What is Enlightenment?

There are probably many definitions for what Enlightenment is - it is likely that we would each describe it in our own unique way. That is because words are ultimately inadequate to describe what can only be experienced.

That said, words and contemplations can help point to that inner state of pure presence. That is the purpose of the following articles...

Articles on Enlightenment:

How the Shift can make You INVINCIBLE for Your Existence

Submitted by Open on Tue, 02/25/2025 - 15:56

We're entering the zone in the Shift where everything begins to accelerate - it goes exponential. This is where there's the maximum to gain from our journey. It's exactly why souls choose to incarnate here at this time, even though it will become tremendously challenging. It becomes possible to attain an inner actualisation of the soul, where you feel Invincible in life itself.

334 Reads

Spiritual Mastery and the Soul Ray Harmonic: The Sweet Spot of Life

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/01/2024 - 04:20

People speak of spiritual mastery and might be intentionally working toward it, but what actually is it? Some would say Enlightenment is the measure, however, I would say that's just the beginning. This is where the real journey begins - the journey of self-actualisation, of what may be termed the "Soul Ray Harmonic". And that by revealing this in any given moment, the sense of spiritual mastery arises in the background of experience.

247 Reads

Mastering the Art of Transcendence: Essential 5D Insight

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/14/2022 - 05:58

A new paradigm is beckoning the soul and the planet shifts progressively into 5D. But this is no easy process, not something to sit back and let happen. There must be a full-on, all-in, active engagement to progressively peel back the veils. That's where mastering the art of daily transcendence is so essential. You're feeling intimately into every situation that arises, whether harmonious or dissonant.

4418 Reads

Dealing with Bone-Crunching Initiations on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/10/2022 - 06:47

I have written about this recently, but it deserves extra attention at this point in the shift: why you might be experiencing a "bone crunching" period of super intensity on the path, where many things are coming up at once, in all aspects of your life. Whether it be in your relationships, career or general living circumstances and your guides and guidance seem to have deserted you.

Recognise this? What on earth is going on?

1206 Reads

Homeostasis & Equanimity: Finding Balance and Harmony on the Path

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/02/2022 - 04:36

These are turbulent times for sure, as the planet and society shift through the gears of transformation. Each of us is connected physically and energetically through morphic fields that are activating and unravelling. That's even before we talk about the dramatic infusions of higher dimensional light. How are we to find balance and harmony through it all? The key is Homeostasis and Equanimity.

1953 Reads

Becoing an Ascended Master: An Eternal Student of Life

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 06:22

On the spiritual path, what is the true measure of mastery? You may have journeyed plenty, you may have touched deep presence and be able to open into multidimensionality. However, this doesn't necessarily equate to being a master of the Shift itself, that which is moving everything into the Universal Torus of Life. For this, we must understand and master the process of Ascension itself.

15966 Reads

The Sacred Ground of Being...The Quintessence of Who We Are

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/02/2019 - 04:04

We are amidst the most phenomenal shift of consciousness in the history of our planet, and of humanity's journey on it. Day by day the external drama seems to ratchet up another notch. With the plandemonium, environmental degradation and the bankruptcy of the governing system, the shadow side is illuminating itself in all its outrageous lunacy. In this outer turmoil, it is utterly essential that evolving people have some inner ground, a mast, to which to anchor centred consciousness, so as to find peace, serenity, and to step forth into the world with aligned authentic decision making. It's essential therefore, that we continually access what's termed our "Sacred Ground of Being".

4411 Reads

5D Shift: The Peculiar Sense of No Self...Moving into Enlightened States

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/30/2018 - 07:27

I've often heard people say on the path, "I don't know who I am anymore!" It's indicative that you're starting to move beyond the false self ego and into the sense of 'no self'. It can be pretty scary and unsettling at first, and as it arises, fear might bounce you back into ego again. But there'll come a point, when you realise everything that you thought you were was false and an illusion anyway.

2493 Reads

How to Find Lasting Contentment and Fulfillment in a World of Change?

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 05:43

The pace of change is hotting up across our planet day by day. If it's not the system constantly introducing new ways to constrain freedoms, new distractions to entertain or enslave, new gadgets and widgets that we simply must have, then there's The Shift itself, which is pulling at the very bedrock of our reality. To add to the complexity, the soul is constantly looking for new expression and evolved ways of being. So in this cauldron of profound change, how might we find lasting contentment and fulfillment? It's a tricky balancing act, but there is certainly a way, providing we focus on some key essentials:

1666 Reads

Enlightenment: You are the One - the Universe is Moving Within You

Submitted by Open on Wed, 05/30/2018 - 05:46

Great shifts of consciousness are happening out there in the field, and felt deeply within our very cells too. A Great Realignment is taking place, that evolving people are experiencing in every aspect of their lives: in relationships, careers and general living circumstances. Everything is of consciousness, and so as we emerge from the old paradigm, the very fabric upon which our lives have been founded is unravelling. As we process karma, it can often feel like being pulled through the eye of a needle, as first you contract into the density, and then emerge gloriously out the other side. How do you best ride this phenomenal rollercoaster?

(Image kindly provided with copyright by BD Hypno Plus....https://www.briandcruzhypnoplus.com/ )

2096 Reads

The Flowing Path of Enlightenment and the "Non-Duality" Bubble

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 05:18

These are amazing times of great transformation for the earth and for humanity. People everywhere are graciously stepping out of the darkness of separation and disconnection from the divine. With each passing day, ever more are realising their interconnectedness and at-one-ment with all life. It is a breathtaking liberation! But as souls emerge, there are still many traps and fixations. We must not settle in fixed reality constructs. The soul is a continually inquiring, exploring and unwinding 'creature', at the core of our experience. Its expression is intimately interrelated with Enlightenment.

That's why we must be careful not to slip into the uniformity of the 'non-duality' trap...

3590 Reads

Rights of Passage on the Spiritual Path...Encountering Spiritual "Initiations"

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 07:01

There will be times on the path where you're presented with vital opportunities for accelerated evolutionary growth. They are windows of possibility where your soul is wanting to expand into a new conscious existence. The Universe presents a cauldron of alchemical change, where you're tested emotionally, physically and mentally to your threshold and beyond. It's like a new flower, breaking through tough surface layers. By pathfinders who've endured them, they've become known as 'initiations'. They are the most earth-shattering, bone-shaking you will encounter. It pays to know something about them, to make sense of what's going on...

5350 Reads