Opposing Consciousness?
Hi Open
I would like to ask about opposing consciousness. I had very recently asked "show me" about palpitations I have been having - these have been continuous for months but I never believed they were a physical defect. Yesterday morning when I awoke I found myself thinking about Buffalo - something that said "buffalo will help you stand your ground". Prior to this, months ago, I dreamed that the palpitations were when something/someone was trying to dominate me energetically (opposing consciousness?). Anyway, I asked buffalo to help and the palpitations disappeared immediately. It's amazing, I have never really been aware of animal energies like this. When I think of buffalo, well its pretty solid and strong :) I saw a buffalo lying down in Yellowstone part years ago and immediately burst into tears like I was finally seeing an old loved friend. Today I started doubting this buffalo help and felt fear and doubt creep in.
This morning I woke and was thinking about how I seem to doubt anything and everything that flows into my life. I have decided to eat plant-based only, the day before yesterday, and suddenly there's my friend/ex partner saying he would like to do this too, although he's doing it from a body-building/fitness/health angle. He then offered to pay for all the ingredients for lunches and dinners if I would prepare the food, which he will pick up and of course I need to prepare these foods for myself anyway. This is amazing because I am lacking in funds at the moment (partly because I realise I doubt everything). So I have money freed up to get my child-minding business going instead. This morning I started to doubt this - too much work, too tied in, he's my ex etc etc. Suddenly I thought whoa, is this the opposing consciousness? But then this feels so like me! I haven't realised it before and I have talked myself out of a whole lot of flowing opportunities! How can I tell what is genuinely flowing in from the Universe for me and what is not so helpful?
Thankyou for your time yet again. Am finding my way gradually :)
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6 Ways to Overcome Doubtful Opposing Consciousness
- First and foremost, keep exploring the authentic yearning around the venture. Even if there are doubts, keep regressing into the feelings the venture originally gave you. Focus on what it felt like: was it joyful, liberating, expansive? Keep regressing into and building these feelings.
- Watch for synchronicity supporting that pathway. When you're being positive about it, do signs and synchronicity click in to support it? If so, pay close attention, write them down, and keep reflecting on them. This helps build a positive landscape in the direction of the venture.
- Once you've started building the positive, then work on the doubts and fears. Opposing Consciousness can only influence something that is already inside of you. Go into the fears and doubts, dig deeper and deeper into the layers until you get right down to the source fear - could it be for example, stepping out and being seen in a spiritual role?
- As you work into the fears and doubts, fully express them, become as one with them. Then in the midst of them, know yourself as The One through the experience. In other words, the doubtful experience does not define you.
- Now look for something powerful and positive to dissolve the doubtful energy and with that, eject the Opposing Consciousness. Animal medicine is a perfect way to do it. Buffalo for example is strong and resilient. Call on that energy into you field to eject the Opposing Consciousness. Or what ever animal medicine makes you feel strong.
- Finally, if you're getting into a new venture, once you've processed the Opposing Consciousness out in this way, put some creative energy in the direction of your new venture - commit some finance or resources to it. This increases the sense of commitment and positivity, which the universe will then reflect to you in your life.
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