Inspiring music

How come we still don't have a music thread on the web? :)

C'mon, everybody! Kidding, whoever feels like hhhh, flood this thread with what makes your soul alive, or just resonates with you, or brings an important message, or is just beautiful :D

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Feeling into this song by Travis called "Moving" Cheers, Catherine


This song floats my boat these days: Sara Bareilles with her upbeat hit song "Brave" "Say what you wanna say, and let the words fall out…" xxx Catherine


Music is my language these days. As Trinity and Open journey from Glastonbury to the west coast of Canada, Annie Lennox's song "Into the West" from the film "Lord of the Rings" resonates deeply within. This attached video clip of her song features many of the beloved characters from the film trilogy: Frodo, Sam Wise, Arwen, Lady Galadriel, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Elrond. Shining, courageous, dauntless spiritual warriors. Like us Openhanders. xxx Catherine


This song helped me touch a deep place last night at a 5 rhythms dance. It speaks to me on a number of levels and the video reminds me of the chaos of the society in which we live and the transitory nature of life.


I felt my heart opening amazingly & effortlessly by listening to this amazing harmonious song lately : " I Am The Light Of My Soul " . Many of you may have probably heard of Snatam Kaur ( The Kundalini Yoga lineage group ) ; The song is from an album called " Feeling Good Today " . Words are deep yet simple , going right to the Core of the heart of Who We Are . Enjoy everybody , Love


I'm "omnivourous" when it comes to music, but let this song be the first I share here... this song visits me from time to time, mostly when I need reminding why it is really that I'm here... The refrain could be my "motto": “I do believe it is my duty to remind you of your beauty / I do believe it is and I’ll never forget. / We’re all learning how to be/ Living breathing human beings / In a world full of others living too! / We’re all dancing in a spiral / Even if we think we’re falling down for a while / The only place to go from the bottom is up / So look at your cup / Cause I think it’s full / This very lifetime is our school / And we’re all learning how to be / Human Kind.”


"Uh! Open your eyes and look within, Are you satisfied with the life you're living? We know where we're going, We know where we're from. We're leaving Babylon, We're going to our Father's land."