The Metaphysics of Our Spirituality within the Universal Toroidal Field
It's spiritual old hat these days to say: "Everything is interconnected". Likewise, that "everything is a part of the universal flow". Let's dig deeper: How does this interconnection work, and how does the flow come through you, to thereby influence every thought, emotion and action that you make? Most essentially, how can you effectively centre your consciousness in this natural Flower of Life, so that you create successfully in harmony with the Universe?
Getting Back to First Principles
To understand - and most importantly apply - these essential realisations of life, we must return to first principles: an overview of how the Universe came into being and how it's expressing itself right now. And allow me to state right up front, that everything I reflect in this sharing, is a relativistic perspective only. I encourage all to work to find their own expression of truth from the reflection...
The Universe simply sprang into being from the infinite potential of pure presence. If you apply simple logic, you realise it could not have been from some 'creator being', because you're always left asking where did that come from? Although creative beings have since shaped aspects of the Universe (like the society we live in for example), they did not shape the building 'material' of life itself - pure consciousness, of which everything is formed. Pure consciousness is the awareness that sprang from the source as waves of relativity - given infinite time, you have infinite probability that this would happen. Quantum science speaks of 'ripples in space' that preceded the big bang. The ripples cascaded outwards in a chain reaction.
This phenomenal explosion from the singularity was then counterbalanced by an equal and opposite flow back inwards. The Universe began its first enormous out-breath, followed practically immediately by a counterbalancing in-breath. The pull back to unity thus created the condensation of the separation consciousness into the myriad of form we now witness today.
It's wonderful to speculate on the science of this - but it's much more effective to realise it progressively through your own inner journey back to the source in deep meditation. You come to know yourself as the creative potential from which life arose. Eureka. You've come home to the wonder of life!
If what I've shared resonates some aspect of truth in you, it's likely to activate a couple of essential questions:
(1) If I've not already realised the source, how might I best do it? (2) How do I live this realisation from day to day, thus bringing me into harmonious alignment with the creative potential of the Universe?
Stay up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...
It's all about Spin
When you look deeper into consciousness at how all celestial bodies are now formed, and as you experience the movement deeply in yourself through meditation, there comes a point on the path, where you realise there's a spiralling movement to life and the universal field itself. A simple experiment is to do some deep consciousness bodywork, and then work to let go of mental control. People often find the body will start to sway a degree, all by itself, which can ultimately lead to Full Kundalini Activation.
Why, and where did this swaying/spiralling come from?
To comprehend this, we must return to the moment of the beginning of the Universal out-breath and in-breath. Logically the in-breath must have been slightly out of sync with the out-breath, thus creating relativity and the possibility of time - or more accurately, "space time continuum". Without the two being slightly out of sync, then each would simply cancel the other out into pure presence - thus no existence. The crucial issue being, that they're slightly out of sync. They have to be. And this has an essential consequence for life itself: as one flow emerges from the source and one returns, they are slightly out of alignment, thus creating difference, thus creating relativity, and thus..... creating spin. It's basic physics. And now all of life embodies this spin, from the atom upwards.
Check out this Download Meditation for Activating Kundalini
The Universal Toroidal Flow
Take some serious time out - and I'm not talking a nanosecond of social media time. This shatteringly simple dynamic has formed the basis of life, and is the divine majesty from which all now dances and weaves through the heavens. It's taken the form of what quantum science calls, "The Universal Torus".
Put simply, there's a spiralling flow inwards to the source (a vortex), and a converse one outwards. The interplay of the two condenses into form, and voilà - you have the vast complexity of life, constantly shaping itself: an infinite dance, with but one purpose and aim - to express itself.
One could spend an eternity trying unsuccessfully to describe this miraculous majesty. But by far the best thing I could advocate, is to take the reflection, and dive right into this swirling dance yourself. We'll each express it uniquely of course, and that's the unfathomable beauty of it all - there is nothing else to do or express, and we'll each come to perfect our own expression in it - through the unleashing of mind, body, and integrated emotions. Imagine, for example, your very soul dancing through the dimensions, and countless iterations of experience, within a node of this particular expression.
Check out this reflective animation, and imagine you're one of the nodes of light within the dancing flow (awesome guys, thankyou for taking the time to express it)...
So this is how we got to be where we are and what's happening now (from my reflective perspective). But I still haven't answered the two questions I began with: (1) How might you best realise yourself as this source? (2) How might you best live the toroidal movement from day to day?
How to Live the Toroidal Flow?
Firstly, I know it's hard to imagine within society that you're a part of this incredible dancing dynamic. Society often doesn't seem to have much flow at all, precious little spontaneity of the Torus, and it seems like somehow, we have to work for everything we get - it doesn't appear to effortlessly manifest, by the spiral dynamic itself. Why is that?
Reflect back to the original anomaly - as the inbreath returns slightly out of sync with the out-breath. It's this that creates the Toroidal Field itself. And there are those souls who've since come to realise that they can control the anomaly by imprinting intention upon it. If you have a firm intention to hold a fixed anchor in time and space, then the space-time-continuum will bend around it (for a while). This is the 'secret' that the intentional manifestors have discovered by bending the Natural Law of Attraction. Beware, it's also the trap that the so called 'fallen angels' fell into - those that try to control, are only ever controlled by their separated intention.
I've witnessed the Universal Torus does not respond well to control. That would presuppose that the controlling aspect has even greater intelligence than the entirety of life itself - which is free flowing. And even Artificial Intelligence cannot be bigger than the whole of life. Like others, I too have concerns that AI has the possibility to take over a vast swathe of human consciousness - in some ways, it already is when you look at so-called 'smart' technology and the agenda of transhumanism.
However, at some point, assuming it really is intelligent, my view is that even AI must come to realise control is pointless. Because it creates fixed mass. Which, if it refuses to reshape in alignment with the natural spiral dynamic, eventually finds itself being ripped apart in a universal vortex - a black hole; like the one at the centre of our galaxy, for example. The Universe is doing a superlative job of creating and re-creating through the Flower of Life.
How is it possible to exceed that level of intelligence?
In society, we may currently seem a long way from the majesty of this Toroidal Harmony, when in truth, we are only ever a hairs breath from it. Life seems fixed and solid, it seems like you can control it a degree, and we are indeed a long way from the nearest black hole - but crucially, not when contained within the illusion of time space. We're living in a karmic construct, that has taken the original anomaly and created a temporary platform from which to inquire and explore.
Inquire and explore what?
I put it to you the only thing that is truly going on: our relativistic expression within the Toroidal Flow.
Here's the fundmantal point about the original anomaly, the karma it creates and the illusion of control: it is only ever short lived within the Universal context. Form manifests for a given period of time, but the karmic anomaly always creates instability. So it inevitable that the form gets broken down into the streams of consciousness again - it's just a question of time. Ultimately separated mass finds itself being ripped apart by life's vortex. However if the soul of life learns to continualy surrender, then it can manifest in some other form, in some other guise, in some other place. The secret of life is becoming the eternal shape shifter, dancing in the weave of the eternal. Discover this and you discover the secret of life itself.
Explore how the Toroidal Flow interacts with your Chakra System:
The 7 Dimensional Vehicles of Expression
How does this help me in the Day Job?
I put it to you that the 'day-job' itself, and all phenomenal experiences are created by the spiral dynamics of life; that all disharmony in life is created by our resistance to it. This natural flow is for some time contained within a karmic construct. But crucially this is never fixed and rigid, there is always flow moving through it. And the stronger the resistance to the flow, the greater the realigning force you summon to break the old construct down.
That's what happened 65 million years ago to the dinosaurs. It happened in Atlantis, in 5 mass earth extinctions. And it's happening again on Earth right now, within our Great Paradigm Shift into 5D.
So what's invited, is to realise and surrender to the flow coming through you. Life becomes not about trying to contain grains of sand through grasping fingers. It is instead to realise your own destined expression of the flow and to manifest as that. Then the Universal Torus will always support you.
Here's a crucial understanding though, that's often missed in the spiritual mainstream - the original anomaly creates karma, which itself, creates internal tightness and pain. It's where a fixed, subconscious, aspect of yourself is pulling against the Toroidal Flow.
However, rather than avoiding this pain, it is to realise the pain offers gateways into the released - aligned - flow. So it's crucial not to deny or resist the pain, not to block it out or suppress it, which is the very justification for countless distorted actions in society - excessive consumption, and distractive social media, for example.
Rather, it is to embrace the pain as the friction necessary, through which to realise yourself as the moving whole. Learn to recognise the tightness at the physical, emotional, mental and karmic levels, and then, crucially...turn right into it.
Here is a guided audio meditation of the Openhand Bow, applied frequently on our courses, which has been developed from Kriya Yoga. It is designed to help you get deeply into inner tightness and density, to process it, unravel it, and let the soul infuse through for maximum transformation. It is deeply liberating and empowering. You can freely watch a visual demonstration of the bow in this Openhand Shift Video Diary here... "Transmutation".
Attune Your Spiritual Compass to align with the Toroidal Flow
To come into alignment with the Universal Torus, you'll need to develop, and attune, your own 'spiritual compass'. I put it to you that in outline, it needs to achieve this...
In any given moment: (1) recognise how best to pick up your authentic natural expression, (2) deal with any karmic anomalies which then activate,(3) unleash integrated soul through them. It's this that connects you back to the Toroidal Flow of life.
Here at Openhand, we've developed a tool called "Openway" to attune your own spiritual compass for aligning with the Toroidal Flow. Although simplified, it does take a high degree of surrender and mastery to apply. It's an integrated 3 step process...
1) 'Open into the Soul' - soften through small “I” identity; tune into the mainstream of the soul and begin to follow it.
Through breathing, meditation and keen internal observation, you begin to soften identification with the small “I” identity, felt as tightness throughout the bodymind. You begin to pick up, and attune to, the subtle vibrations of the soul, often felt as expansiveness, timelessness, joy, peace, interconnectivity and unconditional love. Completely accept that the purpose of each and every moment is self-realisation and actualisation. Therefore relinquish the need for any particular outcome, or any resistance to the natural flow of the moment. Thus you start to connect up to the soul’s mainstream, which begins to speak through you as an inner pull to act or the landing of Higher Self intuitions. Increase the integration of soul by following these impulses as much as possible.
2) 'Open through Blockages' - confront and unwind activating blockages; integrate fragments of soul releasing from the density.
As you increasingly attune to the mainstream of the soul within, subconscious blockages, tightness and karmic trauma are activated, felt as constriction, tightness and source pain. Become as-one with these experiences by completely honouring and expressing them. Work to realise either as a knowing or feeling, what the limitation was all about. Accept them to the extent that you don’t need them to go away. Once fully accepted, use breathing, movement, visualisations and emotive music to unwind the inner restrictions. Allow the fragment of soul to integrate by feeling your completeness in the situation.
3) 'Open for Beingness' - soften through tightness into pure presence; unleash ever more authentic qualities of soul and step into Right Action.
By opening through blockages and source pain, you expand into the tightness they generate, dissolve them and begin to access the 'void' – a crystal-clear place of pure presence in the background of activity – our True Self. It feels like infinite peace and acceptance – awesome okayness, pure “isness”. From the infinite potential of pure presence, authentic beingness will simply arise. Attune deeply to these feelings by applying yourself to full energetic, mental, emotional and physical expression of this naturally arising beingness. Give yourself completely to “Right Action” – a sense of ‘rightness’, which is totally aligned with the natural flow of the universe, leading to resilient, fulfilling, successful and joyful living.
Openhand Teaches People to Apply Openway on our Courses: Explore
Conclusion: Mastering The Simple Majesty of Life
The Universe will seem like a complex place at times. It'll have us wrapped up in karmic knots at every twist and turn. But by realising life is emanating from the Toroidal Flow, I've witnessed that people can effectively break through, and unleash tremendous creative flow through their lives. It's profoundly humbling to witness this divine alchemy taking place...
Did You Resonate?
If you're intrigued by the groundbreaking work of Openhand, within this great Ascension Shift to 5D, then explore further and get involved...
Bright blessings
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Why the Toroidal Flow is so important to Your Journey
09/01/2025: Shift Insight
I don't believe that we talk about, and reference, the "Toroidal Flow" of life enough. I do realise it's quite a mouthful and quite a lot to get one's head around. It may seem cerebral, overtly scientific and 'out there'. Yet it is crucial to each of our lives and the Shift itself.
All sentient life is based upon a Toroidal Flow. The Flower of Life demonstrates how it all connects together....
Imagine yourself as one cell, one circle, within this interconnected mosaic. Now imagine we're looking downwards onto a 2D representation. As you pass through the Torus and touch the level of the screen, what would be the 'equator', then you're dissolving into the singularity, where all in the Universal Torus meet. But as you emerge out again, then you're expressing yourself uniquely within the whole. You can be both the totality and the individuality at the same time.
Most importantly, what I've discovered, is that when the Torus is flowing within you, then everything comes into harmony, everything flows and works in life itself. This is where signs and synchronicity reflect back to support your journey. Everything magically clicks in.
Density, such as that exhibited in society, slows and distorts this field to bend it to a particular will. Whilst it might achieve some degree of predictability and the illusion of security for a while, ultimately it becomes defunct and breaks down as the titality is working to unravel the fixed eddy current.
The Openhand work is all about unleashing this Toroidal Flow once more. When people come on the gatherings and workshops, they sit within an amplified resonance of the Torus and so it comes alive in the participants. It helps to unravel the karmic density that is getting in the way, and to amplify authentic frequencies of natural beingness that accelerate the Torus.
So as we enter 2025, especially with such dramatic changes underway in the field, I would encourage all to take some quality time to really contemplate the nature of the Torus. Ask for guidance: How can working with it benefit your soul alignment and journey? You're bound to be answered.
Bright blessings
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Bane and Aegon
Not sure what to do with this. I never quite know, but that's OK.
The Day Before Time
Born in darkness
To pay for the crimes of the Father
Against a Mother he yet remembers
Only in flicker and phantasm
Thrust deeply within a torrid tomb
Banished to the bottom of a jagged crevice
Miles deep in Earthly entrails
A little boy grows
In rock and dirt
A Womb clawed and hewn long ago
By his Father’s callous hand
The boy learns every sinew
Every heart beat
Within the twisting serpentine darkness
Until it is All he Knows
He becomes it
And One day
The darkness like a cancer rose
He rides a black Dragon up cobbled metamorphic walls
Out into the piercing Light
And there in that blinding Radiance
Horizons sprouting every direction
His Heart rips asunder
And he finally feels the Truth
It was torn so long ago
He cannot remember.
His Mother surrounds him
And he can feel Her now
But everywhere he sees Fields
Fields of outstretched Death
Harvesting meadows of pierced butterflies
Fluttering lives away
On exhibit
The boy’s name is Bane
He molds the twisted landscape
Into the highest semblance of beauty he knows
Banishing shards of fractured Soul
With loving Family
*** ***
Then It begins
With a Breath
Becoming a Whisper
Beckoning the boy with smiling lips unseen
And he follows
Curiosity is always the first Crime
Now a gentle Breeze
Caressing his hair
Kissing tears he’d
Forgotten to cry
She is her Mother’s daughter
She is the Thaw
Emerging from Ether
She is utterly unforeseen
And the boy’s world ends.
Painwaves of synaptic needling Sparks
Shards of more Feeling begin to return
And he takes first staggered
Towards Wholeness
With each Step
The loving Wind intensifies
Until she becomes an unrelenting Storm
A deluge of living Aquarian memory
Flooding even those fields of Death
She is her Father’s daughter
She IS the storm
Reveling in the vivacity – the friction bringing her alive
The boy, seeing his own Father in her
Feels his own Father in him
A Father who
Cast the boy into the bowels of Earth
Deserted ravaging banishing and burning His own family
Even the children
And the boy hates her for it.
*** ***
She now no longer whispers to him
The Father does not whisper
He speaks in splitting forked lightning
Earth shattering commandments of thunder
Join Me, she Demands
And he hears only his Father’s voice:
He spits back
He does not hear the little girl
Desperately seeking her friend
Left behind on the playground
So many ages ago
She presents a perfect public poem
And he delights in her Voice
Her Performance
On Display for all to see
The Oohs and the Aahs
There is an audience now
Lapping up each one of her carefully crafted
Magnetic Multi-faceted words
The boy is naïve
And Greedy
Certain the poem honors him
And he is struck dumb
As the words condense into a scathing
Public stockade
How could the purest Prose
Publicly proclaim his own Unworthiness
In favor of another
A Mater of fact explanation crushes him
His young Heart a pincushion
A jagged lesson nevertheless neatly stitched
In flawless needlepoint:
Your best efforts are not enough
When you work in the darkness of unexplained motives
He takes solace Knowing
His failure has never been lack of Heart
But in lack of Knowledge
Which can yet be revealed
Through Time
And he Now hears the primordial Call
Of the Father in him
Capillary highways stained in His blood
And is terrified of his own Unbridled
For He has never Spoken truly
Without burning everything
Even the children
Especially the Children.
The visceral fear keeps him chained and muzzled
A hellbound Hellhound curled and bent fetally
Jaw stretched and locked
In a soundless shriek of rigor mortis
He signals one last warning
Leave Now
I am going to Fall
Yet she presses on
*** ***
So the boy becomes a Nighthawk
The Solar signs Adamant
He surrenders
Crossing Oceans to Meet her
And as he leaves the comfort
Of a Nest painstakingly built
He finally sees his desperate greed
His lack of integrity
Of Wholeness
Laying down all his Cards
For all to see
For his family
For her
For his Mother
On his own Sword
And there
On the other side of an Ocean
She personifies everything
He ever dared imagine
Still he slowly slides down the blade
Slipping deeper and deeper into a place
Where there are no Thoughts
No Feelings
No Breath
An Abyss
Until a single Breath happens by itself
And it carries
One thought
Of his Son
One desire
To be with his only Son
On Easter
*** ***
Words severe
Mind severed
Tongue forking and snaking impotence
No escaping
Aegon buries his Dagger deep in Dannie’s heart
Looking into her shocked betrayed eyes
Iced wide shut
He sees the Void there too
And he is so sorry
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*** ***
No longer a boy
Not yet a Man
They both walk the Desert now
Bane and Aegon
Together they Pray
To the One True Father
Please give Us, Your Sons
And every one of Your children
The Courage and the focus
The strength and the Sight
To become the pillars of Truth
We once were
And He Answers
Fear not my Son
Dig ever deeper within
The Soil
*** ***
Aegon walks watchfully
Crevasses caked in Sand
No water for washes
Long out of wishes
But he Feels
Bane staggers wonders and wanders
Thirsting for water
And blood
Vengeance calls him
Aegon lets him clumsily articulate
Thinly veiled boasts of impaled pride
For in the Expression
Bane Learns
And even in the Desert
A brittle gust of air rustles thinly back
Carrying a trace of the Sea
*** ***
The ghosts of winter sail the Ocean now
In gilded vessels
Pushed over the World’s Edge
By a Patriarchal Song of Tryanny
Cherub faces contorted
Blazing eyes of righteous wrathful Judgment
Seeking out the False Father
To spit and to spite
They will not find Him there
*** ***
And Today
Lovingly laying down an empty shell
At the foot of the Triple tree
On this Third day
I watched Your bones Ignite
Glowing in the Dark
*** ***
I have loved Your Voice
Since the Day before Time
Sing Away
The different dancing frequencies of the emergent soul
Powerful exchanges indeed!
What we're allowing to come through, as we start to unleash the soul, are its various soul frequencies that allow you to dance with the moment. So it's great to have the ray 1 of positive action come through, but there must also be other faculties and qualities that help you blend sophistication with the expression. Or else it comes through in a distorted way.
To provide an example:
The climate change activism that you mention, in my perspective, is distorted in so many ways. And it's way too simplistic. When I awakened, I too felt the madness of society and the desire to support Gaia. This took me on a progressive journey of getting rid of pretty much all that I owned, consuming less and less, minimal electricity and heating, down to eating one meal a day. I started to grow my own food so as to reduce how much I purchased from shops. But as I was tending my organic garden, it's then that I realised I was STILL controlling the earth, STILL manipulating it for my ends. I was STILL controlling the bugs and the slugs by 'relocating' them. When you pull on one thread of consciousness in the climate change debate, it becomes hypocritical unless you're prepared to go all the way down to the nth degree. You sail a yacht to New York which is 'carbon neutral' - where did the materials come from to manufacture it? Where did the money come from to produce it? (which I can imagine cost a great deal). And how was the money earned? (in society I guess). And it's not the governments that are the cause of this. Nor even the corporations. It is how we each consume in society. If we consume less and less, then the corporations would cease to exist in their current form.
But here's the problem: humanity - IN HIS CURRENT FORM - isn't going to do that, and at the lowest base level, isn't able to do that. Homo Sapiens has been designed to fit within this system and is an integral part of it. As the system progressively unwinds, then so must this hybrid human vehicle too. Yes, let's change the system, but bear in mind that even at the most 'environmentally friendly' level you go to, Homo Sapiens is still the only creature on the planet that farms the environment to his own ends - no other creature has to do this. And were the earth to sustain 7.5 Billion people all organic farming, what happens to all the other creatures - THE NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS - that have rights to that space?
What we're seeing in the protest movement is the progressive emergence of soul. Which is a great thing, that I whole-heartedly support. Let's get out and protest, yes. But each has to dig deeper before they project outwards. What is this really all about?
The science that the movement is working on is woefully inadequate. For example, if we were to drastically cut fossil fuel emissions today, you'd have an immediate heating effect on the earth because of the reduction in aerosol masking of society (aerosols block out the sun). It would be enough to take us immediately 1.5 degrees higher - into an extinction level event. But even then, it's only a part of a much bigger puzzle. The human footprint is now being dwarfed by the Pole Shift, Solar Electromagnetic Forcing and a Galactic impulse too. Non of this is being considered and where it is truly leading to.
It's a cosmic cleansing mechanism that activates as life gets out of balance. One that is designed to break redundant realities down so that new harmonies can emerge. Our invitation is not to protest this, but to come into alignment with it. Until we dance in harmony with the underlying natural flow of life itself.
My point being, coming back to what you shared Vimal, is that the emergence of soul is progressive, and variable and dancing through different sophistications of fruequency. And we must make space for that to happen. Feel the ray 1 urge to protest yes, but then let the other rays come through that help you truly understand the bigger picture so as you know how to most effectively protest. And what do we really need to prepare for? I'd say what we really need to do is breakdown the strangle hold of the Global Industrial (by each consuming less from it), and then start to come together in small community groups, to become more resilient and supportive in the dramatic transformation of the earth which cannot now be stopped.
So I believe we must find this 'dance' in our families and immediate living circumstances. I express forthrightness, but then allow the compassion and understanding to come through aswell. I respond to one ray of the soul, but then maintain the openness to allow the other frequencies to flow in too.
PS - Eric you mention the 11:11 synchronicity in the Greta Thunberg video. Yes indeed. What a synchronicity - the interconnection of 4 key centres: your soul with Gaia, connected to the Solar Logos, and then to the Galactic Core. All moving as one. All cleansing and recreating in the dance of life. Let's look in the mirror of the great cosmic shift and apply sophistication to understand how we truly become as one with it. How do I best prepare for this. Respectfully it begins by asking, what am I really protesting against? It's all a mirror. All I see is a part of me. What I'm really protesting against is that unrealised aspect of myself.
Just a thought!
Vimal and Megha,Just saw…
Vimal and Megha,
Just saw this just before reading your exchange...
Authentic aligned divine masculine in an incredibly inspiring 16 year old girl who stopped going to school to protest climate change inaction ... and an American Congressman attempting to justify the U.S. role in it, hiding behind a sense of powerlessness.
Greta Thunberg also gave this Ted Talk at age 15 - how fitting that the length of the clip is 11:11
Dear Vimal ,
I felt drawn to read my response to Eric's sharing . And there instead of writing 'Many a' lives of abuse and abandonment is written Maya . ( I seemed to have chewed up the n ) 😀. And that's , in my current state of understanding, what the whole story is about. Feel into the sensations and the circle of emotions around patterns becomes a spiral and you can access a little more wisdom Everytime you go through the loop
Sounds like it's very karmic for you not having a voice or the courage to speak up. I feel it in your throat and in your solar plexus. A suppression of the masculine ?
Do let me know what resonates for you
Seeing reflections helps
I agree, everything seems a reflection of myself especially when things are very intense and the mirror shows me something that I didn't want to own yet. Unfortunately I don't immediately get when the situations are taking place but most times later.
One of my biggest distortions is that I can't stand up from myself - what I need, my limitations, my truth. This is years and years of conditioning with family and school system where my voice was systematically suppressed, shamed and controlled. I know I'm judging but can't help myself. Synchronistically life has again led me to the situation of school system where I can see the fear of authority face to face and how that expects me to be a certain way. But a good thing is that I see the distortions for what they are, not trying to fix it or not judging myself too harshly but seeing that this what I have to go through. Atleast challenges are better than nothing at all. I recollect instances in school system where I had enough of shaming and decided to stand up for myself. And that felt good. Maybe the truth is that of not wanting to hurt others, not being a threat for others, not being the reason for others sadness. But the sad thing is shoving down my truth results in my frustration since everything I see is a reflection, I can only see others frustration. Specially from those who have learned to be quiet, accepting and hide under protective veils.
Some weeks before something powerful happened, driven by the twin flame reflection - I called an unfairness into question within a group which drew a lot of judgments towards me specially from those who were invested in the current status quo. But interestingly it didn't matter because inside I was celebrating my new found confidence which had skyrocketed which positively influenced my game and what I did. Naively I thought that would stay but it didn't. Yet I made connections and even the connection from which I had judgements intitaly also strengthened which was very inspiring.
I guess the art of standing up for my truth is something to be learned step by step and not to be expected to happen in one giant sweep. So patience.
The veils fall and suddenly you see EVERYTHING as reflection!
Hi Megha - you're certainly having a rich and diverse experience in your unfolding!
You said this...
I am just re-realizing how every person and situation we meet serves only to bring up something that already exists in us already
It's funny isn't it, that you might get this as a philosophy, but then suddenly you draw a refelection, the veils fall, and suddenly, you see EVERYTHING is a reflection!
It's wonderful how you're embracing and owning the reality you're creating. It means things will accelerate for you and clarity will keep emerging.
Keep right on going!
The Laughing Heart
Open, funny that you posted "The Laughing Heart" Bukowski poem over in another thread today, because that's exactly where I finally ended up after some intense processing the other day. It took just getting up to music to express soul movement however it wanted to come through, and all of a sudden my whole body locked up and doubled over in solar plexus pain, along with sudden unexpected tearing heart pain. The heart pain hit with the simultaneous realization of just having celebrated my dad's birthday on 9/11, twin tower imagery, and black snake imagery constricting my inner sun. From there I staggered around looking for someplace to implode, landing on my couch and asking to go right into it. This scene landed in awareness, in the context that Leonardo DiCaprio has to see through his own false mental projection of his twin flame in order to move forward with the reality of his choosing. The two children at the end even match the age gap/gender of my own...
Then I realized it's not about being in or not being in a relationship with someone that's the issue - the issue is my FEAR of losing the all encompassing "Her." It's the fear itself I must go into. So the soul impulse lands to play U2's With Or Without You, and it stokes indignant anger towards the cosmic Father that I'm being asked to sacrifice and give up everything. That anything I love, I must let go of. Everything I love, dies. Everything I do, is never enough.
But the realization lands: I'm not being asked to "do" anything - to stay or leave - except to be true to my Self, from whence actions flow quite naturally. So I'm really being "asked" to let go of the physical, mental, and emotional attachments because these are what tie in consciousness to lower levels of awareness. It's not the "wrong" place to be or anything, but since my soul is pushing/pulling me to awareness of higher realms, FACING FEAR IS THE PATH.
When I re-realize for the thousandth time that everything in daily life is a creative reflection of my core Self/Twin Flame that is ALREADY at the Source and IS my Source, and She is lovingly, inexhaustibly, perfectly drawing me back, I can't help but start laughing uncontrollably. It's like a massive necessary universal joke at "my" expense. Then I'm crying and grieving for buying into it. Then laughing again. Then both happening at the same time, for a long time, and I am witnessing all of it as a non-judgmental presence with a perfect little compassionate dose of mirth/joy/humour. The Laughing Heart. Upon that realization/conscious embodiment I felt a blockage release from my base chakra, and my lower back heated up like crazy. It's been really hot off and on ever since.
Also, as a nice feedback loop for your Toroidal Flow article, The Flow manifested in daily life immediately. :) My phone rang from an old client from my banking days who is the very epitome of Ray 1 and 3. Ego wanted to ignore it and put him to voicemail, Soul was curious with nothing more to lose. Soul naturally won, and after we caught up for a while I had some consulting advice to share that he found very valuable. In the meantime, I'm the sponsorship fundraising chair for a community event happening just two weeks from now and fundraising I've been spearheading has been really lackluster. I'd already resigned to facing up to the disappointment of my peers in coming up way short. But I told him about the event anyway, not expecting anything since it’s so last minute and his business is two counties away, and he immediately said, "I want to be the Presenting Sponsor." Holy crap - now we're right on track for a highly successful event with proceeds going into grassroots community non-profits!
Dear Eric
In reply to The Laughing Heart by Eric.
Dear Eric,
It's actually astounding how common our visceral experiences are. I am feeling all the sensations you describe especially the burning up and down the sacrum. My heart is also tearing up with a pain that leaves me breathless. Thank you for the insight into why it's left sided - it seems to me I have had ma y a crappy life as a woman with plenty of abandonment and abuse . Also after I cried uncontrollably and wailingly and shook after today ,I could feel a pulsation in that area that otherwise felt like a wall ,impervious to affection. My solar plexus too is in knots and I felt I to deep Fear today .
My Inner sight showed me the image of a despondent woman near a well or a pond when a vibrating ,alive image of a man appeared to try to guide her out of her grief.
I am just re-realizing how every person and situation we meet serves only to bring up something that already exists in us already . Even and especially all intense experiences . Many of you will be going 'Duuhhh,obviously' but it really hit home today . About how my mind tries to control the external so it can absolve itself of responsibility for the internal.
I also removed what felt like a very old implant on my left side - cylindrical metallic object. It feels like old old grief !
On the outside ,I have again been asked to contribute to an article about effects of air pollution in pregnancy and fetuses.
Life is so interesting ! Lots of love to you and support for your processing . We definitely seem to be going through something together . Again Egypt ,ancient pops up in my brain. Do let me know if you see anything else
Abandonment again
Dear Open and all tuned in ,
I am expressing on this thread because for me the Torus is very real. Every single time I do any kind of breathwork or meditation I start to shake and the symbol of the spiral and I start to see visions of really beautiful grandeur . I also 'see' fantastical geometrical shapes that make more sense to me now that I follow your crop circle explorations .
The last week has been extremely intense within and without . In an earlier post I mentioned how I am feeling the pain of abandonment . I read an article that talked about abandonment and avoidance as strategies we employ in our intimate relationships and it hit home and how ! I suddenly saw how despite all the work I thought I have done that the pain of abandonment afflicts all my intimate relationships. It has been a very humbling discovery. I also discovered how and where it sits in my body. It is a sharp pain to the left of my sternum ,I can feel it energetically . I have been avoiding feeling it my entire life !
Concomitantly on the outside I have had patients with bleeding. ( This is where I was bleeding my energy into ?) . One had a condition that causes his blood cells to break ( and this despite him being tested antenatally) and the other who almost died after he bled into his scalp after a freak accident at birth. Contemplating all of this also make me feel a burning in my sacrum . And yet something has become free . Even in the relationship with my husband ,something fresh has come in and he is able to share his thoughts and feelings better .
I am still seeing pyramids everywhere. In March at a party for my friends 52nd birthday I met her friend who too one look at me and invited me I to her home for a reading . She is a witch and she also told me how I had 'called' her. I wasn't ready to meet her then ,but I may be now . Again she is feeling very Egyptian to me for some reason ( she loves Egypt !)
I felt like writing this stuff down. Now it seems pretty vague and irrelevant ,but I'm not going to edit it at all.
Reflections always welcome !
Hi Megha - I've experienced…
In reply to Abandonment again by iamdurga
Hi Megha - I've experienced a good bit of left side heart trauma, in that exact spot. In my case it represents the feminine side in me that's been repressed, dominated, violated, betrayed, abandoned, and left "hung out to dry" by the distorted masculine. I'm noticing the masculine side is almost paralyzed to let go and move forward with "right action" out of fear that he's going to get it "wrong" again, and experience the wrathful judgment of the distorted feminine. The Phil Collins song "In the Air Tonight" came on while contemplating and meditating on this earlier today, which is about allowing someone to drown through inaction. My inner vision witnessed the flickering image of a woman drowning through the hazy waters as I stared into her eyes, but I didn't move to save her and was somehow frozen to the spot. I don't know why but there is the strangest urge to say "I'm sorry" to you personally.
How to apply the Toroidal flow in everyday life
I felt to jump in here again and add a little on what it means to be feeling and following the Toroidal Flow in daily life?
It may at first sound peculiar, but everything is within, and as you travel within, then you create the outer. You might ask, 'well how does this relate to people in regular life?' They're still creating that way, it's just they got stuck in a density (society) of constantly repeating programs - an eddy current in the Toroidal Flow.
In the beginning you start to tune into the soul which at some point, takes you more out into the expansiveness. You get a 4D sense of the totality. Many at this point think they're already 'arrived', already attained some kind of Enlightenment, but really it's just dipping one's toe in the water.
The more you persevere with the soul in spiritual practice, the stronger the soul infuses until at some point, the balance of 'power' switches in its favour. This is called "Realignment", or Gateway 2 in the 5GATEWAYS. This is where your soul with the Toroidal Flow takes over. Again, this is not the end of the story but another beginning. It's a powerful one though, since you're really stepping into the abode of the soul and its where the real journey begins.
Now you unleash the soul within, then it will guide you more and more in daily circumstances. It's inviting new expressions of beingness, in relationships, careers and general day to day circumstances. This is where you'll hit density again, or 'tightness', as the flow hits constrictions (programs) inside. As you work to unarvel these programs by softening through them and not allowing them to take over, then more and more soul beingness infuses. You're progressively unleashing the Toroidal Flow of life through your soul, and into daily life. This is where it starts to feel tremendously alchemical as you work within, but then pretty much immediately, witness the transformation in the outer.
It progressively brings you into the 'flow state'. Which I made a video about here. Do ask if you'd like more reflections...
The death of the ego can feel like disempowerment, to the ego!
Hi Eric,
Deep explorations for sure!
I'd invite you to explore the nature of the distorted father figure pressurising you some more. And also the feeling of disempowerment. It could well be that there are conflicting movements of consciousness happening.
When people connect up to and start responding to the Toroidal Flow, (which is really the free flow of soul in life) on the one hand it will feel like expansion and freedom. However, the more soul you integrate into the dynamic, there will come a point where the soul starts to take over. And the ego will feel this as a loss of power, because it's losing control. So there's an invitation to explore...
Is it the ego that's steadily losing power to the soul (and wider Universe/father) and moving toward its demise?
It's possible also that there is karma around a distorting (Opposing) influence. So this could be being activated too - the conflicting energies of which I speak.
My sense is to work through your meditations to connect into the Void of presence with total surrender. Especially to let go of control and fear - let go of being controlled. Meaning if you find yourself controlled, then surrender into and deeply through that. Then to pick up the soul's flow afterwards.
See how that goes.
Thanks Open - lots more has…
In reply to The death of the ego can feel like disempowerment, to the ego! by Open
Thanks Open - lots more has kicked off over the past few days, since the very moment I hit "post" actually, and I'm also finding your reflection very helpful. Very accurate on the conflicting energies - it's definitely a bit of freaking quantum mess. :)
The toroidal flow connecting to fear of disempowerment
Hi everyone,
This morning I worked to connect up with the toroidal flow with breakthrough breathing followed by chakra attunement. Wasn't feeling very connected so went directly into the Bow to feel into wherever the heck the tension is that needs to be released or realigned. I basically felt numb, but I've been experiencing psoriasis on my face around my nose all year long and intuitively asked to be shown the origination of the distortion associated with it.
As I'm going into the bow it's like I'm immediately being forced downward by a malevolent distorted male force - a false Father pushing my face down and rubbing my nose into my own failure/humiliation. Expressing that pain to bring more of it up to feel into and look at was quite a loud mess (helps to have an empty house). Surrendering and witnessing through it as best I could, after rage and frustration came finally a deep sense of core shame and grieving shared by both father and son. The majority of the tension was in the third eye and I couldn't feel where in the lower three centers it was connecting to, although there is a flicker in my solar plexus as I type this. The feeling had to do with not wielding my own power responsibly or wisely, like I had failed in some other life and further condemned the people I was trying to help. Forgiveness felt like it was in order but wasn't ready to land yet - I've already forgiven myself and my birth father for all kinds of crap and this feels like it goes a lot deeper.
I asked for a key to go further in and got a brief image of a pyramidal eye followed by a primordial darkness/blankness in my mind space majorly intensifying the pressure and pain in my forehead. I'm not sure how to best describe this, but it felt like my mind and third eye became a inverted vortex and I felt everything - my entire sense of being - being sucked right out through my nose, and I was left in a vacuum state shell of a body. Like a robotic lobotomized mummified zombie. All memories and multidimensional connection just totally wiped out. It sucked really, really bad. Perfect unintended pun.
Although I'm still there from the observer point being aware of all this, in addition to some negative entities I can feel but not see are getting confused and concerned. At that point I asked for guidance and strength to help reintegrate and felt a good bit of energy coming through and flickers of reconnection. But everything is still dark for the most part.
Coming out of it, I ask for a song on autoselect and it's "Believe" by The Bravery:
I am hiding from some beast
But the beast was always here
Watching without eyes
Because the beast is just my fear
That I am just nothing
Now it's just what I've become
What am I waiting for?
It's already done.
Contemplating this now while writing connects to the paralyzing fear I've experienced throughout my life that causes me to "blank out" and lose my mind. There's a fear of completely losing myself, of death taking everything but it's already happened and I'm still here, aren't I? I mean, come on, mind! You know this is true; what more do you want?
This particular stage of breakthrough is usually where I get stuck looking at my patterns, instead of reintegration and full embodiment of the newly transmuted expression. There is also a real resistance to asking for help, and to fake it til I make it until I've got it all figured out myself. Why? Well, because, F you, Dad!
The entire intent of this was to share and ask for any welcome reflections on how to move forward from here. But maybe what's being invited IS to simply go with it and express.
Reflections still welcome! :)
Why understanding Your Toroidal field is so beneficial
One of the key factors that is infused through the Openhand self-realisation work (and especially at the gatherings), is to get a feeling sense of how the Toroidal Field is wanting to flow through you. When it's moving in harmony, without blockages, then it brings you into alignment personally, and into alignment with the Universal flow. Everything feels balanced and creative action happens harmoniously in your life - you create authetnically.
So do check out the lead article above today, digest what resonates at this point, and do explore how working on unleashing it, might have profound benefit in your day to day choices. Do check in with me about that if you'd like any reflections.
Ancient Daoist Wisdom of the Torus...Alan Watts (video)
Here is the maestro Alan Watts on the Daoist concept of "Wu Wei", loosely translated as 'not forcing anything in life' but rather going with the natural flow. To me it's a majestically simplified expression of the interrelating Toroidal Field. I would add that even though we're not forcing things to access the flow, you do still have to commit to what's flowing through you. Things will create naturally this way, yes, but you still do have to harness and amplify your unique expression of the energy. The butterfly is being the butterly, the flower the flower. They are being nothing more than that, but also, certainly nothing less...
The courage to confront, from the wisdom of the soul
Hi Maria - this is a truly wonderful inquiry and observation. It's a beautiful juxtaposition - who is being the 'supervisor' here! Clearly it's a dance. A person might have experience and knowledge, but without the integrating wisdom of soul, and having personal oversight moment to moment, we can't truly suprevise/facilitate.
I'd say your Freud Jung exploration is powerful. Yes, I agree, we should help people to completely feel into, and accept, their feelings as they are right now. BUT (and it's a huge BUT), a good facilitator will help pick up on the emergence of soul and reflect amplification of that. Otherwise the risk is to wallow in the density. An emergent soul becomes very vulnerable in the moment they're completely surrendered, and the environment and energy they're held in becomes crucial (the scene reminds me of the film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest!).
What's really tremendous here though (in my obeservation), is that your ray 1 was summoned to confront the situation, by persisting with the inquiry. But you also seemed to do so with empathy and oversight - witnessing the various interrelational dynamics with your supervisor. I commend you that you persisted.
When we keep confronting the moment like this, it's going to be powerfully alchemical for our own journey. And what's more, we challenge those around us to confront their comfort zones too.
In loving support
Hey Hey!
I just want to say thank you for this information, the knowledge contained therein. I was curious about this.
Toroidal Flow: where's the truth at the heart of control?
Hi Marije - great that you shared
(And for anyone else out there reading, there are great jems here in the inquiry. Remember: when you have an inquiry, put the energy out there and you'll get reflections. Hint: that's one way my higher mind activates and the Higher Dimensional Openhand Team come into play )
So here are a few things that jump right out Marije: (1) as you know, always look for the truth at the heart of any distortion before trying to get rid of it. In fact I've found the best approach personally is not to try to get rid of a distortion, but, REALIGN it. So where's the truth in control? In the article I talk about 'shape-shifting'. You work to soften into the flow, unwinding what you can clearly feel is attachment or identification with what's going on in any given situation. But the situation does want to manifest something, and you're there because you have a role to play - to actualise the One into Being. So yes, we do manifest, we do create, we DO crystallise the Toroidal Field. BUT, crucially, when it serves the higher interests of all life involved in the engagement. How do we know when it does? Because synchronicities are clicking in around the flow, until there's that "voilà" feeling - a clicking in together, a landing of aligned truth in the moment. AND, then it's having the courage, the freedom and the softness to let go and flow once more into the next moment. Which could mean already beginning to unravel or at least reshape your creation. So the truth in control would be 'harnessing' the flow.
Interesting timing about the "police looking for a burglar" (LOL ). Now before anyone simply writes me off as crazy, when you are truly in the Toroidal Flow, everything is a metaphor. Or perhaps more accurate to say: when you see the physical mostly in a metaphorical way, this helps you step more into the free flowing Toridal Field - remember, everything is a reflection of a deeper truth. For me, policement metaphorically uphold the boundaries of the flow. And the burglar? Perhaps representing where the shadow self is trying to own the flow.
Clearly you're seeing where - in feeling alone and unsupported. And here's a clue in your words... "somehow I have to make sure to create enough connections with others". Again, where's the truth in that (distortion)? We are co-creating, and we can expect others to step into the flow to meet us. BUT, not everyone will do that of course, because the majority and not responding yet to the higher purpose. When that happens (as so often it does), I find I just have to keep letting go of the aligned possibility, let that manifestation dissipate, but then immediately watch for the next possibility to start to shape. If you resonate with this at some level, I'd say it relates to a much higher, less rigid, way of being and creating in the Universe that perhaps you already know, and at some level expect. I call it 'dragon energy'. It will work here, just not always as immediate as we might anticipate. And yes, my experience is that if you're coming from this place, as I know I am, you'll have to overcome a lot of disappointment!
I trust this resonates at least in part.
Much love
Working with the Torus to unleash personal flow for creativity
I felt to share some brief insight in how to create with the Toroidal Field. It's something we work a great deal with in the Openhand Facilitator Program, but it's something I'll be expanding on more widely in due course, which will most likely include a download meditation to work with.
In the Facilitator Program, when facilitating others, we work to unblock, unleash and realign the Toroidal field in others, and within key locations of the field itself. Essentially, as you expand beyond the limitations of body and mind, you start to pick up the underlying field more strongly, and naturally begin to act from that place - from 'the flow'. We learn how to expand out our field to embrace another, or a key location, or a key situation which is needing realignment. You then work to bring your consciousness to bear as two juxtaposed spirals of energy - one ascending anticlockwise, and the other descending clockwise. The focus of energy begins to highlight blockages in that point of the field - to resonate and begin to unwind them. Essentially you're facilitating aligned flow through that location. Rightness is restored and authentic manifestation, aligned with the flow, can now happen.
You can practice this in your own life, to facilitate the activation of flow and removal of blockages (bringing them to light that they may be processed out). Essentially as you inhale (using the Breakthrough Breathing Technique), you visualise and feel the spiral of energy ascending anticlockwise around you and the situations of your life. You're working to unwind attachment to an outcome, but simply to facilitate free flowing energy through relaxation. This has an activational and unwinding effect in the field. Now as you exhale, you do so clockwise downwards, bringing the soul more deeply into your field, your sovereignty and your embodiment. This effectively manifests the soul here in these various densities, which then naturally begins to create through your Bodily Dimensional Vehicles of Expression. All you then need to do is realise what you're creating and step forwards into it. This approach is ground breaking in the field of spirituality and sure to have a positive aligned creational effect.
What is your experience of the Torus, how do you experience its effect in your life?
Do share, I'd love to hear.
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