AVALONIA: Birth of a New Planetary Paradigm, 2025

I am given to raise awareness, from the Benevolent Mission, that a profound shift of consciousness has taken place for the planet through the festive season of 2024, leading to what can only be described as, "The Rebirthing" of a new planetary soul. A new soul has come in, through a sacred agreement with Gaia, and will open the pathway to a new Golden Age in 5D/6D/7D for planet Earth. The new soul is calling herself, "Avalonia", out of respect and appreciation for Gaia's valiant service here throughout her history.
Essential for Each to Explore
I'm given to share this information with all who have the ears to hear, and sensitivity to feel. I do completely understand that it will take some considerable exploration and integration, which I greatly encourage. I also welcome your healthy skepticism, because what I'm about to share, although 100% real for me, must be realised by each individual for it to be real for them.
I do encourage an open heart and mind, because I do believe in so doing, you will come to gain massively from the revelation.
To be clear, I am relating from my own experiences and perceptions of shifts in the quantum field, which can only be defined as possibilities and probabilities. Until that is, they become realised.
Festive Communion
Throughout the festive season, I have sat in meditative communion with the higher dimensional Ascended Masters, various of the Star Being Nations supporting the Shift, the planetary Devas, and also with Gaia. Two vital questions were posed at this critical juncture of the Shift:
1) Has there been sufficient opening of the planetary field, from the Intervention, in order to activate an acceleration of frequency to meet the Grand Galactic Convergence leading to the "Event", in the very near future? (Learn about the Grand Galactic Convergence here)
2) Is Gaia ready and able to shed aeons of embodied karma in time, and shift to the higher vibrations so she can successfully hold the multidimensional frequencies of 5D/6D/7D?

The answer to the first question was a resounding, "Yes". But to the second, it was considered and felt, "No". That she would not be ready in time, because of the tremendous levels of intervention here, the manipulation of her morphic fields by the Intervention, and the aeons of interrelated karma that she has to work through (with humanity for example). And so, "No", she'd unlikely be able to make the necessary Shift in time.
This came as quite a stunning realisation for me. But actually, as I contemplated it, seemed decidedly obvious.
So what might the solution be?
Stay up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...
Devas and the Group of 9
First, to be clear, it is the collective Devic souls of the various earth species that have called for change - the balance of sentient life here.
The Devas are those that hold the collectivised consciousness of each and every species. It is they who sent out the clarion call at the time of the Dinosaurs, for example, that some balancing realignment was necessary, due to the massive exploitation of the planet. The situation today is far more perilous for the planet, especially with the Intervention's application of AI which is progressively consuming the naturalness of life here, to the precipice of complete collapse of the 3D eco-systems. It's a Gordian knot that Gaia has gotten bound up within.
A member of the Group of 9 Ascended Masters proposed a sweet, succinct, and sophisticated solution:
Gaia could depart the physical realm and shift into the 4D angelic realm, so that a new planetary soul could come in - a soul that could readily hold the speed of vibration required, through multiple dimensions, and the urgent acceleration that is now necessary to take the planet to 5D/6D/7D. She would come in and work with the planetary Devas.
There was an immediate sense of welcomeness and agreement within the conference. And the immediate suggestion of an appropriate soul to undertake the exchange - a Lyran soul, that has previously held such a multidimensional planetary consciousness.
However, it was also abundantly clear, that this solution could not be imposed upon Gaia. She would have to realise and agree to it herself first. She must be given the freedom to maintain her own sovereignty.
(And there was also the question about whether the soul-exchange could happen quickly enough, bearing in mind all the complex interrelations of consciousness. But there was plenty of confidence that it could happen speedily - which I'll come to).
Gaia's Precession Problem
After some pause for consideration, the proposal was suggested to Gaia, by principally an energetic communication (she doesn't have mind in the way that humans do). She was made abundantly aware of the challenges she's facing with the continued manipulation of her morphic fields. We see this, for example, in the Precession of the Equinoxes, caused by the imposition of the Intervention's artificial Moon:

(Image: Human Origins Project)
Read the Evidence for the Artificial Moon Here
In coupling with the Sun, the Moon tilts the planet off her natural axial Torus, which yes, gives us the various signs of the Zodiac, as the Precession subtends through the various constellations. It also tilts Gaia out of true connection in the base and crown chakras. It's this tilting, that enables the intervention to extract "Free Energy" from the planetary Torus, and thereby to project down the 4D Simulation through the morphic fields - that which has so energetically ensnared the planet. It was this Gordian knot that was entrapping Gaia, that she's been struggling to escape from.
Leading up to the festive period of 2024, through various mechanisms of softening and realigning of key foundational aspects of the Intervention, I'm pleased to say, the base chakra of Gaia was indeed realigned with her axial chakra. Although the Earth's tilt would still remain due to the Moon, nevertheless, Gaia's consciousness was reunited with her Base Chakra. This work was done in Glastonbury, by a group working through the planetary heart chakra.
The work followed the shift in the balance of power that's taken place on the planet in the latter half of 2024. Key activation and realigning work took place, by especially the Dragon Nations, including a group from Lyra, who announced their arrival through a 2-phase crop circle manifestation at the Lion (Lyran) Monument near Avebury, UK, which appeared in August.
Thus it could be celebrated that a crucial realignment in the axial base chakra of the planet had taken place. The Lyrans had helped re-establish greater coherency in Gaia's Torus.
Very soon after that, came the question: how to realign Gaia with her crown chakra?
Intervention Confrontation
The problem was a key technology implant in the planetary crown chakra area. When tuning into the planetary Torus, it could readily be felt, and was being held in place by the "Council of Nine" - a breakaway movement of the real Ascended Masters - the Group of 9 - which the Council mimics, here and in other constellations. They've considered themselves undertaking benevolent work, because they support the foundation of many civilisations - like on Earth.
However, as we all know, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And so, the Council of Nine was confronted by key members of the Group of 9. Their wayward ways were revealed, and made clear that their heftily distorted manipulation was been recorded in the Akashic record for all in the cosmos to see.
Truth is the only 'weapon' that is ever needed to confront such controlling intervention.
The dialogue immediately fragmented the Council of Nine, providing an opening in the planetary Torus, especially around the crown chakra.
Group of 9 versus Council of Nine: Discover More
Decisive Action
The Group of 9 (the real Ascended Masters) acted decisively at this point, to maximise the opportunity of the opening. The final proposal to Gaia about the exchange of souls was put to her.
The feeling was very much one of relief - that she could extract from this convoluted karmic mess that's caused sentient life here, so much suffering, and withdraw into the 4D angelic realm around the Earth, to undergo a long process of rest and recovery, before reincarnating elsewhere in the cosmos.
However, I can report there was also a degree of reticence by this monumental move - how could she undertake it?
She was assured by the Group of 9 that all she had to do was, "Let Go, and fall into the stream of her homecoming. Just like falling off a log and into the river." Following which, she was assured that, "An 'army' of Benevolence would come into support the transition".
It's also the Devas, of the various Earth species, that could greatly assist in the unravelling of Gaia from her role - and then to welcome the new soul in.
I can report she was suitably comforted. And began the release. Which was able to happen speedily, when one might anticipate otherwise, due to the energetic complexity and interweaving of her consciousness with the physical planet.
This rapid speed of shift was made possible by the following...
1) All of the great grid realigning work that's been done by unseen energy workers over the years here.
2) The progressive softening and realigning of Intervention energies that have intentionally held (and skewed) the bedrock of the old karmic construct here.
3) During the last couple of years, all of the work that's gone on in healing the 1st Nations souls, the 'guardians', in the 4D ether - and the encouragement for them to start moving on.
4) Back in the summer of 2024, we had the reintegration of Gaia's Torus by a facilitator group, conducting the removal of key Intervention technology in the 4D around Gaia's heart chakra.
5) The new Lyran Dragon energies were ushered in during the summer of 2024, as expressed in the marvellous 2-phase crop circle creation near the Lyran monument at Ethcilhampton, Avebury.
6) The activation of the Solar Logos, that has helped keep the Intervention from locking the shift down.
7) Supportive help by other Star Being Nations, such as the Andromedans and Venusians opening and stabilising Gaia's toroidal field.
8) Realiging and reconnection work by the planetary Devas.
These combined actions meant that a soul-exchange for the planet could be possible, succinct, and speedy - were it called for. (Having said this, it is my knowing, that the original possibility was considered, and worked towards as a possibility, as long ago as 2002.)
Gaia Accepts the Exchange Proposal
When such instrumental occurrences seem to have taken place in the Quantum Field, they can only be taken seriously, when they ripple out onto the surface of physical reality. And so I always wait for some confirmation before accepting it as genuinely having happened. I always maintain an air of healthy skepticism until that transpires. Which, is why I actively encourage all to do the same.
This soul-exchange mechanism was finally realised with Gaia on Christmas Day (notwithstanding the explorations and preparations had begun two decades previously - should this shift be realised as necessary). Two days later, a Tsunami built in the Pacific Ocean and came ashore in Peru, north of Lake Titicaca and the highly mystical Machu Picchu...
Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia is considered the Sacral Chakra of the Earth, and is said to be a sacred chalice to balance sexual energy and birth new manifestations. The lake is considered to represent the key convergence of the planet's masculine and feminine energies, with two ley lines crossing at the lake representing the feminine (Dragon serpent) and masculine (Rainbow serpent).
To me, it became abundantly clear: this was indeed the sign Gaia was stepping into the soul-exchange proposal.
Watch video of the Tsunami coming ashore in Peru on December 27th
Birthing the Lyran Soul: "Avalonia"
In the following days leading into the New Year, through another convergence in the field, The Lyran Dragon Soul was birthed, down through the now open crown of the Earth's axial Torus, and progressively through into the lower dimensions - to the sacral chakra. I was tuned into the Planetary Torus, feeling it as it happened.
I knew the soul well, having travelled with her before, millions of years ago, in the constellation of Lyra.
She made it known to me, that she now wanted to go by the name of "Avalonia", out of love and respect for Gaia and her arduous, but bounteous tenure with the Earth.
"Avalonia" happens to have been a microcontinent in the Paleozoic era, fragments of which exist in the crust of the Tintagel area today. Which is where I was originally reintroduced to the Lyran soul, on the cliffs above Merlin's Cave there - which is represented in the painting of the lead image.
This painting came to me on January 2nd, after what I felt was the rebirthing in the closing hours of New Year's Day. I was guided to it through synchronicity, to which it speaks loudly of the infusing soul, presided over and received, by Gaia.
(Picture by Phillipa Bowers: www.phillipabowers.co.uk)
What Now For Gaia?
Gaia Centres in the 4D Angelic Realm
I do completely understand that many sentients here have a deep love and appreciation of Gaia - so do I. Very much. You may be quite shocked as to what I'm saying has unfolded here. You might feel a strong sense of connection still with Gaia, and you might still indeed feel her presence with you - I most certainly do.
To be clear, the Devas of the various Earth species will remain here, and will reconstitue the consciousness of the species in the new light based form of the 5D/6D/7D crystalline light grids. Since the Devas are still in place, you may actually still be feeling them, as opposed to what you might have considered to be Gaia herself.
I say to you that Gaia has now centred her consciousness in the 4D angelic realm, and is being supported there by a veritable army of angels.
She is still holding the "umbilical cord' of karmic soul-contracts with sentient life on the planet, which you may still feel in the sacral chakra.
Here's the next most important point to realise, which I state, is my perspective:
In order to ascend with the New Paradigm in 5D/6D/7D, you will need to relinquish all sacred contracts with the old construct - to let them go. And instead, to now embrace the new faster frequencies of Avalonia.
Of course, this is something each by themselves can only decide and do. Each must find their own understanding and agreement for this to take place. But to be clear, what I'm saying, and what I'm given by the Group of 9 to put across, is that you'll need to undertake this transition, if you are to ascend with the Earth to 5D/6D/7D. Otherwise, when you pass on in the Shift, you'll most likely move with Gaia to a different incarnation, elsewhere in the cosmos.
This second possibility is absolutely fine - it may be the more gentle path your soul wishes to follow.
2025: Year of Acceleration
What will happen here now on the planet, is a more rapid unwinding and shift into higher frequencies. Over time, but now in a much shortened window, the old karmic construct of Earth will be unravelled, so as to cleanse the energy field to support the much heralded Golden Age here. To be clear, it will precipitate a dramatic and powerful upheaval of everything we know around us on the planet in the coming years.
It will likely begin with increased volcanic action, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis, as the Pole Shift now accelerates. Something we're going to need to brace ourselves for, by connecting deeply into our own Torus, and the presence that is our Sacred Ground of Being - our mast in the storm.
To be clear: the actualisation of the much heralded "Golden Age" on Earth, will only happen after this great 3D/4D cleansing, which the Hopi termed, "The Great Purification".
You may find the idea that a soul-exchange for the planetary soul is hard for you to swallow or even feel. That's entirely okay. Although, as previously stated, the planetary Devas (which most people are connecting with), will stay on. But if you find the concept of the soul-exchange diifcult to accept or understand, you could more simply consider that the vibrational speed of the planet is now changing. Whereas before there was a much steadier, interrelational emotional dynamic of Gaia, instead, the field will now accelerate to a more dancing weave of crystalline light - as the 5D/6D/7D crystalline light grids become increasingly active.
If you feel skeptical of what I've shared, I encourage you to be so. I welcome it. Except I would also encourage open-mindedness and a willingness to explore the shift in energy. I do believe it can then become reality for you too.
You may wonder who am I to be sharing this?
I go by the name of "Open".
I am a member of the Group of 9.
I have previously been incarnated on Earth as the Master DjWhal Khul.
(I felt this important to share, so you might appreciate the gravitas of the message).
Resonate? Please share this article widely, so as many as possible may explore their thoughts and feelings in relation to this foundational shift. Explore the work of Openhand here
White springs
Hi Open,
During meditation earlier in the week I saw the White Springs in Glastonbury. This morning, the first thing that entered my mind was the White springs. I felt to meditate on the location and when I connected in, I initially felt slight nausea followed by a wave of grief that I am still feeling now. It is overwhelming and waves of grief just keep coming.
I wanted to ask - is the White Springs location where Gaia is still connected via the 'umbilical cord' you mentioned? I wondered if this was linked with the soul contracts in some way.
Thank you for any insights,
Nikki 💚
How the quantum field manifests through planetary chakra points
In reply to White springs by NikkiNoo
Hi Nikki - the White Springs in Glastonbury is definitely one place where I've experienced strong surges in Water Dragon energy - especially of late.
With regards the 'umbilical cord' view I have for the current Gaia situation, for me, it's more a quantum field effect that has multiple locations to it. For the same reason, I don't believe particular planetary chakras only manifest each in one location. It's more that certain places hold a particular vibrational configuration, so that those particular qualities can manifest there.
But yes, the White Springs is definitely a place that holds this particular energy well.
Well wishes
<<< Open 💎
Is it Ra energy?
Hi Open and Openhanders, 💞
How Intervention "Blind-Sides" through distraction 📺
In reply to Is it Ra energy? by Karen
Hi Karen,
I have noticed that through particular forms of media, and also spiritual channelings, that the mind gets purposefully distracted into the drama. It switches our awareness off from full embodiment through all the layers of being. That's when intervention can slip in through the field and place implanted 4D technology - especially the Tall Whites are doing this at this time.
I suspect what you're feeling is an implant, tethered in the abdomen area.
But this may also be related to karma. What strikes me, is that it could be to do with toxic old soul-contracts that need to be dug up and let go of - perhaps old relationships and also hybrid ones that go back right to the time of Atlantis.
This will be a pathway of progressive soul infusion through journeying, and then breaking down the energy. Thus we become less susceptible to Intervention 'blind-siding'.
It's fine to watch the TV, but crucial that over time, we stay conscious through our being as we do so.
Much love and well wishes
<<< Open 💎
Hi Open,Yes, I felt a…
In reply to How Intervention "Blind-Sides" through distraction 📺 by Open
Hi Open,
Yes, I felt a distinct resonance when I was reading the part about old soul contracts. I can feel a lot of sacral activity around the words ‘letting go’. It feels like a deep sadness or grief that I can’t necessarily attach to anything current in my life, so feels more ancient and deep-seated.
I will work to get to the root of it, much gratitude for the guidance.💖
Namaste 🙏🏼
Nothing new here
What you are talking about, Light workers have talked about since the 1980s...the earth being in two dimensions at the same time...4th dimension & 3D. Great embellishments in your story/drama though.
Polishing inner lenses
In reply to Nothing new here by BL Freed (not verified)
With all due respect, if that's all you're seeing in the article, then you need to polish your inner lenses. 🙏
What we're talking about here is a fundamental shift for Gaia, what we can call, "a transmutation of the planetary soul".
Dig deeper. Much deeper.
Deeper insight into the planetary soul: Mars or Venus?
06/01/2025 Shift Insight
It's important we keep evolving our understanding of the planetary soul, so we'll be able to better appreciate the mechanism of the Shift to 5D/6D/7D, since my observation is it's generally misunderstood in spiritual mainstream.
I feel to share a technological metaphor. At the risk of it feeling somewhat synthetic, I do believe it will help the understanding...
Consider the planetary soul as the operating system on your computer. And the planetary Devas are the applications that run on it. The operating system is the encoding that makes the system work in a particular way. However, it is the applications of the Devas that bring it all to life, manifesting in the rich and diverse forms that we experience on the planet.
In my knowing, the planetary soul, when operating as it was designed to, dances through the Torus. Although I don't have a better picture right now, this one can suffice for metaphoric purposes...
Just as we can upgrade the operating system on a computer, without changing the applications that run on it, what I'm saying, is that now Gaia has withdrawn as the planetary soul. Avalonia has come in. The Devas, (the applications), are now dancing to a different tune of the Torus - beginning to interrelate in a new way.
Like any other, the planetary soul is a harmonic of the 9 rays of light...
Whereas Gaia had a strong blend of rays 2 and 4, because she has a more empathic configuration, Avalonia has stronger rays 7,6, 5 and 1. She is caring and empathic too, but she aires much more on the catalytic side. She has a faster, dissociated vibrancy. And so the Devas will be inspired to dance in a different way - more alchemical. Plus, I already feel their vibration rising, centred more up in the high heart area of the Torus. Which we may well witness as accelerated mass migration of planetary species - out of the 3D.
What the Intervention has done here on Earth, principally through the imposition of the artificial moon, is skew the energy of Gaia to interrelate in a distorted way on the plane of emotions, through the binding of energetic soul contracts, particularly with humanity. It greatly diminished her in the axial Torus.
It's led to a massive exploitation and destruction of the devic life forms on our planet. Over the last 10 years, in my estimation, through feeling and actual scientific data, over 200 species of fauna and flora have gone extinct in the 3D every single day. It's something I've been closely monitoring. I won't list all the main causes of society (the list would be too long), but especially in recent times, the widespread imposition of 5Jeez (I can't even say it without being censored!), which is starting to rain down on practically every square inch of the planet from the satelite belt. I would say that about 70% of the ecosystems here have been wiped out. They are on the brink of catastrophic breakdown. Which could have led to the actual death of the planet, had the Devas not sent out the collective rescue clarion call, to which benevolence responded in the form of Avalonia.
Yes, to many, the exchange of the planetary soul will seem like a radical solution. But too many people have been standing on the sidelines with this mercyless destruction happening all around us, not practically doing anything about it.
Consider it this way: previously, the Intervention has created other 'advanced' civilisations elsewhere in the solar system, and bled them dry, like Mars. Others accelerated out of the manipulation and ascended into higher frequencies, like Venus.
I guess to put it out there in plain view:
Would we rather live on a dead, barren, and synthetic planet?
Or, would we prefer to live on a vibrant one, which dances with the naturalness of the Flower of Life?
I know which one I'll be choosing!
Love and blessings
<<< Open 💎
Synergistic effect of transcendence
I took this photo shortly after the start of 2025. I feel the movements, shifts, catalysis within this photo and was awe struck and left without words as the energy moved around, through and beyond this realm. The many layers of existence aware of the other creating coexistence offering fluidity of a formless nature. Open as you find the words to encapsulate, I feel gratitude. Courageously gifting all! With love, Erica

Stunning aurora photograph
In reply to Synergistic effect of transcendence by erica r
Hi Erica - thanks so much for sharing this. Knowing your location, I'm guessing it's the Aurora photographed in Alaska.
These effects are getting much stronger now, due to the diminishing magnetic field of the planet in the accelerating pole shift.
To me, it synchronistically speaks into the planetary soul (in red), dancing with the Devas in green. Awesome!
Much love
<<< Open 💎
Exploring the fundamental misunderstanding of "Gaia"
05/01/2025 Shift Insight: Planetary Devas
I feel to add some more reflection and insight into the current planetary situation and Gaia. My heart goes out to all who might be feeling grief or some degree of confusion about what's unfolding. I encourage you all to stay engaged with the ongoing exploration and whatever might be triggering for you energetically. I believe it will all make much greater sense over time. ❤️
Now, allow to speak of what I'm seeing as a great misunderstanding as to the nature of Gaia here, and, the role of the planetary Devas.
Who are the Devas?
For every species on the planet, for the insects, the trees and plants, for each and every species of creature that walks the earth, swims the oceans or flies the skies; for the cloud formations, the rivers and streams - for every single one, is a highly evolved soul, called a Deva.
When people speak of "connecting with Gaia, and mother nature", often, what they're really connecting with is the energy of such a Deva.
Consider, for example, when you see an astounding murmur of starlings - how do they all move together in sync? The answer: the Deva of their species. Or, how is it that termites can build mounds for their offspring that are so sophisticated, not even the most advanced computer simulations can surpass? The answer: the Deva of the Termite nation.
To be clear: what I'm saying about this Gaia extraction, is that it's only her that is being replaced. But all the Devas will remain. In fact, it was the Devas that put out the collective clarion call for some major change and Earth rescue mission to take place. Just as they did 65 million years ago when the Dinosaurs were rampaging across the planet. As I've said many times before, it is the balance of sentient life here (the Devas), who are experiencing the systemic suffering of the Simulation that's plastered across nature and the eco-systems. It is they that have called for fundamental change.
Gaia has endured and allowed the Intervention for way too long - the last solar micronova Event, 12,000 years ago, that brought Atlantis to a rapid end, was meant to have cleansed the surface of the planet of the Intervention completely then. It did not. Due to the complex interrelation of Gaia with the Intervention - the myriad of soul contracts that the intervention had woven, then mitigated the cleansing impact of the solar blast and the pole shift (which was only partial). But now the situation is far worse - with the rapid rollout of AI, constantly reshaping the Simulation.
The risk is the destruction of the Earth itself. The Devas determined that something needed to be done.
Let's be clear about the role of the planetary soul:
The planetary soul (previously Gaia), may be considered the dancing weave that the Devas interrelate with. Gaia is now withdrawing - for which I feel she's relieved and happy about - although still a sense of responsibility and care; sadness about the plight of sentient life here too - but relief that finally something can be done. The new soul, Avalonia, will dance with the planetary Devas, just in a more vibrant and multidimensional way. So people will still be able to lovingly interrelate with nature (with the Devas) in much the same way they're done previously - just now more vibrantly.
As the Earth ascends into 5D/6D/7D, the various 3D life forms (of the Devas), will reconstitute in their higher dimensional expression. The new forms will be similar, but different. Because the base weave of the new construct will be based on the crystalline light grids.
Right now, I can feel the Devas regenerating in strength, through the planet's natural axial Torus. I also feel the "ex-Council of Nine" desperately trying to reconfigure - to occupy the high-heart space, for example, so as to attempt to usurp the nature of the Twin Flame aspect here. They will fail in that too. I've felt the Devas reconfiguring strongly in the high-heart space in recent hours.
I understand that Gaia, once her recovery mission here is complete, will likely return to her home - the galactic cluster from whence she originally came. And that's what I'm perceiving as happiness and relief for her.
Bright blessings to all
<<< Open 💎
Avalonian reflections
Hi Open and fellow Openhanders.
I wanted to share some reflections and experiences below and would welcome feedback.
On new years day I felt what I could only describe as a build-up and a feeling of anticipation & a sense of something big coming. What I now realise is that I was likely sensing Avalonia coming in, or perhaps the after-effects of that.
I also had an image of machu picchu during an evening chakra attuning meditation and woke the next morning to the news of the tsunami hitting Peru. Understanding what the tsunami represented (and its location) with Gaia 'falling off a log' is so helpful to make sense of such imagery, and knowing that I'm tuning in, even in a very small way, gives me hope that I can tune in deeper at some point.
As with other openhanders I have felt a lot of nausea which has been mostly concentrated in the solar plexus, and some in the throat. When this was very strong, the word 'processing' was very strong and seemed to keep repeating. I would have expected the nausea to have been concentrated in the sacral chakra but I think there's more of a block there right now, which makes sense after understanding what's happened with Gaia's soul contracts.
I do want to share an experience I had a few days ago. I was reading your response (Open) to a comment regarding Gaia having moved into the 4D angelic realm when I felt Avalonia reach out to me. It was unmistakable. It was almost like she was saying hello. I felt energy go through my body from my feet up to the crown. The interaction didn't last for long, no more than a minute or so, and then she was gone from my field. The sense of her energy was in one word: Fast. I couldn't sit still after experiencing that energy and have felt like that a lot more frequently since. Whenever I connected with Gaia, I always felt her under my feet, and although the interaction with Avalonia started at the feet, I could feel her all around me and she had a much stronger prescence. I did feel myself wanting a longer interaction but after understanding more about her at the ascension exchanges today (and now myself as well), I realise I need to just appreciate any interaction without calling on her for more.
On a final note, my Sirius karma came up again a few days ago and felt this was reflected in the Sirius discussion in the ascension exchanges today. I have a feeling this will come up at the next retreat and I'm ready to work with it, as difficult as I sense it will be.
Much love
Nikki 🙏
Sharing and questions
Thank you Open for sharing these monumental insights. On one hand it feels tremendously creative and inspiring and on the other I wonder how this change impacts the trees, plants and animals? How will they receive and attune and adapt to this change?
On a personal note, the last few months have been an intensification of mother/child patterns of wounding and limitation...the pathway open and clear for a deep honoring of Oneself without fragmenting or overassociating - work in progress. A big part of this has been an overidentification with the emotional body of the mother. This seems to reflect strongly in what you are sharing - in the larger scale energetic relating to Gaia.
At the same time I recently am feeling a sense of electricity - a lightness and aliveness that has strengthened which feels to be around the body and seems to invite attention to this sense of lightness...whereas up to now the last few years the attention has been very much on this tense ball of distortion in the abdomen.
Upon reflection regarding Gaia - I dreamt recently that the body of my car separated from the frame of the car while I was driving, and at the time, I wondered about where/how I was detaching or fragmenting - though I also wondered about whether this reflected the process of releasing the old structures - the attachment to the outer body and coming to a bare-bones frame.
A question that came up as I read your sharing...will Gaia now reincarnate with this karma unfinished? Will she need to draw together experiences again, which will bring up these same challenges but with more time to move through? 🙏✨
Letter - Dear Gaia 🌏😇
Dear Gaia,
I heard, that you are leaving. Moving on, so to say.
Planetary Soul exchange? I wouldn’t have imagined that it’s possible. Or even if, that it would actually made sense.
As if industrial revolution building up to mass consumption didn’t already speak about that. To use up as much as possible of the single item, and than simply exchange it. With something that is newer, faster, more vibrant,...
So, you are the last one the list of the »items«, to be exchanged. Old Soul contracts and the karmic baggage supposedly made you too rigid.
Pent up toxicity, risk of explosion, Intervention alert!
You were examined with the post-traumatic disorder, lacking the full capacity to keep moving along the way. In this great Earth’s Shift, that was heralded by your ascension.
Did you actually ascend?
Or was it just a partial rising of your Consciousness into 4D? That’s probably where you’ll be awaiting all of those, that are also becoming too rigid along the way, to move with you elsewhere in the Cosmos. Is this where the Game continuous, for all that are yet unable to see?
So, speeding up, wasn’t about You and your Shift, after all.
It’s about the greater scheme of planetary balance and bringing this planet (and therefore the Universe) back into balance. Supposedly, leading up to the Golden age on Earth…
Well, let’s see about that one, maybe I will be able to grasp more of your sacred exchange agreement. It feels like I still need some time to open up for the new arrival, maybe you can share a glimpse.
I trusted you Gaia, more than anyone else. I guess, you must have felt it, at least you reciprocated this feeling back to me, on numerous occasions.
So, I wish to honour and respect your decision also on this occasion. It was your choice, at the end. Seems like another deed of the great mother. Even-though, I’m sure, you wouldn’t have naturally opted for this solution. However, you gracefully accepted the offering.
Falling into angelic embrace, supported by the Ascended masters.
Wait, whom?
Haven’t they collectively decided to drop the identity and step down from the pedestal? Obviously their re-alignment is still on-going, as some are dropping the identity, and their process continue to morph the planetary field.
OK, appreciated.
And so does ours, I guess…
I’ve noticed you felt betrayed, to a degree, by some of my actions. Sensing, that I shared too much of our journeys and revealed the honourable secrecy of the initial connection. Please, forgive me about that, withstanding the ignorant attitude of my human mind and innocent outlook of my human journeys.
There is something very precious, you have thought me over the years. No matter where the Souls incarnating on this planet have been coming from, we are all in this together, sharing the same “melting pot”. Even the beings from higher dimensions; "masters", angels, as well as lost entities, are merely the peasants on dance floor of the Earth.
Thank you Gaia, for your continuous lessons of humility.
As you continue your journey into heavens, so does the Path invite me a step closer towards bridging "Heaven on Earth". Illuminating one rock, as the step goes; nurturing a tree, as the season comes, embracing one Soul at the time, as the heart melts...
You are not forgotten.
You are cherished, celebrated and honoured, every step of my journey, on this planet.
I probably needn't have said it out loud, but please bare with me in sharing it all here, once more.
With this in mind and open heart, let me express my parting feeling by quoting following verses from the poem:
Has heartbreak not let before,
To wanting to leave it all behind?
Can it not be empathized with,
But only seen as a victim blind?
Or is it simply given to experience,
How it is to be pushed away?
When not able to meet,
The invitation for Cosmic embrace?
I wish to let you go, Gaia. 🌍😇
Travel well, dear friend. 🦋
Until we meet again,
with love & appreciation for all that you are.🙏🏽
miha 💚
Where the filters of identification obscure clear vision
In reply to Letter - Dear Gaia 🌏😇 by miha
Dear Miha, my heart goes out to you ❤️
In your post, I feel your dedication to Gaia, her suffering, but also her great beauty. And, of course, the sadness that her tenure here is complete.
Do forgive me if inappropriate, but I also feel identification around the connection - emotional attachment. Which is entirely understandable. Consdering your dedication and love for her - which you express beautifully in so many things that you live for. But might there be some filters not allowing you to see the full clarity of the situation? 🙏
I'm sure you must have explored the nature of the Devas here too (which I've written about here today: The Planetary Devas)? How each and every species on earth, from the lowliest termite, to the grandest species of tree, plant or animal, to the clouds, rivers and oceans, how they all have a collective Devic soul - an angelic.
In my knowing, it is the Devas that sent out the collective clarion call for change, due to the systemic suffering of nature here, that's been endured way too long, due to the Gordian knot of soul-contracts that have been manipulated by the Intervention - that have kept Gaia locked in the lower vibration.
It is the Devas who sent out the collective clarion call 65 million years ago, which summoned the necessary comet (also a soul), that brought the reign of the dinosaurs to a rapid, and very necessary, conclusion.
Turning to the nature and role of the "Ascended Masters" and that terminology - a conundrum indeed. Do you think if I'd published such a monumental revelation in the name of "Joe Bloggs" or merely "Open", that anyone would be listening wider afield? The work of Openhand is greatly censored and suppressed here.
Was anyone paying attention to the Indonesian Tsunami, that came ashore on Boxing Day 2004, when this Gaia rescue mission was initiated? Was anyone feeling Gaia then?
Or, when Openhand released the film 5GATEWAYS, which coincided with the very day the Tsunami ripped through the Fukushima nuclear plant - was anyone listening then?
It is only, thus far, literally a handful of people on the planet tuning in and listening to a degree.
"The Ascended Masters" is merely vocabulary. Which, is as much misunderstood as the vocabulary, "Gaia". But at least we can point to something people connect with. And feel the gravitas of.
Some people will understandably trigger around the nature of hierarchy, which they themselves project onto the "Ascended Masters". It is this, that the ex-Council of Nine have exploited here. Whereas, the only hierarchy the Group of 9 recognise and honour, is the naturalness of the Flower of Life itself - the Universal Torus.
Sometimes, I guess, we have to point at the moon to get to the stars.
With all love and well wishes
<<< Open 💎
Emotional attachment and devic energies
In reply to Where the filters of identification obscure clear vision by Open
Hi Open, thank you for your empathy and heartfelt wishes. I also welcome the reflections, and embracing some of the underlying sensations. 🤗
I hear the call to acknowledge the triggering and own my process. For the last couple of days I had been walking around with the thought in my mind: "I'm emotionally attached to Gaia". Letting the sensation to build up for some time, I openheartedly expressed the feelings by writing "letter to Gaia." Then, the question followed, whether it makes sense and is appropriate to share it here. Obviously, I decided to post it, considering it might bring some awareness about the process of releasing the attachment and relinquishing "old Soul contracts".
I haven't mistaken Gaia for Devas, in fact my feelings actually addressed one particular Soul. I know it might sound spiritually innate or emotionally immature to bound around a particular construct, but that was an honest reflection of my human sensations. If you asked me about the feelings to Gaia, back in 2004, there haven't been neither the awareness, nor the connection in the plain sight. The strong relationship bond has been developed in last 10 years of my journey here.
There is a question that I have about the obscured vision, considering the layers of identity? Is there some vision, I have been presenting?
Maybe my writing came across as some sort of "nostalgic clinging on to Gaia" and seemingly questioning the nature of the on-going process. Regardless of my parting feelings, I have honestly felt very relieved about the situation. It felt like a bit of fresh air, tremendous opening and re-sparking of the passion, which combined with necessary processing, I openly welcomed in the last days.
Hence, being very direct about the clarion call, being sent out in the Space from this planet, I consider my being here is part of the answer.
I also resonated with the message that came through as the essential "Openhand philosophy" and have been living and embodying it, in my own way. Despite not having 20 years of experience of breaking through the front line of "Simulation", I can deeply empathise with the feeling of not being listened too, being unheard or misunderstood. I know it needn't be talked about, however, I truly honour the commitment and dedication that goes in the continuous unveiling of the OH work and sharing it with others. And this, eventually brings me to Devas.
Considering my explorations about the nature of Devas, I was guided to look for one of my old notebooks and it "randomly opened" on the following page: (in sharing it here, a priori asking for the forgiveness about identity layers, but it feels right to copy some of the old, unfiltered writing)
At the end of Day 1 OH Conference, I was feeling disrespected, maybe also not met and understood. It's like getting exploited without even saying thanks... So much of this humanoid intergalactic reconciliations. I'm aware of it, it's part of my own human being, too. But that's not who am I.
So let's speak about Devic Consciousness, and talk about its weave with Gaia. For me, it's a state of perfection. Not some kind of man-made creation that your world would appreciate. It's a harmonious place of existence. All things working together as the complimentary Unity. There is no one without another. Respect is not seen as some sort of the worship or revolving around leadership figure, but rather as heartfelt appreciation. A simple as that.
So, there is "me", sitting here with the wish to reach out and extend hand to others. No obligation, or forcing the connection, just co-creation. Join me, let's play together.
How can we actually do this?
Well, again this might all come across as some writing outside the context, which I honestly completely forgot about in the meantime. But just to consider the recent sharing about Devas, following the description of Gaia's Soul exchange process in the particular moment in the Shift. Is this not a decent Soulful inquiry, sparked during OH gathering and re-surfacing again amidst all of the exchanges here?
Probably, what I actually wanted to share, beyond the cluster of individual Soul dynamics, is the interplay and extended hand of Devic Consciousness. The way how I experience them, beneath the individual (angelic) Souls, that are holding the frequency of certain species, is through the ecosystems. Let's say, the individual tree species would revolve around a "forest deva". Or many plants together, forming a lush vegetation expressed around "meadow deva". Within the "forest department", you would again have the representative that binds the frequencies of all of the animals present in the location. Of course, considering also the aforementioned "tiny species", such as the microorganisms in the living soil being brought together under the custody of "underground/soil devas"...
Now, you have to consider that most of the species, does not exist alone, outside in nature. When you have the intersection of two ecosystems, therefore creating and edge of some sort, you would get an interplay of different devic energies. Humanity (as of modern society) became extremely keen on erasing those edges, and wanting to simplify the connection to particular species by alluring others that are on the way. I would say that the process was even supported to a degree, by the Devas of individual Species, which understandably were keen on supporting their unique expression. But, there are actually many different layers (or let's say interrelations) within the field of devic Consciusness. Gaia has been specifically keen in holding together some of those more complex dynamics. But, I guess, holding very tightly her overarching role for the human species, have eventually created state of disharmony.
Part of my deeper "instigation" with Devic kingdom in last years have resolved around the connection to trees, and it's metaphysical counterpart as "Tree Consciousness". However, what they have thought me is the capacity to reticence any kind of their "devic energy," when it might be unable to be received or presented with some sort of threat. Their appearance will come across differently, considering the filters through which another (human) Soul might be open to welcome and receive them.
I guess, in similar manner, we all carry out our individual toroidal fields, whist interrelating with others. I wish, that within this handful of people on the planet that are listening to a degree, we can all be seen as part of the same movement. Even, when we lean towards empathic side and step into the shoes of identities (past or present), as to be able to interrelate with others.
So, thanks for pointing to the moon. Considering the nature of last sharings with the Earth and it's tilted axis, I wonder if there is some unforeseen dynamic there, as well. 🌙✨
Big gratitude to everyone reading this 🙏
sending much love & forest greetings 💚🦌🌲
miha 🌱
Avalonia - pulling the plug on the planetary simulation
In reply to Emotional attachment and devic energies by miha
Thanks for this heartfelt sharing Miha. Yes, even though we will likely have different perspectives, it's essential we hold the space for these diverse viewpoints, because we are each a part of the same movement. 💙🙏
I just felt to pick up on this...
Gaia has been specifically keen in holding together some of those more complex dynamics. But, I guess, holding very tightly her overarching role for the human species, have eventually created state of disharmony.
Personally, with the imbalance created, which is caused by her skewed relationship with humanity and the Intervention, I don't see it as having just created "disharmony", but destruction. Whereby over 200 species of fauna and flora have been forced into extinction every single day for the last 10 years.
In my estimation, and backed by scientific data, over 70% of the ecosystems have now been obliterated. I would say they are on the verge of catastrophic breakdown here in the 3D. For me, that's been the desperate dynamic of the situation here. And now, by the imposition of AI, the Simulation is going through quantum leaps. If it had its way, it would soon be plastered across the depth and breadth of the planet.
It's high time we pulled the plug on it.
With much love and well wishes
<<< Open 💎
In 2025, we're bound to see strong increase in Volcanic Activity
This seismic shift in the consciousness of the planet, which I summarised in the article above, is bound to precipitate an activation in the planetary volcanoes, with accelerating frequency. This just in...
redefining terms
In reply to In 2025, we're bound to see strong increase in Volcanic Activity by Open
As I sit with the presents of Avalonia I find myself comparing it to a jacked up of version of christ consciousness. I believe this energy has been ridiculously distorted and harnessed also. Avalonia is all around me not just localized in the earth. It seems the devas have embraced her energy. would christ consciousness have to be given a new labled also? asking for my linear self.
❤️ Michele
How are you experiencing the New Planetary Shift: to "Avalonia"?
I felt to weave into one article (above), the foundational sequence of events that have transpired during this festive season. I'll be working with it in future Openhand gatherings this year.
I'm intrigued, what do you make of it all? 🙏
The karma of the Earth Mother
In reply to How are you experiencing the New Planetary Shift: to "Avalonia"? by Open
Dear Open ,
I am going to attempt to describe what has happened in the past few days that seems to be connected to this occurrence . Happy to receive any and all reflections in this regards.
I experienced a lot of deep upheaval emotionally in the last week. I felt ,at first that this related to the dissolution of ties with my boyfriend who is “going the other way “ so to speak . But I was invited to see how that relationship mirrored my inner child personality and also my relationship with my Birth mother. It was deeply triggering time with my birth mom asking me when confronted ( Will you choose Openhand over me ?) . I felt into so many deep and uncomfortable sensations that I dont know whether it was me or whether I was empathising with the larger field. A lot of grief and deep heart and higher heart sensations .
This was mirrored in 3 D by 2 patients experiencing deep grief at the loss of their mother and father respectively and both with a lot of chest congestion. Then a child born with a condition that made it hard for him to breathe owing to a narrowing in the moth ,suddenly grew out of needing help in the 4th month of life ( this seems important ). My Dog managed to wrap himself around a metal pole and was stuck and scared until he stopped and was gently helped out of his harness .
Today after the Bow things have changed. I “saw” A purple wave ( looking like the longitudinal version of the crop circle you have posted ,Open) coming in from the crown and going through the womb and the base into the Earths centre . And sensed the message that seemed to be directed at the Openhand community: The womb centre and the Base are the channels to ground this Lyran energy . The attunement seemed to happen under the guidance of Kwan Yin ( The Mother of Dragons ) .
I feel to write that this is the process : A deep cleansing of the sexual/womb centres as also letting go of the traumas in the emotional plane. The purification of the physical body and the gentle navigation of the remaining karma in the heart. the field has changed with much of the heavy density regarding soul contracts being carried off further afield to be processed .
As I write this my heart is aglow and I am feeling chills go down into my lower limbs.
Please let me know if I have missed the mark in any of the above ,Open . Just transcribing my experiences prior to the Ascension exchange .( Energy is building in the crown . Purple and white and dancing flames )
Deep Bow to all those reading . I apologise for the length of the message but all the elements seemed poignant at this juncture
Hi Megha,Thanks for sharing…
In reply to The karma of the Earth Mother by iamdurga
Hi Megha,
Thanks for sharing. I just wanted to say that i'm resonating with the process you described; it explains some the tension and agitation i've been feeling. Thank you! barb
stirring up of implants
In reply to How are you experiencing the New Planetary Shift: to "Avalonia"? by Open
Hi Open,
I wanted to put this on the forum rather than asking it at the exchanges since it will/may be important to more people than present there.
You mentioned that it was likely that implants would become visible more easily. But do the new energies also mean that there will be a greater clarity on how to deal with them or may a person become overwhelmed by the amount of implants they discover? The main reason for this question is because I could imagine the overwhelming may be a way for the intervention to come in and offer a 'solution'.
Avalonia and soul contracts
In reply to How are you experiencing the New Planetary Shift: to "Avalonia"? by Open
Also this question: if the soul exchange was unplanned, then (with the possible exception of people born in the past week, would you say nobody who incarnated here did so because of a soul contract with Avalonia? This question is more out of curiousity; if Avalonia does not attach emotionally as Gaia did, it would seem likely to me that there simply would not be soul contracts and if there were, they would or could not be old enough to be made with sentients already present on the planet?
Contract vs Karma
In reply to Avalonia and soul contracts by Love-the-journey
Can we have a contract without karma and vice versa? I guess I dont really know what they are. With Avalonia can we create and experience without creating karma or tethers and attachments? It would be an existance as pure presence as an untethered soul. The picture open draws is being painted in! ❤️
Why "soul-contracts" are a highly limiting misnoma
In reply to Contract vs Karma by Michele.
Thankyou for raising this question Michele - you are so on point, about the nature of soul-contracts and karma.
To me, it's just another one of those collective misconceptions here on Earth in the spiritual mainstream. To be clear, I ONLY use the term because it's a vocabulary that's collectively applied. Like "Gaia" or "Ascended Masters" - all of which are misnomers of true nature.
I would say, in actual fact, the term "soul-contracts" is introduced by the Intervention.
How can a soul be free-flowing in the moment, and yet be 'contracted' to perform particular deeds? Is that not bonding and limitation? - a resounding "Yes!!"
But there is karma, that draws souls together for collective inquiry. And, also souls do agree to engagements between other souls and groups - for illumination. Which, we can say, they then come into "Sacred Agreement' around.
The Intervention has woven this into fixed energetic ties of limitation. It is this Gordian knot of "soul-contracts" that has purposefully bound Gaia up in a limiting web of deceit. Which is bleeding the planet dry, by locking down the natural torus.
In my knowing, Avalonia will require no such soul-contracts. But rather an interrelating dancing weave of mutual sacred expression - Sacred Agreements.
That said, there will require to be, some natural tethering of the soul in the crystalline grids. But that's a choice each soul will continue to make in the moment.
That's how I see it.
<<< Open 💎
Letting go of old "contracts"
In reply to Why "soul-contracts" are a highly limiting misnoma by Open
Dear Open,
As I get more adept at the art of letting go of old versions of me, the enquiry with another soul also changes. And depending on the other souls sovereign choice, we can choose to continue engage in another slightly different octave of enquiry... Or not. As transformation of individual souls gain pace, therefore, relationships invite much more fluid expression. And the landscape around who accompanies us and when and how starts metamorphosizing much more rapidly. So the "contract" is to experiencing an enquiry, not a fixed personality
This is my experience of it. This is of course when I am making the conscious choice every day to stay with the movement of my soul.
That's my two cents.
I can feel a massive influx of fluidity in the field. And as I write that down I am seeing the mantle layer becoming active and flowing at a greater speed. While the crust is completely enmeshed in its own rather superficial entrenched reality. Seems an apt analogy for how things are going to have to play out doesn't it?
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