Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.

These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...

Inevitable Intervention Pushback Against Energies of Avalonia

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/06/2025 - 06:10

There's a fair old ding-dong battle happening through the planetary Torus right now. It was always likely to happen, that when the Intervention forces on the planet understood the deep significance of the new planetary soul, Avalonia, they would recalibrate, reorganise, and attempt to slow the emergence down. And so they are. At this pivotal stage in The Shift, let's explore what's unfolding, to illuminate the right path forwards.

426 Reads

Planetary Energies Strengthening as The Shift Goes Exponential

Submitted by Open on Thu, 02/06/2025 - 05:01

There's no doubt about it, planetary energies in the Shift are now going exponential, as we've turned the tide into 2025. We're witnessing copious movements in the tectonic plates, earthquakes, storms and especially the triggering of key volcanos. It all points to what we've reported during the 2024 festive season: that the planetary energies of Gaia have transmuted, toward a faster vibration we can call, Avalonia.

406 Reads

5D Shift: Baptism of Fire as we Birth The New Reality

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/12/2025 - 05:49

2025 has been billed as "The Year of Acceleration" regarding planetary consciousness. Everything that is of the old karmic construct will be directly challenged as the balance of consciousness vibrates faster. For the new to be reborn, the old must first shatter and break down. Consequently, in the early hours of the New Year, there have been several seismic events to pay attention to.

777 Reads

AVALONIA: Birth of a New Planetary Paradigm, 2025

Submitted by Open on Fri, 01/03/2025 - 08:37

I am given to raise awareness, from the Benevolent Mission, that a profound shift of consciousness has taken place for the planet through the festive season of 2024, leading to what can only be described as, "The Rebirthing" of a new planetary soul. A new soul has come in, through a sacred agreement with Gaia, and will open the pathway to a new Golden Age in 5D/6D/7D for planet Earth.

1573 Reads

Field Transformations: Master the Changes Through Freedom of Flow

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/16/2024 - 05:51

Powerful transformations are happening in the field at this time. We're in a key energetic portal, 12/12 to 21/12, which is much more than just a numerological date window. It's being amplified first by crucial Gaia realignments in her morphic fields, but what we're also witnessing, is a recalibration by the foundational layers of the Intervention. This transformation needs to be embraced and mastered, so as to sail steadily through.

656 Reads

The Great Shift: Crucial Gaia Energetic Realignments Underway

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/03/2024 - 04:59

We've begun processing through the most phenomenal unravelling mechanism imaginable, which is multidimensional and multifaceted. It's happening within the quantum field, which shapes everything, yet it's doing so gradually, so that with the naked eye, you hardly perceive the daily changes.

1196 Reads

Many Layers of the Simulation To Peel Off: Evolving Beyond

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/21/2024 - 05:35

In recent times at Openhand, we've spoken of how the balance of power in the field has strongly shifted. This is due to the fact that plentiful layers of the Intervention have been broken down. Gaia has completed her soul contract with the Matrix, and the Dragon leylines are reactivating. Thus there's more liberation and sovereignty of consciousness emergent. However, expressions of the "early demise" of the Simulation on Earth are premature.

1177 Reads

Dragon Nations Win The Day In Fight For Planetary Freedom

Submitted by Open on Tue, 11/05/2024 - 05:31

The US election was never about politics, and no matter how the mud got slung on character, at least with the winner, what you see is what you get. Rather that than the forked-tongued at the teleprompter, with strings pulled by unseen shadowy masters. The victory was far from perfect, but it's a crucial step in the right direction - that of increasing sovereignty and freedom for regular people, the popular vote.

1179 Reads

Dragon Nations Level the Playing Field in US Election and for Humanity

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/29/2024 - 05:25

Something powerful is going on in the energy field right now. It's the culmination of a series of essential confrontations of various Intervention controllers who've shaped modern society, from the shadows, since its beginnings. Through the manipulation of DNA, they've pulled the wool over consciousness in a very near complete take-over.

1115 Reads

Group of 9 vs The Council of Nine: Powerful Field Unravellings

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/15/2024 - 05:24

When the Shift to 5D is complete, and those who've ascended look back on the twist and turn of events, we'll quietly pinch each other, and marvel at the dramas that have played out before our eyes - Shakespeare's pen will quiver! No other act could have impacted life on the planet more instrumentally than the entry of the Ascended Masters. When does benevolent intention become intervention?

713 Reads

9 Earth Shattering Developments in the Planetary 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/11/2024 - 04:29

I'm writing this during an intensive Openhand Facilitator Conference, right in an eye of the storm moment, as Hurricane Milton makes landfall in Florida, USA. Indeed, we have a number of courageous souls tuning in who've been caught up in it all, and had to evacuate. It's no coincidence that the conference should be happening at this crunch moment in planetary history.

1095 Reads

Dragon Energy in the Eye of the Storm

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/08/2024 - 05:02

The infusion of Dragon Energy across the planet is strongly shifting the balance of power in the field. It is being felt at all levels, including the Intervention who are triggered and reactive. The two Hurricanes of late, in the Gulf of Mexico, by their signatures, have been looking decidedly amplified and artificial. It's most definitely an attempt to disrupt the progressive shift of power and movement to 5D.

374 Reads