Riding the Planetary 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/17/2021 - 06:46

Major shifts are happening across the planet right now, and infusions of galactic energy are activating the soul. The Old Paradigm will break down, unwind and come to an end in the near future. So in this context, what possible benefit can it serve by staying in the shell and playing it small? It's time to set your soul free by unleashing unbridled freedom of expression. Taken live from Openhand's 2020 La Palma retreat...

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Great to hear your feedback Nils. OK Hand Sign

This stood out...

my authentic self is insisting on breaking free and express itself, no matter what. It's just a matter of how much pain I'm gonna face till then.

Until you've come through it and look back to realise the pain you were originally in was far worse than the pain breaking through!

Keep working through

Open Thumbs Up Sign

Interesting that I read this today.

It's like you'r reading my mind on what's going on right now.

Yes, yes, and certainly inquiring into the last question.

Love the quote. I'm starting to realize that my authentic self is insisting on breaking free and express itself, no matter what. It's just a matter of how much pain I'm gonna face till then. Resistance is futile, I guess. Still I feel kind of uplifted :)

Much love

In the context of the big picture that's unfolding across our earth right now, within climate crisis, the Shift and where it's all heading, there's simply no point in holding or surpressing your authentic self. What would that serve?

Is there a venture you always wanted to undertake?
Are you supposed to be leaving that job to find something that serves your soul?
In relationships, how can you be more honest and truthful?

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Anais Nin

Go for it Openhanders!
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