The Inner Journey [5D Ascension Series]
What is the Inner Journey really all about and how do we best undertake it? Here's the second in our Ascension Series of short, colourised videos designed to illuminate, inspire and motivate, Do share your thoughts and comments below.
Adventures after Oct 5 Ascension Exchanges
Hello Open Handers! About a day following the Oct 5 zoom call, I got a taste of the acceleration of energies... my husband and I were hiking up to a mountain pass, I was feeling very energized on this excellent trail. We get to the first lake and on the big viewing rock, I accidently swiped my ear and lost my earring backing. As I was looking on the rock for it, my husband points out something gold and shiny at my feet. It was ANOTHER person's earring backing, that they had previously lost exactly at the same spot. (which I gladly took and used), I looked up at the skies and and asked what is this all about? We proceed now to a more challenging narrow trail along the side of the mountain, especially so because we had not anticipated the snow. The shrieking of trail runner who had slipped a few times should have been my first clue (btw she was just fine when we passed by her), but we started climbing the narrow snowy trail anyways. I was resting on a rock when my husband saw a fairly large boulder falling at high speed straight toward me, and as he was yelling at me to move, I took a second to assess the trajectory, moved a few steps over to the left and it missed me by 10 or 15 feet. It was the energy of the event that stunned me a bit, and after a few minutes of climbing up, I realized that there were enough signs that we should turn back (aside from the deeply metaphorical meaning behind everything). As we were resting in a clearing on more level ground, I saw something shining deeper in the woods, it was a kid's bracelet. The bead-letters read "DODGER"... hilarious...and there were 3 heart beads and 10 plastic pearls. As we returned to the lake, someone was playing beautiful flute music, when I asked the 2 young Asian men, they explained it was a Mongolian flute. What struck me was how those 2 men were just quietly enjoying the surroundings, serenely and patiently, taking pictures and playing music, quite a juxtaposition from the many trail-runners we had encountered that day. When I had related our adventures to my daughter, she laughed and said we must have crossed into another dimension. Well that certainly gave me a wealth of experiences to contemplate and meditate upon!
The most important thing about the Inner Journey...
It's getting increasingly crazy and intense out in the Matrix with people being pulled this way and that, distracted or cajoled into the Simulation. But it needn't be that way. It's also, paradoxically, the perfect reason and incentive to surrender inwards into the inner journey.
But then, how to make ends meet in the outer?
It's time to build faith, trust and courage in one essential truth: that the Inner Journey ALWAYS reflects and creates into the outer. In fact that's ALWAYS going on anyway. So why not become the master of the moment instead of the victim of it?
Here's the second short, colourised video in our new Ascension Series produced by Asya. See how it might inspire you - and do share your thoughts and comments, as it's always great to build positive feedback loops on the path.
Bright blessings to all
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