Spiritual Archetypes: Opening Windows To Your Soul

When we step onto the internal super highway of spiritual evolution, we begin to unravel the differences between personality-influenced desires and authentic inner yearnings of the soul. Every moment presents an opportunity to shed behaviours that no longer serve, and instead allow authentic beingness to shine forth. This continual self-realisation process is far from easy. Sometimes it's difficult to know what is truly authentic. This is where the power of the archetype steps in.
Activating beingness, untangling distortions
My observation is that a Spiritual Archetype is like a spiritual identity. It is an energy that may infuse our being for a given period of time, and cause us to feel a particular way within our relationships with people, and to the world in general.
An Archetype is kind of like a colour filter on a projector. Which the soul takes on for a particular inquiry and revelation of authentic beingness. Such an archetypal filter can enhance particular 'colours' in our soul ray harmonic, that we can see our true light more clearly.
Here are the 9 Rays that constitute your soul-ray-harmonic - what the soul is working to actualise...
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Sacred Contracts
In some cases, it may be that we have such a resonance with a particular archetype, that you 'step into their shoes' for a given period on the path.
Consider, for example, the biblical story of Jesus. It contains many insightful characters; Mother Mary, Mary Magdalen, Judas, the disciples etc, etc. The story is widely known, with broad awareness of the various situations, circumstances and 'actors' in the drama. If our soul is caused to relate to it in some way, it can invoke many deep inner feelings. On the one hand, it may catalyse feelings of unconditional love, unity, divine teamwork; on the other, judgment, abandonment, betrayal.
Imagine, for example, how Mary Magdalen might have felt following the crucifixion. Personally, I don't particularly resonate with the concept of the "Sacred or Soul Contract". Because the soul is a free-flowing stream of consciousness. However, the soul will have particular reasons and purposes for incarnation - lessons to be learned. Hence, it will come into particular engagements with people and circumstances so as to learn, evolve, and grow. We may say these are "Sacred Agreements".
We may, for example, have formed predestined agreements with our soul family, or various of the Star Being Nations. Whereby, we would incarnate in particular roles to co-create circumstances in our lives to inspire greater self-realisation.
I also believe that the so-called "Ascended Masters", activate people by resonating their being with particular archetypal energy (of the 9 Rays shown above). I'm sure that's why, for example, there are so many claims in spiritual circles that "so and so is the reincarnation of....". Rather than reincarnations, it's highly likely, in most cases, people are really taking on some of that energy, so as to feel those qualities of beingness inside themselves. And it happens because there's a strong resonance with that character
What purpose do Spiritual Archetypes serve?
In short, by taking on such powerful influences, the Spiritual Archetype helps to shine a light on the true nature of our soul in day-to-day interactions. For example, we may relate empathically to the Buddha, in which case, we may experience a deep compassion for all sentient life and feel exceptionally surrendered and non-attached. Let us be clear though, we are not being the Buddha! We are simply invoking an authentic resonance of our own soul, which might be closely aligned to that vibrational frequency.
In my experience, the Spiritual Archetype energy will stick around in our direct field of consciousness just as long as it takes for us to realise, and unleash, that frequency of energy within our own soul. Following which, it will tend to disappear. We'll lose the sense of identity, once that aspect of soul has fully activated and integrated.
What's really essential if such an archetypal experience engages you on your soul's journey, is to work not to identify with that identity. It could have been that you did incarnate in a particular past identity. However, that is now behind you. And the soul is working to integrate free-flowing expression. So attaching to such archetypes can become highly limiting.
Work with them yes. Let them activate resonances in you. But then, crucially, let them go.
True Colours
Spiritual Archetypes can be a powerful blessing in our unfolding, helping us unveil key aspects of our being. But let's always remember, the soul is working to express itself uniquely in any given moment - it doesn't conform to an identity. If we feel ourselves identifying with one particular energy all the time, the risk is to be creating an inner ego around that consciousness.

The journey of full unfolding is about creating an open space within, ultimately free from all identity, and then allowing our true colours to shine forth, uniquely and spontaneously, as the moment invites. So as the song goes, "Let your true colours shine through, they are beautiful, just like a rainbow!" Resonate?
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The truth will always be revealed
An eddy current is like one aspect within you. A filter colours and entire relationship between people. But it's true, you can't know it was a filter until it is removed. Otherwise what would be the point? :wink: I guess it's also important to understand that it's a strong aspect of my soul ray to interpret and understand. But it's not always necessary to do so. The key issue here is how to deal with what's coming up? Whether it be an eddy current or a filter, it's essentially the same: you have to truly honour the feelings. What does that mean? It means to go with them, to express them and give voice to them, to let them breathe and fly. Then to observe closely the affects. If you tighten, work with the tightness. Open into it. Always look for the highest authentic expression of you that you can find. Keep challenging. Keep asking for help. The truth will always be revealed.
More questions
Yes, this is what is happening to me now.
Sometimes it is really brief, sometimes there is some time, not only with filters, but also with people who are obviously mirroring me. One of the crazy things that are happening now is that I meet people who are the way I was when I was a child or a teenager (have certain aspects and features I had).
And then I can clearly see how I relate to those parts of myself through them and discover that they are still here. this is a challenging process.
Why part of the process demands filters, while others are very clear mirroring?
I thought of maybe assistance to deal with the stuff I would suppress, dissolve or deny. Maybe filters allow to have a much more vivid and full on experience, making it hard to ignore?
I am sorry, but I have many questions hhh:
One of them is how can I know when it is an Eddy current and when it is a filter? Because the feeling is very similar and I feel that I tend to dissolve the feelings and avoid life (in general).
And the last one is how did you know when to engage and dive into the experience to go through it and when you are heading into the distraction? It seems that the universe is much more tricky than the mind can even imagine, luckily, so I kind of never really know until I try, but then many times I find out I got lost a bit.
I guess both questions ask the same: how do you allow the filters to act and work with them with commitment, don't get lost and sucked into the distraction loop, but at the same time don't dissolve the experience so you can learn the lesson?
Succession of filters
Hi Yulia,
My experience of filters is that I wasn't aware of them until they'd suddenly dissolved. It was like from one day to the next my feelings changed.
But then within specific issues, like partner relationships for example, the filters would cover different aspects. So for me, when I was single, there was a quick succession of meeting people, each exposing a different filter - although they were all related.
Recurring filters
If I may add that the process of the filters switching can be rather confusing, destabilizing and painful, especially if there is any attachment to the filter and resistance to the transition. It took me some time to learn to react fast and switch and adapt faster than I blink.
A question: can a filter go and then come back in other circumstances if the attachment is not processed completely in previous times?
Because I personally experience the same stuff, as if the filters go, then come back, each time it gets deeper and deeper and more intense, but I am also more aware and feel more details.
And the last question/problem I have with it is that some part of me is dissolving the experiences because I know all this is not real, it's some kind of game, illusion. It is not mental. I have this feeling since I can remember myself, as if "come on, it can't be real".
I just can't take it all seriously enough until I get a really big kick. Then I can't dissolve anymore, because things become tough. Is there any other way?
Thanks :)
Attuning to the soul's 'radio station'
Well that's what tends to happen when we're in the flow - just as soon as a question is asked, the answer spontaneously arises!
The more we travel along the path of unfolding, the more we realise we actually don't necessarily need to be able to mentally process what we're being. Attunement to authentic beingness does not happen by thinking "oh, this is what's arising now so that's what I need to be". It becomes sponatenous. It's kind of like the automatic tuner on your car radio scanning the airwaves - when it feels a frequency node (a spike in energy), the system simply aligns with that. The same applies for us; the more we get the mind out of the way, the more we naturally align with internal arising frequencies. Then if the 'music sounds good', we just keep right on playing!
Of course sometimes though the music that's arising might not come through as clearly as it could - perhaps because we're holding some kind of limiting relationship to the energy - attachment or identity - karma for example. This is where we're then caused to process out that energy so that the note sings sweetly once more.
So yes, archetypes help 'turn up the volume' of natural aspects of beingness and also help us see where the harmonics are not always singing sweetly.
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