Richard West (Austria)

Who knew life would be such a constant learning experience, but that’s what makes it so juicy right?! Our challenges, if approached in a conscious way can only lead to inner transformation and greater self-realization. So, with that in mind, back in 2005 I made a declaration to the universe to “throw everything you’ve got at me”. Well, it’s certainly been a wild ride I can tell you!
It’s been highly important to me on my own path here on Earth to ground higher dimensional ‘knowings’ and feelings into a 3D framework. Therefore, the higher and lower self are not separate but interwoven, mirroring each other.
My particular strengths lie in resonating a frequency which always brings you closer to your true self. Whether confused, feeling lost or alone, in emotional chaos, or experiencing OC interference, for me it’s always about bringing you back to your essence. From there anything can happen!
For me the two most powerful areas that have catalysed my ascension process are:
1) Relationships – A partner relationship holds all the mirrors up and may leave no stone left unturned. If approached in a conscious way it can be both a tremendously beautiful and extremely powerful catalyst for ascension.
2) Making friends with death – To me, the energy of death is essential to apply to the transformation process. One reality has to break down in order for a freshly aligned one to emerge.
For me, the Openhand approach to the 5D shift has been the clearest and most complete on my journey so far. I feel blessed to be able to offer my own service as part of the 5D ascension process.
“I would like to encourage everyone out there. You are not alone. Dive into the unknown, and you will know your soul! Embrace your challenges and you will know passion. Step through your fears and you will know love. Die a little each day and you will know life!”
Co-creating a more aligned and empowered YOU
As a facilitator I often find myself in role of ‘weaver of stories’. This means that I can put together the different pieces of the puzzle and point my finger on what’s really going on for you at a deeper level. People mostly experience me as grounding and non-judgemental. Sessions can often take you deep into your pain while also leaving room for lightness and perspective.
Though my background is in psychology, I’m aware of its limitations and therefore apply a wholistic approach focussing on what the energy is doing on a spiritual level and using the body as compass pointing us toward the blockage that needs to be unravelled. Then, we’ll bring in that soul gold as you expand into a new state of being.
For further support and information:
My websites:
Parting the Waves (link
Back to the Source (link
The book:
Awakening through Change (link
The Facebook Community:
Pricing and contact
Sessions over Skype or Zoom usually last 1 hour and can sometimes go for 90 minutes. For anyone who wants to meet in person, I live near Linz in Austria. My rate is €65 (£60 / $70 US)
Openhand stage 2 facilitator
Rich has a strong and comforting energy to work with. You'll feel safely held as you explore into life's most challenging of karmic issues (he's affectionately known to some as 'the bear'!). He also has a greatly loving and empathic supportive energy, able to cut to the chase and locate the energetic source of the problem. With a complementary career background, plus a great richness of life experience (especially around family relationships), he brings a crafted wisdom to client engagements. He's also effectively developing starsoul bridges, to greatly amplify the realigning nature of his work. So people feel held and safe, whilst at the same time, able to go deep and unveil their consciousness.
Great News!!
So happy to see that you are facilitating Rich. Those who connect with you are blessed indeed....!
Openhand love
Wow thanks for all the beautiful words guys. It means a lot to have the support from you guys and feel the love from the Openhand community. It feels great to be on here, and I'm really excited about the next stage in my adventure.
Lots of love all round
Wonderful to see you here!
It is wonderful to see you featured here, Richard. I'm happy and excited for you and I also really like the blog posts on your website. How wonderful that your gifts can be now shared with the world!!
For me, your special talent lies in that you are able to create and hold the aliveness and safety within the relational field, despite the pain of the present moment. This allows for deeper expression and self-realization. Also, Richard, thank you for making me laugh until I hurt and holding the space when I cried until there was no pain anymore.
Fly high, my friend!
Welcome, Richard
Great to see you here as an Openhand Facilitator, Richard. I saw your website on Facebook. It's grand. I'm particularly happy to see you offer conscious dying services. So needed. You have wonderful gifts to share as you embrace others with your kind, safe, and solid bear energy. North, south, east, west: you've got it covered! :)
Very Best Wishes,
x Cathy
Brother Bear
Big welcome Richard to the Facilitator's team. I really enjoyed getting to know you last year on the Transfiguration course. You have such a calm, grounded and gentle presence. ItZ allows others to feel comfortable to share and open up. I love the clarity and depth when you express and your ability to sprinkle in a bit of humor in life adding to the lightness. Your gifts will no doubt help many others. Great job on the new website!
With love,
Truly Rich, Truly Touching
I am blessed to be in the presents of the beautiful beings here at openhand, even if it is not in person and just by web or the ether. I just checked out Richard's site as well ( Comebacktothesource ) and right from the first I felt warm and at home. Jen and Trinity, like you and the team, Richard does have an incredible gift. Thanks for being you.
To infinity and beyond
Much Love
Truly Rich
Hi Rich! I just checked out your amazing website and it has such a great feeling to it. Conscious dying - what a beautiful service...and like you say on your site...this is a constant process.
A truly rich offering of divine service and feels great to have you on the Facilitator Team!
With love,
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