A forum dedicated to the accelerating planetary effects of the 5D Shift. How are you being affected, those around you, and where you live?

The Cosmos - and how it affects us?

What is the influence of the planets on us? I can see that all of the cosmos has a vibrational effect on us. But which direction does this go? If we are creating with how we are being then aren't we drawing to ourselves the effects we are experiencing? Aren't we collectively creating the cosmos as they are - or at least holding in place the structure of the cosmos by our mass agreement to see it a particular way? It seems it's all a mirror anyway...not a cause of what I am feeling, but a reflection of what is already inside of me.

Portals and Pleadian contracts.

Open, it never ceases to amaze me that your posts most always correlate to my current explorations and challenges. ...I get a real kick out of it! :) In regards to a couple of your last posts...

Just recently, it's been presented to me that my property (as well as surrounding properties) are hosting and attracting oppressive energies, due to a malevolent portal on the property next door to my house.

The MATRIX of Health

Global spending on drugs for diseases ranging from cancer to heart disease are on the rise, and according to a new report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, worldwide, patients will spend $1 trillion on such drugs by 2014.

Not only will spending reach that unprecedented level, but the group’s estimates hint that it will continue to grow and reach almost $1.2 trillion in 2017.

Hopi prophecy of Fukushima

Here is a link to a Vision of a Hopi Elder.

Hopi Elder Vision

Fukushima is still leaking every second huge amounts of radiation. At the time of accident there was hundreds of thousands of tons radiactive waste in the containers. It is very sad that this has not been told to everyone. updates all the time news from Fukushima and world wide. It is a bit depressing to read the stuff but it is better to know than to not know.

Rapid rise in global wildlife deaths

I have read so many stories about wildlife deaths in recent time... Birds falling out of the sky or washing up on the shore. Bee populations declining exponentially etc.

Some are a mystery although the common factor seems to be human activity.

This is a forum thread to keep track of what is going on.
If you hear of anything feel free to add.