RESURRECTION: New Openhand Book & Project Launch, 27th April
A historic convergence is calling humanity forth. It's time, in the Shift, to venture onto the plane of 4D karma in a deep and meaningful way. We need to venture across this challenging "4D Red Sea" so as to forge 5D consciousness, and channel it successfully into our lives. RESURRECTION is a new book and project, launched by Openhand on 27th April 2024, to help you do exactly that. It's to ensure you're on an accurate heading in the Shift. Here's access to full details of this life-changing Event.
Event Overview
We’ve reached a pivotal point in the Shift, where the Grand Galactic Convergence is drawing the Soul of Humanity onto the 4D Karmic Plane, to begin crossing the “4D Red Sea of Karma”, in preparation for the final Shift to 5D.
Openhand’s new body of work, RESURRECTION, has been perfectly crafted to meet this transition. It’s based on the real-life experiences of deep regression journeying, to reclaim buried aspects of soul, fragmented into the synthetic reality we’ve gotten trapped within. This is about breaking free, breaking out.
By sharing reflections of the journey of a historic figure, who journeyed across the “4D Red Sea”, you’ll gain priceless insight into how to journey inwards much deeper than you’ve ever done before. You’ll open an expansive internal space, right into 5D, and then be more readily able to channel the energy into your life, for maximum transformation and upliftment.
The project will be initiated with a new book, entitled RESURRECTION, in Openhand’s 5D Ascension Series. Most importantly, it signals the commencement of a Benevolent Mission, a convergence of the Star Being Nations who are gathering to open a karmic bridge, through the 4D, for humanity to venture across.
Available terrestrially in the heart chakra of our planet, Glastonbury, and live on Zoom, this event signals history in the making.
RESURRECTION: Reclaiming our Divinity and The Planet
It's mostly fear that stops people from going there. But fear is a great catalyst for change and growth - and to explode the myth of the physicality, of the "Maya", that we're incarnated into. When we dare to confront this, we find ourselves liberated beyond all measure.
"RESURRECTION: Reclaiming our Divinity and the Planet", comes with the launch of a new Openhand Book, but to be clear, it's much, much more than that. The Book is an inspiration to initiate a higher dimensional Benevolent Mission on the Earth. It's about connecting up valiant souls, who are courageously working in the Shift, with higher dimensional support, that we may cut channels of light through the Karmic "4D Red Sea", to reclaim our lives and the planet.
Life here on Earth has been ingloriously usurped by a nefarious Interdimensional Intervention. But that distortion and derailment has gone on for long enough now. It's been sufficiently entertained in its journey of realignment.
The time has come for us to shift the balance of power clearly in the direction of our divinity - to overturn "the tables in the old temple".
It's not about waiting for some external saviour, but realising the "Messiah" in each of us. For those who do that, we become an act of rebellion and unstoppable transformation.
That's the scope and possibility of this project.
Launch of a Benevolent Mission to Reclaim the Earth
It will be launched with Openhand's new book, the fourth in the 5D Ascension Series, on Saturday, April 27th, with a one-day seminar, both terrestrially in Glastonbury, the heart chakra of our planet, and simultaneously on Zoom. We will be connecting across the dimensions with a convergence of Higher Dimensionals and Star Being Nations in support. It's time to cut swathes of light through the remaining layers of the 4D Intervention field.
Let's start crossing the Red Sea of Karma in earnest. Whereupon, we will resurrect our original divine light and reclaim the planet from the Intervention. That begins here.
If you'd like more information or wish to book right now...
Bright Blessings
Open 💎
Resurrect the Hero - Video Says it all
"Resurrect the Hero" - who is the real you? When you strip away the limiting vestiges of identity, who is the hero in you? What message does the real you want to give to the world? In your very actions and beingness, how can you forge a path of light that inspires the emergence in others?
I found this message compelling. It's tremendously in line with what the new Openhand work, RESURRECTION is all about. It's time to resurrect the hero in you...
Resurrection: another breakthrough
Needed a few more days to process what the book launch triggered/activated and still processing. How to break free from the identity matrix? I was holding this inquiry for quiet some time. Finding it hard to let go of those old identities, which is coming visible as I peel off layers, how unconsciously am I playing those dynamics in daily life? An affinity to get worshipped ,at the same time there is a lamenting feminine carrying some ancient wounds. A lot of sadness welling up as black clouds waiting to hear " It's ok dear, I see you. Let it go" . May be the guides are saying but ears are not sharp enough to hear.
I couldn't stop myself from reading the book. Everything is speaking directly to my heart. Thank you Open and OH for this gift. 🙏
Falling away of the layers of identity
In reply to Resurrection: another breakthrough by Soumya
Hi Soumya - I'm so glad the book has touched you.
May it support your continued unfolding - the falling away of the layers of identity.
Much love and well wishes
Open 🙏
Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling in Your Resurrection
01/05/2024 Shift Update: Breaking Through
I would say a fundamental aspect of Openhand's new Resurrection work, is 'breaking the glass ceiling' in the Shift. It's something I spoke of in the new book. What do I mean?
We've gotten embroiled in a simulation - where everything is being manipulated to look and feel like the real thing. Especially and including, spiritual practice (beginning with the religions). The overriding, sophisticated entity, Ra, is like a blanketing cloud of paternal consciousness, that provides a sense of 'heavenly fulfilment' when you access the 4D cloud - the bubble of love n light. It will even feed the dynamic of 'raising your vibration", which feels kind of good, because you release from the density a degree. But to be clear, true Ascension is passing through the layers of density, untangling from them.
But there's no leaving. Instead, there's increased coherency through the chakras, by opening into them and claiming sovereignty there - in all things, all aspects of life. Where we're truly grounded and embodied, then the entity can't take root, it can't tether. Then it can't curtail the higher dimensional opening.
How to make sure we're fully open through all the chakras?
It's about confronting and challenging within, wherever there triggers some investment or reactivity toward the external, on the physical, emotional and mental planes. Also the embedded patterning of the karmic. Whatever presents as some kind of resistance, discomfort or blocking - take ownership. Don't project it outwards. Contain it, work with it. Don't medicate with it, don't distract from it - instead, sit in the discomfort of it. It's like lowering yourself into a bath that's too hot, or a stream that's too cold. Or when you're fasting and the gut is screaming out to be fed. Work into every nuance of it, every fibre of it.
Ra has established a glass ceiling over spirituality, of soft debilitating comfort. It's time to truly break through this blanketing layer with committed and courageous inner work. Have no doubt, it can readily be done. It just needs the focus, drive and determination...
The new Openhand Book, RESURRECTION, is available now...
RESURRECTION, info & purchasing
Bright blessings
Open 🙏
Breaking my head through the glass ceiling 🧊
In reply to Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling in Your Resurrection by Open
Hi Open and all,
I can feel it so much, the glass ceiling breaking down - only now do I get an idea of what you have written about so often. That one would feel "ridiculously free". I start to get an idea of what enormous implications that has - absolutely stunning 🌸.
Life feels so much lighter, every step, every notion, every impulse - as if the inertia and looping thoughts are just gone, or at least drastically reduced.
However, I feel this has triggered quite a transformation in my higher chakras, that means around the skull and brain areas. What's that about? Upon inquiry I get the sense that it's, some reconfiguration going on on a larger scale. and it feels ok to feel heavy, not being able to concentrate much, sometimes nauseous ... this requires serious rest and relaxation these last five days or so. Fortunately my lifestyle allows for unexpected happenings, so I will get maximum calm and stillness, and meditate and sleep a lot.
How do you perceive these energies? When listening to Lex van Someren's livestream on Monday evening, he talked about exactly the same thing happening to him. He even apologized if he wouldn't remember what he wanted to sing ...
An reflection is more than welcome 🙏🏼
Thank you and much love,
Reconfiguring experiences in resurrecting from the simulation
In reply to Breaking my head through the glass ceiling 🧊 by thomask
Hi Thomas,
It's great to hear this shift from the simulation is happening. I feel we're at an epi-centre of this phenomenon, where it is being called and breaking down. Reality is set to transform from here. This is just the beginning.
It is tiring, yes, when the being is fully immersed for the first time into the fullness of the Torus. There's lightness yes, but what most aren't prepared for, is the intense gravitational density as you connect fully into the singularity. The simulation has prevented this. It's also indoctrinated souls that 'they should be light', and then attuned them to the 4D bubble, which is not fully immersed in the totality of the Torus.
So when the bubble of the simulation bursts, and you start to question everything within you, every impulse, nuance and perception, your being has embarked on a journey of truth, and deep immersion into truth. You're connecting into reality. Yes, that's going to be tiring in the physical/mental aspects of your being. Until you acclimate to it. You embody the density, you embody the Torus. Now you're truly reclaiming power in the lower densities.
And, at the same time, because the simulation has burst for you, from you, there's ALSO the expansion into the higher frequencies - so there's that lightness too. What's happening, is we're re-animating more of the Original Human configuration and DNA. But at the same time, infusing the lightness of higher divine connectivity and awareness. This is what I mean by the new DIVINICUS configuration.
So if at times you feel immensely tired, that's okay. Rest, and let it all integrate. But then also make sure you exercise, so as to strengthen the physical form too. I've found, for myself, that doing 15 minutes of strong physical exercise in the morning (push-ups, dips, squats) is absolutely priceless - I mix it in with the bow and the higher dimensional chakra attunements. Now you're able to function at all levels. Now you're claiming sovereignty at all levels. Now you're a resonance that's breaking the simulation at all levels.
New energies are infusing the planet right now, and coming into this work, that's readily breaking out the simulation from people's fields. In fact we're right amidst a DIVINICUS retreat at this time, and experiencing with people how it's all breaking down. It feels weird for people at first, as they're fully immersed in reality. But very quickly, they acclimate to the truth of reality too. They feel grounded, connected, and physically 'here', except open to the infusion of their higher dimensional faculties too. And yes, it's a very tiring process too!
You will have seen this before, but perhaps now, the metaphor will become even more relevant...
Happy resurrection!
Open 🙏
Resurrection Celebrations at Openhand HQ - photos
The launch turned out to be a beautiful gathering of souls, both terrestrially at Openhand HQ in Glastonbury, and streamed live around the world. Thus the energy of the launch was rippled far and wide.
Openhand HQ is arrayed as a sailing vessel, sailing through a multidimensional landscape. Gathering in 'the bridge'...
A lovely group, tuning in from far and wide...
Afterwards, fireworks on the cake...
Prodound thanks to everyone who made it such a special and memorable occasion.
Much love
Open 💎
Resurrecting with Openhand 🤗🕊
Celebrating the release of the new book & project launch came to me with some deeper insights about the nature of this work and my being in it. It’s been accompanied also by the feeling of sadness, merely a sense of nostalgic memories. It feels to be another aha moment, crunch movement on the journey of awakening. “Pivotal point in the Shift,” as to paraphrase Open’s words, that became so dear to me. 💦
When speaking to the interfering energies, those that have been trying to resist the release of the book, I’ve heard Open’s clear message: “The job is done, it’s already been accomplished by the process of writing and energetic exchanges in this process”. As the words have been echoing for some time, I had to ponder about their implication.
Softening through the layers of emotional reactivity, I was able to celebrate the sense of completion. It’s definitely not (just) about the book, but rather turning energetic balance in favour of the benevolence. Does it mean that the message of (ancient) ages has actually landed within this planetary reality?
Well, I need to set aside the answers to the bigger questions for some further inquiries, and come back to my own journey. How does it all speak to the journey of Miha and what might be the most resonant way to implement it?
I hasten to add some further reflection of my personal journey as a mean of transparency and invitation towards the sense of (inner) liberation.
Within the last four years and my active engagement with Openhand, I’ve came to realise that Destiny is configured by the natural movement of the Soul. Developing the capacity to recognise and follow those impulses, tends to be the biggest gift offered to me, by the OH work alone. The closest reflection in my daily life comes in being able step into those awakened choices and embody them through my human expression.
Some of you might have been very well aware of my process. Releasing the hooks of spiritual identity, I’ve been working with the karmic pattern of teacher/leader - student/disciple dynamics. Whilst embracing the indoctrination and sense of spiritual hierarchy within myself, I was eventually able to tap into the sense of innocence beyond it all. This ignited the process of restoration and consecutive unraveling of the original template.
On that note, I felt greatly assisted by the engagement within the community. Feeling immensely held by Open’s presence, I would allow myself to deeply blend in the role of spiritual adept. Supported by the nurturing and very grounded expression of Tilly’s energies, I could always lean into the feeling of human resonance. And journeying together with the spiritual aspirants, the sense of kinship has been restored in the company of Openhanders.
But, how am I invited to express, as the sense of maturation has been happening within myself? I’ve got inspired by the word of affiliation and let the emergence be happening on that accord. So, let me wrap myself in the Cosmic Embrace and discover the possibility of moving side by side.
Yet, it was inevitable to hit the wall and recognise my weak point. My personality structure doesn’t know how to operate in seemingly fragmented way. Maybe I can merely dig the toes in, for some while. But when it begins for real - it’s all in or nothing for me. That actually brings the coherency of my expression, when the operating system can surrender into the totality of the project. 🎨
The impulse, I’m about to share came with the sense of surprise for me. It’s something that I had to ponder for a while and let it sink deeper through the experience. In the after math of all, I am realising that the trajectory of my life tends to be moving away from deeper engagement with the Openhand community.
With all of my expanded awareness, that’s been difficult to swallow for me. Why would I need to step aside from the project, that I’ve woven my heart into?
So, this brings me back to my understanding of the work, that has been set in motion. Travelling along side Openhand as the mean of unraveling the Intervention has proven to be setting stone on the evolutionary journey of my human self. And if for one reason, the privilege of being able to take part in this Great work; legacy of Open’s journey into this realm - I feel deeply humbled to be part of it all.
There’s been a part of me that was lead to believe, that if only I persisted long/strong enough on my spiritual quest, the heavenly door would open for me and I would become the next Messiah. You know, the One that will guide other believers across the “Red sea” of their own Illusion. Yeah, “messiah complex” has been a big one for me, considering the Soul Ray harmonics with the emphasis on strong Ray 4 and translucency within my third eye.
So, the bubble of Illusion had to eventually pop, also within myself. Journeying across the karmic plane with the group, I’ve clearly seen that “Jesus story” is part of the implanted technology inserted into brain waves by the clairvoyant entities, serving the agenda of “Fallen Gods”. It seems to be designed as the immaculate conception of the archetypal saviour in the minds of those, that came here to actually serve on the journey of awakening the human Souls.
How can open human heart actually resist the urge to be of service to other beings of same kin, especially having the heightened awareness of what’s truly going on?
On the precipice of transformation, I had to step away from the temptation and deepen in my contemporary Silence. There’s been a hole in my heart, that has accumulated the heavy load of the Soulful inquiries in this denser environment. That’s where I could recognise the “Fallen Gods&Intervention”, merely as the protagonists entertaining the shadow of divine being within myself. Finally, I was able to set my human journey within the Soul’s accords.
Yes, that’s what Resurrection is all about for me. The tears of sadness were able to flood Miha’s face in writing this message. Just now, he is remembering that I’ve actually never went down that road of “human hybridization” and opted to stay as the etheric presence in the background of that experience. As we are becoming One, the process of restoration can begin in the “karmic year” of 2024. It seems to be the actual year 0 in the calendar of Starseed mission on this planet. So much has been lost in the meantime.
I am sitting in front of the forest house together with her. The intimacy of divine expression in my life reminded me of those (ancient) times on this planet. Just that I could appreciate the intricacy of nature & Life surrounding me, way more than even before. That’s how the messiah in me, actually wants to express.
I remember giving voice to those archetypal memories of "Lemurian times" during my first OH retreat. Over the years I've been discovering the fundamentals of my engagement with the work through the initial question on this forum:
The latest event helped me to answer this question out loud and recognize how to blend those experiences together. I am merely the passenger in the journey on this platform - One that has journeyed through time to assist in revealing the magnificence of Divinicus in all of us.
Openhand turned out to be way more than just a spiritual group for me. In case, I've utillized it, even as part of the "dating services". But isn't it the beauty of it all, being able to be completely openhearted about the experience whilst staying grounded in the immaculate presence of the divine being within myself.
Again I’m, hearing the echo of those words: “The job is done…” It feels to be the calling to move on. After all, it is actually just the invitation to deepen in the essence of my calling.
Thank you all for crafting the landscape of my own resurrection. The new adventure is ahead of me. See you down the stream, in the woods of my own desert. 🏞️
miha 🌳
Openhand and walking your own path 🙏
In reply to Resurrecting with Openhand 🤗🕊 by miha
Greetings Miha - what a poetic post! I find myself moved, but also strangely wrapped up by it - as if by some blanket of cotton wool!
It leaves me not quite sure about what you're saying, other than 'pulling away from Openhand'. This, I always find curious when people make some grandiose statement about it. Why? Because it's clear they've made some false association, within themselves, of what Openhand is. To be clear, although a community of people may coalesce around it, it is NOT a community. It's a higher dimensional (Ascended Master) consciousness. Where people find a resonance with what's expressed and transmitted, they're invited to step into the energy and experience what it does to illuminate their pathway. But to be 100% crystal clear - it is THEIR pathway that is being illuminated. No one else's, not Openhand's.
So what are you actually pulling away from? It can only be the illusion of what you may have projected onto Openhand.
Openhand is an academy - of spiritual excellence. Or at least that's what we're working to be. If people have synergy, for some given period of time, then they're most welcome to bathe in its consciousness. It will only illuminate and activate their own path. Their own 'cosmic embrace'.
If that's what the exchanges have done for you Miha (and it would seem so), then I can only celebrate and wish you well. No matter where your journey may take you.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Grandiosity, relativity & allonnes 👣
In reply to Openhand and walking your own path 🙏 by Open
Hi Open,
thanks for warm welcome and bright blessings. Your question and more "poetic expression" in my previous post, calls for some further clarification. So, what am I actually saying? ✍️
1. The energy of my writing converged with the celebration of Resurrection book, and activation happening on my own journey. It was meant to be some sort of the epitome of my process here, acknowledging the synergistic guidance coming from this body of work. In other words; I felt to share the snapshot of my journey as the example and possibility of that emergence happening by the member of the Openhand community. It comes with the acknowledgment, appreciation and praise of the academy work. I wish it can be received as this, regarding the filters in my longest writing.
2. I feel to highlight the statement, that obviously turned out as grandiose, for two reasons.
In the after math of all, I am realising that the trajectory of my life tends to be moving away from deeper engagement with the Openhand community.
It's important for me to point out, that it comes from deeply fragile and venerable part within myself. As pointed out from your reflection (and I guess alluded towards and also elaborated in my writing) - it is the breakdown of spiritual identity and the potentiality of fear in the consecutive opening into the unknown, that influences this dynamic. In some sort, it is my way of expressing greater vulnerability.
Therefore the statement is very relativistic in it's nature and yet also considering the necessity of greater discernment, that has been called for.
3. Let me echo those words of discernment, as stated in the reflection.
Because it's clear they've made some false association, within themselves, of what Openhand is. To be clear, although a community of people may coalesce around it, it is NOT a community.
In the idea of my writing, I wanted to include this perspective, and I am happy it's been pointed out. So what is my illusion in it?
I've projected the idea of "spiritual hierarchy" with the community, seeing it as some sort of elite spiritual organisation. There's been a subconscious thread creating the feeling of dependency, reflecting this karmic pattern. It is playing on the idea of "not being enlightened" enough - if I come across with my authentic expression. Or not being illuminated enough about The Shift and therefore left behind, as reflected in the given environment.
In any case, I feel there is clear invitation for me to develop greater trust in my own interpretation of the flow and capacity to follow my guidance.
4. Besides the projections, that might have came across in my sharings, let me finish with the following
Openhand is an academy - of spiritual excellence. Or at least that's what we're working to be.
...If that's what the exchanges have done for you Miha (and it would seem so), then I can only celebrate...
I can only agree and that in itself tends to be the reason, that is shifting the trajectory in this dynamic with the community. It's stepping out of the comfort zone of my "old-school spiritual expression" and crafting the Path towards my "unique spiritual excellence". Might there be the capacity of greater humility on that journey, I trust to be met with resonant reflections.
Once again, I am grateful for having been able to celebrate my journey together with the community space here, and you Open. And especially to the field of higher-dimensional consciousness, it's always a privilege for me to bathe in its energy.
With best wishes & love 🙏💙
Miha 🌳
RESURRECTION Book - on sale now - full info 📚
27/04/2024 RESURRECTION on sale now!
Well here we are, after a long journey of inception, Openhand's new book, RESURRECTION, goes on sale today, both in paperback and digital eBook. It's released at a historic moment in the Shift, designed to help peel back the limiting veils of the 'simulation' and forge channels across the 4D karmic plane, supported by Benevolence in the ether. For a limited period only, the paperback is being posted out, personally signed, from Openhand HQ in Glastonbury - to provide that extra 'blast' of energy!
Resurrection - the journey of empowerment continues
In reply to RESURRECTION Book - on sale now - full info 📚 by Open
Wow! What a significant day it was at the RESURRECTION book launch event yesterday. I personally feel the kundalini rising, it seems to be very activational - this event and, particularly, what's in the book. I feel so empowered in my being here on Earth.
Thank you, Open, from depths of the heart for this (another) gift to this world 🙏.
Warm blessings to everyone on their journey ✨️
With love
Asya 💜
RESURRECTION: Book preview, 4/4 - Shift of Ages
Here's the final part of the 4-part launch preview of, RESURRECTION, Openhand's new body of work aimed at kick-starting a new phase in the Shift - reclaiming our Divinity and the Planet. Make no mistake, we are walking through biblical times!
RESURRECTION: Book preview, 4/4 - Shift of Ages
An M5-class solar flare had just ignited our atmosphere on
New Year's Day, triggering a massive earthquake in Japan.
Although fortunately, this time, it was on the northern-facing side
of the island, and not that of the stricken Fukushima plant. But
the synchronicity was no less startling, no less triggering, for those
with the eyes to see, and ears to hear. The last one, in 2011, when
Openhand released 5GATEWAYS, launched a massive Tsunami, so
we may consider this more as, 'a warning shot across the bows'.
Meanwhile, below me, here in Glastonbury, are the Somerset
levels, just thirty miles from Hinkley Point - another nuclear
power station, that someone considered 'wise' to position on the
coast. The fields are flooded from the endless Christmas rains.
Which are also probably triggered by incoming solar energy,
cascading through the Earth's magnetosphere, and into the jet
streams. Thus precipitating wild and wacky weather in all parts
of the world. Two of the incoming roads around me are flooded,
very much reminding me that Glastonbury, "Avalon", as we locals
know it, used to be an island, back in biblical times, when Joseph
of Arimathea brought the young Jesus here.
New Year commuters in their cars, on their way to work, make
their way gingerly through the flood waters. It appears no one is
yet listening or truly seeing. And in the spiritual mainstream or
even alternatives, it's clear few, if any, are actually looking in the
right direction. Yes, the shadow is desperately efforting to 'adjust'
the truth, marshalling the masses with the falsehood - the lie of
"global warming, due to manmade fossil fuel emissions". Yes, it's
right to call the deception, the smoke and mirrors. But why give
so much energy to it, I wonder? Let's turn our attention to the real
news, the real underlying story, of just what's now sweeping across
the energy layers of our planet.
Gaia's soul, suppressed through the aeons by a nefarious
Interdimensional Intervention, is now rewakening. This newly
Christed Child is resurrecting her higher dimensional vehicles, that
will support the fabric of the New Paradigm. Our heavenly father,
the real one, which is our Solar Logos, is sounding the clarion call,
as he climaxes to another sunspot maximum. It's a twenty-two year
repeating cycle. The next will converge, I'm sure, with the Grand
Solar Minimum, a different, four-hundred year cycle, where the
Sun's magnetic shield flip flops. But don't be deceived by the name.
As its magnetic power diminishes, more plasma and solar-charged
particles can release from the surface of the Sun. Which means
much more solar energy will be directed our way.
This is happening as we sail into a high energy segment of the
galaxy, which is the reason why so many souls are sparking and
reigniting - resurrecting their divinity. A Galactic Superwave
is likely inbound too. The flash of which, has already been seen
by NASA, in Sagittarius A, emerging from the Galactic Core.
Other star systems on its trajectory, between us and the Galactic
centre, have already gone into Solar Micronova. Meanwhile, Gaia
is surrendering to the inbound cosmic energy, lowering her own
magnetic shield in her culminating Pole Shift. Wow - sit back a
moment, and contemplate the historic enormity of all of that.
What I'm illuminating, is the "Grand Galactic Convergence".
That so many cycles should converge together is unprecedented
in Earth's history. Yes, there have been many Pole Shifts. Many
Galactic Superwaves have showered us with cosmic energy. But, to
have ALL these cycles converging together, is simply monumental.
How long have we got? When the cosmic cogs all finally click into
place, somewhere between 2040 and 2050, an almighty infusion of
energy will sweep into our solar system and across the surface of
the Earth. Mark my words well, "it will leave no stone unturned".
We'll see the volcanoes triggering; earthquakes ripping apart the
tectonic plates; rivers of magma will flow as the Earth's crust breaks
away and unravels - as effortlessly as the peel on a ripe orange. It'll
precipitate two-mile high tsunamis and storms that will rip around
our planet. Even the dust will have nowhere to hide.
The shadow knows all of this, it has all the scientific data. But it
wants you looking in the wrong direction. The alternatives can call
the various machinations that keep people nose-to-the-grindstone
in the Matrix. They'll still get plenty of airtime, because the endless
commentary actually reinforces the notion of the Matrix, and their
agenda. But if you dare to express anything near the truth of the
Grand Galactic Convergence, then you're censored under masses
of distraction, divergence and readjustment. That's the real truth
they definitely don't want you to know. Why?
It's not because they don't want to precipitate fear. They're doing
that all the time, so as to keep people small. It's because when
someone finally realises the enormity of what's unfolding, what's
converging, there comes a precious moment where you realise
there's no point in struggling in the system anymore. Work in it
still, yes, but there's no longer any allegiance to it. Yes, there'll be
plenty of fear to let go of, when you sit and embrace the magnitude
of it all. If not for oneself, there'll understandably be fear for family
and loved ones. But fear is always a gateway to turn into and work
through. Fear is what keeps us small, enclosed in the shell of our
own limitation. It makes us controllable, subservient, to those who
would mercilessly manipulate it.
However, when you dare to turn into it, and work through it,
applying something like that described in BREAKTHROUGH,
then you explode the myth that it always was. You break through
the limitation. You realise your True Self, that which is inviolable
by the ages, and by the "Maya" - the material. You become
deliriously free, uncontrollable. What point is there any longer in
playing it small? What can they now buy you with? If you know
all is concluding anyway, then why not explore the truth of what's
really happening? And the truth will set you gloriously free!
What truth do I mean? You are not physical! You're a spiritual
being, that's travelled through the ages, constantly reincarnating,
resurrecting and recreating yourself. You are an "anointed one" - a
"Messiah", blessed with the divine spark of the Original Humans.
Even our children, at a soul level, have chosen to be here at this
historic juncture. The soul is seeking its mastery, its destiny. You
don't get that by languishing in the quiet shallows of life, but
courageously surfing the tempest, as the breaking rollers sweep in.
Who are you really?
RESURRECTION is launched on April 27th. There are a still a few lastminute places for the online event.
Full info: RESURRECTION event launch 27th April
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Confronting Ra in Mexico - the 'Architect' of the Matrix
We're deep into the healing work here in Mexico - it feels like the perfect build-up for the RESURRECTION launch at the end of the month.
Yesterday, in the studio, we had a deep dialogue with Ra - the 'architect' behind the simulation that humanity is embroiled within. As yet, there's no softening of his self-deception. He sees that people are actually choosing the system because of what it provides. As you'll come to see in the book, the simulation all hinges on tacit approval from humanity, because key aspects of soul are being twisted into a deception: yes, the system provides resources, but the cost - which is the loss of sovereignty - is a truly hefty one. Ra knows the intervention will persist as long as a majority continues to hand over power in this way. But increasingly, we are illuminating the self-deception back to him. I can feel his energy weakening.
It only takes a small body of people to venture across the karmic plane, and to ripple the expression of freedom into the field, for the energy to transform far and wide. I do believe we are fast approaching that moment of truth.
What we're really talking of is the nature of true spiritual healing, and sending the reintegrating vibes far and wide. That's what we're undertaking here in Mexico - you can get the sense of it from this previous Mexico retreat...
Bright blessings to all
Open 💎
Taking ownership in healing
In reply to Confronting Ra in Mexico - the 'Architect' of the Matrix by Open
Bright blessing to all taking part in the retreat and doing the deep energy work. I think I have been in touch with the retreat energy. I have been down with fever and cold for the last few days. The first few days I found myself switching off to a degree letting the body heal by itself. On the third day I had a powerful realisation where I saw I was not taking ownership of the healing process and handing my sovereignty to something external. This closed a gap and I saw I was healing myself and it really depended on all the choices that I make in the process. What came through was more ray 1 of ownership. Several energies got dispatched from my field upon this revelation. The fever was then worth the realisation.
I believe we have been conditioned thoroughly in our world amongst other things to hand over the responsibility of the healing to something external. Doctor, healer, God, universe, flower of life. Just different names. Taking full ownership is a scary place. But ultimately it's the only way to avoid unnecessary suffering. I think probably I have been on the role of healer/saviour many times before and this work is helping me to release the past identities. What a true healer can then do is to help the other remind of what they truly are?
After reading the book RESURRECTION, I have been having inquiries about the nature of true healing and facilitation. It's fascinating how when we inquire from the soul , reality shapes to create situations to reflect and illuminate that inquiry.
Vimal 💚🙏
Those "inconveniences" where healing takes place
In reply to Taking ownership in healing by Vimal
Clearly you continue to make insightful breakthroughs Vimal...
On the third day (of the fever) I had a powerful realisation where I saw I was not taking ownership of the healing process and handing my sovereignty to something external. This closed a gap and I saw I was healing myself and it really depended on all the choices that I make in the process. What came through was more ray 1 of ownership. Several energies got dispatched from my field upon this revelation. The fever was then worth the realisation.
It's exactly in these intense "inconveniences" that we make the deepest discoveries - that's certainly a key aspect of RESURRECTION.
Go well,
Open 💎
but the cost
In reply to Confronting Ra in Mexico - the 'Architect' of the Matrix by Open
the simulation all hinges on tacit approval from humanity, but the cost - is a truly hefty one
The cost of acquiescence to the Simulation
In reply to but the cost by Danniel
Thanks for sharing this Danniel, a powerful and emotive dive into some of the shady areas of the simulation we're living in - the humungous cost.
Much love
Open ♥️
Total Eclipse - of the Heart
In reply to The cost of acquiescence to the Simulation by Open
beautifully played - with a Heart
Equalising the differential
In reply to The cost of acquiescence to the Simulation by Open
This whole reality is based on the interplay of power differentials. Encoded within the simulation, if we're using that metaphor, are identity roles, narrative dynamics and cultural programming, that determine how these differentials unfold. If you step out of any given simulacrum and see through, phenomenal conditions will not define you and you've transcended. But whilst you play a character in this reality, the world and its stage-play will continually try to lure you. This is why so many saints and sages eventually feign madness, to keep people and the world away, so they don't fall into any identity trap. Working with these power differentials, as manifest through this illusory simulation is one of my greatest pleasures, it's an art. Wishing all well, bye for now 🧡
RESURRECTION: Book preview, 3/4 - Crucifying the Ego
Here's the latest sharing from the four-part review of RESURRECTION - it's about going beyond all identity, "Crucifying the Ego"...
You are The One. You are that serene and gracious God Source through which all is moving, the canvas upon which all is manifesting. And to be able to remain as that, to stay as that, means to be able to progressively relinquish attachment to whatever has been painted on the surface of you. We all have this God Source within us. For countless lifetimes, we, as souls, get so intrigued, so understandably invested, in the crystallised external reality that we forget this - we lose the inviolable essence of who we truly are. We get wrapped up in the external game of charades, the smoke and mirrors of life. Everything is energy, moving as the Torus. Energy is consciousness, which is awareness. It's caused by what Einstein immortalised as relativity. The problem religion has in its postulations and endless prognoses of God, is that when you give an identity and substance to God, you're always left with the question, "where did this God come from?" They would say, "he always existed". There's rightness in this, and, a crucial flaw.
Firstly, on providing a quality for this God, 'he', for example, or 'she' or 'love' or anything, you've also qualified, in that moment, what God is not. Because you can only define a quality in terms of its opposite. You can't define love, for example, without defining what love is not. So now, stripped to the bare bones, you've got relativity. And this relativity must have emerged from somewhere. Hence, we can propose the God Source as the Absolute, the infinite potential, the singularity, the Pure Presence from where the relativity sprang - the "Big Outbreath" as the Brahamans call it or the Big bang as the quantum physicists do.
The problem religion has with science, is that they couldn't possibly imagine this God as nothing - no thing. The ego attaches negative value to nothing. It can't handle a Universe with no central, or all-encompassing, identity. That's because they haven't yet reached the point in their own evolution, where they've ventured over the precipice, inside themselves, into the Absolute Source of everything. Way beyond what they conceived they were. It's too risky. It's too frightening. Not least, because it blows apart every story, every idea, every mental concept, the mind holds. Even relativity dissolves back into it. Even the "Holy Spirit" or "Infinite Consciousness", vapourises and disappears from whence it came.
Only there can you discover what the ego could never own - the spectacular divinity of everything. So mind blowing is this state of infinite potential, it takes another state to hold it - that of divine Witnessing, the "Seer of All Things". Imagine you've journeyed deep within, and you're gazing into a central lake. The lake is a bottomless well of infinite potential. You cannot experience it, as there's nothing to experience - no quality, nothing manifest there. But what you can do, is experience the expansionism, the infinite sense of peace, the feeling of ultimate arrival, as you dissolve into it.
Can you now hold this experience as a sense of witnessing presence, in the background of your experience - the blank canvas - as you look out into the world? This is being the Witnesser of all things. The God Source. The Infinite Presence. Who you truly are.
Know this state, and you've found the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
It can be a tortuous journey getting there though. Don't expect it to be easy. Surrendering inwards will take you a long way. But there'll be boundaries and densities to push through as well. It takes great courage to surrender to these fathomless depths.
Some people, have been brave enough to go there. It's often when you've become so disillusioned with the systemic ridiculousness of society. In so many ways, it just doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up - the degree of injustice, inequity, brutality. Surely there must be more to life? Religion may provide some distant hope for a while, but it still leaves too many questions unanswered. It still papers over the all-too-visible cracks. You must venture through these tears in the veils of life. You must accept the hopelessness, because the place you must really go to, is that which precedes hope; that which precedes all things. And the only place to do that, is inside yourself.
Valiant souls have gone there - just the odd one or two in the beginning - the mavericks and the misfits of society who'd lost all investment in it, all identification with it, all hope that it could ever fix things. And so they let go, probably in some cave somewhere, just like the one Chris and I were dwelling in right now. They stripped reality down to its bare bones, and went within, as far as it could take them, and then beyond. Beyond all of 'this' and 'that'. Beyond all relativity. Beyond all Identity. Beyond all hope.
And the prize they discovered was stupendous. Beyond value and even beyond the mind's ability to grasp it. It's the completion of everything. All journeys fulfilled. All questions answered. All the 'lights' in the Universe light up. You've arrived in the God Source and you know it. And to be able to experience it, you must have become the Everything, by passing through the no thing. Because how can you possibly be the Absolute, if the relativity hasn't yet dissolved within you? In that moment, you've become the Absolute. You've become God. And you know it.
People may touch this state, until the mind is triggered by it, with questions and conundrums. How, for example, can I know this presence and still be in a physical body? How can I function in life, and still retain this immaculate state? The answer rests in being able to hold a dynamic equilibrium in your mind, and in your being. Not one singular truth, but a paradox - two apparently contradictory truths simultaneously: Presence, Zero, Absolute, which suddenly cascades outwards into the outflow of relativity - 'this' and 'that'. Thoughts trigger in this dynamic interplay, emotions, feelings, expressions. None of them are you, they are flowing from you. But then a creationist might point to the body and ask, "where did that possibly come from?" You must drop below the surface of relativity, and dare to look under the hood. Because even the physical body, with its three trillion cells, is nothing but a complex interplay of this cascading flow of relativity. It's an illusion. A real one.
Where is the body experienced? Within you, as an intricate dance of 'this' and 'that'. Nothing more. Nothing less. When you can explode the myth of all things 'physical', or the judgement of 'this' and 'that', which fixes your identity by the polarity, then you can truly flow in life from the Creator Source, as a soul. And to get there, requires a 'crucifixion' of everything you thought you once were. It's the direct internal confrontation with every thought, every sense, every feeling that you identify as real - and is defining you in some limiting way. It's going right to the epicentre of these convolutions with fearless conviction. You look into their eyes, and dare them to make it tougher, harder, "Bring it on!" Until you penetrate through them, and explode the myth that they always were. This, is the "Crucifixion". And this liberation is what religion denied people of, in making it about one man. One myth. It's high time to grow up. To come of age.
Crucifixion is a metaphor of everything we must be prepared to let go of, everything we must be prepared to own and confront. Everything that would separate us from the inviolable God Source within. For some, it will be physical. Perhaps reminiscent of the biblical story. For others, it will be the emotional battlefield, torn apart in relationships. For plenty it will be the plane of the intellect - realising you have to go beyond all mental precepts and concepts, if you're to truly understand God and the nature of life itself.
Crucifixion awaits us all in some guise or other. It will call you when the soul is ready to venture beyond the precipice of the illusion, and into the God Source within. And the only thing to fear about it, is resisting it. Because this only intensifies the suffering. Surrender into it, be prepared to pass through that intense convergence, and when you do, you'll explode the myth of everything in life that previously held you. You're reborn, gloriously free. You, yourself, now as the God that you are. This is what Chris was now on the precipice of.
"Are you ready then, Chris? Ready to go back there?"
"I know you mean the crucifixion. But to be completely honest - I'm afraid. Afraid, not of the experience itself. But what it might, or might not, tell me about me."
"I understand. But you've done so much travelling, so much journeying, with so much commitment, why not step through the door marked 'fear'? The only thing it can do, is strip away illusion."
"I know you're right. And it's the only place to go."
I too had plenty of trepidation. I already knew the biblical past was a part of my story too. "Let's go there together," I suggested. "Let's just breathe, relax, expand, and let it flow. See what comes." And so we did.
RESURRECTION is available from this website and all major platforms on 27th April, 2024.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Unraveling energetic knots
In reply to RESURRECTION: Book preview, 3/4 - Crucifying the Ego by Open
Thank you Open for holding the space! I felt to share a piece of my journey. I feel the truth within your words and here are some that came through…
On the edge of the alchemy within a changing landscape is where emergence, transformation, and transcendence seemingly occurs. Consciousness shifting once again to breakdown yet another identity that was perceived to effectively transport the soul through this third dimension of physical reality. Feeling the cracks breaking and not getting lost within the process allows the integration of emergence of yet another layer to simultaneously dissolve and formulate which creates a perceived sense of instability on some level.
The invisible internal tug of war within is a game that is being played. On the surface appears harmless yet deep within the constructed psyche it becomes maze like, encountering past karmic experiences becomes a sign post where energetic tangles unravel another knot in the rope. Each knot encountered reflects a pain source, a lesson to unlearn, a hurdle to overcome, a self inflicted handcuff to break away from all constructed from imaginary neurological pathways to keep me holding onto the rope….engaged, immersed, pulled into the constructed perceptions that ultimately enslaves the energy of the soul. At one point in time a great warrior chief or Maat…
this is inviting a process to occur.
Perhaps given the energy of Ra on this thread, I have felt the energy of Maat emerging who is said to be the daughter of the sun god, Ra.
Her name has come through me for years and I have danced on the surface intentionally as the energy feels immense… the weight of the responsibility feels like a ton of cement yet it’s with a feather that a heart is weighed. Here comes the inner struggle yet again as the human mind puts restrictions on perceived experiences creating doubt which I see as a box, applying limitations which I see as chains, stripping away the joy of an authentic experience which I see as a lock being turned. Going deeper into the knot, pulling, digging deeper, unraveling to the core…. Responsibility weighs heavy on my heart and I see that reflection.
As I let go energetically, free the mind….Am I falling or am I flying? Allowing the weight to fall away, the grief and well of eternal tears begins to flow and wash over humanity. A sense of relief ensues and for a brief period of time I feel the soaring freedom as another identity is freed. Did I truly let go or am I just between the knots.
The first time I encountered a knot and unraveled it, I felt I was truly free. I felt the pure joy… The second time I thought.., that was it! I did it again, I died again to live on. The third time, I started to recognize the pattern….This single life contains a series of deaths and resurrections as the soul is on a trajectory to coexist harmoniously within and without…. Enlightened
much love to all on this courageous journey,
On the edge of the alchemy within a changing landscape
In reply to Unraveling energetic knots by erica r
Thanks for sharing this reflection Erica - alchemical insights indeed. I especially loved this...
On the edge of the alchemy within a changing landscape is where emergence, transformation, and transcendence seemingly occurs. Consciousness shifting once again to breakdown yet another identity that was perceived to effectively transport the soul through this third dimension of physical reality. Feeling the cracks breaking and not getting lost within the process allows the integration of emergence of yet another layer to simultaneously dissolve and formulate which creates a perceived sense of instability on some level.
Interesting that you brought up Maat, the daughter of Ra. The name resonates with a key character in the book, although with a different, well-known name - "Immaculate Mary". It will make sense when people read the book.
Much love
Open 💎
In reply to RESURRECTION: Book preview, 3/4 - Crucifying the Ego by Open
With that one realisation, that you a physical manifestation of a God/dess on a cosmological scale, you start to see how this world has been so thwarted from a natural healthful expression. The inversion is such that the most realised beings starve on the banks of the Ganges or clean toilets for a living. People worshiping God/dess' out there, which has devolved ever further into anyone in perceived authority, celebrities, experts, the rich.
And yet we ourselves are the living embodiment of all potential creation itself, desperately yearning to be free to express through beauty, truth, love and justice ad infinitum. Imagine how this world would be if everybody were actually who they are? If all the Soul archetypes and mythologies were integrated into the Real Self and lived in full awareness as the lives were gifted?!
If you want to see the most precious priceless piece of God/dess artwork, the living breathing earthly version, go look in the mirror. Sculpt a bust of yourself, paint a self-portrait, of the one that truly embodies all, not a particular cultural theme or motif. The unlimited version. For that is who we are! All of us
The potential. When I contemplate this, I feel I could literally burst 🌈
accessing the absolute source of the divine within
In reply to Starsky by You as you know it (not verified)
Hi Starsky,
You said...
With that one realisation, that you a physical manifestation of a God/dess on a cosmological scale, you start to see how this world has been so thwarted from a natural healthful expression. The inversion is such that the most realised beings starve on the banks of the Ganges or clean toilets for a living. People worshiping God/dess' out there, which has devolved ever further into anyone in perceived authority, celebrities, experts, the rich.
It's the central theme of the new book. It's time to deconstruct the 'temple' - that which prevents accessing the absolute source of the divine within.
Much appreciation
Open 💎
RESURRECTION: Time of the mass breakout is upon us!
14/04/2024 Shift Update: Prison Breakout Ahead!
I'm here out in sunny Mexico, preparing for an Openhand retreat taking place all week. It seems the perfect place to spend some quality time, going deep, in advance of the release of Openhand's new body of work, RESURRECTION, which is coming up soon...
Discover the RESURRECTION on April 27th 2024
What is RESURRECTION all about?
It's the mass breakout from the simulation, from the illusions and the deceptions of the synthetic reality we've found ourselves embroiled within. It's the time of the mass 'prison' breakout!
Which is why it's so perfect to be here in Mexico, because I'm reminded of the daring retreat we ran here a few years back, right in the middle of lockdown. It felt like the moment should be seized, to shatter the illusion of control, and blaze pathways of light through the deceptive density.
Really it was all just a game of charades, of smoke and mirrors. Just like the escalating dramas of the 3D simulation that are ramping up by the day.
Time to stop playing it so small!
Why play their game?
Why play it so small?
It's time to breakout of the 3D, cross the 4D karmic plane within us, and expand into magical 5D.
That's exactly what we're be doing here up in the marvellous mountains of Mexico. Join us, and I'll share some daily insights to inspire your path.
The time of the mass prison breakout is here.
And yes, the lady checking boarding passes at the deserted Heathrow airport really did ask me to "remove my mask" when I wasn't wearing one. Just goes to show the depth of the simulation!...
Bright blessings to all you escapees!
Open 💎
RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 2/4 Flower of Life
Writing a book, to me, feels like crossing some metaphoric mountain range! And here we are, the final few peeks, just three weeks away from the launch.
With that in mind, here's part 2 of the 4-part serialisation: "Flower of Life"...
2/4 Flower of Life
The air between us was now filling with a tangible sense of mysticism, as if it had taken on an entirely new quality altogether. Sounds were crisper, louder. They weren't just 'out there', but rippling through you, as if, for a while, they became an intimate part of you. The light polarised less into the judgments of 'this' and 'that'. It all danced as light and dark, patterns and flows, such that you became a part of it, immersed in it. I call it the "dreamspace". You've transcended the merely physical and come into the quantum field itself. You've become a part of the chemistry - the alchemy - that creates. To me, this is the real juice of living, and there's nothing to compare. It's less and less about the outcome, but the intrigue you're feeling as the conscious co-creator. Every movement becomes the actualisation of a dance you're having with the Divine. You're consciously actualising in this space, along with the Divine. Creations are the product of that, the effect of it. It's like unwrapping presents at Christmas time - the real joy is the intrigue before they're opened. A wise person will come to realise that, and drink in the juice of it, all around them. This, is this real manna of life - the "Flower of Life".
"Everything changed for me after the crash," Chris said, as he bounced me right back into the journey, "I felt like I'd been reborn. No, I was reborn! I was in a state of expansive bliss, and everything was speaking to me - the 'caw' of a bird, the breeze on my face, clouds moving across the sky, all with their own story to tell. This poetic symmetry was writing itself, as if by some immense unseen hand, and with me a part of it, immersed in it. It's as if it was being written for me. But I knew, that what was really happening, was the revelation of me - just as every actor, every creature in the story, was revealing themselves too. It was everywhere. There was literally nothing else going on. Even when I engaged with the Matrix and people in it, I could see how every moment in their lives was inviting the same divine connection - I could feel the weave that was creating for them: how their shadow reactivity was tripping them up, and how the Divine was working to free them.
"The tragedy was though, no one was watching it. No one was seeing it. They were going about their busy lives without seemingly the faintest inkling of what was behind it all, how they were a part of creating it all - or at least could be. They seemed to have no clue, nor interest, as to why or how?"
"I sense you were saddened by that?"
"Yes, it felt like such a waste. Such a shame for them to be suffering like that. All like fishes out of water, gasping on the bank, struggling to be put back into the river. And for the Divine - the sense of a waste of energy, a waste of time, just trying to communicate."
"And that's your illusion, your misunderstanding. Does the Sun need someone to bask in it when it comes up in the morning? No. It's simply a pleasure for the Sun to shine. It's fulfilling itself in so doing, as for all life. It's the purpose of the quantum field to weave, to connect, to speak, to reveal. It's an endless stream of water, running from a great cosmic tap, when you switch it on."
"That's the point isn't it - we have to switch it on to experience it."
"Exactly. Each has to break through the density in them that's keeping the tap closed."
"I recall going into a place where the feeling of bliss kept switching off. There seemed to be a purpose, a movement, a direction, which when I followed, caused tightness and constriction inside."
"It's the Flower of Life."
"Please explain."
"Everything is a fractal of The One - a Torus, which kind of looks like an apple. You have a core through the middle, which represents the spinning vortex of the Torus. And then the outer layers of it crystallise into the fruit. The energy of it is an oscillating, gyrating, flow of biomagnetic energy. But crucially, each fractal is a part of a bigger one - you with the Earth, the Earth with the solar system, the solar system with the galaxy. Each fractal, each Torus, therefore, is a part of some flowing movement. You can be in bliss in your own expansive fractal, but at some point, if you're truly surrendered into it, the flow will sweep you up and invite action, expression, engagement."
"Sounds amazing - it is amazing!"
"Yes, BUT, the animation of flow accelerates your confrontation with all life around you. Your soul must actively engage, if you're to stay in the Torus itself. You must actively step into it. And in situations where the soul is not yet fully realised of this, where it invests in the need for a particular outcome, or else is resisting what the natural flow is inviting of it, then the soul fragments back into the external crystallisation, the drama on the surface, where it's become invested".
"I recognise that all too well. It feels like pain. Your mind spins into endless story loops, your emotions fire, even the body feels stiff and uncomfortable."
"Exactly. And when people feel this, they need to 'pop some pill' to deal with the pain - distraction from the flow that's inviting an uncomfortable confrontation of truth with someone. Something to consume, so as to deaden the emotional pain. Some diversion off into some alternate, more comfortable, reality. In fact, the whole of society is just such an avoidance mechanism, on a systemic scale."
As I'm writing this in early 2024, people need to realise just how intense and all-pervading the Matrix is now becoming on the planet - yet, I must add, still infinitely breakable too. The Annunaki have now been healed by Benevolent action and extracted out. However, a new alliance has reconfigured around Ra, who's taken the active reins of the Intervention, supported by Tall White synthetic 4D beings, but most important of all, backed up by Artificial Intelligence - which is rapidly infusing all aspects of society. Especially when you use the internet, the mobile phone or pretty much any kind of technology, you're interfacing with their synthetic "Metaverse". It's a system of algorithmic bots that trawl your browsing habits, and then play back to you what they want you to see and consume - your desires, but subtly adjusted into their very complex, overarching, systemic design.
It's enveloping both the intelligence services AND the financial system. Their gross idea is to strip humanity of the final vestiges of freedom - marshalling the global resource infrastructure that they completely own and control, providing a constant 'gravy train' that the 'lower classes' (most of society) are expected to feed from. "You'll own nothing and be happy about it," goes the saying. Except they don't say, "Meanwhile, we'll own everything and control you with it!"
Ra is even arrogant enough to believe that, through this overarching 'Big Father' control, AI can replicate a shadow of real divine synchronicity: the system suggests what you might like to consume, to watch or engage with, which mirrors with your daily habits. And then it stimulates a quick dopamine hit in the brain, which provides a temporary moment of upliftment. I call it the "Three Second Dopamine Hit" - just enough time for you to scroll, with your thumb, onto the next quick fix. It's already creating a swathe of society permanently in a zombified state - they're awake, but everything is being spoonfed to them. There's just enough of the gravy train, to keep them comfortably on the sofa of life.
But Ra is mistaken. Arrogant in believing that for a broad swathe of awakening people, it will be enough to entrap them. For a while, maybe it will. But the Grand Galactic Convergence is powering up. The Flower of Life is reanimating the planet and people on it - those whose antennae are up, and feeling the real juice of life. You see, this synthetic Metaverse can never replace true active kundalini, that rises from the base and connects in the Third Eye. That, with every converging blast of synchronicity, rattles you to your core, with a sense of divine love. Let go of the need for any kind of outcome. Just revel in this divine dance of life. But make no mistake, you won't be left empty-handed either. Because it can manifest in the most magical of ways.
RESURRECTION is released on this site and all major platforms on 27th April 20204.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Flower of Life
In reply to RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 2/4 Flower of Life by Open
The organic life experiences cannot be replaced by the synthetic versions although the landscape is now being painted with both, oh the choices that will be made! Love how you are integrating your story through your upcoming book Resurrection. I can’t wait to read it in its entirety!
Much Love,
just one more thing
Hey Open,
After reading all the previewers comments it intensifies the feeling I have inside that this book is like a rocket ready to launch, like an archer pulling back on the bow and as I said before, a gong that will vibrate rippling the resonace of truth across the earth! Calling those that are ready to forge ahead.
Absolutely stunning and pivotal in these times!
Heartfelt thanks for this gift. 🏹🌋🚀🔔
Sat nam
Erin 💚🌺
Revelations from the book RESURRECTION - Healing 🌟
I would like to share some revelations I had from the book Resurrection. In my meditation, I was contemplating something from the book. I had deep resonances when I read the portion of the book about healing. One of the lines from the book says, "Cancer is the healing!" Now I understand, how religion, spirituality, and other healing practices revolve around healing the physical. And every time we are oriented towards this approach, we are reinforcing the illusionary belief, that we are physical. But what is true healing or true empowerment? I think it's really knowing ourselves as the presence beyond the identification of the body-mind. How liberating is this when we can see all the apparent mishaps in our lives as the doorway towards healing, which is realizing who we really are?!
When this landed, I noticed a BS entity that was latched on to the crown, leaving my crown, which I think was attached to this mistaken idea of healing, perhaps for lifetimes. My crown chakra suddenly opened to welcome more of the expansive light energy!
When some powerful realization like this happens, it's sure to reflect some synchronicity on the outside as well. After meditation, I went to the living room to see that my friend had accidentally dropped a rock on my guitar, causing a dent in the black lining on the top. She was afraid that I might be angry that this had happened. But I was reveling in the reflection the universe had provided to have any negative reaction at all. I recognize music as one of my expressions, and so is healing. I'm sure this is inviting a refined way of looking towards healing and facilitation - no longer a way of fixing or resolving. Who is fixing? But to see it more as an opportunity for self-realization and self-actualization!
true healing
In reply to Revelations from the book RESURRECTION - Healing 🌟 by Vimal
Hey Vimal,
I too have had a shattering of the whole healing thing and resonate with what you expressed.
It is quite liberating after a lifetime of seeing it in a purely physical/emotional way!
I have also had a lovely expansion today I wrote about it in my sharing Snowflakes falling.
I feel so grateful to have been led to this community!
Big hugs to you
Erin 💚🌺
In reply to true healing by Zee
Snow Geese
Oh, to love what is lovely, and will not last.
What a task
to ask
of anything, or anyone,
yet it is ours,
and not by the century or the year, but by the hours.
One fall day I heard
above me, and above the sting of the wind, a sound
I did not know, and my look shot upward; it was
a flock of snow geese, winging it
faster than the ones we usually see,
and, being the colour of snow, catching the sun
so they were, in part at least, golden.
I held my breath
as we do
to stop time
when something wonderful
has touched us
as with a match,
which is lit, and bright,
but does not hurt
in the common way,
but delightfully,
as if delight
were the most serious thing
you ever felt.
The geese
flew on,
I have never seen them again.
Maybe I will, someday, somewhere.
Maybe I won't.
It doesn't matter.
What matters
is that, when I saw them,
I saw them
as through the veil, secretly, joyfully, clearly.
Mary Oliver
RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 1/4 Negev
In the build-up to the release of the new Openhand Book RESURRECTION, I felt to share a 4-part serialisation.
Here's part 1...
1/4 Negev
You could hear their feet trudging in the dust some distance away. The desert is as quiet as a tombstone in the middle of the night. The air is crisp, and sound waves travel a long way, bouncing off the rocks, echoing like ghosts, rippling up gulleys and valleys. The Israeli platoon, of some 30 soldiers, snake their way up the desert track, on a course that is causing some degree of concern to me. Meanwhile, Chris has taken shelter that night, in a protective ditch amongst shrubs and bushes, which would normally offer some degree of protection; that is unless the Israeli Defence Forces are conducting exercises right in your vicinity. I'm watching down from the 4D, where I can clearly see their coil of energy, like a centipede, weaving its way steadily toward Chris.
That's what it's like being a "Watcher" or a "Guardian"- you watch patiently. No matter how challenging or bone-crunching, it is not your remit to change the course of destiny - even if it means a crucifixion. If you have a good connection with your subject you can highlight spikes in the field, bring attention to converging synchronicities, and hold the space so as to elevate consciousness. It means being really good at 'holding your breath'. And I would say to everyone reading, you all have your Watchers, your Guardians, and when you're prepared to be awake and aware enough, with active attention as to the subtleties happening around you, it's most likely they're speaking through them. To be clear though, they're not here to spoon-feed, nor to change the path of destiny that your soul is calling for - the confrontations you need. So do work to let go of any frustration, which will greatly ease the communication!
"Relax, Chris, relax", I whispered gently across the desert night as the snaking coil of the platoon steadily converged with his position - I knew I was communicating it, just as much for me, as for him.
And then, as the platoon was almost upon Chris's location, something curious happens - I'm seeing thirty pieces of sparkling light, in a candle-lit hall, cascading across a stone floor, seemingly aeons ago. It threw me for a moment, stealing my awareness from the here and now. I know the signature all too well - a past life of my own is triggering. They happen to everyone in regular life - curious convergences that cause a dissonant spike in the flow of the moment, some 'chicane' that wraps you up in a deeper meaning. It's amazing how past lives weave reflections into this one. We must learn to recognise these convergences and 'turn into them', no matter how inconvenient: a relationship row, hitting a traffic jam when you're late for work. It's these priceless moments that invite us to go to work within, to accept the 'spiritual gym'. For these will present the touch points of karma, which is the reason we're here, and offering the possibility of maximum spiritual growth.
This time, for me, the platoon I'm watching, the thirty sparks of crackling light in the dark desert night, have flashed me right back in time: I'm seeing thirty pieces of silver cast at Judas for betraying Jesus. And now I'm in the midst of wonder, "Was I there?" It seems so real, as vivid as if it were yesterday. Other visions and memories start to flood my awareness - "It will be your own healing too," I recall The Team gently warning me at the start of this mission. Immediately I was contemplating, "How strange it is that Christianity cannot yet see past its own nonsensical duality": even if you only believe it was a story, and not necessarily that it actually happened, Judas was instrumental in delivering Jesus to his crucifixion, which was clearly his destiny. To my mind, it was an act of friendship, that must have been brutally hard for him to carry out. It's clear: this speaks of a soulful agreement, a "Soul Contract". Jesus encouraged him on, consoled him that it was the necessary thing to do. What friendship it took. And yet the religion still calls it betrayal?
It's high time people started seeing beyond the veil of these antiquated belief systems - so that we can truly make sense of reality. Why those you love, for example, might push the deepest buttons in you, or at times derail you, even seem to betray you. Perhaps they're pushing you to your own destiny, to your own inner unravelling? On the spiritual path, you have to get used to these bone-crunching moments, where the soul is being stripped from the ego. The ego won't like it one bit!
Such are these Soul Contracts. They deliver you to the difficulty you most need to experience so as to evolve and grow. For me, they're one of the greatest forms of love. And as such, they often create reflections forward through history. You encounter the really close ones again and again.
The thirty pieces of crackling light made their way ever closer, until they were right alongside Chris. I held my breath. The field held its breath. History too held its breath. But this time, there was no discovery. The desert did not betray Chris. His destiny held a different path. I could hear him begin to chuckle, then to cackle, then to laugh. I laughed along with him, at the curious twist of fate and destiny.
RESURRECTION is released on this site and all major platforms on 27th April 20204.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Thank you for this little…
In reply to RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 1/4 Negev by Open
Thank you for this little insight into your book Open I look forward to reading it 😊
Oh wow! yes
In reply to RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 1/4 Negev by Open
Hey Open,
What a description! I felt like I was holding my breath too!
The truth ringing out like a gong reverberating in my soul! Oh wow!
Thankyou for sharing this snippet, anticipating the full read!
I feel I am ready for it as truth has shattered many illusions from christianity and most likely more to come I'm sure.
Thankyou for your tireless commitment to your mission.
Much love
Erin 💚🌺
RESURRECTION and Flower of Life
In reply to RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 1/4 Negev by Open
I remember freewheeling by the lake in Snowdonia as part of a divinicus retreat at Cae Mabon. I came across a decaying brick mining hut amist piles of masonary and junk. But on closer inspection, i saw beautiful, geometric shoots and green leaves spiraling from the cracks. You simply cannot hold back the flower of life. And in Open's new book, 'Resurrection', you can feel your own torus animating and surging in resonance. There is no holding it back and this book catalyses and illuminates the truth for those who seek. Importantly, it doesn't judge, instruct or pretend to offer solutions. It is the language of empowerment, navigating distortion and confusion to find the unique messiah within us all. In humble fashion, non are deified or placed on hierachical pedestals. Without trying to be too dramatic, I think this may be one of the most important books ever written. I could feel my lemurian DNA singing as I read through it, an invitation to clear a pathway and soar to the new 5D paradigm. But whatever happens from this point onwards, I am richer, more aware and more connected to my divinity for having read it. I feel infinite gratitude for this gift, filtered from the higher realms and presented at this pivotal, alchemic moment in the shift. I honour the brave souls who bridged human consciousness in this way and eased the path to self realisation for those following. The warrior ray in me is empowered to step into my sovereignty fearlessly. If benevolent support in the ether was ever questioned, this is the resounding answer.
Taster of book
In reply to RESURRECTION 4-part serialisation: 1/4 Negev by Open
What a great taster of the upcoming new book! It is sure to be a stirring and revelatory tale. From those who have already shared about it, I feel lots of anticipation to jump into the experience and see what it brings forward. Beautiful writing as well Open!
'Journey's End'
In reply to Taster of book by .Wren
I've been inspired to write a book to help assimilate the final incarnation. Reflected by a friend being given a cancer diagnosis yesterday. I may have to work with the 'creator's shadow, where perfectionism is an obstacle and projects are put off! I will have to apply some self-discipline (and Open as a muse 😃).
a spiritual gem
I've been sitting with what to say for a while now. I am one of the preview readers of Resurrection, and it's taken me a while not just to read the book itself, but let everything it stirred in me soften and settle.
It is an amazingly powerful book, that offered a great number of reflections that spoke into my own journey and opened doorways into further inquiries. As well as a few of those awesome, Aha! I get it! - moments, where suddenly the internal landscape shifts, the view shifts, and you see and understand things you didn't see or fully understand before. It is also a great, unfolding tale of one being's continuing inquiry into past and self, into energy and identity that kept me hooked.
But more than that, to me, there was a strong resonance, a feeling of Truth in the tale shared. There was also a knowing, understanding, that this is not about the story, or the characters in it, neither past nor present. This is about the *energy* that flowed off the words, that I could all but see radiating off the text on my screen.
I feel to say ~ unlike what feels like all of my co-preview readers ~ I grew up in a strongly Christian household. And while I left the Church over twenty years ago, still there were times during the reading of Resurrection that I felt things triggered inside. I found that fascinating to watch and feel into and work with ~ though slightly unsettling as well, given that even after all this time and distance, the early conditioning (brainwashing) still kicked in at times to cringe and shriek, "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!”
I will definitely purchase the book when released as paperback, to go back and re-read it.
And this time with a notepad and pencil at hand, to excerpt all the paragraphs and sentences that really spoke to me. <3
I was fortunate to be one of the preview readers for the book Resurrection. Growing up organized religion never felt right to me and I did not develop strong religious roots. I share this because I believe my background enabled me to read this book with an open mind and without getting triggered.
The book is written as a story which I found made it both engaging and easy to read. I could feel the truth in the words and they unlocked a deep soul level remembrance in me that I found comforting. I'll have to sit with that and explore to gain a better understanding. I feel I'll be able to read the book several times and go deeper into my consciousness each time.
To me, feeling into the field, this book needed to be written at this time. The energy, vibration and frequency of this book will help benevolence in the shift. Whether or not it is widely read and accepted as truth is secondary. And as a bonus, for those of us who do choose to read this book with an inquisitive, open mind, it contains many gifts to help us on our journey.
Revelations from RESURRECTION - Book Review
Enjoying the revelations and integration from reading ‘Resurrection’, Open’s new book. I’ve just read a paragraph that has made my jaw drop to the floor;
"The Law of Attraction means that you'll also attract your shadow side so as to confront and break through it. You'll create circumstances and draw people so as to expose and animate your shadow. Really, we could say that both laws are referring to the same overall dynamic, just one is animating the aligned component of you, the other is animating the misaligned. Through these laws, the Universe is inviting you to be you."
This statement is so clear and maybe simple, but so utterly profound. The polarities of relatively more and less aligned are being bought into balance, coherence and harmony by integration. This is the path to unity consciousness. And presumably the innate intelligence of the quantum weaves experience, creating scenarios or opportunities to harmonise by reflecting the self back, but from shadow or light. This exemplifies the illusion of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, which are judgements based on distorted interpretation. All deviation from the stillness of the one must contain a degree of distortion and we may interpret this as error. But we’re engaged in a dance which uses degrees of misalignment to manifest creative flows with observation from the source.
‘The universe is inviting you to be you’. We may have difficulty in seeing our own shadow, but if we attract it as a reflection, then we can ask why we manifested it and recognise that we have unconscious blind spots. This concept is so elegant that I’m somewhat stunned. Although I’ve come across it before, it’s landing in a profound way.
RESURRECTION on course for release April 27th
In reply to Revelations from RESURRECTION - Book Review by andyvaz
For anyone wondering, the new Openhand Book, RESURRECTION is due out on April 27th.
Several Openhanders (including Andy above), have been given a sneak preview to help proofread.
The editing is just about complete now and we're moving into the book production phase.
Yes, we are our own publishers!
Open 💎
What is the truth in understanding God?
I'm just in the middle of reading this new book RESURRECTION (given to preview - thank you, Open, it’s such an honour!) and going slowly with it, as page after page it triggers inquiries. Wow, what a journey! I don’t feel ready yet to provide feedback on the full book, it’s still a long way for me to go with it, but felt to share some of my (not easy to hold) contemplations.
Born in the Soviet Union at a time when religion was taboo in the state and society was (forcefully) politically orientated, I was never religious (neither was I ever political). Nevertheless, for long years I had that clear sense of some magical force within and later it was naturally formed as a perception of God within. But now I have a sense that even that can form some subtle identity around the beingness. And I go into questioning it...
What is the truth in understanding God? Do we have the right perception of what is “God”? We say that we are Gods ourselves, or God is within us.
But maybe the icon such as God is a deception itself, that one intentionally created by the Intervention with the purpose of worship? Initially, in front of humanity they (Interventional groups) presented themselves as Gods – it’s already a sign of separation from divinity, isn’t it? And over the ages, a whole bunch of stories were created around that and twisted just for the reason of worship and so control. Thus, the formed perception that God (in general) is something above any imaginable power. We are taught to paint the picture of God in our belief system as being almighty. Is the Source (if that’s what we call “God”) really almighty?
Now it is all embedded in our psyche. That we need some God, an icon, to believe in, whether it is a separate God out there, or is it within us. And we pray to God…
When you ask "God" to give you the wisdom, you are, in that moment, establishing yourself as separate from God”. (the quote from RESURRECTION)
But if God is within us, why should we pray to him/her?
And then… if we find God within ourselves, there is a risk that for many (humans) a sense of "worshipping" could likely come from the ego. Here scenes from the film “The Vikings” came into my internal vision with the character Ivar the Boneless. When one discovers that power within but has the great challenge of holding it (because it might be a mind-blowing experience) and if the ego isn't solved to the highest degree yet, one would come up with a desire to “apply” or demonstrate that power externally, on/to others.
Perhaps there is no God as such at all, but only our own Divinity. Why it is so challenging for us to find the courage or the audacity to believe in what is within us already – in our divine power?
Am I going too far with it all?
With love
So excited!
Wow, very excited about the Resurrection book! Can't wait to read it. What a lovely feeling. Thanks, Open, for bringing this to us.
RESURRECTION Terrestrial Tickets Sold out, Zoom Still Available
What a response that was - the terrestrial tickets for the RESURRECTION project sold out in a day!
I guess people in the community are picking up the historic sense of what is unfolding here.
We do want to connect a community of people around the world. Because the project is as much about anchoring Star Being Connections. So it's always been our intention to reach out on Zoom and to livestream the Event. It is certain to be a historic occasion, due to the convergence of energies at this pivotal time.
Here's where you can check the details...
I'm positively brimming at the prospect.
Open 💎
Deeply touched by RESURRECTION book feedback ♥️
Hi Vimal, Andy & Pam - I am touched and deeply moved by your feedback for the new Book RESURRECTION. I do believe you've captured the historic sense of it. It gives me some sense of the value it might have in touching the right threads of consciousness.
A big heartful of love to you.
Open ♥️
Resurrection - a must read! 📖
I got the opportunity to preview the book before it was released. I found it difficult to put the book down for a few days. Some of the chapters in the books made me hold my breath, curiously waiting in anticipation to know what was going to transpire next.
This book is a revelation and stands boldly in the face of organized religion, which took power and sovereignty away from the people. Read it patiently, and it can illuminate many of our distortions where we stopped trusting in ourselves.
The book empowers you and inspires you to take it back from the guru on the pedestal or any supreme authority and to know the God-self within ourselves as a felt experience.
Thank you for writing this book. It's a must-read for anyone truly walking the spiritual path and embodying their higher self. I assure you that you will relate to the character, a historical figure, and the watcher in the ether in their predicament of bringing the divine light into a world that often feels harsh and unforgiving. Yet this can be done, as the book and the work around it offer essential wisdom and tools to unlock the soul and live it here and now!
Vimal 💚🙏
The deepest alchemy
I am reviewing Open's latest gift in the form of the book Ressurection, shortly to be released. I haven't finished yet and I am proceeding slowly. For me, the power the words hold are such that I have to have a long rest between chapters. It's difficult to put into words the shifting energy I feel when referring to this work. Anything won't do it justice but the intense catalytic and alchemic stirring of my soul's truth are evident to me. The truth Open shares is a truth for all of us. We descend into dense seperation, the confusion and frustration of the lower planes, then painstakingly journey our way back to the reality of who we are. This book follows the narrative of a soul with profound implications for our stories in the shift. For me, it's a passionate cry from the heart, through the ages. of the redemption of truth, meaning and ultimately our personal salvation, through the vulnerability and service of another. We are so blessed to have this resource. My deepest gratitude and love, to that humble messenger who incarnated thousands of years ago, whose truth will be heard no matter what. And my gratitude to that messenger's continuation, the author of this book, who stands to reveal even greater mysteries in this magnificent work.
A real page turner!
I have just finished Open’s new book ‘Resurrection’, as I was privileged to be one of his preview readers.
Wow! It’s really going to blow the lid off for a lot of people!
No spoilers, but it joined up so many dots for me. The only problem was trying to read it slowly enough to digest everything in there, but it was hard not to get carried along with the story. I failed miserably and will be going back to it soon to reread it as there is so much in there to contemplate and integrate (as there always is in Open’s books). In my defence it is both compelling and illuminating in equal measure, so I kept finding myself saying ‘just one more page’, ‘just one more page’…….
Thank you Open and deepest respect for having the courage to write this – I would say it’s your best book yet!
RESURRECTION - Thrilled to Launch Event & Video Today 🚀
The RESURRECTION Book & Project launch is coming together tremendously well. Above is the updated info of the event, with our new intro video, and links to where you can now purchase tickets for the April 27th Launch. Or click on this link below...
It's time for lift-off! 🚀
Open 🙏
You're like a Tree: you need your roots to reach to the heavens
The new Openhand Book, "RESURRECTION", is all about resurrecting the Original Human energy - the divine spark in humanity and reclaiming the planet in the process. Why is the past important? Because just like a tree, it's the roots that help us reach up to the heavens.
That's what I find inspiring about this sharing by the marvellous poet, David Whyte...
Reluctance and Enthusiasm
In reply to You're like a Tree: you need your roots to reach to the heavens by Open
Thank you for sharing this, Open. I particularly love the bit about "not choosing between your reluctance and your enthusiasm, but to put the two of them into conversation." And having more compassion for ourselves and others who are wrestling with that dichotomy--whether realized or not. That seems to capture the essence of human life in a phrase! So much of this journey of coming into wholeness is like trying to coax a frightened puppy out from under the bed--the wounded, fearful parts of us that have gone into hiding. Harsh force, arguing, berating--these don't work--it's what sent us into hiding in the first place! I don't mean by this to feed the wounded parts through distraction and addictions. It's like the ideal parent--loving discipline. Learning to love, reassure and teach those fearful hidden parts of our psyche until they don't need to hide anymore. And bringing the whole of us fully into the light.
To me this is what we are doing personally and collectively. So beautiful.
Lots of love to everyone.
Great advice on the path!
In reply to Reluctance and Enthusiasm by Meredith Davis (not verified)
That's great advice for the path Meredith.
Yes, I too love David's approach to it - the conversation between the two dissonant aspects of oneself.
Thanks for sharing.
Open 🙏
New Book Cover for Openhand Project: "RESURRECTION"
I'm pleased to say the final editing of the new Openhand Book, in the 5D Ascension Series, is now in its final stages. And we're well on schedule for the launch of the project on April 27th. As society twists and turns through ever complex narratives and AI entrapments, it seems the timing is perfect for this material.
It's all about how we extract out of the synthetic simulation that society is escalating to. It's Resurrecting our divinity and helping reclaim the planet in the process. It's entirely possible, and I believe will happen. The only question is: how many will escape and join the New Paradigm?
We now have a design for the Book cover. Which we feel conveys the energetic sense of it well. Our very own Thomas has done the design - thankyou Thomas, it feels perfect! 🙏
See what you think...
Some of you have been asking how to reserve places for the Book and Project Launch Event?
It will be listed here on March 9th.
The future is bright.
Open 💎
Very much looking forward to…
In reply to New Book Cover for Openhand Project: "RESURRECTION" by Open
Very much looking forward to this! I've a feeling it's going to be important to many people. And well done Thomas, the cover is gorgeous! barb🙏
New Book Cover
In reply to New Book Cover for Openhand Project: "RESURRECTION" by Open
Hi Open
Great to hear all is on schedule for the New Book Release, The cover is beautiful, My favourite colour is Blue, Love the images and the Earth in the picture too. Well done to Thomas very creative.
Grateful to be part of this!
Looking forwards to reading this book. I know I have enjoyed all the previous books and gained massively through it. What surprise do we have in store this time with Openhand's new line of work. I'm excited to be continually part of this. That indeed sounds like a good song title Andy! Maybe you can write lyrics for it 😄
Vimal 💚🙏
here you go Vimal...
In reply to Grateful to be part of this! by Vimal
Keep on going.
Awaken your soul to the coming age,
Listen to the shift,
Listen, see and touch and taste,
Revel in the shift,
From your inner shadow cave,
Show your divine truth,
Welcome the galactic wave,
Like a sunbeam through the roof,
Purify, electrify,
to the highest level,
Together as a brotherhood,
Together we will revel,
Awaken now, awaken now,
The time has come to pass,
Awaken now, awaken now,
Christ consciousness at last,
The inner messiah is pushing through,
In loving crystalline,
The work is done with the central sun,
Time to realign.
Awaken all from your slumber now,
Join the light parade,
Ascending with the sacred bow,
Riding violet rays,
From crucible, you forged your soul,
The quantum had your back,
No longer fragments, now you’re whole,
No torture on the rack,
The journeys over, nearly done,
but it’s really never ending,
If you want to find the central sun,
Just keep right on ascending.
Awaken now, awaken now,
The time has come to pass,
Awaken now, awaken now,
Christ consciousness at last,
The inner messiah is pushing through,
In loving crystalline,
The work is done with the central sun,
Time to realign.
here you go Andy...Awaken the messiah within!
In reply to here you go Vimal... by andyvaz
From Soumya and me to Openhand community..I changed the poem a little bit to fit the melody.
c'est merveilleux
In reply to here you go Andy...Awaken the messiah within! by Vimal
Well, what can I say except double wow with Pike, that was awesome. Vimal and Soumya, we're onto something here. And how that feels in terms of cocreation through the ether and on this forum. You've really inspired me now. You rose to and surpassed the challenge. Deepest respect.
Collaboration in Openhand
In reply to c'est merveilleux by andyvaz
Thank you for your kind words Andy. I really liked the poem and was fascinated how you could create something like that effortlessly. You have found your flow in that one. I was not intending to make a whole track like that but just started with a simple tune but somehow there was enough motivation to sit through the night and create it. I think the Openhand energies were with me in it. Maybe this could spark further co-creative processes through this platform. That would be wonderful!
Vimal 🙏
Coco creative..
In reply to Collaboration in Openhand by Vimal
Another for your talents Soumyah and Vimal.
Feelin good..
I’m coming through the shift today,
Energise and fly away,
Chakras burning like the sun,
I’m realising everyone…
Aha, I’m burning, yeah -I’m free,
No longer churning, this is me,
Aha, expanding rise and shine,
Humanity’s new paradigm.,
Oh yea-ah, I feel good,
Oh yea-ah, riding high,
Oh yeah-ah, really good,
There’s a burning within I can’t deny.
But why did I come, where is my home,
through that portal, felt so alone,
Through the veil, I couldn’t see,
I was blind, I was scared, but now I’m free.
Oh yea-ah, I feel good,
Oh yea-ah, riding high,
Oh yeah-ah, really good,
There’s a burning within I can’t deny.
I’m riding the Kachina now,
To new experience and wow,
I feel it more and more-ia,
Returning to Lemuria..
Oh yea-ah, I feel good,
Oh yea-ah, riding high,
Oh yeah-ah, really good,
There’s a burning within I can’t deny.
Wow such a talent! 😃Great…
In reply to Coco creative.. by andyvaz
Wow such a talent! 😃Great lyrics! Keep up the uplifting inspiration, I personally get a boost from it, thank you! barb🙏
Lovely to hear you guys expressing from the heart.
In reply to here you go Andy...Awaken the messiah within! by Vimal
wow guys - we have our own Openhand music group building there.
Lovely to hear you guys expressing from the heart.
Much love and well wishes
Open 💎
So beautiful Vimal and…
In reply to here you go Andy...Awaken the messiah within! by Vimal
So beautiful Vimal and Soumya! My heart soars with your lovely and loving words! Thank you for inspiring! barb 🙏
Fantastic Andy! Getting deep…
In reply to here you go Vimal... by andyvaz
Fantastic Andy! Getting deep chills here reading this heartfelt and deeply inspiring work, well done and thank you for the upliftment! barb🙏
Lets go!
Thank you Open, for your continuing dedication the the enlightening of souls and their growth through these extraordinary times. I look forward with anticipation to your new book, alchemic is shall be. "Awaken the messiah within', thats an incredibly powerful statement, almost the title for a song ( where's Vimal). I'll be with you all the way, enjoying the journey and remaining grateful for the experience.
How to know if you're on the right path
When you're writing a book, developing a project, or whatever moves your soul, you'll only get the best manifestation if you let go of the outcome. It's contradictory to most of what the mainstream will tell you.
Here's a breath of fresh air...
Trying to understand
Hi Open
Congratulations on your upcoming book release, I will certainly be getting myself a copy. In the meantime I am going to read the 5D shift book and later will buy from here the trilogy of books. I hope you will not mind me asking these questions when the Earth does go through this 5D ascension will that mean there will be no Earth left and no more humans alive. This would be an evolution similar to the Big Bang as it was called. I have read a few bits on the site now and just watched your video The sword and the stone. I really wish I had known about you back then I really didn’t find out the Covid was a hoax till just a few months ago. I love the way you just went out and had no fear was a good video to watch. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure you said on Ickonic that you were about to swap with a man who had a car accident,I haven’t got my subscription yet as I’m waiting till I can dedicate more time to watch it, so I can’t find where I saw this. To me though it speaks like you have come here among others to help humanity, in which way it may have come and now as that was not necessary as the man came back to his body, you are and probably was sent to help the humans and release them from this trap and as you said in the video Fascist/Communist world it’s become. I am thinking this will mean when the work is done you will ascend to 5D and go to enlightenment. I expect the other 8 you mentioned will do the same. I also think that the open hand ones like yourself will also do this. I have tried the medication it’s a very good breathing method, will take some getting used to I am asthmatic, I have so far only tried it once and then have been trying parts of it so far I feel nothing, I’m going to keep going though and keep reading everything on this website going to take me a long time comments go up to 800 or so. I hope one day to find my own connection to my mind, conscious or soul I may require one to one help to get there, I have obstacles. I know I am not in any way going to be doing work you and others are doing, though I still want to understand and see the information that would come to me if I could make that connection. I assume the earthquakes in Iceland are due to the Earth and not events brought on by other means. Once you achieve enlightenment where is that I know in the higher realms does that then mean you’re energy can help others from any dimension or go on to other dimensions, learn and have new experiences or is that the last stop and you stay in that area forever., as I think I read that once you get to this you’ve gone through all Karma so no need to return, but it does go on forever.
Thank you for your time. 🙂
What will happen to humans on the Earth at the 5D Ascension?
In reply to Trying to understand by findanswers
Hi Findanswers,
I won't answer all your questions at once. But what feels like the most important one at this time...
When the Earth does go through this 5D ascension
will that mean there will be no Earth left and no more humans alive?
Not at all. But as the Earth shifts to 5D consciousness, then after the culminating Event where the Earth is completely purified in the 3D, you'll have to also be in 5D consciousness to continue to exist here. The surface of the 3D earth will be cleansed completely clear, leaving a purified "stone" around which the fruit of the New 5D Paradigm will be formed.
I explain it in detail in this article here...
The Process of Transformation from 3D to 5D Earth
Well wishes
Open 🙏
So exciting!
Hi Open,
Congratulations on releasing your new book! I'm really looking forward to reading it.
I can appreciate how much energy is put into writing a book and launching a new project - hats off to you for your continued dedication to the shift. We're all so fortunate to be able to connect and be inspired by the Openhand work.
It feels like things are moving up a gear, inviting deeper inner clarity and commitment. Connection to and orientation from the magic and mystic layers, becoming ever more tangible.
Much love
Thanks for your support ❤️
In reply to So exciting! by Richard W
Thanks for your support Rich - it's much appreciated ❤️
The New Project Launch took Inspiration from Excalibur 🗡️
Some of you will recognise the Sword Excalibur in the photo of the project, that will appear on the front cover of the book. It's the monument in Llanberis, near to the centre in Snowdonia where we do the annual DIVINICUS retreat. The Sword also inspired a previous Openhand project called, "The Sword and the Stone", to challenge lockdowns in 2021. Even though a few years back now, it still bears relevance into this new project launch.
A launch video is set to follow soon, but for now, be inspired by the previous one...
Adventurous New Openhand Book/Project Launch April 2024 🚀
Our new project, "RESURRECTION: The Messiah Within", has been some twenty years in the making. It's being launched to meet a time as a broad Swathe of people around the world are reclaiming their divinity - crossing the 4D "Red Sea" of our Karma, and re-igniting the "Messiah" within themselves. We're waiting for no "saviour" to come and do it for us!
A monumental amount of work is going into this. The book is merely the tip of the Iceberg - there's a massive amount of work happening in and through the field in preparation. It's about opening channels of light through the 4D, for which, should you choose, you can all be involved (check out the launch notification above - scroll up).
The build-up to the launch does mean we've had to reschedule several events in our current program. Here are the main details of the events effected...
1) Our "Gateways to the Golden Age" Zoom retreat in February will now be merged into the March event. The new details are as follows...
11th-15th Mar: Gateway to Golden Age: 5-Days, ZOOM
We're going back to Lemuria to activate Original Human DNA, processing out genetic and past life karma, at this 6-day life-changing retreat, on Zoom in the energetic comfort of your own space. High alchemy and adventure with Planetary Shift Facilitator "Open", applying ancient and modern ground-breaking self-realisation and meditation techniques. (Time zones: UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Unleash the 5D Human in You!
2) Our Gateways to the Golden Age in Sydney, which was planned for March, has now been postponed to November 10th-15th, and will enfold the new body of work, RESURRECTION.
3) Our Easter Zoom Retreat has been cancelled and the work enfolded into the launch event on April 27th.
All other events will remain the same.
See our Full Events Listings so far for 2024
Bright blessings
Open 💎
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