DIVINICUS ACTIVATION, Openhand stage 3, ONLINE: 12th-19th June
Humanity has entered the crucible of profound evolutionary change. A wave of transformation is sweeping through our lives urging a fundamental shift into the next plane of reality: into your divine being "DIVINICUS"; in 5D Consciousness, then to live it, here and now. How do we make this crucial transition? We must venture deep within and confront the final karmic ballast - the unconscious hooks that tether us to the old reality. It requires a deep internal penetration of the restricting density. In so doing, we unleash kundalini, then activate the spirit-light-body. This will be our vehicle for the Shift into the New Paradigm.
This is Openhand's legendary stage 3 activation. Due to travel restrictions and the desire to be accessible to all people in the Openhand community, this event will take place online. We'll be holding a profound energetic vessel of inquiry through the ether.
Course highlights
- stripping off activated karmic energy of the pandemic
- integrating inner child, undertaking radical forgiveness
- activating and integrating kundalini, uniting higher and lower self- dispatching entites and implants, unwinding the intervention
- connecting with angels, your higher guidance and starsoul family- activating the spirit light body & 5D DNA, ready to shift into 5D
- channeling the new energies for vibrant creation in daily life.
Your profound birthright
An Interdimensional Intervention has derailed the natural evolutionary path of humanity and the planet. A synthetic reality is being created with the majority of humanity enslaved within it. But now a magical influx of cosmic consciousness is infusing to bring about realignment with the Source and a profound Ascension Shift into 5D. We are blessed with the opportunity to finally realign with that wave and become the divine beings that we were always meant to be.
In creating a safe, energetic and highly revelatory space, we're able to take you deeply through the limiting layers that might still remain in your field. If you're prepared to go there, we can take you down the 'rabbit hole' as deep as you wish to go. Openhand is known for its deep astral journeying to recover lost aspects of soul and to kindle your Cosmic Divine Being.
If you have the courage and commitment, then we can help you peel away the vestiges of this intervention to unveil the full magic and splendour of your divine being. It's your profound birthright: at-one-ment and interconnectivity with the divine source. It is at this point, you fully actualise your alignment with the shift into the next paradigm... a renewed Earth in 5th Density Consciousness.
The Work: Openhand stage 3
When we're truly walking the spiritual path, it's going to take us into all the areas of ego and false identity - conditioning that has built up through our childhood, teenage years, the controlling influence of society and also our past lives within the limiting karmic intervention. It is these false self and karmic filters which mask our full majesty of being. During this Openhand stage 3 course, we'll be taking you into this density, deep into the convoluted story of humanity's past, stirring up life's sediment and helping you cleanse it from your field.
After this deep consciousness cleansing process, we'll then resonate energetic keys to unlock the doorways to your Higher Self so that you may fully embody it, here and now, thus experiencing a profound shift in consciousness. We’ll use the Openhand Meditation techniques to reactivate the lost fragments of "soul gold" and to fully integrate them.
"We’ll be using beautiful and powerful heart-stirring ceremony to truly move you to the core of your being"
Guided by Higher Dimensional Bridge - "Open"
Open, who developed the Openhand Philosophy, works as a Catalytic Bridge into higher dimensions. He came purposefully here to support the Great 5D Shift. His approach is to use intuitive meditation techniques, and self realisation exercises to align you with your soul. He is skilled at activating one's Higher Self and removing karmic past life blockages. He can help you attune the authentic frequency of your being. Participants find themselves dropping into the profound nature of who they truly are; an experience which then infuses beneficially into every facet of their lives.
We've discovered this process happens just as readily across the web.
Support Facilitator Tilly & Elizabeth
Tilly our Urban Shaman, will be the support facilitator at the retreat. Tilly is a highly experienced spiritual facilitator with a particular flair for shamanism (visit her biog page: Tilly Bud). Tilly has tremendous experience in facilitating deep and profound karmic processes, in a gentle, loving and compassionate way.
Tilly is Openhand's Community Connector responsible for weaving the organisation of the retreat together in terms of booking and administration. Contact her if you have any event queries: Booking & Inquiries
Elizabeth, who is a stage 3 Openhand Facilitator, will be there in support. She is gifted and skilled at helping people through spiritual awakenings, understanding the Five Gateways spiritual routemap, walking the spiritual path and in particular, how it relates to the issues you might be currently facing in your day-to-day life.
She is particularly skilled at working intuitively, using unique techniques of her own to create a soul-to-soul dialogue which is deeply revelatory. It helps people drop quickly through the limiting layers of the mind and deep into the soul.
An Energetic Vessel of Profound Opportunity
We're sailing through times of monumental change where life in the 3D will never be the same again. It's utterly essential therefore we come together in the virtual space to feel and work with our connection into the higher paradigm. We can journey together healing past life karma, connecting up to the new 5D consciousness and channeling it into our lives now for maximum benefit.
We'll be incorporating your personal connection into nature during the retreat, building a 'vision quest base' for you to meditate in, sharing with each other across the web during meals, and there'll be an abundance of personal one-on-one facilitation.
Our recent Easter Virtual Retreat was simply off the scale in terms of energy and its effectiveness. Here are some of the reviews...
"A truly, truly wonderful experience and one that I am so very honoured to have been a part of... Teeari
"It was a great experience to be part of the retreat. Thank you, Open, from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful work and commitment. And thanks to the group that came together so quickly. It was always a feeling of acceptance. And so great to see you on your journey, inspiring and learning from each other."
"Just a quick email to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the life changing and enlightening experience over the past 5 days. Wowsers! The retreat was the jumpstart I needed to power up my spiritual journey and you not only gave me the motivation and guidance required but also offered the tools I was lacking to forge my way through the important inner work that I now know was required. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"...Nicky
"What an amazing, powerful experience.. To me it felt the most important thing I have done in my life so far. Powerful! I am so grateful to the facilitators, to every body Who was there and to Open for the valuable teachings and his presence. Something unlocked for me.. Something that i ve been looking for quite a while. I am so grateful! The Meditations mindblowing, the energies so powerful the transformation so Present. Thank you everyone for sharing and contributing to what took Place."... Vaso
"I was wondering how the virtual one would work and now I know the answer...brilliantly!"...Diane
Administration details
Timings: (All timings London UK) Gathering on Saturday 12th June at 2pm, ready for connecting meditations - group virtual dinner at 6pm. Closes Saturday 19th June by 4pm.
This Divinicus Retreat spans over 8 days in total. Each of the main days will have 3 daily sessions between these timings:
Session 1)
06:00am-07:30am(PST) / 09:00am-10:30am(EST) / 14:00pm-15:30pm(UK)
Session 2)
08:00am-09:30am(PST) / 11:00am-12:30pm(EST) / 16:00pm-17:30pm(UK)
Session 3)
10:00am-11:30pm(PST) / 13:00pm-14.30pm(EST) / 18.00pm-19:30pm(UK)Time zones and Recordings: the timings have been set to be available to people all across the world. Should you miss a guided session and need to catch up, recordings of each session will be available.
Cost: Inline with a new Openhand approach to payment, which recognises the financial challenges some find themselves in during these times, there are three prices breaks...
1) Cost Effective Regular price: for those in employment or reasonably well resourced: $590 USD/£450/Euro525
2) Bursary Price: for those on low income, on government support or student program: $400 USD/£315/Euro360
3) Donation: for those who have little income or are in a financially challenged location: $We agree with you a donation based on what is affordable to you.A deposit of 25% at booking secures your place. For your info, here is our returns and rebooking policy.
Not for profit: Openhand is a not for profit organisation. All surplus revenues are either reinvested to help others in their journey of spiritual awakening or else gifted to help feed homeless people in Glastonbury.
Reservation info: For all info and reservations, contact our Event Coordinator Tilly:
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder.
Rise Up - the universal shift is here
This "Divinicus Activation" will be a life changing experience, of that there is no doubt. The catalytic energy can take you deep into the fullness of who you are, help you integrate it and thus radiate this profound beingness through your daily life.
Since reality is shaped by what we are being,
life can begin to shape a new harmony around you,
one that is more aligned with who you truly are.
Nothing in life can surpass the integration of your profound beingness. As the old world, fear-based reality steadily crumbles and falls away, it will align you with a new, heavenly, 5D Paradigm of being, which is beginning to unfold all around. That's what we'll work to achieve on this 'activation' with you.
Key to the DIVINICUS work is activating the Spirit Light Body - that will be our aim for the week. Here's a sense of that in this video below...
Those Booking Details Again:
That Booking Info again: To book a place or to get more information, contact our organiser Tilly (in the UK): REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW
***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder.
DIVINICUS around the World!
DIVINICUS is Openhand's "jewel in the crown" tranformative course. It's been running for I don't know how long now! It's all about catalysing the shift into the next evolution of humanity, the divine being DIVINICUS, in 5D consciousness. The processes are ground-breaking and the self-realisation inquiry beyond words. With a great team to support you, we'll take you as deep as you're ready to go.
This online event will run as a Vision Quest Week, and although it will be from the "comfort" of your own home, we'll be getting you to create your own Vison Quest "Cave" so as to transform your experience.
Scroll to the top for full info
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