Openhand level 1 group Jan 2013

Wondrous unfolding
Hi Chris, Trinity & everyone....I had such an amazing time this weekend, thank you so much, the whole experience from first entering the room & feeling the loving energy that guided us through the journey to all the amazing transformnational work reconnected me, beyond my wildest dreams, with my soul forever more.
I'd love to share how it all unfolded so perfectly.
I started last week with such a strong rekindled knowing of now was the time to be changing my life! I 'stumbled' (smiling at the idea of it being chance) across your talk last Wednesday morning on The Living Tree site. How perfect I thought I like this guy a lot, I think I'll go, clicking on the link to your site I started having a browse. The more I saw the stronger I was moved.....Wow I know this man and he is speaking to me and offering guidance to all my questions. I wept through most of your 5 Gateways video....tears of joy and connection! Wow!! It gets better - A course this weekend, how syncronised I thought. I immediately phoned, spoke with Trinity and was wowed some more what a lovely surprise there's one space suddenly available...thank you universe....!Thank you Chris, thank you Trinity....thank you to all the wonderful and supportive group. I even had a very exciting sheep herding experience on the A39 on the way to the 2nd day, first thing Sunday morning....there were 4 sheep playing with the I stopped and thought I'd calmly steer them off into a field so they were safe! I chased them up the road (the faster I ran the faster they ran) ....and I chased them down the road, in the finest Grand of Duke of York style, those sheep can really run you know. They weren't impressed with my sheep dog skills one little bit & weren't having any of it. I eventually rounded them into the massive layby with a surprising turn of speed ;-) and so allowed all the traffic that had built up to pass...waving my arms in excitement of clearing the road and realising I'd done all I could do, what will be will be and only then as I drove off did I see them in my rear view mirror finally squeezing under a very low fence into a field of safety! I chuckled to myself all the way to Glastonbury whilst symbolically and literally bathed in the most spectacular sunrise, what a lovely mini adventure and a wonderful, playful and free spirited lesson I'd been gifted and will always cherish.
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