Healing the Divine Masculine Feminine

It seems like an obvious statement: to heal BOTH the divine masculine and feminine within us in order to heal humanity. Yet it's all too easy just to focus on one, and then if in partnership, to divulge responsibility to the other. Let's see the marvelous reflections life constantly presents to us, but then endeavour to express and integrate both. It's crucial for the 5D Ascension of man.
Bright Blessings, <<< Open 🧡
(Profound thanks to Kathleen Hanagan for "True Love".... Kathleen Hanagan.com)
I have been searching for the article titled the same above. I couldn't find that and I ended up here.
I am holding a question right now, How can I heal the distorted masculine in me, who wants ro be seen, heard, appreciated, validated By others and to be perfect in every ways, without hurting the feminine aspects of me? By holding this question, I can see the different dynamics in it , But don't know how / have the courage to navigate through this.
1) the need to fix things and avoid hurt
2) the fear of being shattered
3) fear of expression- self doubting, self judging
The feminine in me is tired. Do not know the next step.Even if I say feminine, I truly doubt my energies. What am I? What is my TRUE energy? Am I an adjustment program?or am I being a fool of interventions here? Feels like I'm broken again. Lost. What's my base rhythm? I lost my ground and I'm wandering.
I don't know. I'm still at the beginning, the state of confusion.
It's okay to be broken ♥️
In reply to Confused... by Soumya
The first thing to say Soumya, is that it's perfectly okay to feel, and be, broken!
We must go through many phases where the old formula for who we think and feel we are, must break, so something new can come through. Even though this is never pleasant.
Let yourself break down. Until there's a new surrenderedness with how to approach the moment differently. I suspect you've gotten stuck in one consciousness construct inside - perhaps always surrendering in the divine feminine?
It's true, the divine masculine will often "attack" situations with gusto. And that leaves one open to disappointment and frustration when things don't work out. So what's often necessary here is a flexibility to be able to switch from the divine feminine to the divine masculine, and then back again. The surrender unleashes a flow with a call to action, but then where the field grinds to a halt and doesn't deliver what we might have expected, then surrender is necessary to allow the flow to build once more.
In myself, I liken it to the gear box of a car, shifting gears within myself, to manage the ebbs and flows of the tide.
Remember, it's not about getting things done. Although we will do plenty of things, it's the act of creating and being in that dance that counts, rather than the end creation itself.
Open 💎
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