What is 'Spirituality'?

Here we're exploring the concept of general spirituality. What does it mean to be spiritual? How do we live in a spiritual way, within society? How might being aligned with your spirituality, bring a greater sense of joy and fulfillment to your life?

We're offering points of view here, which we believe in passionately. But we're not claiming them to be the 'absolute truth' - it is our truth, designed to help catalyse an evolutionary shift in your own truth. To us, that's a key facet of the spirit - that each has their own perspective on reality, which are all equally valid. But let us challenge and continually evolve our perspective.

Articles on general Spirituality:

The Purpose of Set-backs...4 Strategies to Quickly Bounce Back

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/09/2016 - 12:57

From time to time everyone is going to experience set-backs on the Spiritual Path. Maybe you put all your energy behind a particular project but it didn't work out; maybe you thought the flow was heading in a particular direction but it changed; maybe relationships didn't grow as you hoped they might. And so we hit this 'crunch moment', where the light of day reveals a new, hidden, truth. One that potentially floors you. But there's an important reason why such things happen. The point is, not how hard they hit us, but how we deal with them, and then get back up and get going again. There's a way to always take something positive...

5044 Reads

Expressing beyond Words - finding the Spiritual Samurai in You

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 07:16

We often hear in Spiritual Circles about "the importance of speaking one's truth". Yet so often, I hear from people that when they do this, such as in family groups for example, others frequently resist; they still work to pigeon-hole you into the 'norm' - they still try to stick you in that labeled box that they're comfortable with. Short of completely walking away from the relationship, what choice are you left with? Personally I believe "speaking one's truth" is a misnomer and we would better be served by speaking more in terms of "expressing one's truth". What's the subtle difference and why's it so important?

5038 Reads

There are no Mistakes on the Spiritual Path, only Growth Opportunities

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/07/2016 - 17:21

The Journey of the Soul is one of ever-learning, evolving and growing. I put it to you there is nothing else going on but this miraculous self-realising process. The One is expressing itself through the entirety of form in the Universe - through you, through your soul. Whilst we will create things in this process, whilst we will have relationships and fall in love, these are the effects of the miraculous weave of life simply expressing itself. Life is looking for ever higher harmonies of vibrational alignment. If this is true, then how might we consider the phenomenon of a 'mistake' on the Spiritual Path? What is a mistake? Is it possible to avoid them?...

5775 Reads

Breaking through the Moment, into your Miraculous Cosmic Self

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/08/2016 - 05:55

It seems to me that just about everybody is searching for something - be it joy, love, material abundance or some kind of fulfillment. And so often, all that's found, are dancing veils in a world of disillusion. Many people are close, tantalisingly close to the ultimate prize that will complete them. It's right there, in every single moment - the potential to break through into your deepest Cosmic Self, the magnificent destiny of all toil and struggle; the answer to every question. Where do you look? And most importantly, how do you look?...

4630 Reads

Breaking out of a Rut by Finding your Spiritual Passion...7 ways to do it

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/18/2016 - 06:55

Plenty of awakening souls are yearning for change, but find themselves stuck in a rut. How to break out? It's beyond finding acceptance with where we are. The soul yearns for vibrancy and growth. It's about finding our passion, because when we're in it, we're going to ignite that spark, that becomes a flame, that grows into a fire of transformation. The spark of your soul instantly connects you to the Source of creation - unlimited potential that constantly fires with new possibility. You become unstoppable!

7184 Reads

The Adventure of Your Lifetime is here...Let's Make it Epic

Submitted by Open on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 12:08

Pause for a few moments. Put on some soulful music. Breathe. Let breath carry you deep within. Imagine you're taking a flight to a favourite destination. Take the seat belt off this one though, and feel the roaring power of the engines sweeping you steadily aloft into the clouds. Where are you going? Where will it lead? The Great 5D Shift has begun its inexorable ascent. Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime. Let's make it epic!

5916 Reads

Betrayed, Abandoned, Cast-adrift, and then...Reborn!

Submitted by Open on Sat, 05/28/2016 - 05:45

Do you feel sometimes like you've been betrayed, abandoned and cast-adrift on the ocean of life? It's like nothing seems to add up, life doesn't always flow like it really should, and there are 'shadows' everywhere who seem to make it their purpose to slow you down. Don't worry, even though sometimes you may feel alone and cut-off from the wider universe you know as home, you are not powerless - you have gifts beyond measure, and as long as you let the flow speak through you, it will find a way to connect you back up to the source. If you let the fullness of you express, it doesn't matter what odds are ranged against you, you'll overcome any obstacle and challenge they throw in your way...

4798 Reads

How to Positively Thrive in a Climate of Change...Including 3 Simple Strategies

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 13:07

In a universe of constant change, change is the only constant. And yet because of the density and inertia of the physical 3D World society has built, it's easy to be lulled into the status quo: that we can expect everything to be more or less like it was yesterday. This just builds complacency, laziness and fixed conditioned behaviourisms. What if though, you could recognise the underlying shift of energy taking place, harness this 'River of Life', and have it inspire and invigorate an entirely new way of being? As the old paradigm crumbles and declines, what if you could positively thrive through it and come alive? Here are 3 Simple Strategies for you to do that...

5111 Reads

A Burning Yearning for Change - How is it Spiritual?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 20:59

You might be one of those with a strong sense to want to change your reality - and indeed the wider world. Yet we're so often told of the need for "acceptance and surrender". The two truths, the two impulses, seem to conflict. And how exactly does consciousness change our reality for the better? You may have strongly catalytic tendencies that cause you to witness injustice in the world and want to do something about it. So what's happening with all these different energies? How do you balance what's going on within, and maximise your creative impact in the world?...

5337 Reads

The Pathless Way

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/09/2016 - 06:58

There comes a point in your life where you realise the old way of being and existing in the world, just doesn't work any more. It doesn't make sense any longer to graft and grind for the same, or similar, outcomes. It doesn't seem to fulfill. That's when the inner journey, as a moment by moment way of being, beckons. That's what this second in the new Openhand Philosophy series (including video) is all about. It's a snippet, to provide insight and inspiration, for those who are coming to realise, that the inner journey is the only true way to lasting fulfillment. At Openhand we call it "The Pathless Way"...

5866 Reads

The Importance of Blending Surrender with Willpower on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Sun, 02/28/2016 - 16:45

You'll no doubt hear lots about the value and importance of surrender on the spiritual path - being able to accept the moment as it really is, without needing it to be a certain way. In other words, not needing a particular outcome. So what about all the qualities of determination, courage and willpower? Do they fit in, and if so, how? This exploration includes the first in series of new style Openhand Spiritual Philosophy videos...

5931 Reads

Misfit Mavericks: Ever Feel Like You Don't Belong Here?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 14:39

Do you ever feel like a misfit, a misfit or a maverick? Like somehow you don't belong here on this Earth? Join the club! Here at Openhand we connect with evolving people all over the world, and so often we hear from people who feel out of place somehow, have probably always felt that way, and have always struggled to fit in. You tell us you've felt judged, marginalised, penalised and persecuted. Being in a body feels strangely weird, and you just can't figure out why the world works the way it does. It's like you belong somewhere else or have come from somewhere else. It's probably because you have!...

11027 Reads