Facilitating the Great Planetary Shift...Openhand Journal 2022

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/11/2022 - 04:11

The Openhand Facilitator Group convenes in Avebury today, amongst the sacred stones and within "crop-circle grand central". These are pivotal times for humanity and the planet, so whatever happens, it's bound to be alchemical. Openhand's mission is to inspire and activate anyone who can resonate with what's truly unfolding around us. So come and tune in this week, where I'll be sharing daily updates, photos, commentary, meditations and video. Connect up to the energy with us and be uplifted!

What's involved in being a lightworker, healer or facilitator?

Certainly from the Openhand perspective, it's recognising that at any given point in the field, or within any given sentient life form, there is a natural Torus that wants to flow unhindered. Disharmony and dis-ease happen where this is not the case - which you witness is widespread within humanity and across the planet - so there's a great deal to done!

Basically what you can do is embrace a particular location or other being within your own activated Torus - it catalyses and inspires reactivation in the other. Sounds simple right? It is straightforward, but there are skills and empathic gifts that need to be applied to unravel the tethering that's been retarding the Torus. Essentially that's what we'll be working to develop during the week.

Working with Benevolent Interdimensional Beings

Crucially, if you can realign the energy field itself, then you're positively influencing the blueprint for 3D life. Hence by working with interdimensional benevolent beings, you can greatly amplify the effect - providing we're absolutely clear about aligned benevolent intention, then you can work together to bring expansive energies to bear. And healing these karmic relationships is going to be essential too. We all have much to unravel!

So it's bound to be an intriguing week. Tune in with us and be inspired to get involved with the Great Shift of Consciousness unfolding across our planet. There can be nothing more exciting and rewarding to be engaged in. It's wonderful to have you tune in. See you in the field.

Bright blessings

Open 💙🙏

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I can tell you there's nothing more magical, alchemical, rewarding and fulfilling that being a facilitator in the shift - bridging across the dimensions, working with the interdimensionals, grounding energy to uplift and transform our lives. If you've been inspired by this Avebury Facilitator Journal (b below) and feel impassioned to become a facilitator in the shift, there's no better place to activate your inherant gifts than right here with Openhand.

Here are the steps to becoming an accredited Openhand Facilitator...

Openhand Facilitator Program


22/07/2022 Avebury Journal Closing

I couldn't resist sharing a few final, final photos from the marvellous Facilitator Conference in Avebury this year. It's almost a week since we completed it, yet the energy keeps flowing and inetgrating. I have many lovely reflections of our time there. Thanks so much to everyone who made it so special...

Thanks to Tilly, for tremendous patience and culinary concoctions in the kitchen - I can still taste it!...

The great adventure free-wheeling around Avebury...

How each stone spoke...

How we changed the polarity...

Andy the Viking - "we're reclaiming this hill!"...

To brothers and sisters across the divide...

A hearty Sunday brunch at the crop-circle cafe...

Fairwell dear souls, see you down the flow!

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Uplifting energies, uplifting people, great food, crop circles, fabulous field work, intense facilitations, beautiful scenery, enourmous personal growth, new friends, table tennis, fond farewells. What a week!! I'm still in it and probably will be for some time to come.

Thanks everyone, this was a game changer.

Praying Emoji Stickman Kev

In reply to by Open


Dear Open and all,

i am still not able to fully grasp what happened at the facilittor conference. It was so incredible to do the work with our terrestrial team and the support of the zoom team and many more in the ether.

My biggest learning is that of compassion towards the star beings. I had the notion that they would be so much more advanced on all levels than we are - and i got to feel that they also have their issues and that we as humans are actually well capable in assisting them with their own self-realisation. To have that equalization with how star beings are usually depicted on this planet changed my whole perspective. Big revelation!

I had not done work of such scale with a big team before, working not just on the individual but also the collective and getting in touh with universal energies. That was so colossal that i really have to say thank you for being a part of this.

Actually i think this is why i love superhero movies so much. Because they have a team and they are working towards a greater goal - together they make a change. This is what it's all about. This was really life changing.

Much love and appreciation to you all


20/07/2022 Facilitator Journal Avebury

It's simply impossible to put words to describe and sum up our magical Facilitator Conference in Avebury - I suspect we will be processing and integrating for many moons to come - I wouldn't be at all surprised to see more crop circles appear too. For me, the most magical element is about the level of interdimensional connection we manifested together as a group - the strongly palpable feeling of "Andy the Andromedan" in the studio with us during our final meditation on the last day. It was nothing short of a miracle being actualised.

The work is sure to ripple at a planetary level and form bridges of support for everyone to benefit from in the shift. So to everyone who took part, both terrestrial, online and through the ether, and to those tuning in and supporting, I say a profound, heart-felt "thankyou!!" ❤️

We will be sure to be connecting and channeling that energy into Avalon Rising 22, for the wider benefit of all.

For now, here are a few closing snaps. You are all seen, respected, cherished and loved 🧡

Warm smiles all round...

Plentiful hugs...

It was simply otherworldy reaching out across the ether to the zoomers...

Fairwell dear friends...

In reply to by Open


Another unforgettable gathering with Openhand, the most efficient way to spend my all holidays and more than only holidays. It felt as a continuation from last year's Facilitators Summer Conference. I can feel how we as a Facilitators team having our rainbow energies bound together and stabilising, we're forming something like more permanent establishment to do energy work on a planetary level. Although it's not something fixed, just my sense of us getting stronger in our work we do together.

I was awesomely impressed by Crazy Ivan (not sure if that's correct spelling) Open did on our first trip to the field driving around small roundabout three times before exiting it - that's when I finally got what that means. Even though I still struggle translating my senses of energy into words I'm feeling more and more confident in what we as a group are doing. Would like to express one moment, when we were returning from the field one day, all sitting in a car (one I was in) quiet, feeling from being tired to exhausted after breaking down pretty heavy energies in one location. The music started playing (in the car) and as if I could see us as a team from the above, moving through the space - the escort of three cars driving through the Avebury's countryside returning from the mission. I imagined it like a superhero film - the energy was such, really worthy of the film, very much uplifting... It's impossible to put into words, it always will be... You must be part of this to know how it feels.

I am living the happiest times in my life when I'm part of the Openhanders group and part of this energy / light work. Nothing else I'm dreaming of, this is it Praying Emoji. I didn't feel hunger during that week even though we were on the intermittent fasting, I didn't have any other interests, I completely forgot about everything and everyone existing outside this gathering, my phone was working tool for the Openhand gathering and nothing else for. All because I feel how this work is fulfilling for the soul.

The last evening I intuitively took my camera because it felt as if some presence is speaking through the surrounding trees and plants. This is what I got…

Higher presence

When the higher dimensional presence lands this is such a subtle feeling that is very difficult to translate into words. I was given to pick up a reflection from the universe shown through the nature of how this fine subtle energy feels. See if you can pick this up...


It feels such a privilege to be part of this work. Thank you!


With all my Love 💜


In reply to by Open


Thank you Open, Tilly and everyone in the beautiful group at the facilitators’ conference, both terrestrial and online. It was awesome to work in the way we did and I am humbled to be even a small part of this wonderful group and the truly astonishing work we have done and will continue to do together.

I’m still in ‘integration and assimilation’ mode, so words aren’t coming easily just now and they fail to express how honoured I feel to be part of Openhand and the amazing work Open and our whole group do, which truly gives my life meaning every single day, even when I’m ploughing through the mire.

Thank you all.




19/07/2022 Avebury Facilitator Gathering Update

It's getting exciting here in the field as the realisations land following our marvellous facilitator gathering. I suspect there is plenty more to come in the days and weeks that follow. Today I've shared my realisations of the Andromedan connection and how I believe they're speaking to us. Enjoy, this is astronomic!...

Profound Connections with Andromedan Starbeings Supporting the Shift


18/07/2022 Facilitator Journal Avebury

I simply knew that a crop circle was going to appear for us at Barbury Castle, just outside of Marlborough - the signs and synchronicities had pointed that way leading up to the event, and the flow had me driving in that area on my vision quest. This one appeared at the conclusion of our marvelous Facilitator Conference in the area. I'm told by those in the ether that it's provided as a parting farewell to the group and a deep sense of gratitude for all the tremendous work that was done. You are deeply loved, respected and cherished! ❤️

To me, it shows all the various elements we worked with, and more, coming together around a 6D centre. What do you see?

In conclusion

I have plenty to share in conclusion about the tremendous facilitator gathering, but right now back in Glastonbury I'm completely pooped! So after a little recovery time, I'll happily share some insight.

Thanks deeply from the heart for all who contributed and those tuning in.

Bright blessings

Open 🧡

In reply to by Open


Hi Open and everyone,

I was woken up at 5:30 this morning by the owner of the guesthouse in Pewsey i am staying. After five minutes i was prepared and ready to leave for the cropcircle. We spent a good hour inside.

You know the cropcircle does not look like on the video (that was taken yesterday). Its structure has been modified during the night! I am in contact with people who experienced 30 years of cropcircles and they say that never happened before in this particular way. On the picture i took you can see that half of the triangle shaped wedges have been taken out over night. On the bottom part of the picture you can see the way the triangles are folded, with a beautiful bouquet in the middle. Curious!

crop circle barbery

The cropcircle came with a feeling of great cohesion, coherence, balance and solidity on the level of the base chakra. There is great clarity and balance on the elemental and reptilian planes. They have found the coherence within themselves to enable the coming together of the roundtable and be able to join it.

On a larger scale it feels like there is an unshakable union - an unshakable bond between those who are at the roundtable at the moment. They are all pulling together, like joining hands, which makes their bond really strong. Each represents a part of the crop circle, they can come together and converge perfectly around the 6D center of the structure.

The energy is strongly pulling clockwise, with a downward motion to it. It felt like i was sinking into the ground. A beautiful feeling of being anchored and balanced, yet connected to the higher densities. Kundalini is flowing from this balance in the base chakra. I felt to ground the crop circles energy to the core of Gaia so it would ripple through the crystalline earth grid.

The conference was just stunningly beautiful. More to that later.

Will have a resting day now Hugging

Much love and appreciation, feeling blessed,

In reply to by thomask


I had a feeling you'd make it out there Thomas - thanks for the tremendous feedback - intriguing for sure and it absolutely points to the convergence and grounding of the energies.

When I saw this one originally, it looked very basic and simple. I wondered if it was fake, so asked the universe. It came to me that another group has begun it - perhaps reptilians? Or at least they were grounding it. The fact that another group might have come in to augment it is highly uplifting. Perhaps speaking of the convergence indeed.


Open 🧡

In reply to by thomask


I had an interesting dream last night – was running, very easily, without any effort, through the certain structures that led up like a staircase in a space and gave a little feeling that the trajectory of that structure is bending as if it was going in a circle. When I reached the very top stopped and looked down. What I saw was an impression that those structures seemed to consist of something like tables and chairs, stacked one on top of the other. The entire space was filled with white light and felt absolutely peaceful. I was looking down, seeing those structures but there was nothing else there, I couldn't even see the ground or any foundation on which they would be built. I was looking down trying to figure out the way how I can get down, but it was clear there's no way down. Then I got the idea that to see how I can go down from the top, I need to look from the bottom (but I can't get down there). Then stepped aside from the structure and woke up...

Now, the interesting thing is that I look at the first version of this most recent crop circle and those structures in my dream looked very close to what I see in the video. Imagine it in a space, as if the outer edge of the circle is higher and looking from the top edge down seeing it as a perspective of a lower levels which form the inner circle (actually, hexagon). Still contemplating the meaning of it, but that was my dream, not sure if there is any connection really to this crop circle. On the other hand, the feelings after our Facilitator Conference of what I have experienced during that week make to me perfect sense of that dream and those constructions in a space. Got a good sense of / connection with higher dimensions and now is a bit of work to figure out how to weave those energies into the lower dimensions, how to hold the finest subtle energy not dissipating, embody it and reflect in everyday living (quite tough task).

By the way, in my dream I was running up those structures clockwise. Interesting, that from what Thomas shared he got a sense of the same motion just downward. I can feel how my experience in the dream has a good degree of resonance with his experience in the real location. Thank you for sharing, Thomas!

Blessings to our Facilitators team and everyone tuning in Heart

With all my Love


In reply to by Asya


Thanks for sharing the dream - fascinating indeed Thumbs Up Sign

To me it speaks very much of the Andromedan energy - weaving reality from the higher dimensions through the observation of sacred geometry, then watching it form as the energy cascades downwards. It does need an anchor to be actualised though.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Thank you, Open, for sharing your perspective on my dream, I very much resonate with this. Yet an anchor in this case is the biggest mystery for me to be solved Slightly Smiling. I probably should ask the universe "show me"...



In reply to by Open


Wow, the crop circle just evolved - it's in dynamic conversation!! This is the same crop circle as above, but on the second day.
When I was on my vision quest in Avebury prior to the facilitator event, I was taken to Barbury Castle, the flow was insistent that something would happen there. How has it evolved for you??


17/07/2022 Openhand Avebury Update

There's simply so much going on here in Avebury that it's going to take some time to integrate and put words to - phew!

Meanwhile, here's the latest photo update to provide a sense of what's unfolding...

Time for the next mission, "get your game faces on!"...

Let's turn and burn!...

Connecting with the gate keeper...

The stones speak...

The crop circle connects...

Reach for the skies!...

Phew, I need to ground some energy!...

Free wheeling in Marlborough. "Wait, you are actually supposed to wheel!!...

Later on, time for some Pleiadian play...

In reply to by Open


There's the concept of 'spin' in this picture. Becoming more comfortable with speaking out ( in exulted company) as we are unique energies and sense things differently. Therefore we have our own spin to bring to the table. Adding 'spin' to the chakra activation and grounding breathing meditation. Anticlockwise up and clockwise down ( both directions simultaneously now), I love how this progression of events builds steadily, adding more depth to the unfolding process. Spin in the field, -up or down to feed stuff into the torus ( still not totally sure about how that works). And....table tennis spin, imparted by Betsy who adapts the rules to her own unique method. After all, it's authentic flow isn't it? And finally the post-Avebury integration period, head spinning and fatigued but so honoured to have taken part.


16/07/2022 Facilitator Journal Update Avebury

There's simply so much energy moving and connecting here on the Facilitator Conference in Avebury that it's practically impossible to condense into words. To me, that's the awesome power and majesty of the crop circles. It's a completely different language, speaking multidimensionally, but with simplicity, and in a way that communicates into a wide diversity of souls. They're metaphoric and not meant to be translated in a specific way - rather what speaks into your soul?

Yesterday we were totally blessed by the divine, in that this majestic crop circle appeared in our village, just a couple of miles away from our dwelling. It felt like it was done for us and to honour the work. It looks simple from a distance, but when you watch the video, see the tremendous flows created in the carefully bent crops....

Early in the morning after the crop circle appeared we took the group to it. Sadly the farmer had already mowed it out - it makes you wonder just how you could simply mow right over such tremendous artistry? No matter, even the tractor could not mow over the intricate weave right in the centre. It was absolutely stunning.

Even thought the crop circle had been mowed out, it was a totally stunning experience for all.

So tell me, what do you get from it?

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


The fake stream news is desperate to ridicule the crop circle phenomenon. What would it actually mean if extra terrestrials were trying to communicate with us through this tremendous artistry? What might they actually be telling us? And most importantly, how would it then change our lives? Those are the questions they can't risk you exploring.

So, let me introduce you to their explanation of how plenty have been done. It's Doug and Dave of course, with a plank and a rope! Honestly? When we stood in the centre of the Lay Wood one above, even though it had been mowed out by the farmer, even the tractor couldn't mow the intricate waving weave in the centre. Just to have carefully enfolded a couple of square metres of it would have had to have been done carefully by hand and would have taken all day. Fake stream news, you embarrass yourselves!...


15/07/2022 Facilitator Journal Update Avebury

I just love how this work weaves together. There's absolutely no plan. We go with the synchronicities and feelings and let it all flow. So when I went out through the carpark yesterday for my 5am walk in the fields, look what had fallen onto the roof of one of the cars...

Clearly we were meant to be working with Serpent energy! Specifically the distorted elemental, what we call "Black Snake"; then how to realign it into its more natural counterpart. Blacksnake is what underpins many of the distprtions in society - addictive and manipulative behaviours. It's metaphored perfectly in the Garden of Eden story.

Discover more on the Openhand's view on Blacksnake energy

So we took off to a nearby site where you can feel this energy weaving and commanding the whole area...

These are far more than just markworthy monuments. They're designed to harness energy from the laylines and distort it with the intention of control. They're also multidimensional - they can be "seen" in the 4D field by those interdimensionals that hone in on them.

So we sat in circle and worked into the energy, examining it within ourselves, communicating with the various related groups, and then calling on realigned benevolent ones (the Annunaki) to help us realign the field. Basically you're working within yourself, and as a group, to reconstitue the natural Torus, the flower of life. You're giving an energetic "push" to what naturally wants to actualise.

Speaking of the Flower of Life, if you take a look at the green heart shaped field in the middle distance in the photo above, the following crop circle appeared there a few years back...

You can clearly see the interrelated flower of life depicted in it. Clearly that's what our friends in the ether wanted us to reactivate, and that's exactly what we did!!

So a very productive day all round with much energy moved, that has opened a space for a wonderful infusion of interdimensional benevolence to come 🧡

Here's another article I wrote on the subject as the lockdown measures were being unwound...

Black Snake Energy Unravelling: Liberation Breaking Through Society

Exciting times!

Open 💙


14/07/2022 Openhand Facilitator Journal Avebury

The work is continuing at warp speed here, connecting with different groups and harmonics - it's the nature of the rainbow frequencies of those involved and where you've all traveled from through the journey of the soul. Totally fascinating!

We're healing a lot of galactic relationships that have gone "pear-shaped" through the aeons too. Like for example the challenge of the Orions, some of whom became harvested souls, from which the greys were created and then brought to earth as a worker species to enact the intervention. The greys have often been those seen in abduction accounts. I hasten to add, many of these Greys are now in the process of realigning and returning to the light.

Yesterday we took off to a site that has had many reports of UFO activity through the years. Whether 3D physical or not you can certainly feel the interdimensional energies there, at this ancient neolithic site (which I'd prefer to protect the location of). It was clear from the outset that we came to connect with, empathise and heal greys in the area - you could palpably feel that suppressed energy that was blocking the natural alignment of the field.

Get you're game faces on folks, here we go...

Trooping across the fields, with grey clouds in the skies....

We're on a mission...

A helping hand if necessary!...

Kev had seen a vision of a grey face in a stone. We had no idea where we were going, but we were guided tremendously - gusts of wind, the buzz of a bee, the swish of a cow's tail, the call of a lark, until - wow, spot on Kev!

Time for some healing hands...

And light language...

Resonating a collective vibe to help bring them back to the family of light.

I can't begin to express just how fulfilling and heart-warming this work is. ♥️
What could be better?! 🤗


In reply to by Open


I'm working with this energy - although my personal default mode is happiness with waves of ecstatic bliss 😊 - it's never far away in other's around me. 

What is most pronounced for me as it comes through the people interacting with what I represent in the world, is their fear, clinginess and desperation. They function to tell each other what do and disempower each other. The herd mentality.

There is that collectivised mindset whereby they have the urge to impose their views, ways, or ideas upon you, complete strangers, or any body. They lack the capacity to respect, or even conceive of, another's autonomy, sovereignty or will. 

I found it fascinating observing it emboldened during the plandemonium. That consciousness would culminate in everybody's demise if it could.

I'm very much open to a greater awareness and discernment of these energies, life forms, and dynamics. Awesome.

Thank-you Open 🙏🏻

In reply to by Open


Another crop circle ! I see.....why the farmers get so peeved 😆

Much appreciating hearing about the Facilitator Conference! 

It made me reminisce about an event that occurred back in 2012 in Glastonbury. It was a crazy few weeks, I was staying in this place, and there was a radio on in a room. It was transmitted via the radio about all the different extra terrestrials living, much as we do, in terms of thriving or surviving, with us and through us on the earth. I didn't really look much further into it, how do you know what to believe? I saw craft that week with third party verification, that was enough for me. There was vast information coming through, and getting to grips with the entire paradigm shift, you can only take so much on board.

I just cleared something out of the vicinity just now, the earth literally shook afterwards. It was coming through a person I was interacting with. I get an intuition about what's happening, it's like the person starts needling me. In order to cope with the interaction, which is unpleasant for me, I go into the void, internal shifts occur and the external energy shifts. Unless a person is sufficiently clear, entities are going to be coming through them, or karma, (instant 😉). So over the past few years, I've distanced myself from others, including friends and family, as it came through them.

I realise this is so I will never forget that I am essentially an illusion, so that I complete the task of fully waking up. We're all sounding boards.

It fascinates me how you operate as a group. Wishing you a ground breaking, earth shaking time!!

With love

Remy 🙏🏻


Here are the early photos from the Facilitator Conference 22...

Arrival - meeting old friends...

Plenty of baggage to get rid of, LOL!...

Getting straight into the work with the SEER process...

Wasting no time, we hit the debilitating RA energy early on, phew, that's heavy!!...

Once it had cleared we were able to sing in the higher dimensionals such as the Lyrans...

It's all going swimmingly well, getting into the energies very quickly. We're out on the ground today. Let's see what the energy has in store!

Open 💙


13/07/2022 Openhand Facilitator Journal

We're getting into things deeply here at the Facilitator Summer Conference in Avebury. Yesterday we hit a deep sense of inertia, disconnect, a feeling of lethargy and questioning why are we here doing this? It quickly became apparent there was a collectivised consciousness that we were confronting, one that plugs you unwittingly into society. The dopamine hit of soft comfort through what we consume or the distractions of technology and social media shut down the cascading subtle inflows of higher consciousness. It was the Ra energy that was causing this. What's that all about? (it's the same energy we confronted earlier this year on pilgrimage in Egypt)...

The Rejuvenating Cycle of Death and Rebirth

Life in the Universe is based on the process of growth and advancement through continual iteration - continual innovation and evolution. Inherent instability is our friend because it breaks down previous karmic constructs that contain disharmony (and dis-ease) so that new harmonies can take shape - new paradigms of more aligned consciousness. Put simply it's the rejuvenating cycle of death and rebirth. But some Opposing Consciousness has taken to resisting this natural cycle. You could well empathise if the civilisations that you've constructed - Atlantis for example - keep breaking down through the grand realigning cycles initiated by the galactic superwave. (Discover more about the galactic superwave)

The Ra energy has sought to gain power and resist these realignments by drawing consciousness - souls - into a collectivised bubble in the 4D - to cheat death to some small degree. It's alluring because it feels expansive and protective, yet the cost is loss of soul sovereignty. It's a degree of dumbing down - a rosy hue, a love and light bubble that limits.


It was this energy that established the Isis Goddess leadership during the Egyptian Atlantean times. The population was unwittingly subjugated to the Goddess.

Even today, this is done through distorted spiritual practice and through genetic down-grading such as the recent machinations of the pandemic. Essentially what's happening is the harvesting of souls. Some "Ascension" teachers even speak of the "harvest" into the "4D" (there has to be some degree of acquiescence for the subterfuge to work).

No Matter How Powerful, You cannot indefinitely control reality

Once I realised this was the energy at large through the group yesterday, we were able to confront it, and had direct communication with it. There was resistance to change at first. But through the persistent expression of the inevitability of breakdown through the grand cosmic cycles - that you cannot continually control and resist the natural flow - the Ra consciousness began to jitter. The crucial thing in these encounters is NOT to polarise or demonise - not to make them wrong, but to empathise. You build a bridge by honouring their truth but then expressing the higher truth.

It was utterly fascinating to come to realise from them that they had no concept of freedom and free flow. They'd been in this bubble and part of a "non-duality" collective for aeons. They'd lost the freedom of indivuality and unique soul expression. So we had to vision them into the freedom of the waterfall and the stream. Thus the coherency of this bubble began to wobble and break. It was refreshing to see plenty of souls break away and ascend into the angelic realm in the 4D. The main body of the Ra group then expressed that it needed to withdraw to contemplate the revelations. A wave of lightness and relief expanded through the Facilitator group.

The Lyrans from Vega

I'd had the sense previously that the various benevolent interdimensional groups had been sitting on the periphery, observing our work, but unable to draw truly close. The Ra energy in the 4D had been resisting this and blocking out the subtle bridging nuances. Following the withdrawal of the Ra energy, one higher dimensional group immediately came into view - the Lyrans from Vega - who spoke through Asya, one of the group members. The Lyrans are the ancestors of a swathe of the Pleiadians, and so there's a close connection between the two. When I visualise them, I see the elves from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was a breath of 7D fresh air to have them join us.

We go out on the ground today to begin to open the space for more of these higher dimensional benevolent groups to come through. It's highly rewarding and adventurous for sure!

Bright blessings

Open 💙


12/07/2022 Openhand Facilitator Journal

The Openhand Facilitator Group convened from far and wide last night, 22 of us, both here in Avebury terrestrially and online. It felt tremendously auspicious. And right away, during the opening meditation, you could feel the palpable presence of various interdimensional groups tuning in. I have to be careful how much I share at this point, because there is a fair amount of resistance from opposing groups that you can feel too. But no matter. We're well versed in dealing with such intervention. Rather than polarising, there's always an invitation to realign through the healing nature of the Torus.

It's clear from the outset that healing, by empathising and regression, will be a crucial part of the work we do, and that will begin today, by working one-on-one but then connecting into the various group energies. We're given to work with 10 groups specifically - hence the nature of the number 10 appearing in a number of the crop circles...

For example, we'll be working with the Annunaki, Sirians, the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Reptilians and Orions to name but a few. What we need to understand is that their various influences down through the aeons, both benevolent and misaligned, have greatly determined the direction of life on the planet - creating much of the karmic the disharmony and dis-ease humanity has experienced. By working to realign some of these relational karmic experiences, will greatly help the planetary realignment process, which is totally necessary within the Great Shift.

This will be a central part of our mission this week. It's full of intrigue and adventure for sure. But there will be other aspects too. I listed what I consider are 4 key missions of lightworkers previously in an Openhand article. How do you see yourself involved?...

1) Illuminating, Awakening & Healing others: there are plenty who are ready to be illuminated, awakened and healed. This will accelerate as the shift unfolds. But to be clear, this is much more than just awakening at an intellectual level to the control system. It is awakening to the soul and its interconnectivity with all life. It's awakening to the much bigger picture. Plenty of you will have the capacity through self-realisation practices to awaken people. Crucially though, be aware that it is NOT about awakening everyone. History reveals that shifts happen in waves of awakening. Some are not ready at this juncture and it can be depleting to waste your energy. Water and shed light on the seeds that are fertile!

2) Unravelling the Energy Field: In 2012 with the galactic alignment Gaia shifted her centre of consciousness into 5D. And for at least the last decade, well over 200 species of creature and plant life have been moving on from the 3D, going extinct here, daily. The shift is well underway. However, to make the ride as smooth as possible requires that convolutions in the energy field from the old karmic construct need unraveling. Those with the awareness can do this within their consciousness. You find yourself drawn to a particular place and performing curious movements or speaking light language. You may then get to see the reflective synchronicity of your actions, in surrounding signs and symbols. It could be in the movement of cloud formations for example.

3) Realigning the Intervention: The earth has been embroiled in an Extra-Terrestrial Intervention that has been controlling the energy field and hybridising humanity to fit within those limiting frequencies. At times it has been savage. However many of those intervening groups are seeing the error of their ways. To polarise and demonise does not help the situation. It only perpetuates the disharmony and means we'll only recreate a similar construct further down the path. Many lightworkers have the capacity to reach out and communicate with these groups in their being. You're standing strong in your energy field and communicating forgiveness but with strength. And also creating portals to channel the intervening groups away into the angelic realm or else further afield in the cosmos - onto reality constructs more commensurate with their vibration and learning requirement at this time. For those who feel a resonance, energy and lightworkers need to lose their fear and remember how to align these beings in their field thus ushering them back to the light.

4) Holding Ground: You may find yourself drawn to a key location on the planet, which might not necessarily be what you'd most desire. You might not understand why. Inquire deeper. It could be that you're one of those to hold the 3D ground. You're meant to infuse and anchor higher dimensional energy. Simply by holding the space and expressing your authentic frequency there, starts to break down the intervention energy and dig it up AT THE ROOTS. It means the shadowside can no longer cling on. And as the earth cleanses herself in the culmination of The Event, then the intervening consciousness will have been completely purged from the earth, thus readying the planet for the fresh beginning in 5D.

Here's the full article: 4 Key Missions of Energy and Lightworkers in the Shift

Great to have you tune in and support the work. I'll be sharing photos and inspiration just as soon as we've managed to capture some.

Wishing you well

Open 🧡


Hi Open and facilitators,

Although not able to join in person or online, I'm following the unfolding here on the website with interest. With you all through the ether!

Exciting times!

With love



Wow, a new crop circle has just appeared for the start of Facilitator Week near Marlborough - which is on the edge of the Avebury fields - it was where I spent my last day during the recent vision quest a week ago. Check this out, it is totally awesome!...


Avebury is such a magical place of high alchemy - I'm thrilled to be spending time back there again with the facilitator group. What's in store? Who can tell! It's a journey that will weave itself. If you've not seen it recently, here's the magical journal we shot back in 2019, when a crop circle appeared in the vicinity on our very last day. What an experience...