What is really real?

Our reality is shaped and manifested by what we are being within. Typically many people tend to identify with the conditioned thinking and behaviours inherent in our society. This creates a matrix of collective thought forms which many then conform to. In short we create the false reality which society expects of us.

This reality only tends to offer a wafer-thin slice of the multi-dimensional, profoundly magical universe available to us. If we can let go of our conditioned beliefs and behaviours, then this new absolute authentic reality gradually unfolds into our awareness.

It begins by challenging the conditioned thinking that imprisons us. That is the purpose of the articles below...

Articles on Authentic Reality:

Betrayed, Abandoned, Cast-adrift, and then...Reborn!

Submitted by Open on Sat, 05/28/2016 - 05:45

Do you feel sometimes like you've been betrayed, abandoned and cast-adrift on the ocean of life? It's like nothing seems to add up, life doesn't always flow like it really should, and there are 'shadows' everywhere who seem to make it their purpose to slow you down. Don't worry, even though sometimes you may feel alone and cut-off from the wider universe you know as home, you are not powerless - you have gifts beyond measure, and as long as you let the flow speak through you, it will find a way to connect you back up to the source. If you let the fullness of you express, it doesn't matter what odds are ranged against you, you'll overcome any obstacle and challenge they throw in your way...

4798 Reads

Time is Now Accelerating to a Standstill...How do you deal with that?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 05/20/2016 - 04:34

Are you feeling it too? It's like you have more and more to do, and increasingly less time to do it. It's because of this Great Shift of Consciousness into the 5D. Time is speeding up, because life here in the 3D has been locked into an eddy current - a 'time-warp', behind the flow; but now, that reality is unwinding, we're rejoining the space-time-continuum, where there is no time! How do you deal with that in a practical sense? What does it mean for your life and all that you're doing - all that you're working to create?...

5142 Reads

How to Positively Thrive in a Climate of Change...Including 3 Simple Strategies

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 13:07

In a universe of constant change, change is the only constant. And yet because of the density and inertia of the physical 3D World society has built, it's easy to be lulled into the status quo: that we can expect everything to be more or less like it was yesterday. This just builds complacency, laziness and fixed conditioned behaviourisms. What if though, you could recognise the underlying shift of energy taking place, harness this 'River of Life', and have it inspire and invigorate an entirely new way of being? As the old paradigm crumbles and declines, what if you could positively thrive through it and come alive? Here are 3 Simple Strategies for you to do that...

5112 Reads

Why Spiritual Mastery is a Shattering Process...Understanding the Path

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/10/2016 - 14:48

Anyone truly embarking along the spiritual path, must quickly give up the idea that it's easy, or especially, that it will somehow build you up into something. And it's definitely not all 'love and light' - not the true path anyway. In my experience, both of my own journey and in working with countless others, Spiritual Mastery is a shattering, breaking down process, that causes you to reconfront past-life trauma and source pain. It's also reflective of the current state of our reality right now. How to work with this?

8436 Reads

Path between Worlds: Ascending into the Fifth Density

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/08/2014 - 16:56

Yesterday I was at a favourite gorge here in Avalon (UK). The weather was spectacular: a still and crisp autumn day; the trees resplendent in greens, golds and oranges; clouds were flowing into the horizon, across blue sky, like an endless river. When I looked at the rocks, I couldn’t see them anymore; I couldn’t see the trees any longer as purely 3D. The air was no longer air, just passing into physical lungs. As I looked around me, I’d become as one with the consciousness, with the light; and as I looked into the setting sky, it’s like I was flowing into it. I was flowing into the 5D. This, I know as the Path Between Worlds. Come join the journey…

9543 Reads

Dealing Spiritually with Gaia's Dramatic Transformation

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 10:50

I strongly sense that the world has now edged into a new phase of its evolution. During the Divinicus Tour, people in the Openhand Community had the sense that Gaia was 'waiting'. Waiting for what? The Shift into the fifth density is not a time-line, but an event-line. The pathway must be opened progressively. Humanity is beginning to emerge from eons of darkness. He may not yet be fully ready, but the Earth cannot wait any longer. Realignment with the divine flow must now start to happen on a global scale. Due to its injustice, inequity and misalignment, the old reality will be steadily broken down, over time, so as to provide breathing space for more souls to break through, break out and ascend...

8506 Reads

What is the Purpose of YOUR incarnation HERE?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 08/17/2014 - 07:19

It seems to me so many are trying to figure out exactly why they are here, in this incarnation right now. And in a world of increasing turbulence, exactly what are you here to do? How can we help? It's a question that's enough to drive you crazy just thinking about it! So what if the reason for your incarnation could easily be revealed to you from the current circumstances of your life? What if a simple change of perspective on how you create reality could uplift not just you, but everyone around you?

11962 Reads

Why Human Identity will never solve Human Problems

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/18/2014 - 06:25

I felt to share this amazingly powerful video by the famous Buddhist Alan Watts - an amazing character, with a core splitting, clear view of life and the world. In it, he sums up so eloquently in my opinion why humanity is in the mess it's in, and offers profound insight in how our biggest issues may be resolved. It's essential to realise the source of the problem: which is a false Human Identity itself. That's why he believes (and so do I), that we'll never solve the problems we face with the identity itself. That's like a turkey voting for Christmas! As he suggests, we must instead 'hand over the direction of nature back to nature'...

10147 Reads

Positively thriving through the Collapse of Civilisation

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/01/2014 - 11:50

Have you ever watched something happening in slow motion? You can quite clearly see the end result, but nevertheless, you can't quite believe in your mind what your eyes are seeing. Like when the twin towers 'collapsed'. The demolition was happening there right in front of you, but you had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't just dreaming. I feel exactly that way about modern society right now. The collapse is already happening, but in slow motion, so you can't quite believe the entirety of it. What will it look like as the 'buildings' topple? More importantly, how can we not only survive the shift, but positively thrive in it?...

13209 Reads

Building Your Trust in the Divine...Try this 7 Step Approach

Submitted by Open on Wed, 04/02/2014 - 16:08

In spiritual evolution, you'll often hear of the need to develop trust. But Trust in what? Trust in the divine perhaps or trust in oneself. Or maybe we need trust that everything will turn out fine - whatever 'fine' actually means. Clearly, it relates in some way to letting go and accepting the flow of life. But does that mean acceptance of anything goes? We need to really understand the concept of trust and how to develop it. This is utterly crucial in the complexity of life in society right now.

12586 Reads

The Great Realignment (part 2): Gaia's Dramatic Healing

Submitted by Open on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 07:25

In The Great Realignment (part 1), I spoke of how the balance of life on Earth has become so far out of harmony with nature, that a corrective force of monumental proportions was now gathering in strength to shatter the structures that have so consumed and controlled other sentient life. As the underlying energetic matrix is unraveling, the departing clouds will reveal the New Paradigm, in a higher vibrational existence. However, we can expect it to be neither pretty nor easy. Our planet is entering the crucible of profound catalytic healing. The fire-walk of spiritual mastery is now unfolding before us and we must surrender into it to truly thrive...

13241 Reads

How finding the Deeper Meaning can lead to a more fulfilled life

Submitted by Open on Fri, 12/27/2013 - 08:38

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying: "there are two ways you can live your life...as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle". The matrix we live in can be challenging. Everywhere around you there's oodles of reasons why to be invested in the drama - it seems everybody else is doing it! And the world of physicality is so alluring, with its tantalisations and temptations, society has really perfected the art of pulling you into some illusionary 'entertainment'. But what if you resist that? What if instead, you look deeply into every moment and challenge the alluring seduction that would contract you down. What happens if you always look for the deeper meaning?

18237 Reads