Openhanders Members Area
We're pleased to announce our new private members area on Openhandweb called "Openhanders". It's designed to create a sense of "brother/sister hood", a feeling of belonging. In it you'll find a private forum to express deeper aspects of your journey right now, which myself and members of the team will gladly reflect back to you on. Also exclusive videos, podcasts and online meditations. It's all entirely free. You just need to sign up for an account and login... Openhand Members Area
Here's what you'll find...
You'll find links to exclusive online meditations, podcasts, instructional videos. It's where you can share privately in the Share Your Journey forum and invite illuminating reflections from Open and The Team. You'll find quick links to popular forums and a section on latest developments. The Openhanders page is easily accessible by the "Members" link in the very top navigation bar.
If you already have an account and are logged in, go to the members page... Members
Share Your Journey Forum
These are crazy times to be on the planet - well done for being here! It can help tremendously to lighten the load by sharing in our private forum. Gain insightful reflections from Open and the Team. Share your challenges and what crumbles your cookie (comments and forum titles will appear on the Openhand home page but are only viewable when logged in by an Openhander).
Popular Forums - Quick Links
Okay folks, roll up, roll up. What stimulates your inquiry right now? Share your one-liner, a piece of inspiration, music or video, to get the energy moving. Is this Twitter's last tweet?
Inspiring video, movies, quotes, divine poetry, spiritual humour, recommended reading and anything else. What floats your boat?
A forum dedicated to the accelerating planetary effects of the 5D Shift. How are you being affected, those around you, and where you live?
Your body is your temple to the divine! There's great joy in eating consciously - you feel at one with all sentient life, vibrant and alive. Check out our conscious cafe with lots of tasty informative snippets to spice up your life in a healthy way. Hang out and have fun!
Facilitators Forum
This is a private forum only for Openhand facilitators and those on the Facilitator Training Program. It is to share viewpoints and gain reflections for your spiritual facilitation gifts and service. If you are on the program and would like to have access... contact us
Podcasts, Guided Meditations & Instructional Videos
For all the latest Private Podcasts: Openhanders Podcasts
For all the latest Online Guided Meditations: Openhanders Meditations
For all the latest Instructional Videos: Openhanders Videos
Need Support?
It's awesome to see you here Openhanders, you are most loved and cherished. Let's journey together, process through any density and make this journey of 5D Ascension epic!
If you need any help or support beyond the website, do feel free to reach out... contact us
Much love to you all
Open ❤️🙏
A few technical difficulties on the website: drupal 9!!
Amongst everything that's been happening on the surface, our web developers have been busily installing an upgraded operating system. Just as I was delivering my presentation and talking about the group of 9, they switched to Drupal 9!! But there have been a few communication errors happen over the years. Don't you just love synchronicity. Anyway, I'm sure seamless service will be restored any time soon.
Open 🙏
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