Unwinding Inner Identities in the Process of Enlightenment
Due to escalating distractive nature of society, it's easy for the lower and higher self to get separated - to be living a life that is not truly aligned with your divine purpose. If this is happening, you'll feel dissonance internally as triggering, tightness or dis-ease. The internal separation happens as a result of programmed behaviourisms that took root early in life - neediness in relationships, poverty consciousness, or a lack of self-worth that then derail into some external need of gratification.
If we can get inside these limiting loops, then we can dissolve away the limiting identities formed. Lower self purifies and higher self integrates into your life for maximum fulfilment.
Nothing can replace inner completeness
It would seem that society has become the perfect vehicle for downgrading human beingness. From the pollutants and poisons intoxicating food to heavy metal chemtrails that rain onto the earth or the electrosmog that pervades the airwaves, it would seem the perfect environment has been created to disconnect people from the divine source, and addict them to subservient lifestyles governed essentially by fear, the sense of lack or the desire for material abundance.
We can break this! We can escape it by transcending it. But we have to be aware of the layers it effects internally and then work diligently within to peel of the layers that draw us in.
There comes a point of realisation that nothing in the external world can replace the sense of fulfillment and completeness that you get from going within. Not that we shouldn't enjoy what we can in the external world, but most importantly, realise that it is the reflection of inner beingness actualising itself that brings true and lasting joy. The world is meant as a mirror to our authentic nature, the magnificence of what we can truly be when we let go of the need for any kind of outcome. Beneficial and pleasurable creations will happen, but the key is not to be fixated by any particular thing that can suck you in and own you.
Stay up to speed in the Shift, with leading-edge spiritual insights...
Inner filters that limit life's experience
When this kind of realisation dawns, which is accelerating for many as society goes increasingly crazy, then inner purification becomes essential: the cleansing of the mental, emotional and physical bodies so that lost fragments of soul gold may be reclaimed and reconnected with the core stream of beingness inside. Increasingly you sense you've tapped into the flow from the divine source and it feels heavenly. What is it that we actually need to cleanse and purify?
Inner identities are complex networks of conditioned behaviours that are distortions of true soulful impulses.
Remember the first time you fell in love: the heavenly joy of divine union, made manifest in the physical; the intoxicating sensuality, filling one's consciousness like the scent of a spring rose. But then the relationship breaks down, and in the desperate searching to understand why, all manner of negative emotions can be activated. Blame and judgment perhaps, denial or questions of self worth. If the energy is not processed and released, then a distorting veil may embed in the subconscious, from which fixed neural pathways take shape in the brain. Next time the potential for a loving relationship develops, the risk is to project onto the possible partner a veil of one's own fear, neediness or limitation. The relationship has a hefty burden to bear even before it begins to grow.
How can you resolve this problem?
Self realisation of the soul
Ideally what should be happening is the firing of a soul impulse, temporarily reflected through neural connections, which then infuse the body with mirroring neural peptides. The self realised soul is able to be fully immersed in the experience and quickly release it as the experience has fulfilled its purpose, knowing its inherent completeness beyond attachment and identification.
But if fragments of soul - where self realisation fails - 'break off' and get lost in the eddy current of identification, then all manner of fixed neural pathways develop. It might take only a word, a picture, or a thought to fire up the web of activity and you're suddenly consumed by negative neural peptides that infuse the bodily cells, sucking you deeper into the drama. It's how most people in society live their daily lives, constantly relying on soft "medication" (like alcohol, processed sugar, caffeine, and nicotine) either to suppress or temporarily boost. The key to the purification process though - assuming you know you really want to be free - is to confront the internal triggering - the pain - as it is happening. In so doing, we can truly break the cycles once and for all.
The effects of pain and fear are illusionary, held in place only by identification with them. Imagine jumping under a cold shower. If you're unused to it, you'll likely 'retract' inwardly, spontaneously contract the muscles, shorten the breath and jump out as quickly as possible. What this does, is simply to cement in your consciousness the idea that it is cold, unpleasant and something to be avoided. The roots of identification, limitation and therefore disempowerment of the soul have begun to take hold. But if instead, you decided to confront the limitation, you might stand under the water and soften into it. You might become intimately engaged with the inner feelings, relax into them and not judge them as 'good' or 'bad'. That way you can penetrate the coldness and find something else beyond the mind's limited judgment. You might find vivacity and aliveness for example. Now you are liberating yourself from the disempowerment; you are cleansing the negative energy you've built up and what's more important, breaking the fixed neural pathways of conditioned behaviours. You're actually breaking down the identities.
7 Ways to Unravel Life's Limitations
Some simple and basic steps can help break the cycles. But we have to be committed to the process. Just dipping one's toes in the water will not suffice. It has to be a full-on confrontation - you have to be 'all-in'. Here are 7 approaches...
1) First recognise and accept the limitation of the inner identities, by watching the daily patterns that disempower you and lower your energy. So become the Observer of yourself and your emotions in all daily activities.
2) If you witness yourself reacting to an event, contracting down with negative feelings, thoughts and emotions, stop. Go deeply into the feelings, working to understand what need for an outcome you think you have of the situation. The soul has no need of any particular result. Soften your attachment by remembering your completeness inside.
3) If you really don't have the time, it's not safe or wise to deal with this density in the moment it arises, then contain the energy, make a mental note about it, but then come back to it later that day; invoke the energy once more by recalling the incident and immersing yourself back into it. See the visions and feel the feelings once more.
4) As you allow yourself to feel the energy of the situation, we must work to become as one with this density; because 'the One' (in you) has the capacity to be awesomely okay with it. So the key is to find a way of fully expressing the pain of the contraction: whether it be a sense of worthlessness, sadness, guilt or anger for example. Find some music that most speaks to you of this energy; move and express to it. In this way, you're honouring your pain, becoming one with it - steadily you lose identification with it.
5) Ask yourself does this identity - this concealed filter - serve your life? Assuming you feel no (!), then work to let go of the attachment that created it - the need for the situation to be a certain way; or resistance of how it truly is. Stop trying to control. Remember, what you're really looking for, is the completeness within. Sit quietly, meditate on the situation, feel the contractions, but then as you recognise you're ready to let go, get the sense that you're opening a door through the density - through the pain - into the completeness of pure presence. Sense yourself transcending through the density.
6) Now that you've become 'the One', it's time to unravel and cleanse away the tightened density of the old identity. This can be done in meditation, through breathing, deep consciousness movement, dancing to music, exercise or walking in the countryside connecting through the five senses. In so doing, you release endorphins that block the cells take up of negative neuro peptides.
7) Once the denser energy has been released, let breath open a wider internal space, then watch for the arising of an authentic soulful pull - the sense of expressive 'rightness'. Now begin to express this 'Right Action' as a natural effect of your authentic beingness, thus breaking the old patterning and establishing a more highly evolved consciousness.
Transfiguration into Your Highest Spiritual Self
The inner identities formed progressively soften and break down. It's crucial to say you don't lose the authentic expression embedded within them - the curiosity and adventure of the child for example. Instead, the distortions are peeled away, lower and higher selves are progressively integrated, and you - as the "Seer" - step out of the limiting dynamic. You're now free to be more authentic in daily life. Resultantly, your life becomes increasingly harmonious and the inner world is seamlessly reflected into the outer. Life becomes more joyful - even sadness becomes more manageable without lingering into distortion.
So purifying and integrating inner identities is paramount to spiritual progression. And it's something we need to fully confront as the identities activate. Integral awareness then dissolves the separated self into the light of pure beingness. It's a powerful prescription for evolutionary success.Resonate?
If you resonate with my sharing and wish to resolve out limiting identity filters on the journey of Enlightenment, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand:
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
The fundamental truth behind processing our Distortions 🎭
13/02/2025 Journal Update
There's a crucial understanding that needs to be explored deeper here in how we transform what we perceive as "distortions". Because the distortion is always a distortion of truth. In other words, at some point, and in some capacity, the soul was expressing in integrity into that pattern of situations. It just got attached for various reasons, fragmented which then generated distorted behaviour patterns to deal with the discomfort.
The key is then not to try to fix or solve the problem before realising what the truth in it is. What is the truthful expression at the core of the distortion? Then to express this deeply and authentically.
A good example is shared below in terms of dependency in relationships or with regard to resources. Maybe because in Truth, your consciousness knows your own Twin Flame has always got your back. But then when we project this kundalini dynamic onto others, they're not necessarily able to continue to fulfill in the way the soul requires it. So we get a progressively diminishing return and then the feeling that "the universe never supports me and I'm dependent on another". The key here would be to strengthen the Twin Flame connection and take more time out to trust in that inner guidance and fulfillment.
Another one that came up recently was depression, and people trying desperately to be happy. Of course, this is a self-defeating loop. Trying to get out of depression only creates new layers of it because we're forming relationship filters with it. So what is the truth in depression?
If you consider the Universal Torus for example and settling back into the void of presence, it is exactly that: "void". Meaning it is neither up nor down, happy or sad, loving or fearful. It just is. But because the psyche is wanting to feel different (joyful for example), then inwardly we're fighting the core state of awesome okayness at the very foundation. So sit in the depression and explore deeply into every nuance of it. It becomes the blank canvas in the background state. Actually, it can become that sense of complete acceptance that you continually revert to. But then from which, other states arise and express on top of it.
This is an example of transforming distortions and states of being by finding the truth in them.
What are your thoughts on this?
<<< Open 💎
How to process and integrate through your Shadow 👤
In reply to The fundamental truth behind processing our Distortions 🎭 by Open
Here's an Openhand video on how to work with the authentic Law of Attraction to recognise the shadow aspects we're drawing to ourselves so as to process and work them through. See what it reveals to you...
Resonate deeply
In reply to The fundamental truth behind processing our Distortions 🎭 by Open
This is very true for me, Open. I resonate deeply with it, reading it exactly when I needed to hear it again from you.
These days, as I watch all the distortions and shadows playing out, I try to see them from the place of the One. This helps me soften and surrender more deeply into it. And when I finally sense that "all-one-ness" again, I can rest in it. Whenever I go through challenges, this is my practice now—finding connection with the One to remind me who I truly am. I am the One.
I also realize how important my connection with my twin flame is. While I was in my hometown, Idukki, my twin flame connected with me through the rock beings, which I deeply enjoyed. Now, as I travel through Pondicherry on my scooter with my tent, I feel her presence strongly through the trees. I'm truly enjoying this connection and the silent conversations we share.
How do you recognize your Twin Flame?
In reply to The fundamental truth behind processing our Distortions 🎭 by Open
Hi Open,
This line stood out for me in your post:
The key here would be to strengthen the Twin Flame connection and take more time out to trust in that inner guidance and fulfillment.
I think you've described a Twin Flame as being the unmanifested half of yourself that's close to source. But I'm wondering, does your Twin Flame have a form? Or is it more like a type of energy, rather than a fixed being? And how can you recognize if you're actually connecting with your Twin Flame?
One reason I'm wondering is because lately I've been having images of a white dragon come into my mind, who seems to be male. Would a Twin Flame ever show up like that? Or would a Twin Flame just "speak" through things like intuition and synchronicities?
Zoe 🙏
Recognising Your Twin Flame Connecting With You ❤️🩹
In reply to How do you recognize your Twin Flame? by Zoe
It's a great question Zoe - how does the Twin Flame show up or present in regular life?
First to confirm:
In the Openhand viewpoint, the Twin Flame is the unmanifest aspect of yourself, that keeps you connected with the Source within. The Twin Flame doesn't actually manifest itself as a separate being in the outer world. However, they will reflect into beings, signs and metaphor in the outer. They're also appear as visions, feelings and metaphoric imagery on the inner. At times, you may feel their energy as a being on the inner. Also, each takes their turn to incarnate. So after your particular incarnation, then at some point, the Twin Flame will take their turn to incarnate. And your aspect will remain at the source. So it's a dance that stretches back through history and forwards in time.
Initially, where there's still separation of lower self from higher self, the likelihood is, that when metaphoric guides appear as visions, it's most likely the higher self that's communicating and coming through. But as there's more integration of the two, then the Twin Flame can more readily appear.
In your example Zoe, where you've had visions of a white dragon appearing in your mind, intuitively, my sense is that this is your Twin Flame showing up. The question is, what do you get from the energy? What is it encouraging you to activate and embody? As you reflect upon the dragon, how does it make you feel?
The Twin Flame is working to activate dormant aspects of yourself.
It's for sure, a great dynamic to explore and work with.
Well wishes
<<< Open 💎
Teenager identities / A new spiritual practice
From the depths of my heart, thank you Open. This article is a must-read for every human being on this planet!
I've recently moved back to my parents house after a relationship break up. I've gone through lots of emotional cleansing, lots of crying. Sometimes I cry for no aparent reason, and I can't even control it. I didn't want the break up to happen, but now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It's like some part of me has died in the process, making me feel emptier and lighter. Maybe it's some kind of pre-awakening state?
Also, all my cravings have been gone and now it's much easier to apply the openway approach. I just ask what I should do and wait for it - sometimes nothing comes, and so I do nothing! But I still have to choose to live this way. I wonder if that will eventually become second nature...?
I sense that most of my 'problems' are related to distortions of the Divine Masculine - lack of courage, commitment, purpose and lots of poverty consciousness. Most of that baggage is related to my relationship with my parents during adolescence - and now, sharing the same roof again with them is bringing lots of these thoughts. So I just observe them and try not to act on them. Is this the correct way to transcend them?
I also would like to share a new spiritual practice that came to me. It's simply staying in this position (I usually stretch my arms and keep the palms facing down, but it's up to you). Of course, it's important to really relax and surrender. I literally cry for no reason sometimes when I do it. It's great to start the day, but also helpful when having to purge emotions or reduce the brain fog of the logical mind.
Sorry for the long text, it was necessary.
Powerful inner inquiry into the nature of identity
In reply to Teenager identities / A new spiritual practice by Edu
Great to hear from you Edu - and thankyou for sharing your insights here 👌
You ask a poignant question:
Most of that baggage is related to my relationship with my parents during adolescence - and now, sharing the same roof again with them is bringing lots of these thoughts. So I just observe them and try not to act on them. Is this the correct way to transcend them?
That all depends. If there is still underlying karma, which I suspect, then by far the best way I've found of dealing with it is to fully express it - to let it animate through you. Then you get to see what you were attached to underneath it all. Thus, you can ask the all-important question: am I ready to set that baggage down? What's the point of carrying it and being limited by it? Can I now risk the apparent cost to the ego of taking the more authentic expression and pathway?
Assuming you say yes, then you're ready to set that baggage down within - the only place the situation can be truly healed from.
Once these deeper identity layers have gone, then it's definitely essential to interrupt any negative thought patterns by not giving attention and thereby not fueling them. Once the underlying karma has gone, they're relatively easy to break down. But the karma must go first - this represents the anchoring roots.
Best wishes
Open 💎
Hi Open, thanks for your…
In reply to Powerful inner inquiry into the nature of identity by Open
Hi Open, thanks for your reply.
By karma, you mean the emotional "seeds" that generate the negative thoughts, right? Thus, the full expression of it would be via crying?
I'm asking this because I can access my emotions and begin to cry very easily, and sometimes I don't know if I'm really releasing the karma.
But I never cry out of self-pity, you know, I keep the intention of really purging my emotions to eventually feel lighter in the end.
Karmic layer is to be accessed under the surface identity layers
In reply to Hi Open, thanks for your… by Edu
Hi Edu, spontaneously crying for no apparent reason is most likely a pointer to buried karma, yes. However, it's only the pointer. We must go deeper to activate and process it out.
To go deeper, is to feel through the activating surface layers of the identity - thoughts, emotions and physical challenges. Karma is then often found in the subtle, almost unnoticeable, vibrations that form the roots of the density. The roots are buried in the soil, so to speak.
So we must work in a way that penetrates the surface layers through expression, but then feel deeper in meditation so as to access the subtle vibrations of karma. Chakra attunement can greatly activate this process. Once the vibrations come active, they'll likely project into your outer reality whereby there's the invitation to forge new beingness amidst the old ways of doing and being.
It's something we're constantly helping people with in the Openhand events. It's essential inner shadow work right now.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Clarification on spontaneous crying please
In reply to Karmic layer is to be accessed under the surface identity layers by Open
Hi Open,
Edu's post and your response really resonated with me and I would be glad of some clarification on the spontaneous crying.
Often (especially before my morning meditation) I can feel something building up within and when I sit waves of emotion come up (usually grief, but not exclusively) this isn't just a few tears, it's sobbing, gut wrenching, rolling on the floor type grief which feels very deep. It passes like a summer storm and once released it's like someone turned off a tap and it simply stops, apart from a lot of yawning to release the energy, leaving a feeling of lightness but no intimation of what it was all about. I had always assumed it was karmic and that providing it was felt and expressed there was no need to get into my head to discover what it was about (always a huge temptation for me) . Now you have got me wondering.... I have asked in the past to be shown, but as nothing emerged I just let go of the need to know and have accepted that it is something which needs to be expressed and released without my needing to know the whys and wherefores.
If I am not releasing the karma around these episodes and nothing emerges when I try to explore what would you suggest is the best way to proceed?
Many thanks and much love,
Group karma being expressed and released
In reply to Clarification on spontaneous crying please by Pam
Hi Pam - since this is so spontaneous, heavy and full on, my intuitive sense is that you're processing grief on behalf of a group consciousness - possibly greys. In which case, you're performing an invaluable healing role. I should just let it run its course - it's clearly necessary.
Much love and well wishes
Open 🙏
Thank you
In reply to Group karma being expressed and released by Open
Thanks Open - as I read that it feels 'right'.
Much love
Thankyou Pam
In reply to Clarification on spontaneous crying please by Pam
Hey Pam,
I just read your post and it descibed what happens to me so accurately! I have also wondered the same things. And Opens reply has brought much clarity, I am very grateful for this insight. Thanks again to both of you.
Much love
Erin 💚🌺
How To Work with Mirrors to Uncover Your Daily Triggers
21/03/2022 Openhand Journal Update:
Today we're commencing the final part of the 5GATEWAYS program for this academic year. It's been phenomenal thus far, with many soulful connections and breakthroughs. I thought to commence the week I'd bring attention to the nature of Inner Identity filters and how to break through them. So as a starter, do reflect on the lead article above which contains 7 ways for unwinding them...
Unwinding Inner Identities in the Process of Enlightenment
What I'm increasingly finding in the connections with Openhanders during the work these days is a quantum leap in drive and motivation - you're absolutely awesome! 👍🧡 It's entirely necessary in these transformative times and so I felt to reflect back on a previous Livestream: 4th Industrial Revolution and the Spiritual Response - check the video if you have the time, but I've also summarised the main "take" from it below.
The main theme of the LiveStream was how the field is strongly alchemising right now with the light coming in but the shadow state working to lock things down. I talked about how the financial system that underpins society is strongly changing and that it would come to impact all our lives. BUT, that doesn't mean we need to become the victims of change - far from it. Change ALWAYS presents a profound opportunity; it's inertia and being bogged down in old patterns and behaviours that's the problem.
I especially talked about three areas of life we can work on in order to open up the flow (that of the soul), because these are where the maximum opportunity for growth and change are: relationships, careers/jobs and general living circumstances. What we're talking about here is working with the mirror. What do I mean by that? The crucial thing is NOT to be sleep walking each day through past patterns of behaviour - just allowing the cycles to repeat with no conscious involvement. There are three keys to watch for: Key 1 is to be constantly observing yourself in all that you do. You become the observer of yourself. Key 2 is to watch for the triggers that push deep inner buttons of tightness and resistance - that you might be overriding. Key 3: is to then regress back into these moments, visualising and feeling into the triggers - what were you attached to? What were you afraid of? How did you need it to go a certain way?
Check out also our informative Forum Thread on MIrrors (click the image below)...
Now there's a phenomenal opportunity to alchemically change. Because these touchpoints are where the soul is fragmenting into reality and getting stuck. This is where you then create a reactive identity that tries to distract from the pain of the trigger by covering it over. People then bury the trigger under distraction and denial through unconscious behaviours, consumption and suppression of self. But once you allow the triggers to activate, then you can work into them using the Breakthrough Approach. You reclaim the lost fragment of soul that was buried there and integrate it.
When you've done this for a consistent period of time, you actually transition across to becoming the mainstream of your soul. The process is called "Realignment". This is absolutely fundamental, because now you are actually living in the flow itself. You have the capacity to alchemise life itself, and especially now that's going to be highly influential with everything transforming strongly on the planet. (check out the book 5Gateways for a deeper understanding of how to undertake the Realignment).
So today I'm encouraging all to be actively engaging with the outer mirror in those three key areas of life: relationships, jobs and general living circumstances. Let's work boldly to open up an inner space so the soul can more strongly engage with life. Do check out the lead article above for more insight...
Unwinding Inner Identities in the Process of Enlightenment
I wish you a productive and alchemical day!
PS - and do feel free to ask questions below if you'd like more clarity on any particular issue.
Delores Cannon - "the system is all about creating fear"
In reply to How To Work with Mirrors to Uncover Your Daily Triggers by Open
Here's a great video clip by the marvelous Delores Cannon, who before she passed on, has shared many views on the shift that are very aligned with the Openhand view. Here she is expressing how the shadowstate is using fear to control people...
In reply to How To Work with Mirrors to Uncover Your Daily Triggers by Open
Oh so timely! One of the key distortions in my life is constantly creating dependency (emotionally and physically through finances). Around the emotional plane it's getting clearer, but I still have so many blindspots as to why I keep falling back into limiting circumstances financially. I understand it mentally to a degree, but on a deeper level it's blurry. I judge the dependency, that's one. I recently felt into fear and feelings of guilt around INdependency at the 5Gateways retreat. But the whole construct of (in)dependency seems an illusion on some level. I remember reading that the soul is also dependent on the One, though not in a separate way. But it seems distorted and feels limiting to believe I can't make it on my own without someone there to back me up, yet even that is a way of the universe taking care of you. It doesn't feel free. Would love some reflections on this!
Difference between interdependency and dependency
In reply to Dependency by .
Hi Hannah,
Dependency is a big one huh! I'm sure we've all experienced it on occasions.
For me, the universe is naturally interconnected and so, as you also allude to, there will be a natural interdependence. Our bodies are dependent on so many things. So many things are also dependent on us. I imagine we'll realize just how dependent we are when the shift hits the fan.
However, emotional dependency becomes unhealthy when when we create the story that we can only be complete when someone acts a certain way, or a particular outcome is fulfilled. So, we create identity with it from the outside-in. Instead, it's better to act inside-out from a place that already feels complete, then see what reflections we get.
Financially, there is also an interdependence as it is essentially, just a form of energy exchange. I observe that when people judge themselves to be financially dependent on another, there's actually a judgment that the value they give to the world is not as much as what they receive. But the energy doesn't have to be direct. For example you could provide someone with inspiration or a safe space to express, just by being you. Then perhaps they provide you with something that you need - money. I see nothing wrong with it.
The big questions for me are:
1. Are you creating a story where you believe you can only be happy/whole/fulfilled if certain circumstances are met?
2. Do you devalue yourself by judging the energy you recieve to be more than what you put out?
3. What does freedom really mean? Is a feeling of freedom also dependent on certain outer circumstances?
Much love to you
Remember - the Twin Flame always has your back
In reply to Dependency by .
I think a key thing to remember here is to always look for the truth within the distortion - before trying to "solve" the problem. Can we instead transform the "problem"? Where is the gift in it?
What jumps out for me is the very last statement you made Hannah: "I can't make it on my own without someone there to back me up". What if there's a truth in this? What if there's a being out there that, at all times, has your back? What if there's "someone" always looking out for you and ensuring you have exactly what you need in any given circumstance?
What I'm referring to of course is the Twin Flame. In the Openhand perspective, she/he stays at the source and is the beacon of guidance through the density and back home. But also more than that. When you can hold the open dynamic of you and Twin Flame in relationships, and out in the world in general, then you build much energy between you - much kundalini. This is them immensely creative.
The problem is of course that the energy you feel and rely upon then manifests in particular ways. The problem comes if we attach too easily and then hit subconscious blind spots in those engagements. Then the psyche feels that it is being backed up by the physical other, rather than the physical other being your own manifestation. So begins the sense of dependency on them, Whereas what's really going on is that your Twin Flame has your back in all circumstances - we just fail at times to embody that.
The key will likely be in practising "tantra", in the wider sense. Both emotionally, sensually but also in the daily actualisation in life. Being in it, experiencing it fully, but always being sure to close the loop back at the source with your Twin Flame within you. So you're consciously completing the loop within and feeling that sense of completeness and support.
I wonder how that might shape the patterns?
Open 💙
Shifting perspective
In reply to Remember - the Twin Flame always has your back by Open
Thanks so much Rich and Open for the beautiful insights. I feel the truth in all of it and spend a lot of time reflecting. I went on a long walk and asked the familiar 'show me'. All I saw was nature reflecting peace, and angelic and pleiadian signs too. As if to let me know nothing is wrong, no need to fix anything, just sink back into being, into life as is right in this moment. Most of all I felt my twin flame at some point - a pair of bats appeared - and I had a glimpse of that feeling that this is the only real relationship I'll ever have and will feel the most beautiful, even though that feels kind of difficult for the ego. I was sitting at a lake and without thinking much I kicked over a rock that was lying in the water, and noticed the rippling it caused, spreading out widely. Then I saw how part of those ripples came back to me, bouncing off the earth and trees in front of me as I was sitting in a small cove. I'll always be met in return for what I put out.
It brings me down to my knees to come back to the realisation that everything is a distortion of truth, that it's only the mind creating convolution in thought and essentially there's nothing 'wrong' with what's happening. What a relief.
Inner identity filters barriers to full kundalini activation
Yesterday we were looking at how kundalini is beginning to activate within people in the Openhand community and more widely in the spiritual mainstream - it's a good sign. So what gets in the way of full kundalini activation?
In short, inner identity filters that formed early in life from the conditioning and programming of society and how people are brought up. These inner filters form a barrier to the integration of lower and higher self, hence they must be engaged and unravelled.
So I would encourage all to have a good understanding of what these filters are all about and how to work with them. The article above contains 8 key ways of dealing with them. And do check out the Openhand 5GATEWAYS book which is packed full of information about the phenomenon with tools tips and advice.
In loving support
Connecting in the ether
Hi Open,
Thanks again for responding to my questions so elaborately. It feels really supportive to have a forum like this to explore so freely.
I very much recognise what you’re saying about these kids being highly advanced and not too keen on being told what to do, or accepting any form of instruction or guidance. I see this in both my children, although it expresses differently in each of them. One doesn’t like being told what to do, and the other doesn’t like being told what NOT to do. I’ll never forget when my daughter was 3 and we went to this playground. I tried to explain to her how she could play with some of the equipment there that she hadn’t used before. She just looked at me like I was stupid and said: “Those are not my instructions!”
YES! Let’s explore in Köln. Or perhaps we already are...? Just the other day, as I closed my eyes in meditation, I thought about what it will be like to sit with and connect with you and all the other people at the retreat. Who will be there, what will happen, what will it feel like? As this thought landed, suddenly it connected up higher and I could distinctly see/feel that we (who will be in Köln), have in fact already connected in the ether, ”making preparations” for the meeting to come. It was quite comforting and exciting to ’know’ that. I’m guessing this is what you mean by ‘future landing now’.
Very much looking forward to it 🌟
Explorations of working with distortions in our kids
Hi Anastasia - lots of fun questions - yes
Let's see what arises...
* Is there a particular age when this (distortion) generally happens or does it vary depending on the individual and the amount of conditioning one receives?
* Is it a gradual process, perhaps spanning over several years or does it happen quicker? For example if there is some kind of trauma that causes dissociation?
* If it is a gradual process, at what age is the process generally completed? Teens?
Yes of course it will depend very much on the individual and the conditons, but we might also talk in terms of some genralities: in the Openhand Approach, the soul already incarnates with the 'personality' - that being the natural soul ray harmonic (see the 7 rays of the soul). And it already comes in with karma, which starts to shape the appropriate environment event before birth. People say the personality - what we here mean by ego - starts to shape between the ages of 2-4. But then it is built upon by life's circumstances and the various challenging situations people encounter.
I believe it's a gradual process, yes, but can also be accelerated by particular causes - trauma for example and also at puberty by the release of hormones - which tends to cause the formation of the Inner Teenager identity. I believe the distortion continues until there's complete commitment to unwinding identity - including spiritual identity.
Would a child actively "push out the higher consciousness of the soul?" Interesting question - yes, I've actually witnessed that happening, where a child and teenager just wants to "be like everyone else" and so therefore actively supresses the emergence of soul.
* Is there something we can do to prevent this separation from happening or is it ‘meant’ to happen? For example, as a parent, can we help our kids to stay connected, or is it not really up to us?
This is a million dollar question! If there is karma, it's almost certainly going to create some layer of identity, no matter what. But as a parent, we can work to minimise the build up of resistant layers. I've witnessed that the souls currently coming in - in teenage years and younger - are very advanced indeed and highly connected (as a generality). A major aspect is working towards soul sovereignty - put simply, many do not like even the feeling of 'being told what to do', being advised or even guided. It seems they came here to figure things out for themselves, even and especially if that involves making 'mistakes'.
I've observed the very worst thing to do in these situations is try to smother, mother, project or control in any way - they 'smell' it a mile off! What does work well however, is holding an unconditional space for their inquiry - to allow them to do the things they feel to do and to make the mistakes they need to make. I'd add a caveat here though - when they're younger, it's wise to work to establish sensible boundaries in behavourisms (limits on screen time and junk food for example), but always working to involve them in establishing the boundaries - so they're not 'imposed from on high'. That way you empower them to make their own choices from an early age.
But as they grow, the boundaries will almost certainly have to progressively soften with the demand for their own sovereignty and empowerment - and so as not to antagonise, thereby creating unnecessary friction and disharmony. It requires an enormous amount of trust on behalf of the parent - especially as they're are so many aluurements in society - excessive distraction through technology for example and the prevalence of recreational drugs.
Here's the crucial point to hoist on board with kids as they grow older - you won't likely be there when they're exposed to these influences as they grow older. And so they must find their own reasons for alignement through the experiences. If they perceive you becoming controlling, they'll likely close down and not even speak about what they're up to. But if you've gained their trust, they'll likely share plenty of their journey. It then becomes possible to influence by asking empowered questions - how did that (behaviour) work out for you? (for example).
With regards to your 'higher 4D connection' - you're coming to Köln right? In which case, why don't we explore it there.
See you soon.
Questions regarding the separation of lower and higher self
Hi Open,
I have some Anastasia-questions for you 😁, regarding the soul’s separation into lower and higher self. I’m being guided to inquire into how this happened for me, but some pieces still remain hazy. So I’m hoping you might be able to shed some light.
In the beginning of this article you said,
Due to disruptive nature of society, it's probably the case that with most, the lower self is separated from higher spiritual awareness at a pretty early age. Whether it be the programmed and conditioning behaviours of our parents, excito-toxins in our food or the electro-smog of modern day gadgetry, effectively the soul is fragmented into the bodymind and a barrier inserted to higher dimensional beingness.
* Is there a particular age when this generally happens or does it vary depending on the individual and the amount of conditioning one receives?
* Is it a gradual process, perhaps spanning over several years or does it happen quicker? For example if there is some kind of trauma that causes dissociation?
* If it is a gradual process, at what age is the process generally completed? Teens?
* Does this happen completely of its own accord, e.g. for a young child, or is it possible that a person can actually aid in the process by actively “pushing” out the higher consciousness? (If this question doesn’t make sense to you, I’ll be happy to explain why I’m asking it)
* Is there something we can do to prevent this separation from happening or is it ‘meant’ to happen? For example, as a parent, can we help our kids to stay connected, or is it not really up to us?
* In a previous dialogue that you and I have shared, you said that I may have retained my connection with the 4D when I incarnated. What does that mean in terms of lower and higher self? Does it mean that I didn’t completely separate from my higher self, or is the 4D connection kept in some other way?
Lots of fun questions, right? 😁
With love and gratitude 🙏🏻 ❤️
Stepping through the Form into Formlessness
Hi Vimal and Fox,
I think it's very timely that such 'objections' arise from time to time - so thanks for raising them.
Above all, the Openhand processes are about finding one's own formless form. That's why I'm constantly talking about finding the 'free flow of the soul'. And also 'where is the sense of rightness for you'? What is you truth?
So why the apparent complexity here? What I've witnessed over the years, are the many layers on the inner journey, many forms that people get stuck in , like identity filters for example.
As people often ask on the path... "Is there something wrong with me?" Absolutely not. And if one genuinely feels that way, if you're in that 100%, then no question or challenge by me, by Openhand, nor anyone else could sway you from it.
Often though, an identity will fixate around such statements - and so such an idea in itself can become a trap to further progression.
I put it to you there are no absolutes in the phenomenal Universe of the relative. To progress is to learn to hold paradoxes, not absolute singular truths. So for example: "you are perfect as you are", AND AT THE SAME TIME, the soul can always be more aligned. How can there be phenomenal perfection where everything is relative?
You might also challenge "why is there a need to progress?" People often go into that inquiry - put simply, there isn't. But I put it to you that the soul is naturally progressing as a flow of light. So I could ask in the same breath..."who is resisting the progression?" "Who feels the burden? Why would you control your own unfolding?"
So to me, and plenty of others, the inner world is full of paradoxes. And the invitation is to step into the formlessness by confronting and breaking down form. The reason for writing articles like this, is to call particular identity layers so as to accelerate the process for people. Which is highly effective - on the courses people break through them super fast, with strong infusions of soul.
And as I always say, if a particular approach, process or philosophy aspect does not work for you, and you don't resonate with it, then drop it. Only go with that which feels truly right to you. But I would also advise staying open to other possibilities that have a peripheral resonance, because the consciousness of the soul is constantly evolving, changing, inquring and growing - unless an identity resists it of course!
Exploring into all viewpoints
Hey Fox,
I'm glad you resonated with what I said. I believe we are all looking at the reality through our own lenses which can be distorted with the various layers of conditioning. Yet there is truth in every perspective which is what we resonate with. I agree we are perfect in our imperfections but we can continously polish our lenses by incooperating other viewpoints by inquiring and exploring into them. I pick up a high degree of truth in what is shared here. But Im careful not to blindly accept it but I inquire into them with my own conciousness and how it applies to my reality. Like for instance if there is burden. We could ask burdened by whom?
Warm wishes
Vimal 🙏
The burden to attempt change
That's exactly the burden my intuition pinged at as well Vimal. Also not to undermine this approach, surely there is merit there coupled with good intention but I cant ignore my sense of caution towards forms of control no matter how sugar coated they may be.
Like, who's to say a perceived distortion isn't exactly whats needed for the well being of the totality of existence. Like a rose bush needs trimming to create new life perhaps whats happening is exactly how it should happen and we should just let it be.
I have a sense to ask "Is there something wrong with me?" and if so, "Who claims to stake such a stance?"
I'm perfect with all my imperfections and I love myself for who I am regardless and HERE I AM SAYING IT .. now what! lol
Now that feels great!
Yay to freedom of expression!
Simplifying the process
Hey Open,
I don't intend to undermine the Openhand processes. But I wanted to ask this. Can we simplify all of this processes(inner identities, breakthrough, 9step spiritual processes etc) as - be all in and feel the pain without trying to distract or fix it, trust and observe it opening it into presence all of its own accord in its own time.
Maybe its because I haven't experienced the Openhand processes first hand in courses and I do feel a sense of lack about it occasionally. To me these steps is confusing and it gives a vague feeling that 'i' have to do something about it and I will never be able to reach it. Maybe it's because of the sense of lack I mentioned. I find that whatever I do or used to do is only various strategies to distance myself from the pain or fix it. Maybe it's all there to it - to let go any need for an outcome, or the need to fix it so that I become as one with the pain and processes takes on its own in its time. I feel a huge sense of relief when I think of it in this way
Maybe .. maybe not.
Thanks for the warm welcome! Thanks also for the reply. Thanks mainly though for opening this channel of discussion it interests me greatly, I can see where your approach is going yet I do feel to examine anything for before I commit to it, so I hope I don't come off as argumentative if my intuition leads elsewhere.
So in light of my own feelings I'm lead to ask perhaps that's not why the filter is there, perhaps its there simply to be experienced. In other words to put back the fun into running from a cold shower (using your example).
Not to "disown" it rather to simply BE it and say "Yay! This is who I am"
I feel if we take a myopic view of what life is its easy to paint this world as having a "disruptive nature" as you started your article yet that view may not be so concrete and comes with some burdens of its own. It must come from an identity which differentiates between "true self and the distortion" I'm guessing that identity must carry a perceived burden with that view of the world. I'm not sure but perhaps you do?
I'm drawn to something Alan Watts put once "if we took the side of white blood cells forever the organism would die of an auto immune disease." With that in mind I feel an option may be to let 'IT' do it for me and release into the experience of being as opposed to trying to change who I am towards a perceived "true self".
Takes the pressure.
Unwinding Inner Identities with Chakra Meditation
The new chakra attunment meditation helps in the unwinding of Inner Identities process, because it highlights eneregtically within the difference and amplifies the flow of soul....
Avoiding inner identities?
Greetings Fox - welcome to Openhand
"Im wondering if its possible to not be identified with identities?"
Nice thought - and great not to get too wrapped up about it. However the point of an identity filter is that the soul has fragmented (in a manner of speaking) and then created the filter from the distortion. So you could dis-own them, but that would be like dis-owning a part of oneself. That then creates polarity within - another identity that is avoiding the initial ones! This does happen quite a lot - the spiritual identity for example, where you 'accept' and let go. But really that's just accepting 'anything goes' rather than aligning with the true aspect of soul.
The identities will dissolve, but only by commitment to our authenticity.
Wishing you well
Im wondering if its possible…
Im wondering if its possible to not be identified with identities lol.
In other words not attempt to break them down rarther be them as much as I am for that is what is and who I am.
Maybe I am fragmented.
Maybe I am distorted.
Maybe I do prefer warm water.
And maybe Im okay with that.
Essential confrontation of Inner Identities to accelerate Shift
I felt to share this article again today, because it's so essential to the path and the Shift to understand the nature of inner identities, how they form and how they impact the soul in daily life. Most importantly, it's essential to understand the basic process of direct confrontation to break them down so as to liberate the soul.
As I expressed in the article above, here's a general approach...
The effects of pain and fear are illusionary, held in place only by our identification with them. Imagine jumping under a cold shower. If you're unused to it, you'll likely 'retract' inwardly, spontaneously contract the muscles, shorten the breath and jump out as quickly as possible. What this does, is simply to cement in your consciousness the idea that it is cold, unpleasant and something to be avoided. The roots of identification, limitation and therefore disempowerment of the soul have begun to take hold. But if instead, you decided to confront the limitation, you might stand under the water and soften into it. You might become intimately engaged with the inner feelings, relax into them and not judge them as 'good' or 'bad'. That way you can penetrate the coldness and find something else beyond the mind's limited judgment. You might find vivacity and aliveness for example. Now you are liberating yourself from the disempowerment; you are cleansing the negative energy you've built up and what's more important, breaking the fixed neural pathways of conditioned behaviours. You're actually breaking down the identities.
Do check out the 8 recommended steps in the article above and if you feel to, share your inquiry with me. How do you confront these filters that languish within? And what do you notice when you do?
In loving support
Synchronistic drop in
Thank you Reka! It's perfect that you mention that as I had put some of her audio work in my Amazon cart... Not quite sure if I was going to get them or not! I looked up this book and know I have pulled this one up before. I have long been drawn to the exploration of symbols, dream, myth, fairy tales and how they speak to us and illuminate the unconscious aspects of ourselves. thank you for dropping this in =)! With love, Jen
leaving my father's house
beautiful exploration of childhood identities, thank you Jen, and it made me think of a book so very important to me fromm about 20 years ago by a most amazing Canadian Jungian analyst Marion Woodman (oh, how i love the woman!!), entitled Leaving My Father's House...
somehow (nothing concrete) just an intuitive thought that I should mention it to you <3
Feeling multiple child identities
All these memories and subtle feelings are arising…some of it stimulated by the “Moon Circle” on another thread, some of it by some dance classes I have been going to and some by perceived criticisms or feeling of abandonment stimulated by those around me. There is a sense of a small female child and an older male child inside - two separate identities that are affecting the way that expression can or does flow through. I feel a shutting down of this smaller female child - there is a sense of blame and guilt that is wrapped up with her…and this is starting to be felt. I have dreamt of the boy many times…he is maybe 9 or 10 - in my dreams I am either seeking to unify with him or I see him out in the woods by the water and he is emaciated and uncared for. The boy feels like the distorted masculine energy that has protected me from feeling there is something wrong with me that has caused rejection and abandonment. The boy though is more blaming…feels more like a victim of circumstances and wants to control things and be hard so that nothing touches the deeper feeling of the little girl.
I can recall the earlier years of my childhood after my father left…I became hard and tough and unreachable…my father would call and I would be silent or say the meanest things possible…all to put off the energy of I am fine, you can’t hurt me, you don’t matter, I don’t need you, I am unaffected by you. There was a lot of rage…tearing out insulation from the inside of my bedroom walls, stuffing toilets full of all my clothes…but I don’t ever remember crying except once when I begged my parents to somehow put it back together.
About 8 years ago I read a book called “Come Back to Me” that touched this energy inside me and I cried rivers of pain as I felt into being this small child and what that was like. Yet, it’s coming up now differently, more subtly, I see it distorting expression…I see a vision of a way of being…get a taste of it but then I feel as if I am this little girl or little boy and it feels like that energy can’t flow in the way I sense it or see it is possible…it’s like putting a little girl in a pair of heels…she can play around in them but it’s not natural and it’s not appropriate…that’s how it feels to be in a woman’s body right now. When I feel blamed or at fault - there is a huge blocking energy in my throat - feels like there is wool stuffed inside my throat and all the energy in my body seems to go to my head and my body feel empty and disintegrated. There is such intensity that it seems I am popping out of the lower body entirely. Lots more to go and I trust life will keep giving me opportunities to feel into it more..to become as One with the feeling - the guilt and blame, the shame and rejection…but just felt good to share and to express what is going on with this. If you feel to mirror anything to me - i am open to that. Thank you for the space to share. With love, Jen
Okay thanks for quick reply
Okay thanks for quick reply Open. :)
I'll keep on unfolding.
love Jannik.
Work at it till it becomes second nature
It's work in progress Jannik - it becomes a constant exploration and unfolding.
It is not easy to touch - and then be in - presence. So you just have to keep working at it until it becomes second nature.
Open :-)
The last 4 steps*
The last 4 steps*
the 8 steps
Am I supposed to do them all in order the same day, or is it more a working progress?? Ask because I read the article a week ago or something like that, and have used them but I find the last 3 steps very hard to accomplish. Should I just practice more? or is it possible am doing it wrong..?
Self-Realization: Simple and Basic Steps
Thanks for this article, Open. On reviewing the simple and basic steps you outline, I realize I've been missing a few key pieces in the process for releasing distortions and conditioned behaviours. With appreciation, Catherine
Kids are our greatest Gurus
Thanks Jenny
Whenever Tom does something like tells me or Sarah to shut up, I feel this huge “how dare you, theres no respect for that other persons way of being at all. This wanton urge to surpress the other.”
So "a childs behavior is a reflection of our own patterns."
So his anger is my anger, his frustration is mirroring my frustration. I try to block this by saying he shouldn't do this, that his behaviour isn't kind. "I impose consequence/reward situations" around those areas I get tight.
This has to do with my upbringing and that I was always shut down when my behavior was seen to be undesirable by my parents/family/school. Conditioned patterns formed around these situations until what was left was an eddy current. These eddy currents still linger in many places and hold conditiond patterns.
So if I want to break down these currents, I shall soften into these moments. Where Toms behavior seems to shut me down or tighten me up, not responding from a fixed, “Hey! Don't do that” (all that does is pass on the conditioning to him) I'm breaking down these patterns and not surprising his expression.
I still feel the need to provide structure. It's hard because he has a large portion of life outside of our home, that being school, spending 4/5 days with his dad, or visiting the grandparents. During which time he has scarfed junk food and indulged addictions to TV or video games, or been through an education system that feels quite dense. When he comes back, it's like he's an addict on withdrawal.
I feel a huge resistance to this, "That's not a healthy way to be." But it doesn't feel like I can impose that on him, because that would just as much of a distortion.
I realise I can be myself, and fully explore my being and work through my distortions. This is the greatest service I can give to Tom.
Lot's more to work through. Deeper, soften, open.
What about reacting to events in your own head?
What about reacting to events in your own head? for example: Was I really this dude in a past life?
Clarity and Openness
I am reminded of the biblical verse that paraphrasing says, that which you thought was done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops! There shall be no secret thing that will not be revealed for all to be uplifted.
We are in those times of greater self illumination and actualization, for ourselves and other selves to identify their places of darkness and of LIGHT. We are evolving, changing, becoming the utmost for our own self in the midst of the Universal Self who is also evolving and becoming through us, It and us.
Purification - not what I thought
A couple of years ago I went through a process of a complete change in my everyday life, like what I eat, what I wear, etc. And I felt very connected to earth, uplifted, light...
And then something happened, and following the pull I was brought to dip back in the denseness and dirt of modern living, as I, in parallel, was dipping into my own inner dense world. I believed I was abandoned by God (funny).
Then I found I have become attached to the 'purity', the sensation of connection, lightness, and it was very painful for me to let it go, especially that I thought that I am just hopelessly falling out of the flow and being sucked in denseness.
Now I can see that there was no other possible way for me, and that I tortured myself in vain with trying to be pure and clear and to confine myself to what I thought was the way to purify myself and bring myself closer to God. It was another attachment, distortion, that I was hunting for something all the time, run away from this place, and couldn't help myself, even though I was aware of all this.
For me, I guess, the path was to do the opposite, to walk through a total opposite of what is pure, to go into everything that is wrong, injust, disgusting and filthy in my eyes.
It was like this until I reached the highest peak of frustration, but also of acceptance. I was ready to stay in this dirt forever. And then things began to move for me, but also, in a completely unexpected, not-by-the-book way.
Today I can say I have no idea how purification is to be done, but I know that it has everything to do with accepting the truth as it is, being aware, and then following the pull, even if it takes in a completely opposite direction from what looks right.
Looking like it's right and feeling right are different things. Feeling right can also bring me to do things I would never do. So for the question is not so about the purity of my actions, but rather the realness of my actions and experiences.
Sadly, I found that if I am attached to, let's say, not to hurt any living creature, I will surely be brought to hurt or kill one, to blow the identity formed around it.
So for me it is not that simple, and eventually is all about blowing any ideas, ideals, any beliefs, any kind of control, planning, moralities, even my nobleness... Everything is totally peeled off. I can cry, I can fight, I can try to resist or to make things the way I imagine, but eventually it just causes more suffering and wastes time.
The way I see it the first thing for me is to lose any idea of how this purification will go, and to focus all inner strength on refining the sense of rightness, but without being attached to getting it all right. There are always more things I get wrong than right, and then I learned from that. What's important is the inner loyalty, the readiness to do what's right...
The second one is to find more and more softness. It often felt to me like finally going down on my knees in front of the universe, letting my pride go and opening for WHATEVER I am experiencing, which can be the most horrible things I couldn't even imagine I have inside me. Softness.
And the last one - letting go the understanding. I got used to be clueless 99.9% of the time, and even learned to enjoy it in some funny way. I have no clue, really. I just know what I feel or see now, and that is what I need to feel and see to find something I am to find in this moment. All the rest is irrelevant. Truth in itself stopped bothering me, and I now find it funny that I desperately tried to understand and know things, because, well, I can never know! hahaha
And Chris was true when he said that things will get easier. I experience more pain and deal with more horrors. But it is nothing in comparison with the suffering of resistance, fighting and trying to understand things that can't be understood, and this attempts to manipulate, avoid... God, THIS is suffering! All the rest is not easy at all, but can be dealt with. So, the last tip for me was to let go the war with God, to just lay my weapons down. This moment when I felt like completely ready to stop fighting was probably one of the most important moments of my evolution. And I am still working on my hatred for this life and inacceptance of all this reality and my existence in it. A monster... But hey, even with all that, without fighting - it's a totaly different experience :)
I am happy and feel very lucky, even here, in this unperfect, not-so-pure place I am at. I am under God's wing. I can't ask for more...
Penetrating the Pain
Thank you Chris for your insightful comment. It's clear that some of the concepts/methods I have learned (or the filter through which I have learned them) over the last 5-6 years with regard to spiritual growth have created another layer of patterns of behavior that serve to keep me in the bubble...reading back over my comment and yours I can see that there is still an urge within me to find an escape route from the pain. It's a very helpful reminder for me to stay with the discomfort - to go into it even more deeply to fully process it rather than "cure it" by finding a better feeling with meditation/chanting etc - though it has it's place. Funny enough, I had a dream a few nights ago in which a one eyed man with red underwear was wanting me to come closer to him and I was just trying to get some food out of his house and leave...once I left, I thought I was out and had escaped from this creature but as I walked further away I ran into a translucent barrier...I was still in there with the one-eyed man - I may have gotten some nourishment from the food he had but i didn't stay long enough to really be free. It all seems to be in line. Thank you so much for the illumination!!
Questionng and the Questioner
- "There's this thought that keeps crossing the mind "I am tired of being scared!" Who is saying that though?? Is it just the ego? I feel truly over feeling nervous and it's not just with the kids - I just am so painfully aware that I am constantly not feeling like enough- it's a constantly running program in my mind- I am so tired of it - but who is tired of it??!"
Working with old patterns
This article is in perfect timing for me...recently the noise and inter-sibling conflicts of my children have stirred up intense anxiety within me...I notice resistance to the noise and conflict that I see on the outside...my breath feels tight and my head begins to hurt...I also notice that my children are insistent on my attention and approval in ways I do not observe them with others...it has caused me to notice my own need to be special or to have attention or approval from others...I am (as of today!) noticing this urge and relaxing around it...I realize their behavior is just a reflection of my own patterns. In the past I have alleviated these inner symptoms by imposing all manner of reward/consequence systems...but now I am letting go of these outward means...I am still providing structure and guidance but I am decidedly looking within and asking why do I feel this anxiety? What part of me is controlling and why and what am I afraid of here? Letting go of old control mechanisms leaves me feeling quite vulnerable and raw with the anxiety. I feel that my present condition reflects the way I experienced many of the family experieces I had as a child...and these physiological symptoms are deepset patterns from this early life or another. There's this thought that keeps crossing the mind "I am tired of being scared!" Who is saying that though?? Is it just the ego? I feel truly over feeling nervous and it's not just with the kids - I just am so painfully aware that I am constantly not feeling like enough- it's a constantly running program in my mind- I am so tired of it - but who is tired of it??!...I find that chanting helps so much...brings up those good feelings, regulates my breathing and brings me out of that old pattern and I am able to connect to that warm steady place within. I am now ready to ask how to be in this moment...I am open to guidance and I am tired of "my way"...I feel this enormous urge to shudder and shatter like an earthquake all the holding, fear, nervousness.
I was re- reading this article and asked myself the question do I always put love as my highest truth/ethic.when I fall back into a lower consciousness state ?. Of course not as an emotive truth but as an objective truth. And what is the subjetive part of my feeling in it.I think the soul can honestly aim and is wanting it to be this way, but when we fall back into our separated lower self (and it seems it is possible to fall in and out of this unification state in different dimensions),that sometimes for example anger might cloud the highest love ethic for example when we experience or perceive injustice….. The first reaction is to feel emotively (when in the lower state) and then to unify it with the higher which seems to come a few hours later….. When we are in the unification state in expanded consciousness it all seems to be magically there, we know exactly what to do and how to do it. There is a sense of instant knowing without question .Putting love as the highest ethic ckmes very naturally. So, I figured it’s a skill when in the lower state, some people are very good at it and when confronted can handle things very well, so it’s seems to have something to do with how we process information at at what speed…….and with the ability to see through our own filters and distortions and find the truth ( which to me is the highest love ethic).
I still think it’s about how we say it, how we get our truth across, again in our separated self, it’s much more challenging because we hit the immediate emotive barrier i.e our distortions, our anger or pain, frustration. It is these , these places where I tend to fly off elsewhere, so I keep telling myself come back, come back, feel your feet on mother earth and meet your other self, unify and feel that uprising of authenticity and ’’ right action into place’’, stand in your core truth and value and don’t let the enemy knock you down because of their difficulty in accepting it.
So I am learning to hold the space without judgement, to let and feel the unravelling and to then speak my truth. My son is also learning how to speak his truth. Everything mirrors in his behaviour………it’s interesting how this works and how we are just one vast consciousness of energetic vibration
So, I am still working at unification in this realm, because what I realised is it’s happening in another realm and then might vanish for a few hours, but it is integrating because I can feel it happening. It is like I am continually on a roller coaster of experiences in different states and dimensions…but it does feel like it is all coming together
I just want to find my true state of authenticity. It's like part of feels like I am on step 20, the other switches back to step 3. Sometimes it meets.
The Day of At-one-ment
I am completely at-one –ment with this article. I’m in divine union with everything at the moment- and not just the bliss ! Now I get it. Where was I thinking that unity in oneness was only about the bliss…. But we can’t get it until we experience it, we can’t know it as a theoretical concept- it ha s to be felt and fully experienced and it comes when it comes, as it comes when the soul is ready , open and fully surrendered when the filter has been removed.
It’s right where I am. Thank-you for this fine tuned insightful article and for all the ascension work you do- you are truly God ‘’sent’’ beyond a shadow of doubt. We are all so blessed to know you.
I can honestly say I am integrating, I know I am because I feel it, the release, I feel different more in unification with my higher God self , the one who is infinite (and I feel the infinity) uninhibited, expanded and in more of a state of equilibrium (no longer fighting my negative thoughts, but seeing through it rapidly and finding the light and feeling the light), and not gonna let anything or anyone try to knock me down this time, because I have work to do. There’s no stop in me this time. The chains are released and beginning to feel I can express more of my own divine individuality. I don’t seem bothered by peoples comments , filters or opinions. I just have no judgement anymore and feel when it’s their stuff or my truth. I even see the humour in it. I feel stronger. How liberating. I feel fully but am totally unattached. Infact ,I have to sometimes question is this real ? is this really happening ? Also my son seems different, he seems more normal, more emotionally tuned and whole, he sees right through things and people. He’s finding his strength.
It all feels very much about atonement and reconcilliation between God and self involving forgiveness of the ‘’original ‘sin’. It’s unbelievable how the original cause can get so distorted as it spirals downwards- Behind it a very real grusome satanic beast like creature . It’s real. Deep down we always new it was very real.
I am here but not of the world, I can accept the density from my travels in the fourth density,I’ve come back but feel beyond duality experiencing the expanded self through various situations (of very very low density), I would never have believed would happen and in it tasks waiting to be activated…..it’s like I am able to confront the moment without fear, without judgement and I feel my expanded self (I have to get use to this feeling)
It began happening when I felt thrust into the fourth dimension into such a low density,I saw the colective human consciousness for what it was, I was stuck in it, I was neither this nor that, just an oberserver, like eternal infinite consciousness, but I was dissolving into it, feeling it’s burden and pain). At first I thought I ‘d been cast out and dissolved back into source which kind of what happened, I was almost dysfunctional in this third realm. But thankfully , by divine grace I have come out of it, and more able to finally accept this very very dense third dimension .
At the same time some purifcation and cleansing was happening at a collective level and I felt I had an invitation in it but before I have had to look at myself. I see this as an ongoing continual process
So when we purify our physical body, emotions ,mental body and remember who we really are in our identity body (we are the christs), then we will have that light flowing through us in unificataion with the divine.
This purification and cleansing process I feel is so paramount……I don’t see any other way or solution.
There is a chapter in the Bible in Revelations 20;1
‘’Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to othe bottomless pit and a great chain. 2 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand ears, 3 and threw him into othe pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.’’
This speaks about the day of atonement. The day when humanity and the nations eyes will be fully opened to the truth and awakened and satan will be bound to a bottomless pit.
“”The veil has been lifted “” ……all is transparent. The deception has been lifted and God and self have become ‘’one’’.
I feel this happening and will happen at a full ‘’collective consciousness level’’ in ‘’the not too distant future’’.
I have been invited to work with the violet frequency what I discovered was the seventh ray (I don’t know much about the rays but sychronistically it is about the
“”Ï AM presence are One’’ – the unification process……
I felt to write a little about it as part of my own integration process and understanding , and maybe to scatter some violet rays through the ether, as it fits in with part of this ascension process.
The violet flame is about transmutation, an alchemical term meaning to create positive change, and involves unification of the divine masculine and divine feminine aspects. It connects the God self to pure beingness, like when Jesus says ‘’Ï and the father are one’’, transcending the egoic identity
“”Ï AM -Presence and One”” , in this sense the energy and light will flow from who we are in the spiritual realm- down into the lower third dense dimension.
It seems many people are called to the openhand, to go through this process of integration, to be able to do the work they are called to do, to heal self first before…… In your words
So purifying and integrating inner identities is paramount to spiritual progression. And it's something we need to fully confront as the identities activate. Integral awareness then dissolves the separated self into the light of pure beingness.
Here we find completeness and reintegration, that ‘’nothing in the external world can replace the sense of fulfillment and completeness that you get from going within’’
“”It's an odd paradox, because you don't even realise what's happened and how you've been limited,
until you wake up one day and rediscover the divine blessing that's been denied you.””
This is so true. Satan, the beast, the alien creature , – collective and individual implants are very real. Call it whatever you like. It’s there and will do everything to stop us from ascending.
It’s all about forgiveness, reconciliation and the power of love- truly a divine source from ‘’above’’, purging the soul.
Love is -the power we all have inside of us, when we fully unite with the divine if only at a collective level the world could make it their goal. It would be a very different place to live in..
I guess only we can make that happen in our time that we have. To open eyes.
And I still fell I have a long way to go, this feels like the beginning of the end for me.
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