Quantum Solstice Shift 2021
We're heading into the Solstice Shift for December 2021. What another profound and crucial transformation humanity is transitioning through. I have the strong feeling that on the back end of this year, and as we transition into 2022, we'll come to realise just how much the world has terraformed this last year. And as I've maintained all along, only partially as the controllers would have it. I'm feeling big waves of awakening challenging ever deeper the pandemic narrative. Bring it on!
To mark this crucial transformation with you, I'm calling on some previous Openhand videos to inspire a quantum shift for everyone in the community. Come join us...
Join the Solstice Vlog 2021
I'll be maintaining this vlog through the solstice and festive season leading to the New Year 2022. These are crucial times to be alive and on the planet as an energy worker. Let's take every opportunity to get out on the ground, call in the benevolents, and so help uplift as many of humanity as possible, as "he/she" works to be resurrected through this crucible of profound evolutionary change.
What can you do?
How can we pull together?
3 Ways You can take part...
1). Get out on the land at your favourite location. Do some heartfelt energy work, ground some energy and anchor it. Come share a photo or video clip in the Openhand Quantum Shift Vlog 2021
2). Check in daily and leave a comment or share your favourite music
3). Share some well wishes with your Openhand community!
Let's stir a wave of Transformation!
So let's take this tremendous opportunity during these pivotal times, connect together and send a ripple of transformative light around the planet during the festive 2021. We've got this!!
Bright Blessings
Open ππ
Happy to share one moment of my day here
As these times are considered special in many ways, there is also some personal story I would like to share here.
Celebrating my birth day today, I've been hiking from my home towards the sun...Being firmly on the surface of beloved Gaia, yet feeling so close to the sun and light is definitely one of the highlights of my year.
It's this sense of GRACE with and within me - gratitude for every day of life, resilience to thrive/survive in all conditions, assistance of divine guidance on the path, celebration of the diversity of life expression and emphaty to bind it all together.
I like to express myself in many words usualy, however I feel to encapsulate some of it in the photo below. Big gratitude to this virtual community, to Open hosting me in some of the actual retreats, to people I was able to interact with...thanks for creating a space for mySoul.
You all have a totally awesome Christmas!!
Dear Openhanders, I wish you all a totally awesome Christmas weekend. May it be filled with love and peace.
Tilly and myself convened and cooked the most delicious Christmas Eve Dinner - I'm still working it off!!
Here's looking forwards to a stunning 2022 for all Openhanders.
Bright Blessings to you all!!
Open ππ
Merry Christmas π
In reply to You all have a totally awesome Christmas!! by Open
Dear open, thank you for the blessings and love. wish you the same...And to everyone in this beautiful community...ππ₯°
Thanks for the scrumptiousness!
In reply to You all have a totally awesome Christmas!! by Open
It was indeed a scrumptious nut roast - a very welcome treat for me after a whistle stop tour of friends and family in the Westcountry of England.
SO great to just chill out and let Open do most of the work, apart from a bit of stirring of gravy and shaking of potatoes (to get 'em crunchy on the outside).
It looks like the mostβ¦
In reply to You all have a totally awesome Christmas!! by Open
It looks like the most perfect Christmas!!! Having a major breakthrough/Christmas miracle! While watching Return of the Jedi and struggling through the latest drama, i dropped on my knees and prayed for it to stop; that i wanted to go back to the Force. And while watching the movie i suddenly felt like i was watching it as i had as a child. i felt everything again as pure wonderment and understanding and how the movie is the perfect allegory for our own personal battle between the Force and the Dark Side. And how my parents had fallen to the dark side and taught me and my sisters, and how we surround ourselves with our families and how we use our anger to control and manipulate each other and how i'm the worst offender. i've been living in the Dark Side for years and didn't even realise it! i want to be my childhood self again, she knew what she wanted and what she loved and i turned my back on her to impress my father. i guess when mom made things dark he had reminded me of my light so i became dependent on him to turn it on for me, forgetting i already have it. so much love!!! and my fear of death is fear of losing that love. i wished for my heart to open again and i got my wish. i know its going to be a huge struggle hanging on and continuing the purging but i know what i want now and wont stop getting stronger so i will standup for myself and my freedom. i had to come down here to learn it and recognize it so i could protect myself from it. this has been a necessary journey. im terrified but exhilirated. and in awe. so much love. i want to be a jedi when i grow up. If only everyone could feel like that again, that is my Christmas wish. Love to you all! πππππΉπ
Neither "light" nor "dark", but your rightness of being
In reply to It looks like the most⦠by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi Anonymous, I'm sure many would identify with the struggle between "light" and "dark" that you've so eloquently expressed - my heart goes out to you. The interplay in the family dynamic can be especially challenging in these areas π
But therein lies the judgment, and so the weakness and susceptibility. People often exhibit "the light" but so disregard the buried aspects of themselves, that this "light" is actually darkness of itself - meaning unintegrated and unilluminated. The key is to identify with neither. You are the presence, flowing as a soul. Hence work more to drop through identity and "back" into yourself. From here, the soul simply flows and it needs to be completely integral through both the "light" and the "dark" so it can simply flow in rightness - that's the key of enlightenment, what the soul is yearning to come to. So to progress, it's utterly essential to work through both and integrate through them - find your rightness of being.
Open π
Thank you for the reminder;β¦
In reply to Neither "light" nor "dark", but your rightness of being by Open
Thank you for the reminder; still letting myself get led around by my old impulses and conditioning, the "avoidance of pain/seeking pleasure" habit being a strong one. but i have to admit, besides still not practicing enough, i struggle getting to that middle place beyond good and bad. but i feel im getting closer. slowly letting go more and more of whats blocking me. the problem is i dont really know "myself" and get uncomftortable and jump back to my habitual self. your work has helped me though to start getting stronger and help me face the hard stuff. this holiday was particularly fruitful. i faced the core mother wound that ive avoided for so long and has been poisoning my relationships. i had to face that my mother hated me. but then i found the light; i wasnt to blame, i wasnt unworthy. she didnt hate me she hated herself because thats what her mother did to her. the wound needs more clearing but i finally got there. and then i found a new way of being with a conflict i created with a coworker. instead of the nasty rejection i use to protect myself not even thinking how i hurt people, i told her the truth in a kind way. very good moments of breakthrough and honouring my soul for once. so grateful. really starting to feel like i could actually heal. and even though i still have so much to work through and my hanging on will slow down the work, im on my way. im yearning to find that rightness of being! thank youππ
Connecting with the elders on Christmas Eve
24/12/2021 Journal Update - listening to the Elders
It's Christmas Eve which of course traditionally is a time for family to come together. But I also felt to remind people that you're also a part of a Galactic Family of Light and they're around you in the ether. So do be giving love to terrestrial families, yes, but also take just a little time out to tune into your wider family in the ether and also the elders who are drawing close at this time.
I wanted to share this photo from the 22nd again too, because that day, the elders were speaking to me very clearly about the omens for great change and transition in 2022. The blood-red sky seemed to point to something very biblical about to take place...
And in this video, I connected with the elders at this time in Avebury and unleashed a tremendous dragon cloud. How might the video inspire you to connect with the elders today, even if only for a short while?...
That was awesome!
In reply to Connecting with the elders on Christmas Eve by Open
Thank you for sharing that Open. I saw the dragon in the rocks and the dragon in the sky too. People here in the U.S. have also been sharing photos of the red skies and they're spectacular, just like the skies you showed. There's been an increase in earthquakes around here and this weekend for the Christmas holiday, we're getting much colder weather and icy sleet and snow in the forecast. The weather is sending messages also, I believe.
More people seem to be waking up to the lies of the pandemic too, and outright calling the media, liars. I'm glad to see the changes in so many standing up now. May it continue on.
Wishing you blessings and good health
Blood red sky
In reply to Connecting with the elders on Christmas Eve by Open
Awesome! The sky was in flames.
The ether was also speaking to me that day, synchronistically, this is what I posted on my Facebook page.
It was taken in Budapest and the colours are not as spectacular as in your picture though.
Wishing you and all reading this post a joyful Holiday season!
Glastonbury Tor 22nd December - Blood red sky
I awoke early yesterday on the 22nd and boy am I glad I did. From just before dawn the sky was blood red, it felt like something biblical was being foretold. I spent about an hour at the top watching the sun come up with a very blessed small group of people. This is what we were treated to. It was one of those absolute peak experiences. It felt like being in another world....
Thanks for the use of this spectacular picture by Michelle Cowbourne. For all those who were there, it's was simply one of life's peak experiences. Check out Michelle's tweet for more.... Glastonbury Red Sky Dawn, 22 December 2022
Heading into Christmas...exploring the Christ Consciousness
23/12/2021 Exploring the Christ Consciousness
As we head into Christmas I felt to share with you all this powerful experience at a place in Cheshire called "Mow Cop", known for holding the Christ Consciousness in abundance. How might the Christ Consciousness speak into your heart today?...
When you listen to the soul the river flows
This is by Openhander River in India - what a blessing!!...
Beautiful River
In reply to When you listen to the soul the river flows by Open
Thankyou for posting this it was magic! Blessings from Aus
Thanks alot Erin
In reply to Beautiful River by Zee
thanks for the blessings and love :) will be posting more magic... ππΏ Namaste
Thank you so much Open π
In reply to When you listen to the soul the river flows by Open
for sharing this with the community, I'm so grateful..going to do more of the same ..and will share with the Openhand community...so blessed to be a part of this community.. can't wait to share more of my films here..ππΏ
River, that was beautiful!
In reply to When you listen to the soul the river flows by Open
I really enjoyed that video. Magical for sure. Thank you, River
Solstice healing the divine masculine and feminine
22/12/2021 Solstice Journal Update - divine Masculine & Feminine
Today in Openhand's ongoing solstice journal, calling on the material of last year, I felt to focus on the healing of the divine masculine and feminine in all of us - to resolve out any dissonant polarity. For me visiting the Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh was one of life's peak experiences. Especially as I was so blessed to have had the chapel all to myself - and for you too!!
So today, take some quality time for a while and watch the very moving experience I had from the chapel, with very poignant messages for us all in terms of healing the divine masculine and feminine - a crucial part of humanity's 5D Ascension shift. Prepare to be moved and inspired.
Bright blessings <<< Open π§‘
Rosslyn Chapel
In reply to Solstice healing the divine masculine and feminine by Open
Thank you, thank for a such a beautiful video. Was there alone as well in the chapel in 2001. A magical, mysterious, mystical place where you feel the sacredness and you were able to make me feel the peacefulness and sacredness through your video and works. Thank you for what you are and do and blessings to you...
Dedicated to the path of Soul
In reply to Solstice healing the divine masculine and feminine by Open
The photo from a bit earlier - connecting to the feminine energy in Avebury
With love
The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades...
21/12/2021 Solstice Journal Update
The solstice is all about death and rebirth. There's a reminder that to recreate something new in your life, you have to let go of something that has now served its purpose. So what can you do today to let go of something so that new growth may come to your life?
I fondly recall this time last year spending time at a sacred site in the midlands, a place called the "7 Sisters" - called so because of the once marvelous, ancient trees at the site. Sadly they died of dutch elm disease, BUT! they were replaced by locals with these 7 young trees in the video - the great symbol of death and rebirth. I also felt it was especially poignant considering Openhand has its Return of the Pleaides Retreat coming up in Mexico in January (just a couple of last-minute places still available).
Enjoy today's reflection which contains a heartfelt shamanic alchemical prayer to the land, to inspire you today and going forwards in your energetic life. Be alchemised!...
Let yourself be silently drawn - Rumi
On this solstice, as death and rebirth get into full swing....
"Let yourself be silently drawn,
by the strange pull of
what you really love.
It will not lead you astray."
A calling for Light Keepers
It sounds like a calling for the Light keepers to unite our power and send really strong ripples of transformation into 2022. The world needs our energy to be spread far and wide...
It took 3.8 billion years
of triumphant evolution,
remarkable collision,
an unbelievable confluence
made by sheer will and influence
of this infinite universe
and all of the stars
to get you here.
I hope you never doubt again
that even when you are in pain,
that you are a miracle,
that every part of you is incredible.
---Nikita Gill---
I was out today on the hill to open the celebration of Winter Solstice βπβ
Much love and warm hugs to everyone
πΊ Asya
Beautiful sharing indeed!
In reply to A calling for Light Keepers by Asya
That's a beautiful sharing indeed Asya...
"an unbelievable confluence
made by sheer will and influence
of this infinite universe
and all of the stars
to get you here!"
I heard some call this morning
In reply to A calling for Light Keepers by Asya
This call is creating many different echoes. I might have heard the nuance of yours, waking up in the middle of night and starting hike to nearby mountain, as followed in poetic expression...
Guided by the moonglight, walking through the forest, climbing up the hill, sensning winter coming; the voice that called me strongly was one of the ancestors.
Voice of the ancestors
I hear the voices of my ancestors calling me.
I hear the voices of my ancestors calling me.
"Listen, listen!" they say, "Listen, listen! Listen! Listen!
May the rivers all run clear.
May the mountains be unspoiled.
May the air be clean.
May the trees grow tall.
May the earth be loved by all."
Connecting with the solstice energy, morning sunrise was simply worth captivating. Sharing it's essence with everyone here - let the brightness of the Sun illuminate the Pathway forward.
Much love and bright solstice blessings.βοΈπβοΈ
Solstice Shift Vlog 2021 - Calling in the Benevolents
And to get our Solstice Shift Vlog 2021 moving, I felt to inspire you with a video from last year's Solstice Tour during lockdown, that got so much energy moving. This one is at a sacred Templar site in city of Bristol and includes a meditation that you can all join in, and to inspire you when you go out of the ground these next days. Harness the light!...
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