The Path Less Traveled And How to Tackle It...Reflections for the Wanderer

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 05:22

Are you one of those constantly searching for the deeper meaning to ignite your life? Plenty say they are, but then the Path Less Traveled is littered with people who fell by the wayside, those who took the soft, comfortable option of staying where they are. But if you've found your way to this, then at the heart of you, is likely a burning light, that although may get stuck in a lay-by from time to time, is yearning to return to the highway, to be a flaming brilliance as a way of life.

Light Warriors Carving the Future

Yes, in the spiritual mainstream, you'll hear plenty about surrender and letting go. But how often is that used as an excuse for non committal? For giving up at the first hurdle: "Oh it's not meant to be." Says who? Did you check all the signs or just the convenient ones? The journey up the spiritual mountain is the Path Less Traveled because plenty of people got softened into the easiness of the base camp - not working too hard, conforming with everyone else (including the spiritual mainstream), taking the moment as it goes, conveniently forgetting that the moment has future-landing-now encapsulated within it. A future, that as warriors of light, we were given to carve. It's easy to stay small. There are 7 billion reasons, 7 billion daily reflections why to stay in the cage. And as soon as you dare to step out, the naysayers will be telling you you're crazy, "don't be stupid, get back in the box, shangri la la land doesn't exist".

But for those on the path, something sits uncomfortably inside about that.

Nothing to lose

You know there's a different way, a more expanded way, a more connected way. And although it's seldom easy, in your heart-of-hearts, you just know it can work - that miracles and magic will click in around you, if you can dare to take that step.

And what have we really got to lose?

Maybe you'll have to give up that safe and predictable 9-5. Maybe you won't always know where the resources are going to come from. Maybe in order to be truly you, you'll have to risk that your relationship won't work out the way you would have liked - the convenient and comfortable one, where no one is put out or truly tested to be who they really are.

However by now you'll know, that ultimately, to bury yourself under a mountain of untruth, is, in the long run, much more painful than climbing it.

(Here's how to climb the mountain)

Making the intangible tangible

The road less traveled is full of intangibility. Whilst the comfortable rut is right there: it's solid, predictable and known well by the many. You can lean on it, rest in it, be propped up by it. But in the authentic reality of myth and metaphor, you'll have to take a risk, to step out into the unknown, not knowing where it might lead, or how you might be supported.

But that's the point, if you want to learn how to fly, you have to unfurl your wings, and trust that they'll hold you aloft on something you've never known before...something as subtle as air.

Because that's what this Path Less Traveled is all about - it's mystical, etheric, full of the intangible. It's your destiny to make it real, to bring it into being, to say by your very actions:

"look, this is possible, it can be done!"

Realising why we create the obstacles

The Path Less Traveled is of course the inner journey. It's about not immediately settling for the quick fix in the outer world, the immediate solution, the soft but convenient option. It's realising that you have to work - at yourself - to unfold the true path of light. It's easy to keep doing what we've always done.

The hardest thing is to change yourself. Because that takes responsibility, ownership of your sh** and a willingness to change. If you can dig deep, and find this quality, if you can own your creative path, then you have what it takes to meet the crucial obstacles of change - those inside yourself.

There'll come a point, where you stop seeing the outer obstacle as something you've got to fix, get past or get over. Instead you'll surrender into the real reason why you created the obstacle in the first place: the pain inside of you where the light gets buried in the blurred haziness of uncertainty. But you'll stop trying to avoid it, stop popping the pill or immediately grabbing for that quick fix crutch.

Instead, embrace the challenge and the feeling of density and heaviness on the inside - accept that you created it, and it;s necessary to work through. It's the "friction" to push against so that you can grow. How are you attaching? How are you getting wrapped up and identified with what's going on in the external? Soften into it. Let go. Unwind. Then unleash the new aspect of consciousness that now wants to come through."

This is what defines the Path Less Traveled. The inner path. The journey of purpose, to the realisation of who you truly are. And then the actualisation of it, moment by moment, as the most profoundly magical way of being and living.

Expanding Consciousness in the Great 5D Shift

Right now, the Path Less Traveled, in the next chapter of the human journey, leads right into "heaven" - the New paradigm in the Fifth Density. It's a way of living and connecting with life in total harmony, on outstretched wings, supported by the uplifting wind of the universe. Plenty will tell you it's just a new age pipe dream. The crowd will say it's all smoke and mirrors. The naysayers will tell you nay. Daily there'll be 7 billion reasons why you're supposed to believe them. Nevertheless, the truth at the core of you beckons you on. Because in your heart you already know, the Path Less Traveled is YOUR path, not theirs, and it's your very reason for being. Let them say "Nay", because in your heart and mind, you've already said "Yeah!"

And if you're one of the "Yeah Sayers", then explore the Openhand work more deeply...

The Openhand Ascension Portal

See you along the flow!

Open Praying Emoji💎

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03/08/2024 Shift Update: Transmute Your Life

It's all too easy to get focussed on the obstacles in life, especially these days and the shadowstate continues to play its shenanigans - actually, I'm getting the sense the power of the simulation is beginning to wane, as Gaia's Toroidal energy now begins to strengthen.

And as our solar system deepens into the Galactic Current Sheet - a high energy belt - the transformative effect on our consciousness is heightened - the possibilities open up. But you have to be prepared to see, and follow, the path between the density.

I am reminded of a mountain biking trip on Mount Snowden with a friend some years back. Although it's one of the highest mountains in Great Britain, getting to the peak wasn't the problem; it was cycling down again! The path is full of boulders and every few yards I'd hit one and fall off. My friend on the other hand, who was a much more experienced mountain biker, deftly bobbed and weaved between them, gliding like some angel down the path. At one point she took pity on me after I'd fallen off again, came back and delivered these immortal words... "Don't focus on the boulders, focus instead on the path between them". That was the last time I fell off!

It's a simple observation of truth, but oh so revelatory. You create what your subconsciousness is conditioned to, instead of unleashing the path of light. This could be expectations of what other people are going to do, or not do. It could be how a particular situation will resolve itself. It could be getting yourself out of a sticky situation. The key is always to believe that somehow, the light will find a way through.

That's why I felt to share today the lead article above, to help you break through tricky situations in the shift right now - I feel shafts of light beginning to shine through the darkness, that we can ride if we trust and believe in. Here's the article...

The Path Less Traveled And How to Tackle It...Reflections for the Wanderer

And to drive home my point, here's a video I felt to share about the tremendous power of "Transmutation" on the path - just what becomes possible as you take the inner journey to transform your consciousness. I trust it will inspire you...

Let's go create transform!

Open The Sun EmojiPraying Emoji


Hi Open,

thanks for this strong video - it really convinced my ego and made it very soft and accepting. This letting-trains-pass-by gave me an hour of brilliant clarity and a peace of mind unreached. Also it feels extraordinarily calming and relaxing to not have to jump on every train but just let them pass, giving myself the long-needed break. The realization lands very quickly with the comprehension that really jumping on most of these trains of thought is just a waste of time and energy. Wow! so refreshing and liberating!

Big hug your way Praying Emoji


Hi Open,

my god, this is exactly what i needed to hear today! Thank you so endlessly! These days ego feels like a deflated ballon, there is not much power left. However it is gathering up all its remaining force, like depserately clinging to a slippery wall and trying to find a spot where it can grab and attach to. In the head it's like the devil and the angel on the shoulders having endless discussions where lower mind gets trapped and stuck so easily.

Exactly as you say, i received insight from higher self to remain in the silence to create an opening for the soul to emerge. I understand that completely, however the implementation is so tricky when one is not completely present with what is happening inside.

So let's go! Down the rollercoaster and into the silence of the soul.

Much love,


I felt to respost this article today...
The Path Less Traveled And How to Tackle It...Reflections for the Wanderer

I witness a fair few people getting to grips with what it truly means to be creating life from the soul - also equating to letting go of the grip of the ego.

It becomes easy enough to recognise the soul, but following it in day to day events is an entirely different story. You're coming from a place of manifesting with the mind. People have been plugged into this 'matrix' which conditions the being into 'how to create'. You believe you know the things you really need, and taught, often sunconsciously, how to get them. And the day is filled with this kind of 'decision making' which seems entirely right - it's what you're supposed to do.

But coming from the soul is entirely different. You have to be prepared to sit in the openness of not knowing. Not knowing whether to do this or that, go this way or that way. The mind loathes this uncertainty and wants to create to fill the uncomfortable void. When in truth, the void is the place you really need to be.

If you can hold the openness in the void long enough, then creations will naturally start to flow. First they're come through as a way of being, a frequency of being, which doesn't seem to answer the ego's question at all. Which can be frustrating. How do I pay the rent? Where should I live? Should I leave this job? How do I fix this relationship? Coming from the soul, all such questions are answered as a new gift of beingness - a new vibration. You have to hold the space open to let it come through. Then you'll be amazed at how it starts to create of its own accord. Importantly you don't have to effort this. It will simply create around you.

But you do have to be brave and courageous! You have to be bold enough to be vulnerable when the ego wants to close down and give you a premature answer.

Stay in the openness!

Open Praying Emoji


I came across this a pearl of wisdom from the native Indian elders that was passed along to me so I thought I'd share it here.

The indigenous elders say that when you walk through the bush, you go one step at a time. All you need is to know where your very next step is. Then you stop, look around, and carefully choose the next one. You don't know the way through but you know there IS a way through, and all you have to do is choose your very next step. The rest will come clear bit by bit as you move.

Much love

Zee 🌳🐎


I felt to feature this article again today...
The Path Less Traveled And How to Tackle It...Reflections for the Wanderer (scroll to the top)

I'm so inspired by the authenticity of people joining this community - having the courage to truly step onto the path by taking owndership. The true spiritual path is not sexy and glamorous, it requires commitment and straightforward self honesty - to begin with the moment that you're facing; to start right there and accept that you're creating it for a reason.

That's why I love this video poem referred to earlier in the thread - "Start Close In" by David Whye...


I'm on the current 5D Shift World Tour and came across an awesome open-hearted artist called "Jont". Walking the path less traveled is (to me) about learning to live without fear and doubt by turning right into it. That's what this awesome video of Jont's speaks to me about. Enjoy...


So enjoyed the bold, fearless music video and the message! Thank you, Aspasia!

I felt to add it's also important to trust the energy we pick up. Not all are trustworthy. A rose is still a rose, and a thorn is still a thorn. I have often reached for my rose-coloured glasses to soften the harsh realities I preferred not to see.

It's been a wild, roller-coaster ride of emotions these past few months. I feel like I'm breaking through a hard-wired, conditioned pattern about misplaced compassion that led me to suppress my truth so others could feel comfortable. That's a form of deception in itself since I'm not being honest when I do this. Interesting that the deception I have witnessed in others these past few months is based on the belief that it's better to hide the truth rather than risk upsetting others.

"Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie." ~Unknown

x Cathy


Trust indeed! Yes, i feel this very clearly: "a given sense of directive and purpose (by the universe) that lands as higher knowing, or you feel in your heart, when you make space for it. If we go with that movement, although it's not at all clear how things will pan out, then you feel the 'rightness' of the universe progressively clicking into place."
There is clarity.

And I am saying this: Trust me for I am divine. As Cathy puts it, "I trust I am in sync with the divine flow" and indeed Cathy, the heart knows.

I would like to share with everybody these beautiful lines and bold video that I discovered recently as I was trusting the divine in me, in you and all around.

“You are one in seven billion. A dot in the universe, a mystified soul in a dark and very quiet room. When you die, and you will die eventually, you will evaporate into the then and now, remembered only by a handful of dots who, like you, will question their existence several thousand times before dying. Oh, the banality of it all. Why do I know this? I was there once, I was you once. I am aware of everything that you are experiencing. You are lost. And quite possibly scared. You’re constantly and consistently betwixt by the meaning of life and bewildered by the reality of death. But fear not, for there is hope! Oh, there is always hope. Now is the time to unearth the invisible heaven inside of you. Rise from the meaningless slum you’ve been incarcerated by, stand proud in this fight for glory and honor. Restore your righteous self and dine forever on the celestial fruits of what has been owed to you all along. Don’t ask questions of how and why. Simply close your eyes and TRUST ME, FOR I AM DIVINE!” Ernst Brocker

The music video is bold and fearless, some may find it offensive...expressive music, creative dance and groundness. I love it!…

Let's trust in our divinity and the divinity of others (people, animals, plants universe) - so I say: trust me.

Much love x


I know this feeling of trust in the Universe as a higher, heartfelt knowing about where to land the next step. I felt this so strongly today after sitting with a decision for the past few months about whether to forge ahead with an endeavour or withdraw. For me, it was a path with heart and pure intention for the well-being of all. Synchronicity has revealed that others prefer to infuse the energy with disrespect and deception. And so I have drawn my boundaries clearly in the sand and have withdrawn. I gave it my best shot. It's time for the happy dance to begin. Feeling free to be me, once again. My decision feels right in the deepest depths of my heart and soul. I trust I am in sync with the divine flow.

x Cathy


Hey everyone - in terms of the path less traveled, I'm often asked where does trust fit in, and how does it work? Do we just trust in anything goes and anything can be allowed to happen?

My experience is that there's a given sense of directive and purpose (by the universe) that lands as higher knowing, or you feel in your heart, when you make space for it. If we go with that movement, although it's not at all clear how things will pan out, then you feel the 'rightness' of the universe progressively clicking into place.

And also trust is not an "on" or "off" thing, not an "all" or "nothing". It's something that we build a reservoir of, that we fill up each time we follow the guided path.

Trust - it's definitely one to work on!

Open *OK*


Thank you for your support and encouragement, Open. Openhand is one of the few places where you'll hear you're doing great when you're sick and flat on your back. :)

Aspasia, thank you for reaching out to me outside the OH forum. I appreciate your kindness very much, indeed, since I wasn't feeling up to much engagement with the outer world. To quote Anne of Green Gables:

"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think."

x Cathy


I always love your heartfelt explorations Cathy – thank you for being so passionately bright!

Yes, I feel the same: the lines of the poem that spoke to you are the most powerful. I feel it as…mmm…reclaiming our own ground (ness) in our physicality, in voice and in voice-lessness (silence). And sometimes – may be often – the reclaiming happens when one is down flat on their back, stuck in muck and mire. Certainly for me, this is true.

And indeed, “when to let go” and “when to push on” – what a life exploration!

Warm love x


Brilliant article, Open. Full of inspiration. And so timely for what I'm currently experiencing. Like Aspasia, I love this bit. It knocks my socks off!

"Instead you'll look right into the jaws of it and say: " 'Fuck it, I've had enough now, the pain can't define me anymore, I'm going right into the heart of it.' " And so you look right into it's contracting jaws and say "No more! I will not be defined by you, I will unfold and unwind right through son-of-a-bitch!"

It's tempting to rage at the outer world and get lost in trying to fix it. As you've often said, Open, "Nothing is out there. Everything is in here." Yes, indeed, the path less traveled is the inner journey. Taking responsibility for the pain one creates both individually and collectively. Letting go of identifying with it. Unfolding into pure Presence. Creating a higher way of being. Manifesting a higher, outer world.

So many sparkling gems in David Whyte's poem "Start Close In." Thank you, Aspasia! Many times I have ignored the 'close in' messages of the universe preferring to gaze off into the distance wishing for something easier, more comfortable, something with more fairy godmother glitter. Ah, well. I forgive myself. It's a mad, mad, mad world that makes it super easy to wish upon a distant star. Missing what's 'close in'.

These lines from the poem really hit home for me:

"Start with your own question,
give up on other people's questions,
don't let them smother something simple.
To find another's voice follow your own voice,
wait until that voice becomes a private ear
listening to another."

I have stifled my voice throughout much of my life. Now I am creating experiences 'close in' that make it hugely challenging to speak my truth. Perhaps because it's taking every ounce of will that I have whilst letting the chips fall where they may. I remind myself that life's not a popularity contest although many buy into that. It's so much easier to walk away from conflict and controversy. Here I am knee deep in shitty karma with my galoshes stuck in the muck and mire. Making it hard for me to put one foot in front of the other. I've literally made myself sick and have been flat on my back for the past week with the enormous effort it's taken to stay the path. It feels like I'm choosing between life and death at times. I know more surrender would help me to stop identifying with the life and death struggle. It's a fine balance between will and surrender. When to let go. When to push on.

Oy Vey!

x Cathy


A very creative, heartfelt and inspiring narrative. Didactic and beautifully laid out. Thank you Open. I find your writing inspires me to reflect and feel my reflections. This one invites me to reflect on the nature of ‘the road less travelled’…

The path less travelled is the path of discovering the Truth of our being and the Truth of the inter-beingness of everything : “the journey of purpose, to the realisation of who you truly are”. And what everything is. I feel the road less travelled is both inner and outer and there comes a time when one recognises this clearly because no matter how much you try to control, it simply doesn’t work. “There’ll come a point, where you stop seeing the outer obstacle as something you got to fix, get past or get over”.

The path less travelled is a coming back to life then, a life that is difficult – and although not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be explored - in truly accepting that life is difficult, it no longer matters. Then there is surrender. Surrender to life as it is. Surrender to “the pain inside of you where the light gets buried in the blurred haziness of uncertainty”. And then this one got me giggling:
“Instead you'll look right into the jaws of it and say: "Fuck it, I've had enough now, the pain can't define me anymore, I'm going right into the heart of it." And so you look right into it's contracting jaws and say "No more! I will not be defined by you, I will unfold and unwind right through son-of-a-bitch!"

I thought wow! The energy in this!

And walking that road with commitment, surrender, openness and trust that a more expanded, connected and free beingness is here right now to be experienced, for us to return to…to return to what is already here waiting to arise.

What does it mean to take that step on the path, that step we are afraid to take? What is that step? It is our own unique step towards expanding into our beingness that is co-emerging with all animal, plant and mineral life. A step towards a full remembering of our soulfulness… which is “a way of living and connecting with life in total harmony, on outstretched wings, supported by the uplifting wind of the universe”. Perfect!

And...that step starts close in…

Start Close In - narrated by David Whyte here, mesmerising!:

Start close in,
don't take the second step
or the third,
start with the first thing close in,
the step you don't want to take.
Start with the ground you know,
the pale ground beneath your feet,
your own way of starting the conversation.
Start with your own question,
give up on other people's questions,
don't let them smother something simple.
To find another's voice follow your own voice,
wait until that voice becomes a private ear
listening to another. Start right now
take a small step you can call your own
don't follow someone else's heroics,
be humble and focused, start close in,
don't mistake that other for your own.
Start close in,
don't take the second step
or the third,
start with the first thing close in,
the step you don't want to take.

Much love


I'm glad you found it fascinating open. Yes i liked the part where the people don't comply too, reminds me there's always a choice.


The above is an elevator social experiment in which the crew of the experiment purposefully stands with their back to the doors and any other person entering the elevator feels the pressure of the accepted behaviour and in time conforms to it. I woke up yesterday with this experiment in my mind and this somehow defines what i'm going through. No one tells me what to do anymore but still i feel the pressure coming up from all sides and i recognize this as the conditioned programming kicking in. But i'm holding the ground and i choose to stand in my truth.