Grand Galactic Convergence: Lessons of La Palma Stargate

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 05:16

Here in the Openhand community, we've recently completed a magical retreat on the volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands - a key planetary stargate, with seven islands that have strong Pleiadian alignment. How might the energy of this magical Isla Bonita speak into the planetary earth shift right now? What might the complexities of the field there reveal to energy and lightworkers about how to focus attention as we sail into the Grand Galactic Convergence?

From what we experienced, it's clear to say, that Isla Bonita really is the Canary in the coal mine!

Overcoming Planetary Inertia in the Shift

I'd say the biggest reflection is that of inertia in the field, and in people's lives, where karmic convolutions and Opposing Consciousness still get into the various inner layers, that require determination and commitment to keep peeling back. This will be no quick sprint to the finishing line, but rather a marathon of dedicated inner work. I know that could sound a degree off-putting to some, BUT, to others you'll see the golden opportunity for growth of the soul.

In the same breath, I am simply bowled over by the humble, but tremendously wise and journied, Star Souls who are now being drawn to this Openhand work. You have the capacity to feel the various intervention layers that limit here, but then resonate and communicate realignment into them. What the shift movement needs to realise is the power of expressed truth to unravel karmic density and intervention in the field. This is what causes the unravelling mechanism to accelerate - because literally EVERYTHING is shaped from the underlying quantum field. Speak coherently into it, in an aligned way, with truth, and the whole intervention dynamic comes apart at the seams.

The Labour Pains of Isla Bonita

Thus we were able to connect through the intervention and into Isla Bonita, the soul of the Island. Just like Gaia, she was deep in labour pains - the explosion of the volcano here back in 2021 clearly stirred deep emotional trauma due to karmic memory of five previous mass extinctions on the planet, mostly brought about by the kind of galactic realignments, including pole shifts, that we're now sailing into.

When you have such a massive consciousness unwilling, unable or attached from moving on, then that can hold the whole of the old reality construct in place - but it serves no one to remain in this planetary inertia, which is rapidly becoming defunct and decrepit. It's a law of diminishing returns that steadily drains the life energy from humanity and is ripe for intervention energies hooking in their tentacles and draining the life blood from the planet and its people.

Can you see the lady's face in the mountain? She's looking a little "greyed out" right now - we were soon to discover why.

Venus, the Goddess of Love

Synchronistically, during the retreat, a key planetary alignment took place: Venus in line with the mighty Jupiter and the moon, which was clearly visible in exact alignment with the retreat centre boundary. What might that be pointing to I considered?

In the dreamtime I was shown two possible trajectories for planet earth: 1) continuing degradation and environmental manipulation leading ultimately to a dead planet, almost completely drained of energy, like Mars. 2) A powerful realigning shift, into the Grand Galactic Convergence, that cleanses the planet completely of the karmic 3D/4D intervention layers, that unleashes a new cleansed reality in 5D/6D/7D like on Venus.

Venus has a surface temperature of 400 centigrade. Other than advanced plasma beings you can't live there in 3D. BUT, it is very much alive, vibrant and teaming with aligned life living togther in joy, harmony and unconditional love. Any intervention manipulation has long gone. They positively thrive from 5D (and higher). The Venusians have come to several Openhand events leading up to the La Palma retreat to resonate this loving and wise, higher vibration. It's come as tremendous inspiration and motivation.

Understandably less travelled souls, or those still stuck in karmic attachment, may see this transformation for planet earth as destructive. But consider the alternative - a planet completely depleted and almost completely devoid of benevolent life like Mars? It's time for brave souls to forge forwards and boldly embrace our journey to higher dimensions.

Explore the Process of 3D to 5D Earth

Connecting with the Lemurian Originals

Speaking of brave souls, we encountered the Originals to our planet in the form of the Guanche, who had lived completely at-one with the natural ecosystems of La Palma (and other Canary islands). That is until the catholic conquistadors invaded the islands and brutally ethnically cleansed them out.

The conquistadors brought with them their ideological dogma, much raptor intervention, and (eventually) the toxicity of industrialised farming, particularly with the concentrated banana plantations. It's a karmic wound that has caused great sadness and trauma for the lovely Isla Bonita.

Amazingly, we encountered a group of Guanche living in the Caldera (the Volcano valley), still earthbound but in the 4D ether. They were from the Original Lemurians who knew it as their mission to be guardians and protectors of planet earth.

When they were marginalised and brutally killed, they were unable to leave the planet but also unable to fulfill their mission - they were caught in limbo. We were able to show them the Grand Galactic Convergence that we're sailing into, which will completely cleanse the earth which the volcano here was a key early sign of. We showed them how, like the Venusians, it would be fine to let go, ascend, and move already into the New Paradigm. This struck a deep accord with them, a tremendous healing took place and they were able to ascend.

This precipitated another rapid unwinding mechanism for Isla Bonita. It was her respect, love, and loyalty for the Original Humans that was preventing her from ascending. She too was now ready to let go. My understanding is that she too has now ascended into 5D. But as yet I haven't seen the wider synchronistic reflection of that. Time will tell. But I expect a strong synchronistic reflection to come further down the line.

Explore the Grand Galactic Convergence in the 5D Shift Podcast

Close Encounters with the Tall-Whites

The retreat group also encountered another of the intervention groups that I'd had encounters with in the build-up to the retreat - the Tall-whites, an "elite" group from Orion who marshall and orchestrate their smaller Grey brethren. We especially encountered them up on the Volcano, amongst the various satellite dishes and observatories. The number of which has massively expanded in recent times. We could feel energetic 4D implants in the field connected to several of the new constructs. This is what the Tall-whites were anchoring into, and through which, working to control the island's energy field.

The Guardians of the Island came to us on the way up as we were working with one of the key constructions - they showed their pleasure at our appearance and encouragement to come and help out to remove the arrogant and unwelcome energetic interference. The evolved Anu also came in to support - a very welcome 4D field addition.

Ultimately it was the mighty Metatron that we were able to ground, on top of the volcano, through ceremony. This sent the Tall-Whites into disarray, and very quickly the energy began to change. Some of the implanted 4D technology was removed and a protective layer of sacred geometry was applied. The Tall-Whites withdrew, for now, but I didn't get the sense of any complete acquiescence at this point - definitely, there will be more work to do in that regard going forward. The Anu presence assured us they would continue to help out by remaining there.

Venus - the Goddess of Love

Big shifts did unfold. The energy field shifted and realigned. Ascensions began to take place. It was an utter blessing to behold. It demonstrated a tremendous blueprint - a template - for how energy and lightworkers now need to apply their craft in the shift going forwards. This work is utterly essential so we now steer, as a planet, in the direction of Venus, the Goddes of Love, not Mars, the God of War!

The Guardians of the Volcano were well inspired and appreciative. As we are of you, blessed beings!...

Bright blessings to all in the shift,
and profound thanks to everyone on the ground, and in the ether, who participated.
You are seen, loved, respected and cherished.

Open 💎

PS: for anyone inspired and intrigued to get involved with the evolutionary work of Openhand, explore our Ascension Portal:

Openhand Ascension Portal

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Hi Open,

I went through a phase on the path where I tried several faiths, visited their sites and sometimes entered their monasteries for a period. An epic trilogy as you can imagine with 4D 5D eyes, especially what went down at the Vatican in Rome a few years ago. Only, now have I realised that the ego may have been on pilgrimage, but the soul was actually on a karmic cleansing path. The ego thought that it was seeking a path, via organised faiths which was being dismantled, yet the soul was cleansing energetically. The ego was duped, and yet was knowingly duping itself. There was no way I could ever live in the straight jacket of an organised religion with its covert hypocrisy, no matter how protective the cloak. It's almost comical. Yet it will delude itself. With nowhere left to stand, ever. The Truth,..and then some. Tuning in for the show. Wishing smooth awakenings,.




I remember the volcano erupting.

smoke enveloping the setting sun

I remember the days leading up to that. It was incredible.

The ground was shaking for days and there was a sense of jitter and discomfort. For women, it is similar to the days leading up to the first day of the cycle.

I felt so much power on that island, and so much raw, untamed aggression. The rocks were sharp, the currents were strong. Even on days of rest there was a smoldering tension in the air.

Everything seemed to expect a release. And it came. It came with spectacular beauty and power. I was in awe! And interestingly, that was the moment I have felt safest in my life. The fact that I was there, that I've witnessed her and had her shake me up like that. I felt at ease and at home while I watched the magma explode from the ground up.

Only afterwards have I realized that it stirred something in me. That something needed a few months to ease into. It changed me in such --- profound ways! I felt anger like never before. And I had to learn to transmute and channel that anger into momentum. That energy was my ticket to the next phase of my life. I held it and let it guide me forward.

La Palma didn't let me go without stripping me to the bare minimum. Literally. She broke me open.



Hi Open and everyone.

As the retreat have finished, and “openhanders” tend to be free willing around the Island, I’ve experienced some poignant interdimensional connections.

On top of that you've shared, I've been entertaing and unravelling another dynamic, that has been brought to the surface throughout our retreat. I feel particular need to be sharing some of the explorations here on the web page. What is the relationship of “Christ Consciousness” to Isla Bonita and its inhabitants?

There was clear synchronicity speaking to me, as our group returned from the journey of top of the Volcano. As we were all sitting at the dinner and interdimensional communication ensued about the flat tyre of the rental car, Tilly has been waiting outside on the service. At that point there was Open + 12 of us sitting in the dinning area, and I heard the voice reminding me about “The Last supper”. It was literally our last dinner at Finca Aurora.

If it wasn’t for the biblical story, the true mission of Christed energy would have been probably recognized way different in the local community. Nevertheless, as the story goes the salvation was brought to original inhabitants through sword and blood. It felt like the energy of invasion hasn’t been truly addressed and the loss of sovereignty has penetrated even deeper for most of the people. Processing the karmic pattern of abuse has been my call while connecting with the Island throughout the last week.

Isla Bonita and Whale medicine

When visiting Santa Cruz (capital of the Island) my attention was drawn to the mural on the building at the edge of the city. The Guanche woman on the photo seems to be gazing into the distance, as there is some activity happening under her surface. In fact it might be the story of Isla Bonita herself, carrying the medicine of the Whale over her shoulder. In their own way, whales speak to me about the “Maya Samadhi”, deciding when it’s time to leave their body, sometimes even in surprise and awareness of (terrified) humans. What might the ascending movement of Isla Bonita bring to the island?

Guanche woman

Architects of the modern city

There also seem to be 3 pyramidal structures at the hub of the area. It literally looks as the port to the island is located at the excavated part of the main pyramidal structure. How does it influence the main entrance to the area. The architecture of the city couldn’t speak louder, reflecting to me the influence of the Atlantean culture. It was fascinating to hear that Guanches also mastered some advanced skills, especially the mummification of the deceased wrapped in goat skins.

Santa Cruz laguna

Container of agricultural life

Serene landscapes of the Island are many times replaced by banana plantages. One can’t truly argue with the need of locals to grow their own food or represent it as the main source of their income. Nevertheless the sense of monoculture and exploitations of other forms of life might become really obvious whilst in the area. I was visiting La Laguna, that serves as the biggest container of water for the agricultural needs on the north of the Island. The mist has surronded the reservoir of water at the time of the visit.

La Laguna

Colonizing local fauna

The ceremony at top of the building was about exposing 3 main strings of energies that hold it all together. Connecting with “Tall Whites”, it seems to be their main order in spreading their territory, working under the instructions of their Masters (Self-imposed Gods). Than there was commonly present blacksnake that enabled the connection with “White Serpent” a wounded energy that seems to gave birth to the elements of Gaia. Symbolically I was guided to release the face mask that was stuck in my backpack on top of the rusty structure. The message has been clear about the intervention energies - the strategis that are being used are already rusty and eventually just make oneself weaker.

Masking the intervention

Opening the portal

Eventually I ended up an old stable renovated in the charm accommodation place offering astonishing views over the area. Might this be the metaphorical story that represents the shift that humans are invited to make? Either the inhabitants of the Island themselves, or natural life in the area might be treated like farming animals at many occasions. Nevertheless, there is a way to progress and step out of the cycle of degradation is what I felt to communicate in the field, as the ocean waves were reaching the shores of the Island. At moments it felt like becoming one with the wave.

ocean wave

The need for the progressive unravelling of the accumulated trauma

Due to my own explorations, I might have developed deeper sensitivity towards the energies of Gaia. Yet residing in this human body, there is also clear recognition about the challenges that people of different landscapes met on their journey. As I was regressing into the pain of the Guanches, I had to look into the eyes of conquistadors and their upheaval with swords. There was a deep seated sense of vulnerability and insecurity, that I’ve recognized beyond the aggressive action. The unravelling might take some time, yet the old couple reflected to me that threads are pulling in this direction. The sense of love can be found, even as the old constructs are fading away.

Old Guanche couple

The choice to be made

Personally, I’ve touched another layer of the energy that I eventually get to know as part of Christos-Sophia mission. To me it directly reflection of “Starseed movement” reflected as the emergence of Cosmic Consciousness on the Island of La Palma. There is the purity and capacity within awakening Souls that are able to recognize the rise of the rainbow serpents in forming the Tree of Life for the renewed life on the planet. Some might still get caught in showing off their spiritual muscles and representing as mighty figure with a beard, from the clouds. It might be just an “old school” way of facing the magnitude of this adventure.

Tree of Life and rainbow serpent

An actual meaning of “the Last Supper”

The biblical story refers to betrayal, as part of the original narrative. And yet, there seems to be even deeper truth in this dynamic, that is of immaculate trust towards the process at hand. Was it the Island (and Gaia herself) that felt betrayed in the process, or the inhabitants throughout given perioed of time. In connection with our last OH journey, I concur with the notice, that the mission was never lost. In relation to the story of the Guanches, La Palma island is believed to consist of 12 regions. There was no central authority or ruler superior to all regions. To me this speaks clearly about various (cosmic) influences that played a role in co-creating the original blueprint, as the 12 stranded human DNA.

My sharing and journey with Christed energy around the Island brought much attention mostly to the parts that might call for deeper healing and re-alignment. It feels as those “hyperactive” parts are eventually stepping at the backstage, and the space is opening for aligned aspects to truly shine forth. I am being shown some of the energetic connections of highly benevolent nature, that have been formed in this period of time. It might be another story, maybe following the Day of Revelation. I wonder how it might come across?

Thank you Open for the inspiration and weaving the tapestry of this convergence, as well as all of you for the comments as your words have guided me over these days.Praying Emoji
Sending much love from La Palma💚

In reply to by miha


Hi Miha - thanks for your deep and thoughtful insights 👍
I think it would be possible to write a book on all of the various dynamics going on there. 😉

Yes the recent (since the catholic invasion) influence of the distorted Christ Consciousness was a big one, that was applied to maginalise and ethnically cleanse, in a most brutal way, the Originals. On my time travelling with Isla Bonita when I lived there, this was a fundamental source of her pain. But whilst there, I also felt a most beautiful aligned Christ Consciousness in the field come to help out.

With regards the Tall-Whites, it did feel like they'd more recently come to make a claim to the Islands for their own manipulative purposes - that felt like a new dynamic since I was there pre-pandemic. I got the sense they'd formed some kind of pact with other interdimensional groups like the old Annunaki and even the reptilians there. I do believe our work began the process of unravelling that and the welcome arrival of the evolved Anu I believe will continue the realigning work there in our absence until the next visit.

Speaking of old Annunaki, yes, the 3 pyramids you point out registered prominently for me when I was there - they're clearly visible on the coast from the vantage point of el Time. They're most unnatural and clearly designed to marshall the energy of that locality, and wider afield through the valley. Due to their location, they can probably gather much of the energy coming down the caldera.

Plentiful dynamics going on there for sure!

Thanks for your invaluable insights.

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Wou, I haven't came across that one. Thank you for sharing, it's interesting piece to add to the bigger picture of the Island.

First impression from the image is immediate contraction in the sacrum/solar plexus area. When I soften through this, it kind of brings the feeling of curiosity and attentive observation. My sense is towards some kind of "cosmic observatory", yet in comparison to what is nowadays being build on top of the volcano, seems softer and more aligned.

In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


Thanks you very much for your feedback Sherri and invitation about further insights.Hugging

I'm probably going to wrap it, together with some "cosmic considerations", when I return back home.

Much love, miha💚


Two days ago I was feeling these beings in my field- and I thought that this is weird- I have never felt them before- mostly I feel the energy but this time shapes, figures - now I know who they were- the shapes resembled quite a bit with what is presented in the picture above- the tall whites. And then this afternoon- some reptilian entity- the only difference is that it was very colorful-but with underlying green scales- do not know what that is. As I am writing I am still feeling her. She wants to be known. 

In reply to by ruchi (not verified)


Hi Ruchi - curiously I've also experienced some interrelationship between the reptilians and tall-whites. I'd say their primary allegiance is to the old Annunaki - their masters. But since a grand allegiance between the Annunaki, Whites/Greys and the Reptilians was formed at the time of Atlantis, maybe an energetic relationship goes right back to then.

When I first discovered the Tall-Whites here it was by their intentional effect on my field. It seems they'd been hiding behind a louder reptilian veil. It wasn't until I'd removed the reptilian influence during that particular experience (by calling on the Draco and amplifying the Torus in my vicinity), that it was then I felt this other, more subtle, vibration around my field. It was kind of like a sheath that could easily have been missed where someone is not in deep stillness.

This sheath animates a vibration in your own field which steadily drains energy from it - you're left feeling tired afterwards. It was readily dispatched however by applying the Metatron sacred geometry of hexagons around the space. Also going deep into toroidal stillness through the chakras.

I will be sharing deeper insight into the nature of the Tall-Whites in due course, what their agenda is, and how we can best dispatch them.

Well wishes

Open 🙏


I read this account with fascination and pleasure. The thought of these conscious groups and the spirit of the island working together is almost romantic in a way. I read the Charles Hall series of books, the Millennium hospitality books which gave an account of his interactions on behalf of the US military with the tall whites in the Nevada desert. Although the slant of the books were that the Tall whites were working with humans on projects that would integrate the races, I always had the impression that the tall whites felt unaligned. A disparity between technology and spiritualism. I am tempted to attribute their unaligned nature, in part, to an archetypal Orion nature, but that would be judgemental. It would be very interesting to hear the nature of any conversations that occurred with the Tall whites, to gain an indication of their essence. Thank you all for doing this work on behalf of us all.

Andy Praying Emoji


Hi Open,

A week or so ago I had intense images of tall whites moments prior to grey. The phenomena conveyed itself to me and energetic changes took place in my ether. This activity has continued, shipwrecks of karma dredged up in myself, which I'm working through via self enquiry and automatic writing. Last night, an entity conveyed that it was 'sorry' before taking off, shaking the building, there were a series of energetic changes coinciding with the certain self-realisations, seeing and feeling the unravelling. A loosening of my own self dogmatism and sense of specialness, amongst other things.. Who knew? Who knows?

Working through, resolving..

Remy 🙏



Wow, the La Palma retreat was a full-on multidimensional adventure for sure!
After returning and several days reflection, here's my summary of the key points that were realised and how they provide a blueprint, a template, into the wider planetary shift going forward. Please do share your own reflections and thoughts.

Love and well wishes to all.
Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Wow!! What a beautiful multidimensional journey. I can feel the sense of adventure, alchemy that took place. I especially liked the story of venus, I hadn't thought there was 5D life living in a close planet. It somehow seems to reconfirm that this work that we have embarked on is certainly achievable. I certainly agree that this is a dedicated marathon and not a quick sprint. There could be resistance from the mind which is used to quick fixes and distractions. The alternative to the inner work is to be sidetracked by the intervention and end up efforting to achieve things which doesn't matter at all! Instead we can put the energy in the right place and in the right direction and with each step walk a little closer to our destiny.

Vimal 🙏