Containing Destructive Energy...Then Unleashing Creative Aligned Expression

Submitted by Open on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 02:02

Life is full of paradoxes. In fact the more we walk the path, we may realise each stone we tread, is in itself a grey area of multiple truths, yet each step with a distinct Right Action. Take for example expressing ones truth: many know how important this can be. If we don't express who we truly are and if we're not being authentic, then we're certainly going to limit our unfolding. Yet what if we feel frustration inside, anger, rage or at times even hatred? I've observed all such colours are painted in life's karmic artistry. Is it right to suppress such feelings or deny them if they are bubbling away within? Yet if we let this causality out, does that not then draw to us their reflective effects?

Here's where we need to master the art of 'containment' and then unleashing authentic creative expression. What exactly do I mean by this?...

Ancient light of the soul

There are many spiritual teachings that speak of spreading love and peace. It risks becoming an indoctrinated mantra. What if you don't feel like spreading love and peace? What if at times you feel plain angry? Is it then right to override these feelings as many do? What impact do you imagine that has internally?

I can tell you that from observational direct experience, it builds a reality of illusion and denial. It constructs concealed frustration. And the more we heap upon it layers of false pleasantries, the further away from absolute truth and our true path we slide. Our purpose here is to find an authentic expression and let it sing. And at the heart of any impulse, including anger, there is an ancient light of the soul at its core. Anger so often conceals passion for example - the commitment to a cause and the yearning to overcome embedded resistance in the flow. It sometimes takes a huge amount of expressed energy to break down the dam.

I believe it's essential to realise that at the core of any distorted expression is the ancient light of the soul - a distortion is one of some originally aligned inquiry. Anger is often a distortion of passion for example; greed might be a distortion of the soul's natural expression of abundance; doubt is a distortion of the soul's inherent characteristic of inquiring into the nature of reality - continually testing the truth. In processing then, it's essential not to simply 'cast the baby out with the bathwater. (try this Openhand Breakthrough Approach for unleashing the Soul from distortion).

Flushing away the flotsam

So it's healthy to express, to stir up what is truly inside and to let it out. For only then will we see in the external mirror the internal layers of compacted silt and the soul gold buried within them. Only then can we stir up the sediment of life, flush away the flotsam and reintegrate these nuggets of beingness into our golden flow.

It is only by being truly honest, truly authentic about how we're feeling in the moment, whether good, bad or ugly, that the mirror reflects the possibility of a new unfolding.

But of course this leads to a dilemma. We all know that what we put out into our environment the universe reflects back. And surely have we not had enough anger and hatred already in this world? This is where mastering the art of containment is of profound value. So what exactly is 'containment'? Here are some important facets to mastering its art...

7 Facets for Mastering Containment then Unleashing Creative Aligned Expression

  1. The most important thing is not to deny what's bubbling under the surface, but rather to bring light to it by an honest exploration of what we're truly feeling. However it might not be appropriate to express these feelings in your immediate environment - at work for example. So see yourself containing the feelings inside, but knowing that you'll get around to processing them just as soon as possible.
  2. As soon as possible, take yourself off to a contained and protective space. Be clear that when you express, what you release is not to go beyond the confines of where you're expressing.
  3. Now regress back into the situation that brought up the original feelings - see the images and feel the feelings. Then begin to let them flow. Find an outlet through which to express. It could be shouting, screaming, strong physical exercise, beating a pillow or punch bag. It could be strong expressive dance.
  4. Be careful not to direct the energy at people or other sentient life (unless invited as facilitation). It risks embedding judgment, negative feedback loops and karma which can be hard to remove.
  5. When the expression is at its height, and you feel you've given the fullest energy to it, then look to open an inner doorway through the experience into the bode of pure acceptance - that of the presence of the One. Be completely accepting of the energy swirling around and through your field, but shift beyond it - you are not that expression.
  6. Feel any attachment dissolving.
  7. As you become the One in the feelings, by becoming as one with them, now start to unleash the expression of 'rightness'. Look for the expression of the original feeling that is aligned and authentic - it just feels 'right' - then let that express through breathing and movement. Now the soul aligns through the original distortion.

Natural Containment within Enlightened States

I felt it important to add that I observe there are two different types of containment:

(1) that which can be of value prior to enlightened states - where people aren't fully comfortable in unleashing absolute authenticity into engagements (2) that in enlightened states, where there's always a coming from authenticity, but sometimes the energy is contained in the moment by the natural diplomat ray 4 (for those unfamiliar with the 7 rays, see the soul's purpose). In enlightened states, there's a continual 'turning into' the truth of the moment. So there's simply no need to regress into situations afterwards. It's only really where there's some degree of ego involved, that is concerned about the outcome of any engagement, that intentional containment would be necessary. My article is meant to honour this.

So as the soul progressively integrates, there will be ever increasing yearning to express absolutely authentically in the moment, and so there would be no unnatural containment - although the ray 4 diplomat aspect of the soul will likely be naturally active where there might be discomfort on the part of others or where there is the risk of some disharmony or conflict in situations.

A smoother ride

I've found that steps like these truly help people master the art of containment. It becomes possible to hold and experience all manner of potentially destructive expression, yet process in a positively productive way. The world on the outside is not negatively imprinted with unwelcome consequence.

Furthermore, when we hold the energy, but without simply dumping it, then what I've so often found, is that the situation we're confronting can shift in a favourable way. A degree of internal agitation can dislodge the dam resisting our flow.

So next time you find your life suddenly wanting to bubble up with frustrated tension, explore holding the energy before immediately unleashing it on the world. Contain it, but look for positive channels of expression. Mastering the art of containment leads to a smoother ride through the frequently frothy turbulence of the flow.

We're practicing Containment before unleashing Aligned Creative Expression on our ongoing World Tour
(next in Europe, Australia and Africa).
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In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji
(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)

About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV

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Hi Open, Boy, talk about synchronicity. I just covered 14400 kms over the last 3 wks. Containment with a health release just what I needed to hear. I had wrote a long story here about what I faced and then deleted it with a feeling of what you talk about in the above article. You said; {It becomes possible to hold and experience all manner of potentially destructive expression, yet process in a positively productive way.} Got it, [NOW]. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Much Love



Hi Bianca - I'd say we need to be careful not to polarise as 'empaths' and 'catalysts' - because the risk is to become attached to either/or, to then become an identity around that.

To me, a truly powerful catalyst is able to empathise and feel into the energy they're connecting with. I find myself constantly working with energies in the field this way. And I feel energies very markedly within people - such as implants and entities for example. It's just that in having a strongly catalytic side too, I tend not to get swept up in them. I believe working toward a healthy balance is important - although I do acknowledge of course that there are souls with more strongly empathic qualities in the spectrum. Personally I find myself these days sitting fairly in the middle.

In encouraging not wanting to polarise between the two, I felt to write this article a while back, which may be of interest...
What Spiritual "Empaths" and "Catalysts" might Learn From Each Other

Wishing you well

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Marye the example you give about the ray 4 versus ego reads like the story of my life! It's really empowering to read it, thanks. I couldn't sleep this night trying to understand if this energy a collegaue of mine passed on was mine to feel through or whether I was overempathising. In the end I came to the understanding that there was some truth in it for me to take on but the actual energy was not mine to work through. If I may say so this website means the world to me but it shows that it's headed by a catalyst not an empath.


Open, this intentional containment you speak about is very synchronistic. I was literally looking for confirmation. Nowadays I observe that when I have intimate thoughts about another person, I'm filled with loving energy, longing, pleasure, emotions. But there is also frustration since it has no climax, the energy sort of hunts in the air. I guess its the reptilian distortion which wants to consume and be consumed. If I tread on the sexuality of it, after a while I get pain in my sacrum such that it gets literally difficult even to walk. Is this the kundalini energy which is getting stuck on the emotional chakra due to blockages. I have read that it's incredibly productive to channel this energy into creativity rather than engaging in sexual activity. Im interested to know more on this. Rarely I have seen that this energy can literally clear my field of entities and exhaustion. I can also feel the loving energy and connection towards other sentient beings which feels good. A beautiful kingfisher has started sitting right outside my window everyday since I started feeling this strongly. Is this the twin flame experience that's been discussed on this site?


Hi Marye - your sharing about when to 'contain or not to contain' just goes to prove there are always examples that break the 'rules'!

Here's the thing (and I'm glad this came up), I'd say there are two different kinds of 'containment': (1) that which can be of value prior to enlightened states - where people aren't fully comfortable in unleashing absolute authenticity into engagements (2) that in enlightened states, where there's always a coming from authenticity, but sometimes the energy is contained in the moment by the natural diplomat ray 4 (for those unfamiliar with the 7 rays, see the soul's purpose). In enlightened states, there's a continual 'turning into' the truth of the moment. So there's simply no need to regress into situations afterwards. It's only really where there's ego involved, that is concerned about the outcome of any engagement, that intentional containment would be necessary. My article is meant to honour that.

So as the soul progressively integrates, there will be ever increasing yearning to express absolutely authentically in the moment, and so no unnatural containment - although the ray 4 will likely be naturally active where there might be discomfort on the part of others or where there is the risk of some disharmony or conflict in situations.

I would say also that where a person (an energy worker) has a role to process energy in a particular space, then this might start to happen naturally and be necessary, which would seem to have been the case for you.


Open Praying Emoji


Thanks Marije - your post led me to this article which I'd not read before. I've realised I was containing on Sunday but questioned if it was the right thing to do, should I not be expressing? But I knew in that moment (well the whole day...) it was not right, the energy was not mine. I even nearly sent Open a flippant comment on a FB post and yet the next day my feelings had completely changed, so I sent a nice post ;) Invaluable to recognise the appropriateness at times for containment and witnessing how the energy and feelings move, unravel and leave. I was left with insight but thankfully no debris or carnage from what I could have expressed. This is a big lesson for me. In the past I've been a 'shoot from the hip' kinda gal creating new karma left, right and centre. Key for me now is creating a significant enough pause point and allow right action to determine who gets shot ;) (okay I don't exactly mean that but I couldn't resist... I think some of that energy might just still be whirling around) Love Amy


Hi Marije - actually I'm feeling very similar right now - containing the energy whilst in a tea shop - the pain is excrutiating but I felt the need to get out. I find green tea helps!

My sense is, that like me, you're processing field energy. It's ripe for it right now, because it's all opening up and there is so much possibility to move large amounts of energy.

You just have to keep working through it in the best ways that you've come to know and trust that you've having an unwinding effect - and it'll evolve you in the process.

Don't contain too much!
Get out into your own space as much as possible and work with it.

Sending love and support

Open <3


Hi Jane - wonderful that you followed your call *OK*

I think in an ideal world containment wouldn't be necessary at all, and in truth, personally, I seldom do it. There is a recognition in me not to unnecessarily 'explode realities'! So sometimes I find it beneficial all round to contain the feeling and let it out more progressively. But I agree, we're processing to move past the status quo - especially when it is as so unbalanced as it is.



This is the question that arose for me reading your post. It has a context for me.
Recently it took a sensitive friend to remind me that I had the option not to go to work -
I recognised that I was in a process but didn't notice that I needed space for it and time away from the distorted energies there. It's like there's a macho identity that needs to hardcore it out in the density - a subtle distortion of the light warrior.
I lacked the decernment to notice.
It was a complete blind spot despite the cracking headache ( just like an implant eh?) I knew it was energeticAnd yet somehow it didn't occur to me that I might need rest and space to process the way I might have done had I had ' an illness'. ''Twas such an insight into where I was stuck in programmed behaviour that distracted me from authentic listening to the flow. And it was a revelation, that I'm still processing, about the balance between the need to soften into the density and the need sometimes to withdraw and allow clearer energies to hold the space for restoration.


it's the pressure cooker WITHIN

thanks for the important refinement



Alexej, this greatly makes sense and completely aligns with my personal experience: that when we truly contain a feeling or arising energy, but without suppressing it, then it can be an amazing catalyst for evolutionary growth. What happens is, that you fill with the energy that wants to arise - any of the seven rays of soul impulse. And yes, it can feel kind of like being in a pressure cooker. Or perhaps more accurately, the pressure cooker is inside of you! So what happens then? A useful way to imagine it is kind of like connecting and expanding a 'pipe' of energy. We're working always to infuse higher self by making higher self choices, by being totally authentic to who we truly are. As we do this, the higher soul consciousness keeps infusing. But it kind of has to 'squeeze' its way into this dense realm - squeeze its way carefully into our interactions with people. So your 'down-pipe' is going to experience a good deal of internal stress. However - and here's the most important point - the more you can hold this energy, the more you can infuse it, then the more you will expand the pipe. That's why containment is so catalytic and so evolutionary. When people begin to experience this, they don't always immediately recognise the benefit of what's going on. They'll either want to switch off, close down or dampen their feelings - comfort food is one example. But if we can keep allowing the energy to be, to accept the feeling of having a pressure cooker within and keep working with it, then the down-pipe of consciousness will keep expanding and we will keep evolving. Open :smile:

In reply to by Open


This is great, thanks for the article and all these comments.
This is what I was trying to express recently to some of you/my friends, but here it's put really clearly.

What you are both saying here is exactly what I meant earlier by talking about "transpositioning energies" (like in music), or sometimes I named it as sacred alchemy, or a conscious harnessing of emotional energies. Or a "quantum leap" of emotions.
But good ol' pressure cooker and its pipes express all this far better ;-).

One little thought to add... what I also experienced some time ago in my life and recently as well, is that alongside with this "pressure cooker" effect there comes a continuous expansion (sometimes explosion :-P) followed by yet another contraction.
This is in fact a powerful, intensive pulsing... (with my doula background I quickly associate this with the movements of the womb at labour... sure enough, it is in essence a labouring of our own selves...)

So there are these periods of total openness (with no pressure whatsoever, on the contrary) when heart and all bodies are so huge and expanded that everything "fits" -- but then again, for all kinds of rhyme and reason (maybe this is what you call squeezing) contraction comes, finding yet another wave of pressure...

Surely, this ALWAYS happens, every single moment of our lives, so it is very much worth talking about it. But then there are these periods when real mastery is needed not to explode (especially not on others)...

Me personally find myself light years away from this mastery :-D
But I love the pulsing!! (which might be one way of mastering too...)

Just "huffing and puffing" here... :-)
Thanks anyway!


i may just be upside down on this, but from my perspective containment actually is a strong catalyst.

when i manage to NOT express out of an impulse (mostly need / emotion driven) and yet fully be in the causing feelings and thoughts for me what this causes is a state similar to a pressure cooker.

if the energy can't go out and cause the usual commotion thus drawing and dragging focus and attention into the habitual pattern of action and reaction it will have to find an other way of transforming - internally. which will only be possible if change happens - inside!

so what i'm 'trying' to 'do' is being very aware of the circumstances that will spin off into the outside affectually and exactly then manage to drop into stillness yet fully dive into the internal eddy current and be feeling (in) it.

so containment in my perspective is a major tool for unraveling.

makes any sense (and which aspects don't?)?

thank you, my loves!


There's often a great fear of exposure - it taps into how we were treated by our parents and other guardians when we were young. Is it safe to express? Is there punishment associated with revealing our inner world - either its energy or its content? Our guardians are our lifeline in early life. Will we be rejected? Deserted? Will we die as a result of our revealing what's going on inside? How did they respond to our laughing? Our crying? Our screaming? Our talking? Did we have a parent who was so invasive, so desperate to penetrate and own for themselves our soft and developing inner world so that they might control our direction in life, that we just couldn't help develop the habit of clamming right up as a default? It's no wonder that withholding and secret keeping are so rife. Self-defensive privacy ends up inevitably as secrecy and from there, habitual dishonesty. When one is dishonest with others, it's only a matter of time before one begins to delude one's self about the nature of things.

I'm sure that all of this is at the root of dementia and Alzheimer's in the elderly. I'd love to do a study.


Thanks Deepian, Great you concur too. It seems there's few people talking about the need to fully express - there's too much repression goes on. So if we can spread the waves of self-honesty and openness, I think that would be a great thing. Open :wink:


What you are saying here resonates with my own experience. I was taught by spiritual teachers that self-centred emotion is "a sin", that should be "renounced". In practice this seemed to mean repression, and increasing frustration and coldness within the self. Subsequent life experiences have taught me the truth of what you are saying, that all our emotions and feelings must be expressed or otherwise processed, and not simply ignored or locked away in the psyche.

Repression is like a pressure cooker - a little pressure is good and helps the food cook faster, but too much pressure, with no release, will just result, sooner or later, in an eruption, and the food being sprayed all over the ceiling!

When we bury our negative emotions under a false layer of pleasantry, these emotions do not go away, but build up within our psyche. Over time we become increasingly disconnected from our true inner selves: separated by ever-growing layers of repressed negative energy. We become increasingly frustrated and unable to experience positive emotion or feelings.

As you say: "there is nothing more painful then watching the wrythings of someone who is not being true to themselves, for they are not being true to you either".

And: "explore holding the energy before immediately unleashing it on the world. Contain it, but look for positive channels of expression."

In doing this, we not only dissipate the negative energy, but also learn about the cause of it, so we can work on eliminating that cause (which will always be rooted in selfish ego).

Great work Chris (as per usual) :)



That's great Ruth, Containment but then finding some kind of outlet. I guess even writing about it and sharing helps. Best wishes with it. Open


I think its synchronicity here as I woke up this morning feeling total anger towards an old situation from my previous life( self ). I did feel the anger and even meditated to find a release, but the feeling of the anger did not seem to go anywere. I found my mind kicking in more and more, In knew what was going on and felt that I wanted to project the anger towards a certain person as the energy built up. The patterns of the old me were welling up, but I knew I did not want to direct my negative feelings towards anyone as it was my ego at work not me. So it is great to read what you have written as I can express what I feel in a conscious way and also not to deny what I feel. Your right Trinity it is healthy. Sometimes I feel what is happening to me is very confusing so having your insight and support is BRILLIANT! Thankyou, Ruth