The Importance of Spiritual Hibernation
The end of the year is drawing close, and typically as we enter the festive period the matrix goes into its crazy frenzy of consumption. Yet really it's the perfect time to go into hibernation. You've likely worked through many processes through the year, so it's a good time for integration. And it doesn't matter what the weather, if you're in the northern hemisphere or the south. And even if you find the conflict of the matrix means you have to engage with it's busyness, nevertheless, it's going to benefit you enormously to take time out.
Whether it be a few hours, half a day or a few days, imagine yourself as the big brown bear in your cave, stretching out, and feeling a deep sense of centering peace.
How do you balance the need for hibernation in this crazy world?
Openhand is building quite a facebook following. I don't like fb especially, it seems to encourage AST - attention short-termism (did I just create that acronym? Well everyone's doing it!). But I have found a way of bridging into that (short-termism). I've been exploring graphic design, mixed with snippets of Openhand Philosophy, which I post mostly once a day in the evenings. I literally just sit down, pause a second or two, and write what wants to come. Straight from the source.
Last night I was challenged though. It's suddenly gotten cold and stormy here in the UK of late and it really makes me feel to slow down. In earlier years, like most in society, I'd have overriden it and 'gotten on with the job'. The trouble with ignoring such feelings is that it can build internal stress, which disconnects from the divine, leads to ill-health and possibly, eventually, even breakdown. So I definitely don't ignore these feelings, even though like many of you, I have a busy life.
How do you balance that need for hibernation in such a crazy world?
The importance of being right in the feeling
I didn't know it was possible, but last night was fascinating. It got to around 5pm, when I'd been finding a rhythm to write a short fb post, illustrated with a quick design (I'm not the greatest artist!). Trouble was, I suddenly found I had no energy. And no interest either! It was as if my being wanted to go into hibernation (just like the bear in the photo - looks like he's having a great time!).
But I wanted to nurture myself too. That felt like an important part of it. So I put on my big, brown, woolly sweater (which looks like a bear coat), pulled it up around my ears and headed out to the local shop to get a bar of feelgood "divine" chocolate. When I got back, I made a fire, ate my chocolate, then cuddled up under a blanket.
I've traveled far enough on my journey to know, that when a feeling comes up like this, to really express it. So that's what I did. I went right into it, as though I would hibernate all winter. I let everything go that I've been working on, every thought and feeling about Openhand future events. Every article or video I've been creating, every communication I've been having with people. I completely let myself go, like the bear in the photo.
Boy did it feel good!
Work on your ability to completely let go
The funny thing was, that about an hour later, my ears pricked up, I had an inspiration (to write this), and was suddenly filled with energy. Awesome!
And so I've been working with the idea, and feeling, of hibernation - the importance of it at times. The ability to completely let go, even if only for a few hours or half a day - which I find helps if you can conjure the sense that there's no end to it, which is an essential aspect. It means you have to become skilled at being totally in the moment.
It's worth it. You're worth it! So give it a whirl - work on not working. And the feeling that the sense of hibernation could last months.
Finally, to help get you in a contemplative, hibernation-kind-of-mood, here's an Openhand old favourite by Nahko Bear, which seems entirely appropriate... Do tune into Openhand on facebook for daily reflections - when you're not hibernating that is!
In loving support,
(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)About Openhand:
Openhand is a bridge into higher dimensions of consciousness. It is a way of tapping into the benevolent guiding hand of the Universe, to help you align with your soul through life. It empowers people to be totally authentic in who they are, and in so doing, facilitating a profound shift of consciousness into a new vibrational paradigm, in the Fifth Density. Discover more...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV
Breathing space for Spiritual Hibernation
So what get's you in that hibernation zone?
Here's a great track from the delightful Sacred Earth called "Breathing Space"...
Great Post
Hey Open,
Great post.
And what an abso aweso video and song!
How did they do that? Shots with the animals and that?
Nahko Bear in Bristol on 24th Jan.
Love always,
The quiet voice
Wonderful Steve - keep listening to the quiet voice!
Open *OK*
I have been feeling a pull to also Hibernate, from FB and all the other social media, I do very much enjoy it all but I feel like I need a break, so lately I have cut back a lot of it, I come to see your posts on here and The Openhand fb but everything else has been cut back a lot, also the last few weekends I have been hibernating, it has been easy for me since I am not too busy these days and it does relieve stress and anxiety when you just listen to the pull.... so very Synchronistic.
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