Tilly Bud (UK)

I know myself to be an Urban Shaman. Someone who feels close to Mother Earth, even in the concrete confines of the city. I feel my connection though the burgeoning of spring, blossoms of summer, fiery colours of autumn and icy slumber of winter. I express through the co-creative cycles of my garden, which nourishes my senses and spirit. I feel a kinship with traditional cultures and honour the glimpses I have had, much of which resonates deeply. It truly inspires and informs my work, yet I seek not to copy, rather to know myself as an expression of a modern-day, city-born, re-connected Soul living in an urban environment. A Soul who found her full Awakening through Firewalking and her “church” and Soulful expression in the heat of the Sweat Lodge.
My purpose is to practice the Healing Arts, live close to Mother Earth, be a Steward of Divine Connection and in service to Openhand.
At a key point in my life, I was helping Souls Awaken through my shamanic practices. It had never been an intention; it came through my delight to share Sacred ceremony and was something I regularly observed happen naturally in my fire-walking groups. At the same time, I realised I didn’t have the depth of understanding to take people any further. What is really possible once you are awake, surely it’s not a plateau? I yearned for insight. But How? At that point I drew Openhand into my life and in an often co-creative and collaborative way I have gained a fuller sense of the Journey of the Soul in the cosmic multidimensional landscape. I feel blessed at this time in history to have a clear understanding of my Souls path and yet also to be familiar with the workings of the deceptive influences on the planet, which seek to constrain the natural birthright of Humanity. The way out of the 3D physical realm, into the next destined level of incarnated experience; the more ethereal 5D.
You may have previously known me as Lesley Lord, as I appeared in the 5GATEWAYS Movie (2009-11) and also my name when I was Retreat House Manager for Openhand Foundation in Glastonbury (2013 to 2015). During the summer of 2020 I had some major shifts and realised that the name my Father called me is actually my Soul name. So I chose to reclaim the name Tilly Bud. The Spiritual Path is full of surprises, even at my age!!! Realisations like these are birthed through noticing and feeling, and sometimes with direct knowing from higher mind.
To the Openhand Community I offer:
One-to-One sessions for facilitation
I am happy to work with anyone who is prepared to have a series of sessions when they are working on complex issues, whatever they are.The Fees are £45
I can accommodate stage payments for a group of sessions.
I have a “lightness of touch” and down to earth nature which can really serve people who have a lack of trusted support around them on their path and want to ask questions relating to the ordinary everyday process of living whilst coming from a place of greater awareness. My sessions also work as a helpful complement to the Openhand Retreats which move lots of energy very quickly. Afterwards, one needs to integrate and feel the ongoing unfolding, all the while relating and changing within the experience of your life. People may need to hold possibilities without resolution for some time, which can feel very uncomfortable and uncertain, often my reflections are welcome then.
Tilly Bud - Stage 3 Facilitator
Tilly is a tremendously journied and wise soul - it's no coincidence that Owl has appeared in her cards! She has a deep and varied experience in Shamanism, being an advanced Fire Walk instructor, trained at Peggy Dylan's Sundoor. She has the most wonderful heart-warming connection to Gaia, and there's many a time where I've watched her hold the space tenderly and expertly, forming a bridge for people to the divine as they process through their density. It's in these moments where you need a rock steady confidence to hold you in the crucible - Tilly is just such a facilitator. She's also been developing her skills, knowledge and qualifications more recently as a naturopath. You will be well taken care of.
Hi Lesley
I've been following Openhand for several years. I went down to Glastonbury a few years ago to one of his workshops. I resonate with him and his teachings. I also resonate with you (having seen you in 5Gateways movie!)
I've been listening to Open's live streams over the past few days and he mentioned there was support from the facilitator network. I wondered if I might be able to connect with you. I don't have anything specific that's bothering me, but it would just be nice to have someone with a like mind to share experiences with. I want to be able to be in a place to help humanity. Twenty odd years ago I was shown the earth in chaos and then the earth giving birth to a new earth. At that time I didn't know what it meant and what to do with the information, but now I feel I need to remember why I'm here and what I've come here to do.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Anne Frances
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