Openhand Facilitator Conference, AVEBURY: 19th - 25th July, 2021
Hi Openhand Facilitators, what a crazy topsy turvy 3D reality we're living in! The times are absolutely perfect to manifest the karmic shadow of humanity so it can be broken down. Simultaneously, the 5D vibes strengthen by the day, and are positively whipping around the planet. It's high time we came together to harness the higher dimensional energies and embody them to uplift ourselves that we may be of even greater divine service to humanity and the planet.
It's time to reach for the skies!
The Summer Conference 2021 will be BOTH terrestrial AND virtual. For those who can make it to the UK, we'll be staying at the marvellous Pine Tree Lodge on the edge of the high energy Avebury Fields. For those who can't, we'll be broadcasting it live onto Zoom so you can join us too!
Facilitator Summer Conference Key Features
- Terrestrial AND online gathering of Accredited Facilitators and those on the Development Program
- Embody the very latest energies downloading to support the 5D shift and peel back karma
- Connect with etheric star soul groups and angellic realm more deeply to support your work
- Gain personal intutive reflection on the development of your Facilitator Service
- Share precious time with Kindred Spirits in a loving, informal and supportive environment
- Have a bloody good time!
Developing your Unique Service Offering
It will be enthralling enough to work in the energy fields around Avebury, including for those tuning in on zoom - in previous years it's been a bit like being immersed in a Dan Brown action thriller! The primary focus of the gathering is spending plenty of time further developing your unique coaching skills and the evolving model for your spiritual business. And most importantly, how you can become an effective field energy worker, AND receive supportive resource feedback loops in the process.
Whether your venture is new or reasonably developed, with many years of experience, I'll help shed plenty of personal and intuitive insight into how you might develop your model even more effectively, plus illuminate any blockages hindering your path. These days especially, we need to understand how technology is changing the way people connect, that we can maximise our effectiveness, whilst minimising wasted effort, in order to reach the people that matter.
Not forgetting your facilitation practice is your own self-realisation. Which means there will likely be karmic density holding you back. Reflecting and working with this will help accelerate the effectiveness and traction of your energy business - essentially you infuse more light into it, which is going to be highly creative. So we'll be working on the SEER process, conducting karmic regressions, removing entities and implants, plus resonating core frequencies of soul. The gathering will also offer accreditation possibility upto stage 3.
Avebury - connecting the Earth with the Heavens
The venue and location for this gathering will be one we've used before, the aptly named Pinetree Lodge, in its own secluded grounds, close to Avebury, which has become the crop circle capital of the world. Those who've been there before know the area is loaded with special energy sites - portals that connect into higher dimensions of consciousness. In recent times, these portals have become highly active. This in turn facilitates the creation of the crop circles, some of which, are most definitely the guiding dialogue of higher benevolent consciousness, speaking directly into our intuition.
In this past year, there's been much greater emphasis on creating from 5D consciousness. I feel exploration of the Avebury fields can illuminate & amplify this more strongly. How you can create more from the 5D will be a key aspect of the gathering, both for your own personal journey, and as a facilitator.
Humanity is being spoken to, in no uncertain terms, about the way forwards in these incredibly turbulent times of transformation. And most importantly, as an energy worker, it goes way beyond picking up some intellectual message. This is about activating and embodying your Higher Self vibration, which may also include starsoul resonances. We can form these bridges to enhance our connection, integrate stronger intuitive energy skills into your work, and unleash them most effectively into your life. This will work equally well whether there in person or tuning in through Zoom. Check out the journal from 2019, where we experienced such an exciting, evocative and deeply transcendent time... Facilitator Summer School 2019
Lovely secluded venue, close to energy centres of Avebury
We've chosen the perfect venue for the work. Pinetree Lodge - a lovely, secluded retreat house in its own private grounds, on the very fringe of the crop circle area. There'll be plenty of time to work, hang out together, share stories and energy, plus also rest and rejuvenate. You know the Openhand energy well. You're a part of that family. It'll feel just like coming home! And not forgetting that an 'army' marches on its stomach, we'll be enjoying the very best plant-based, high-vibe food, which you've come to expect from Openhand gatherings. Here are some pictures to whet your appetite for the event...
The aptly named "Pine Tree Lodge" nestled in secluded countryside...
As always there'll be plenty of one-on-one to hone your craft and process your own karma...
Getting that energy moving...
We'll be out in the field plenty...
The adventure begins (although Openhand has a new vehicle now, "Aeras" the dragon, after the old one exploded!)
Connecting with the crop circles to open and experience expansive portals...
Checking out tremendous hidden valleys...
Opening portals...
Connection of kindred spirits...
Heart stirring stuff!... Plenty of time to hang-out and have fun...
We'll be sourcing the best plant-based food...
Fire Walking Ceremony to Conclude
This year, we'll be conlcuding the event with a very special firewalking ceremony. There's nothing quite so thrilling, empowering and uplifting. When you've walked the fire, you feel like there's nothing you're not capable of doing...
See you there!...
Administration Details
Timings and arrival: The group will gather on Monday 19th July from 4pm in the afternoon for a connecting meditation and dinner. It will finish at approximately 10am on Sunday 25th July after breakfast.
Cost - Terrestrial: The full cost for a terrestrial place including course facilitation fees, food, accommodation and any necessary equipment is £650 (please ask, if you feel you need a reduction).
Cost - Zoom: For the Zoom attendees, we will be live streaming all sessions, including those out in the field, and we will endeavour to include you in as much of the social connections as possible. The full cost for zoom particpants, including recordings, is £360 (please ask, if you feel you need a reduction).
For your info, here is our returns and rebooking policy.Venue: The gathering will take place at Pine Tree Cottage in Devizes...Pine Tree Cottages
Directions and Travel: The venue is close to Pewsey main train station which is just over an hour from Paddington station in London (all the main London airports connect directly to Paddington). We will be able to collect you from Pewsey station and drop you offer there afterwards - let us know your arrival time when you've confirmed your travel arrangements.
International Travel/Covid Restrictions: As things currently stand at the time of event listing, international travel is only possible into the UK with quarantine, which is expected to ease by July. It is as yet unclear what the Covid restrictions will be. We will keep you updated and informed as we know more.
Not for profit: Openhand is a not for profit organisation. All surplus revenues are either reinvested to help others in their journey of spiritual awakening or else gifted to help feed homeless people in Glastonbury.
Reservation info: For all info and reservations, contact our Event Coordinator Tilly Bud:
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder.
The Openhand work continues to develop to meet the rising tides of the Shift. These are challenging but exciting times for sure, where increasingly more and more people around the world are recognising the need to break free of the old 3D limitations. Especially as we're witnessing in the gatherings the emergence of the new 5D DNA. Let's work together to discover how to activate and integrate this for the new evolution of humanity.
In our virtual community, our annual Facilitator gathering is the ideal opportunity for us to come together as a group and further develop our gifts of divine service. I'm going to love catching up with you all, sharing space, working with you, having fun and adventure - it's going to be tremendous on so many levels. You'll experience the Openhand family connection of kindred spirits all resonating with many common feelings and explorations. You'll be right in "spiritual grand central" with so much energy moving in the Avebury area of global importance. You'll connect with lost starsoul energies, work the energy fields, open portals, speak into higher densities.
That's not to mention further development of your facilitation skills, processing your own karmic energy, guidance in your developing spiritual business model and further accreditation within the facilitator network. There are just so many reasons to be there - come join the family in the physical or on zoom, for what will certainly be, an unforgettable multi-dimensional experience.
Looking forwards to seeing you.
That Booking Info Again:
That Booking Info again: To book a place or to get more information, contact our organiser Tilly (in the UK): REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW
***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder.
Feeling the Call to Join!
Hi Open!
As soon as you'd mentioned that this event was happening, sometime this past January, I felt a very strong physical sensation and knowing...I'm definitely to be there!
And yes, while it's true that the current circumstances create much travel uncertainties I feel no anxiety or worry-it will happen if it's meant to.
The Facilitation journey has been a rollercoaster ride for me personally. Endless insecurities and worries popping in and out of my awareness coupled with those deep deep thoughts and feelings of "I'm not not good enough" then the ever present "why did I sign up for this?!" At times these moments have threatened to derail me completely yet I'm still here, we are all still here, contemplating to go deeper still. Wow.
See you soon xx
I have a feeling you're…
In reply to Feeling the Call to Join! by Michelle D (not verified)
I have a feeling you're doing just fine, and all those worries are not only part of the current landscape, but opportunities for you to trust yourself more, a current theme I'm working on as well. Hang in there. Love to you💜💜💜
Feeling the Call to Join!
In reply to I have a feeling you're… by barbfromkingston
Yes...barbfromkingston, that feels just right. Thank you xx
Gdansk Retreat, hopefully soon
Hi Open,
I just wanted to say I am looking forwards to meeting you again and working with you at a future Gdansk retreat as planned.
My best wishes to everyone in and outside the Openhand community. <3
Retreats in Poland?
In reply to Gdansk Retreat, hopefully soon by Mark72
Hi Mark - how intune you always are with the Openhand flow! I've been connecting with Huzy of the Sound Temple near Gdansk recently, and since the Poles seem to be voiciforously challenging lockdown, then maybe Poland will open up pretty soon.
Fingers crossed
Calling all Openhand Facilitators and those on the Program!
One of my favourite events of the year is brining facilitators (including those on the program) all together to share as kindred spirits in a community of friendship and well-being. What can be better than journeying with people you've gotten to know well over the years?! The ice breaks quickly (is there any ice?!), and we dive into that loving embrace together with the divine.
I wanted to make this one in Avebury once more - it's such a magical place, and I've experienced tremendous infusions there of late. Of course I understand that many of you abroad will be unlikely to be able to attend terrestrially - but do keep your fingers crossed and energy working on that one. Miracles do happen! So if you're not in Britain, and can't fly in, then we'll fly the energy to you! So we're going to live stream all of the sessions and as much of the free time as humanly possible - to completely involve you all.
There can be no more important a time for this level of connection.
Looking forwards to giving you a big cosmic hug there!
Scroll to the top for full info.
That's awesome, thank you,…
In reply to Calling all Openhand Facilitators and those on the Program! by Open
That's awesome, thank you, very much looking forward!
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