Not sure what to think of the demons in my dreams

Greetings Open, I would really appreciate your reflection on this matter.

I am now at the end of month two of prioritizing spiritual growth over 3D survival. It still feels like I'm on the right path. Many things are going on, I am learning more and more about myself and recognizing/allowing the flow to move wherever it wants. There is one matter that really confuses me though.

I hardly ever remember my dreams and for years each one has to be categorized as a nightmare insofar that it is always about me being somewhere I really don't want to be and/or experiencing something I really don't want to experience. Since attending the retreat a few months back this has turned around into dreams just being really weird and only a nightmare some of the time. This topic is about three dreams in particular which I guess would have to be categorized as a nightmare with a twist. And I'm not entirely sure how to deal with them.

In all three of these cases it is about the ending. The dream itself seems unimportant and I cannot even remember them, but they all end with the dream ending and me lying in my bed (this still happens inside the dream), with in one case something I will describe as a vampire, one case a demon, and one case an invisible terrifying presence. In all three cases, the being approaches me and enters my body in an invasive and violent manner. At the time it approaches, I feel fear, and at the moment they enter my body, terro spreads throughout me but I have an automatic instinctive reaction: I immediately think: 'just breathe' and then I focus only on my breathing and let the terror happen. In the last of these dreams, I woke up actually gasping for air in a way I thought only happened in movies. So I will not call them pleasant experiences.

However, for reasons I cannot consciously comprehend, regardless of it being highly unpleasant it also feels like there is no real evil involved and that's just my dumb 3D brain categorizing the terror; as if these beings come to me because this needs to happen and the terror is a necessary. Like it is some sort of training, or testing, or preparation. To be clear, I have never had a lucid dream and the whole 'just breathe' thing that somehow happens is bafflingly inexplicable in my experience and unfortunately I cannot think of a single way in which to accurately describe that experience.

Because of the apparent contradiction in the emotions involved I have not been able to figure out if this truly is benevolence giving me experiences that are unpleasant but necessary for my evolution, or some subconscious intervention slowing me down, but slapping on a feeling of 'this is ok' to try and mislead me.

I am not asking you to answer this question; I know my path is my path and its up to me to interpret it. However, I do feel strongly that I should ask you for any reflection you feel after reading this.

Thank you, much love and respect as always,


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Hi Sander,

Apologies for not responding sooner - I'm away from where I usually work.

I would say you're intuiting the purpose of the dream well. You said...

At the time it (the demon) approaches, I feel fear, and at the moment they enter my body, terro spreads throughout me but I have an automatic instinctive reaction: I immediately think: 'just breathe' and then I focus only on my breathing and let the terror happen.

The only thing an entity can do to you is to cause you to react in your own fear - that way, they can latch onto your field. But by relaxing into the situation, there's nowhere for them to grasp onto. This does, however, require lots of practice - because there will be different layers to work through: at a mental level, emotional, and energetic. So it's possible it could happen for some considerable time.

We do definitely draw these kinds of experiences as a growth mechanism to make the unconscious, conscious. Even though they can be freaky when they happen. It's just a case of working through each circumstance. The important thing is that you're becoming aware of what's going on. This kind of thing happens to most people, where entities 'vampire' energy from them, but they're not even aware it's happening.

It sounds like you're working through it very well.

Best wishes

<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thank you for your response. It helps to know that, from a higher conscious perspective, an experience like this is 'just' another growth mechanism.

I would also like to mention that I've only just realized I posted my message on 21-7 at 7:43 in the evening, which makes me think I was one minute too late, but maybe that's a sign that I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself, but just a little bit. 7 has been prominent lately so all I can do is shake my head and wonder why I am still doubting that I'm on the right path. Well I know why: everything I'm doing completely contradicts common sense. My mind is kicking and screaming but it is no longer pulling the strings as I can somehow still muster the courage to say: you've been in control of this show long enough and it hasn't lead to fulfillment. We're doing this now no matter where it leads.

I feel that, if I have to translate my current experiences into the Openhand philosophy I would have to say that I'm riding the magician ray pretty strongly right now: I've been stumbling through the dark for two months now and haven't the slightest idea where it's heading. Common sense tells me I'm a complete madman but my inner spark tells me none of it matters if common sense only leads to an unhappy life. I had all these expectations of things getting completely magical from the get go but of course that didn't happen; though in many ways I feel that if I look back a year from now I will say: oh wait, all those small things I didn't notice at the time lead to... wherever I will be at that time.

Thanks again and I'm pretty sure we've not seen the last of each other :)