roots are broken. It's a shape-shifting lost cause. It's there in your face, BUT, only provided your vision isn't on something more productive, more expansive. It's a critical time for focus now - the light of the new world is breaking through the darkened veils of the old, for all attuning their inner eye.

709 Reads

Planetary Shift: Mighty Metatron Commences Star Being Collaboration

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/21/2023 - 06:59

Lift your eyes up from the fakestream media being trodden underfoot. Turn your attention for more than 1 minute from the social media metaverse. Something stupendous has begun. But you'll have to look with your inner eye to perceive it. Wholesale transformation is upon us. The Archangel, Mighty Metatron, is descending from the higher dimensions, anchoring on planet earth, and commencing the Star Being Collaborations that will transform the planetary field for good.

1344 Reads

Solstice Approaches: KNOW what you want to change about YOURSELF

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/18/2022 - 07:46

The Solstice swings around once more at the end of another tumultuous year in the shift. It's a time of death and rebirth, of preparing yourself for regeneration. There's always a new you that you can find. It's buried under the layers we heap up over the years. As this density begins to crack, you'll feel the new sense of you that wants to break through. Give time and space to that. Pay homage to it. Express it and call it forth. This is the greatest act of creation you can undertake.

806 Reads

Star Being Reconciliations Beginning to Happen in the Field

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/05/2022 - 05:33

In the planetary shift right now, it's complex and convoluted, largely because of various ongoing Star Being agendas here, from the original intervention by the reptilians to the hybridisation of Homo Sapiens by the Annunaki and Greys. Meanwhile, various others, like the Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Androemdans have provided a realigning balancing energy. For a higher harmony to happen on the planet, reconciliations at the field level need to happen. I do believe we're witnessing the early signs of that.

One of the most important of motivations by the higher dimensionals supporting Earth's planetary shift, is reconciliation between the various Star Being Nations in the multidimensional field that have shaped Earth's history.

1140 Reads

5D Shift and the China Protests: Beginning of the End for Old Paradigm

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/01/2022 - 04:34

We've recently completed a tremendous energetic journey down the Nile, through the ancient grounds of the Intervention on our planet referred to as "Atlantis", where Homo Sapiens was hybridised to fit within a humungous control system. An intrepid group worked to unleash the Flower of Life, the Toroidal Flow, to uplift consciousness around the planet. My heart is greatly warmed at the conclusion therefore to witness the popular uprising in China against the globalists' agenda. Just how pivotal is this?

1023 Reads

Close Encounters with the Mayan Feathered Serpent God: Quetzalcoatl

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/03/2022 - 05:49

You can feel the balance of power shifting in America. But it won't go the way the controllers plan. Above all, the spiritual energies that have shaped the field from ancient times are realigning. This was clearly evident on retreat in Mexico recently, with direct encounters of the powerful shamanic entity known as the Quetzalcoatl: the mythical feathered Serpent God, dating back to Aztec times, binding into the Black Snake sub-fabric of society. The energy is still very much active today, weaving across much of the Americas.

458 Reads

5D Shift: 69% of Wildlife Gone...What now for Humanity and Gaia?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/16/2022 - 14:31

According to an extensive report by the World Wild Life Fund and over 40 worldwide NGOs, 69% of the world's wildlife has been destroyed, just since 1970, largely due to intensive industrial farming. That's up a staggering 20% from just a few years ago. The destruction of the natural ecosystems has gone exponential. It's crucial we hoist this onboard, because whilst we languish under the illusion of "fixing it", we'll miss the true trajectory for humanity and the planet.

630 Reads

Gaia's Torus Accelerates: Time to Begin the Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 10/06/2022 - 04:33

Day by Day Gaia's Torus is accelerating. The length of days shortening, which you may not notice physically. Except the earth's crust is detaching a degree more from the mantle, due to the increasing spin. Hence the increase in earthquakes and sinkholes. It's another milestone up the mountain that's largely going unnoticed in the mainstream. We've got to equalise with these momumental steps, to normalise the real multidimensional landscape. It's the only thing that can prepare you for what is to come.

3055 Reads

ARRIVAL: Draconian Star Fleet Arrives To Level the Playing Field

Submitted by Open on Sun, 09/18/2022 - 23:38

We're living in a terraforming world transitioning through high energy solar and galactic convergences. The karmic construct humanity is dwelling within is breaking down as consciousness elevates. The controlling forces of the shadowstate have gone into fearful manipulative overdrive. But help is at hand. Star Being nations are drawing close in support. In my direct awareness, a Star Fleet from the Draco Galaxy has arrived to extract the reptilian hives in our solar system and level the playing field. Here's how.

1578 Reads

5D Shift: The Merge Between Heaven and Earth Taking Place

Submitted by Open on Fri, 09/16/2022 - 03:43

The crop circle season in the UK this year was simply astronomic, with plentiful Star Being Nations communicating through the sacred geometry. They're drawing ever closer to support the shift, which is magical to behold. But how can they help humanity in a practical way? This was the question I asked of them at the opening of the Lion's Gate Sirius Portal back in August. They made it clear that I would be answered. I do believe we are already seeing powerful infusions backed by tangible results.

624 Reads

5D Shift: Earth's Ascension Timeline Speeds Up

Submitted by Open on Tue, 09/13/2022 - 05:48

For anyone at all concerned with the bigger picture of the Shift and what's really going on, if you're wondering what the real timeline is and how much we have left, then this 5-minute video below is absolutely essential today. Take a quality 5 minutes out to watch, and then for sure, you're going to need to take some deep breaths and to process through. It is hard-hitting. Watch the video then jump right into the inquiry with me so I can help you soften the blow...

1982 Reads