Ellen - UK

Submitted by Open on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 05:29
Ellen - UK, Openhand Facilitator


Who am I?

Well, that’s quite a challenging question! I am, have been and will be many things, just like everyone else: mother, daughter, student, performer, therapist (human and veterinary), rider, groom, teacher, friend, confidante, amateur herbalist, business owner, analyst, IT manager, musician, carer of horses, collector of crystals etc, the list goes on. In common with many involved with this sort of work, I have felt as if I never belonged, blindly searching for my “own kind”, always with a feeling of being “other”, frequently misunderstood and excluded. The one constant here was an unshakable belief that my life was to be one of service.

As the path has drawn me forward, it has become apparent that as my external world has built layers and layers of experience and skills, my internal process is more one of simplification, a shedding of interference, a return to myself. The re-awakening of the suppressed “day-dreaming” of the different child, provided the first glimpses of my neglected self. The recognition that the raging dissonance of the teenager was simply the reflection of constraint of my true nature by the expectations, societal norms and peer pressure, was also a pivotal point in my first steps of awakening my innermost nature.

The essence of my contact with Openhand, has enabled me to delve down into myself to find the inner essence that is uniquely me. Constant attention to the unwinding of behaviour loops, fixed attitudes, assumptions, blockages and distortions has allowed the flickering of my authentic self, my true self that sits behind the convolutions of incarnation, to grow in consciousness. The tools that have enabled me to unravel entrenched behaviour loops or blockages, be they physical, emotional, mental or karmic, to be able to access increasingly authentic versions of my true inner self are the single most important skillset to have developed. Being a facilitator for Openhand allows me the great privilege of “paying those skills forward” to enable others to unwind their entrenched illusions to reveal the glorious inner true nature of themselves.

“Where, but in the three jewels of awakened consciousness, compassionate truth and spiritual community, can we find the heart-wisdom to practise higher alchemy?”

My Service

Modalities include, McTimoney chiropractic, massage, bio-resonance modalities (Scenar and NES), extensive training in cranio-sacral (Upledger) and visceral (Barral) techniques, plus Reiki, and other energy therapies. I have had the opportunity to work alongside some very gifted healers and see a very wide cross-section of clients.

The Openhand Facilitation process is a natural extension of my existing therapeutic practice.  The techniques allow me to extend that process much further as they enquire into the energetic patterns of restriction impacting the entire unique electromagnetic makeup of the individual. Breathing techniques, coupled with guided meditation, some practices borrowed from kriya yoga, “soul motion” movement and dance enhance the experience of the client all the way from the sensations of the physical body through the energetic systems to the higher planes of consciousness.

In-person sessions can be any combination of modalities; whatever is appropriate for each individual. Everyone to be met “where they are” in their process in a safe, bounded, healing environment. Sessions can include breathing exercises, meditative work specifically addressing the chakras, as well as whatever appropriate hands-on techniques might be indicated, or not.

I live in the UK in the Welsh Marches about half an hour north of Hereford.
My clinic-room is in my garden on the outskirts of a small village.

For those who are not local, Zoom/Facetime sessions are also available.
Sessions are currently charged at £60 per session, approximately an hour.
Please do get in touch and discuss a mutually acceptable rate if you find yourself in reduced financial circumstances.

Contact via email: evasmum66@gmail.com

Ellen - Stage 1 Openhand Facilitator

One can learn many healing disciplines, but without true depth of intuition and empathic feeling, they are simply mechanisms. Ellen has developed a broad range of skills through many years of experience, but underlying it all, is a deep intuitive soul connection, that is able to read concisely through the complexity of the human field, and cut to the healing chase. She'll weave from a broad pallet of healing skills and hone exactly what's required to help you reintegrate soul and undergo true spiritual healing. You'll be personally catered for and empathically met. You'll be well looked after! <<< Open 🙏

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Heart Dear Ellen,

Looking forwards to a long association and so pleased that new people will hear about your work and be able to contact you through Openhand. Your healing studio, crystal grids and beloved horses within an idyllic setting form an amazing base for the strong, gifted and empathic soul you are to "do your thing" which comes so naturally and is always evolving. 

Such a beacon of light sitting between Wales and England,

Much love, appreciation and blessings,

Tilly Praying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Tilly Bud


Dear Tilly,

Thank you so much for your very kind words and wishes. My listing here is also down  to your unending kindness, patience and fabulous facilitation skills over the last years. And the laughs!! Let’s not forget the laughter. I’m so looking forward to being part of this and continuing this part of our journey together.

Much love, respect and gratitude to you, my lovely!


Like all of us, you've experienced a rich and diverse journey here Ellen, with oodles of experience to help people realign, integrate at a soul level and thereby truly heal. I speak personally in the deeply insightful intuitive help you've given in diagnosing a kee knee/hip misalignment and most importantly, what this is speaking into. Because of course, all ailments speak into some aspect of deeper self-realisation.

Openhand is very pleased to have you onboard the Facilitator Network in support of those coming through the work.

Bright blessings in all that you do.

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


It's timely that Ellen should be accredited today, as we move into the Openhand Facilitator Season. What can be more important, or more fulfilling, than helping people emerge from the planetary challenges we face right now and move with the Shift into a bright new beginning in 5D?!

If you've been working with Openhand thus far and would dive into our ground-breaking facilitation techniques, our annual Foundation Course is coming right up (reach out to Tilly Bud to see if it's right for you: contact Tilly)

12th-17th Jun: Facilitator Foundation Course: 6-Days, ZOOM
There can be nothing more rewarding than divine service, especially at these pivotal times of profound change on the planet. If you're feeling called to become a shift facilitator, Openhand has crafted ground breaking processes to process karma and activate the new 5D divine being to share with you. Plus how to develop your spiritual business using a totally natural eco-system approach.
With planetary shift facilitator, "Open".

And we have the Annual Facilitator Conference coming up in Avebury - an unmissable gathering of high alchemcy...

10th-16th July: Annual Facilitator Conference: 7-Days, Avebury & ZOOM
Facilitators will be back amongts the magical crop cicles and sacred stones of Avebury to intuit, integrate and develop the very latest movements in the Shift. We'll be connecting with the Star Being Nations for upliftment and support. We'll be developing the very latest in our personal service. We'll be hanging out with kindred spirits and having uplifting fun.
Join Your Kindred Family either in Avebury or Online.