Quantum Financial Reset to a 3D/5D Hybrid State Ahead
Since the beginning of the Plandemonium, society has been changing in unprecedented ways and not necessarily as the controllers would have it. The ongoing, catalytic and unravelling Ascension of Consciousness is wildly free and unpredictable, with maverick rebellious souls and movements popping up all over the place. That said, we stand on the verge of a quantum reset within the financial and technological fabric that underpins society, which will transform it in ways not seen since the emergence of the internet revolution in the 1990s.
We're moving inexorably towards a new 3D/5D hybrid state and it's essential to be on the right side of history in order to thrive in it.
The Writing on Wall Street
The soul of humanity is positively yearning for a more just and equitable way of living and being within society, where people are not controlled by an "elite" one percent of one percent lurking in the shadows. Along came a bunch of bright "White Hats" and invented a decentralised way of connecting and exchanging outside of the banking system called "Blockchain"; upon which cryptocurrency was established - the first generation being that of Bitcoin. Suddenly the dam of the controlling system sprang a leak and began to look decidely shakey. What if this leak was to become a stream, then a river, cascading into an ocean of mass adoption? The 3D system as we know it would get washed away in the surging tide, like castles on sand.
Relating Cryptocurrency and Blockchain to the Unravelling 5D Ascension Shift
The controllers may be many things, but they're certainly not dumb. You can bet your bottom dollar they saw the writing on Wall Street. I guess they also knew they'd have to reclothe and reshape to withstand the inevitable backlash that's been brewing by a more awakened and sovereign human consciousness. Thus, for those really prepared to inquire and join the dots, you can clearly see their bootprint all over the eco-friendly, leftish "woke" movement, trying to steer and cajole the political dialogue in that direction.
They'd need a new financial system to underpin a 3D metamophosis. What if they could hijack the Blockchain? That's the sense of what's begun as governments race to create "Central Bank Digital Currencies". They're likely to allow regular banks to begin to sink in their humungous debt mountains, but then bail people out with centrally issued digital currency via a mobile phone app. Let's be clear, this will be VERY different from decentralised cryptocurrency that isn't trying to monitor and control your every move. Fortunately the new dencentralised technologies of the Blockchain are springing up like flowers in spring time.
A Quantum Financial System?
Right now, if you join the dots, the banking system, governments and regulators are preparing themselves for an enormous "reset", where the fiat money in your bank account suddenly switches to digital currency flashing around 'the ether' on a new Financial system, which some are also predicting will soon be based on quantum computers. It would have massive consequences, which are as yet, not fully predictable. Although already some alternatives are predicting debt will be written off and there'll be a new Golden Age of prosperity ahead. Personally I don't see it that way at all. If Donald Trump manages to stay in office, maybe there'll be more freedom and a degree more widespread sovereign possibility, but I still see the reclothed shadowstate pulling the strings of the new financial system.
What will it mean for the maverick Blockchainers and the cryptocurrencies some of you may already be holding? I do believe we'll be able to continue to operate with financial freedom OUTSIDE of this centralised system by using cryptocurrency. If you manage to make the right choices based on the kind of reset I've described, some cryptos will see a quantum leap in valuation, whilst others will bite the dust.
Take Bitcoin, the darling first generation crypto that everyone is pilling into right now, like the new form of instantly mobile digital gold. Pinch yourself hard. It may be booming right now, and is likely to do so for the forseeable future, but do explore the technology before you invest. In its current form the code would NOT withstand Quantum Computing, which will likely be upon us within a few years. It would become as leaky as a sieve, and would need to be further augmented. That may be possible, but for me, synchonistically, I've been seeing the Great Bear in my visions of the stars lately. My sense is that Bitcoin will be a good store of value in the short term, as fiat currencies plummet, but in the long term the going could get shakey.
Keeping Your Feet Firmly on Terra Firma
But other cryptocurrencies will no doubt prosper in the migration across to a new quantum system - and I also imagine the 1st generation Blockchain system will run in parallel for some time anyway. Those projects that add value to currency, through distributed applications (DAPPS) will likely do well - such as ethereum and a plethora of emergent others. The "dark horse" XRP for example is being considered for uptake by plenty of countries in the humungous cross-border payments markets.
Where Bitcoin is the 1st generation crypto and ethereum may be considered 2nd generation, to many XRP is already 3rd generation with its lightening speed and low transaction costs. It is definitely a solid "bet" for widespread adoption within the new shape of the banking system - depending of course on whether you want to support that. My view is that the banking system will reshape and society will be continue to be dependent upon it. Is it possible that enough "Robin Hoods" amongst us can channel the shift of wealth to help plenty more people in the Ascension Shift?
Many will lose their work and receive some kind of universal credit. In some ways this may be a good thing in terms of not having to do low paid work in soul destroying jobs. But Central Bank Digital Currencies will come at a cost to personal liberty and freedom. And they're unlikely to deliver a comfortable level of living. If we can encourage and help more to work for themselves and gain financial independence through true decentralised cryptocurrencies I believe that will lead to a much wider window of freedom. This will also depend on a widespread challenging of the plandemonium narrative. In this new emergence of sovereignty, I do see the possibilty this can happen on a broad scale.
Reclaim Your Sovereign Power under the Universal Law of "God"
Ascension of Consciousness into 5D is the Ultimate Driver
What we're facing in the immediate future, is a wholesale transfomation of society, caused by the Ascension of Consciousness more to 5D, a clearing out of the 3D swamp (to some degree), but also the newly reclothed shadowside desperately trying to grasp the reins of the new Financial System in what I'm calling a "hybrid state". And the key for ascending people will be to realise this new 3D "Paradigm" can only be temporary. As I spoke clearly of in DIVINICUS, there will be many iterations of the old construct before it eventually sinks.
There's a saying that great change brings with it great opportunity too. Personally I regard the upcoming reset as a great opportunity for those prepared to get their heads around the machinations of the new system - which begins by getting a sense of the impact of the new Blockchain technologies - particularly the applications (DAPPS) that will sit upon the new financial system. They're already emerging like spring time flowers. There's a fork in the road up ahead, and if you want to thrive in the new Hybrid state, it's important to be aware of the likely impacts. Right now, history is in the making.
Make no mistake, the Titanic of the old 3D system will ultimately go down - taking this new hybrid state with it. And by far the best thing we can each do in preparation, is launch the 5D Spirit Light Boats. That said, we're living right now in times of tumultuous transition, that we'll each need to learn to navigate if we are to thrive in them. Some will want to go off grid. That would be my personal primary choice - but the Universe has its own design for us, and for now at least, my path is clearly directing me to surf these tidal changes that are already in flow. However, I certainly won't be losing sight of the ultimate goal - that of heavenly Ascension into the new Paradigm. See you there one day, washed up on 5D beaches!
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About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth's Higher Dimensional Shift.
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Shake out in the World of Crypto - watch this space
So there's been a shake out in the world of crypto of late - there are some key trends to be aware of if you're interested in the space...
- Firstly, we're most definitely within a powerful paradigm shift in the way people connect - we're moving towards the "Internet of Value" where everything becomes tokenised - event art! Check out NFTs for anyone interested
- I would say the Shadowstate has gotten its claws deep into Bitcoin and is using leverage and short selling contracts to manipulate the price, so as to draw private investors in and then as the price hikes, dump it so they can buy on the dip. The unsuspecting new to the space are getting fleeced. For this reason I've personally moved completely out of Bitcoin. That said, I do still think the price will rise this year considerably, but beware getting your fingers burned in this one.
- To me ethereum is still the darling. It's a truly decentralised network of developers with a tremendous ethos and a long long way to run. I do believe ethereum is building the "railway infrastructure" of the new peer to peer internet of value.
- I'm still a great fan of XRP too. Many see it as belonging to the shadowstate. I'm not so sure - why would the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) then sue the company and try to blast it? It's a great illumination, because the judge heading up the case has allowed thousands of regular people to protest the impact on their own investment. The case is unravelling causing the price to steadily grow. For anyone whose used it, it's a tremendous technology - exchanging multiple currencies at lightening speed for microscopic cost. My sense is this "horse" has a long way to run.
- We've just stepped into the season of the "alt-coins", like VeChain, Atom, Link and Tron. Plus watch out for the decentralised video streaming platform Theta (watch out youtube!). These systems are likely to go parabolic in the years ahead.
- Who let the Doge out? When the Shiva energy was landing for me, my guidance system was all over the place, it was hard to walk a straight line. I just couldn't understand why I was seeing Dogs all over the place. Dogs here, dogs there, dog walking companies, dog security companies, dog groomers. Meanwhile, all the youngsters in the crypto space were piling out of the Wall Street manipulated Bitcoin and into Dogecoin (a past favourite of mine). Consequently, in just a couple of weeks, it's price rocketed 10 times against the grand-daddy of crypto. It's falling steadily back now, but good to see the youngsters giving the Wall Street traders a run for their money.
What the Doge spike definitely confirmed for me is that the light of higher consciousness is definitely infusing the Blockchain. Because the synchronicities can speak loud and strong through it. You just have to ask, "show me!" But you do most definitely need an open mind and feel the language. In the midst of the Doge run, this little pearler with Brad Pitt appeared on my feed. But the Shiva energy was too strong to here the significance, "Sometimes you just need to listen harder!" Oh well...
Whether the crypto space interests you or not, we are at the beginnings of an incomprehensible paradigm shift. Money and interest is literally flooding across from the old fiat system. As I said in my article above, I sense it will be nigh on impossible for the shadowstate to control.
Watch this space!
New to crypto?...supporting the under dog(e)
In reply to Shake out in the World of Crypto - watch this space by Open
This is why I've loved Doge coin - check out this video by crypto-eri, she explains brilliantly the ethos behind Doge coin, which supposedly began as a joke, but has exactly the kind of ethos that inspired the crypto space in the beginning...
Because of the wonderful ethos, Doge will surely grow in popularity. Beware though, it's pretty volatile at this current time, having risen over 400% in just one month. Personally I think it's a great entry point and perfect for peer to peer exchange. Who knows where the future will take it?
More insight into the Financial Reset
Here's an interesting video from a cryptocurrency commentator about what he sees as the financial reset looming just up ahead. It's clear to me this is highly likely to happen within the next 12 months, the first possibility probably after the US election and maybe over the Christmas period when the banks are closed. I think that would be a possible timing. Check out the video...
Clarifying a point of view about Bitcoin - digital gold
A few people have asked me privately about my views on Bitcoin, about it not standing up to quantum computing without further development and that this makes it a risky investment/currency. But let me elaborate on that.
Firstly, right now, 'the market' seems to view Bitcoin as 'digital gold' and therefore a good store of value and especially protection against the inflationary strategy of the central banks - eroding the value of paper money by printing endless amounts of it. For example in the USA right now, the amount of state borrowing is higher than the country's net assets - meaning it is essentially bankrupt. Like many 'developed' economies.
This is why it's clear a reset is coming - and most likely to a digital economy. And within this, it's highly likely there will be some degree of devaluation of currency. Hence the growing interest in Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies). Bitcoin, like gold, has to be mined (although bitcoin is mined on sophisticated computer systems). What this means is there's a limited supply of it and so it's value rises when there's increased demand. This is why many see Bitcoin as a safe haven in the reset and why the price is generally rising and could sky rocket.
However I still maintain my original point about Bitcoin not being able to sit on a quantum system. So I would say Bitcoin to be a good 'hedge' against paper money inflation, but only for a certain period of time. Perhaps a year or so. I personally hold Bitcoin, and will likely continue to do so until after a reset. But then I'd look to sell it unless some major development took place.
Crypto as a new revolution and the financial reset
In reply to Bitcoin by Quentin (not verified)
Hi Quentin - crypto and the blockchain is certainly a new revolution out there, and I agree, will open up new freedoms for those wanting to have independence from the state. It is also essential to say, it's very turbulent in the crypto field - coins quickly go up and down from one week to the next. Although the ones with a solid track record are generally rising over time. Right now we're in a crypto downward "bear run", which I get the sense is about 'grey' new investors rushing for safety and exiting the market having witnessed the volatility. But those who've been in it for several years will be used to this kind of thing and won't be phased by it - to me it's where the future lies and you can't put the genie back in the bottle once out!
An interesting aspect about Bitcoin is that although I pointed out in my article that it would have to undergo development to withstand quantum computing, nevertheless, plenty new to the market see it as a safe haven. Interesting! It means people will probably have faith in it for some time to come. Personally I see other options which will come good in the medium term.
More and more of what I'm seeing out there and feeling leads me to believe there'll be a financial reset fairly soon - maybe in the first part of next year, where we switch to state run digitalised currency. I suspect that will include a heftly level of devaluation along with some form of Universal Credit. Which as I said in my article won't necessarily be a bad thing for plenty. But yes, if you are wishing to thrive more strongly and have more financial freedom, the blockchain is worth exploring and also the safe haven of precious metals like gold - I do believe the new system will likely be pegged to it.
Only time can tell. The essential thing is to be awake and aware of what's unfolding and choose the right path as guided individually by your soul - but definitely NOT in fear - great change brings with it also great opportunity. Particualrly for growth and emergence.
5D... and the false q manipulation...
Ugh. My heart breaks for those committed to the darkness... That have fallen into the false narrative of drumpf as a hero of light. The progressive, "People before Profits" movement is the light of Love an Compassion that seeks to improve conditions and alleviate suffering for all. We must raise up ALL fellow humans. The new technologies won't be centered around "money" but rather upon abundance for ALL. Clean Water, Cleaner food, clean up plastic, free energy, growing more healthy food, education, hunger, homelessness...I pray that ALL would connect with Heart+Mind Coherence for a chance to see through the dark manipulations!
Who is going to raise everyone up?
In reply to 5D... and the false q manipulation... by Doug Zerbarini (not verified)
Hi Doug - I share much of your sentiment indeed.
Here at Openhand we recognise the crucial aspect of this Plandemonium, has been the invitation to reclaim soul sovereignty. We're each invited to look in the mirror of what we have each created. Because whether we like it or not (at an ego level), we're creating everything. The shadow state only exists because "we", as a majority, continue to acquiesce to it. Fortunately, with the clearer revelation of the shadow side through its actions this year, many more people are finding themselves now in a place to see through the charade and challenge the narrative.
You say... "we must raise up ALL fellow humans". Who is going to do that? Who is going to determine what "raise up" actually means? Is that another kind of agenda determined by someone or some group of people? Who is deciding?
The key point I'm making with the article, is that shifts happen as consciousness emerges, and that this happens progressively, from one state to another. Hence it is never all light or dark - metamorphosis happens through shades.
Fortunately enough people are beginning to challenge the Plandemonium narrative - brilliant. AND, the same people (including pretty much all of us except those who are truly off-grid), depend on the financial system that underpins society - people continue to buy from the corporations and thereby give power to them. It could of course all collpase, or be brought to collapse - which would be disastrous and chaotic for all. OR, it could be progressively transformed by bringing greater light into it - which is my approach.
In my eyes the Blockchain began in that way - exchanging outside of the centralised banking system - creating new ways to connect and share. Many have taken back financial sovereignty and chosen to go that route. But as I said, you rarely, if ever, get a sudden change to something that is light. It usually morphs. So another key point of my article is that although the Blockchain is a benevolent creation, nevertheless, the controllers are working to take the reins, and will likely succeed to a degree - assuming the Quantum Financial System goes fully live. Hence the next hybrid paradigm will likely have both shades of dark and light in it.
I do believe it will contain more opportunity for a wider percentage of the population - which of course can only be a good thing. But the crucial aspect to realise about this and everything that's gone on, is the invitation for each individual person to claim sovereignty and raise themselves up. Whatever the conditions we each find ourselves living in, that will be the forging of soul, which this whole plandemonium has invited.
That's not to say we can't encourage and support each other, of course we can, which is what organisations such as Openhand are all about.
Moving through the fear
Gonna need that method pretty soon, myself included.
Where does money come from? Money as debt...
We're in the turbulent process of moving into a 3D/5D hybrid state, where an infusion of light is transforming the 3D 'swamp', to a degree. Pivotal to understanding why the current financial system is broken, is to understand the nature of money and of debt slavery that the majority exist within. This is why Blockchain and cyrptocurrency (as discussed in the lead article above) became so popular - a maverick pionnering break from the lunacy of the 'factional debt banking system'. I featured this video below several years ago here on Openhandweb. It's even more relevant now than it was then. I think it's useful to inform yourself on the true nature of money and how a fictitious and fraudulent illusion underpins the Old 3D Paradigm...
Money - get back - I'm alright Jack!
Was this video about Money by Pink Floyd really made in the 1970's?
Seems just as relevant today as it was then....
Rocket science!
Yes, to plenty reading the new article right now, "Quantum Financial Reset to a 3D/5D Hybrid State Ahead" (see above), it will seem like rocket science! Nevertheless, I encourage all reading to get a sense of it and then do some research of your own to get an early sense of the likely effects. In that way, you start to equalise with the transforming landscape, meaning your soul can more accurately align through it.
More to follow. Watch this space (LOL)!
Appreciate the heads up on…
In reply to Rocket science! by Open
Appreciate the heads up on this. Catalyzed me into doing some additional research. Pretty heady stuff! 👍
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