Ickonic Messengers Series with Openhand
I recently sat down with the editor of the alternative media channel, Ickonic. What unfolded was a deep and revelatory journey through the multidimensionality of life on our planet and in the galaxy. Humanity is emerging from the shadows of intervention. We're forging soul and shaking of the karmic shackles to come into a new 5D paradigm. Explore the material, be inspired to begin your 5D Ascension Shift.
Out making a Crop Circle Doco with Ickonic
The last few days I've been out in the Avebury area making a crop circle documentary with Ickonic. We caught some great footage. They estimate the film will be out in a couple of months. The director was excellent, allowing free scope for delivery and catching some lovely artistic shots too...
Myself, Aiden the Director and Christianne the producer, zooming around in my MPV - it was a real adventure...
Even the sheep were coming along for the ride!...
At the West Kennet Longbarrow, a neolithic burial mound. Can you see the Dragon's headstone?...
The crop circle season has gone quiet lately, but this one was still very much in tact, and although a bit ragged around the edges now, the energy was marvellous still...
It should be a fascinating doco.
Watch this space!
Open ๐
Latest Ickonic episode with Openhand: Breaking the Matrix
I have to say Ickonic have done a great job with their Messengers series exploring the Openhand point of view in the shift. Here's the latest trailer, about how the Star Being Nations are working with us to break the Matrix...
Messengers - latest video clip with Ickonic ๐น
The Messengers series went live yesterday on Icknoic - a series of 6 interviews I did with them. Here's the latest trailer talking about the Flower of Life and the Torus...
Pivotal Ickonic Messengers Series with Openhand...Trailer 2 ๐ฅ
They're doing a "royal" job with the Messengers' series on Ickonic. Here's the second trailer. I think it's going to be pivotal in the shift...
Annunaki had prior warning of last "Event" 11,800 years ago ๐
I found this quite interesting - a translation of the Sumerian Tablets that shows the Annunaki leadership were aware of the inbound Solar Micro Nova event 9,800 BC. That's fascinating because it's right at the time we would have expected the arrival of the last Galactic Superwave. They clearly had advance warning that the surface of the planet would be deluged in a flood. The translations are a bit clunky, but very interesting to take note of.
Here are some of the translations...
After the Deluge, I will return the Sumerian Lands Beyond the Oceans! So, did Ninurta proclaim this? Nannar, Enlil's firstborn on Earth, has a peculiar wish: he wishes for the Deluge to survive not in Earth's skies but on the Moon. Enki arched his eyebrow; Enlil, though perplexed, gave his approval. Ishkur, the youngest son of Enlil, has decided to remain on Earth with his father. It was decided that Nannar's Earth-born children, Utu and Inanna, would remain. Enki and Ninki chose to remain, and Earth did not abandon their decision; they announced it with pride. Igigi and Sarpanit cried out, "I will not abandon!" Marduk's response was one of anger. One by one, Enki's other sons declared their intention to remain: Nergal and Gibil, Ninagal and Ningishzidda, and finally, Dumuzi. When all eyes were on Ninmah, she proclaimed with pride, "My life's work is here!" I will not abandon the human beings I created! Her words infuriated the Anunnaki and Igigi, who inquired about the Fate of the Earthlings. Let the inhabitants of the Earth perish for their abominations, declared Enlil. Enki exclaimed to Enlil, "We have created a marvellous being"; it must have been due to our efforts. Enlil responded with his own shouted words: From the beginning, each choice you made was correct! You granted Primitive Workers procreation and endowed them with knowledge! You hold the powers of the All-Creator in your hands.
The video might be worth a perusal...
New Ickonic Messengers Series with Openhand...Video Trailer ๐น
I've just shot a new 7 part series with Ickonic all about the Openhand view on the intervention of our planet and the 5D shift out of it. They've created some great video animation for a complex multidimensional landscape. It looks amazing and will be out on the Ickonic platform on March 23rd...
In reply to New Ickonic Messengers Series with Openhand...Video Trailer ๐น by Open
Omg! Omg! Omg! This is so amazing.. It looks like a high tech movie straight out of the box office with invaluable information. I think this is gonna ripple out far and wide!
Messengers-season 7 The Anunnaki
In reply to New Ickonic Messengers Series with Openhand...Video Trailer ๐น by Open
Can't wait to see this! Also looking forward to your newest Podcast.
Wild times we live in.
In reply to New Ickonic Messengers Series with Openhand...Video Trailer ๐น by Open
This looks so interesting! Where else can you find this information, presented with such clarity? I am so looking forward to it`s release.
Thankyou Open.
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