Stories and Poems
I felt compelled to start a discussion category for spiritually tinged stories and poems. Feel free to add your own in the comments section. Let us be an inspiration to one another!
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Inspiring Poetry
My yoga teacher read out a beautiful poem in class today. It gave me goosebumps and I think it will resonate with many of us. Enjoy!
For a New Beginning by John O'Donohue
In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.
For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.
It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.
Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire.
Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.
I loved this so much
In reply to Inspiring Poetry by Pam
Thank you so much for this ,Pam . Here is what really sparked joy for me today :)
I know, you never intended to be in this world.
But you’re in it all the same.
So why not get started immediately.
I mean, belonging to it.
There is so much to admire, to weep over.
And to write music or poems about.
Bless the feet that take you to and fro.
Bless the eyes and the listening ears.
Bless the tongue, the marvel of taste.
Bless touching.
You could live a hundred years, it’s happened.
Or not.
I am speaking from the fortunate platform
of many years,
none of which, I think, I ever wasted.
Do you need a prod?
Do you need a little darkness to get you going?
Let me be as urgent as a knife, then,
and remind you of Keats,
so single of purpose and thinking, for a while,
he had a lifetime.- Mary Oliver
Thank You
In reply to I loved this so much by iamdurga
Thank you Megha - I really like that.
Oddly I had never really been moved by poetry before, but I am finding more resonance in it for me lately. I think maybe I had just been reading the wrong poets for me - better late than never😊
Letting go
Letting go
the need to be high
the need to be at peace
the need for change
the need to be respected
the need for love
the need for support
accepting what is
broken without a guard
uncertain, unresolved into the unknown
just the okayness of being
with trust in the divine
real and authentic
the humble human experience
ready to be broken again
Vimal 🙏
(saw this on the beach today)
Go west.....
This is the poem I wrote drinking coffee in Highams Park, Greater north west London. I was saying goodbye to the big smoke, severing ties and preparing to take the long and hazardous pilgrimage to Glastonbury to graze in new spiritual pastures. Gnaw thy socks with jealousy Lord Byron...
Adieu, oh rumbustious carbuncle, cacophony of cyclist sweat,
Will I miss your chaotic whine, your shanty mess of buy to let,
Will I lament your pot-holed conduits, your capilliary tangle of trains,
Your tower of babel yapping, your grubby, vibrant lanes?
Will I remember the stomping grounds, where a child became a man,
Leciester square, regents park, ( twinned with Pakistan),
Muswell hill and Finchley, Edgeware, mill hill too,
Many nooks and crannies where experience could accrue.
Time to piss off, head for west, I'm done with the big smoke,
Time to find community, where the people are more 'woke'.
Dear soul family,
I'm sharing a song I made few days back. I'm sure you recognize the feeling of home within you and hence connect with this song. I hope this inspires you.
Invisible colors (Ukulele song)
Dear Openhand family Sharing a song I wrote recently. It is in Malayalam (My native language) and I find it very difficult to translate for you guys,
sharing a rough English translation here. Thank you.
"You are a poem
I write in invisible colors
I became those colors and
You've now faded away."
Gorgeous !
In reply to Invisible colors (Ukulele song) by River
Dear River ,
Thanks so much for sharing . Didn't understand the words ,but the emotion seeped through nevertheless .
Ukele song - beautiful energy
In reply to Gorgeous ! by iamdurga
It's a beautiful energy you keep expressing there River - thanks so much for making them and sharing with us all.
Keep right on flowing!
Much love
Open 💙
about a dream i saw, a song i heared.
a thousand dancers spiralling
as one,
as everything,
just your song,
just your name.
In reply to about a dream i saw, a song i heared. by River
That's wonderful River - love the picture. 👍
Thanks for sharing.
The real source
Find the real source
Let it be the guiding force
Through this desert
Of roses and thorns
Only I can fill my empty pot
Only then I can shine my light
I have fallen many times
But remembered to get back up
To walk this path of rightness
is to know that mistakes are not wrong
But only steps to the divine
which I couldn't see in my mind
What do I really need ?
What do I really seek ?
I have known perfection is an illusion
Still I chose to chase it
Only to hit another brick wall
The walls have reminded me
To look inside for the
real source and guiding force
Through this desert
Of roses and thorns
- Sky falak
All of the love was Inside my heart.
All of the love was inside my heart,
why was I searching for it outside?
maybe to realize the same...
I'm the flow itself.
At any moment,
I'm the movement
I don't want to be still
I want to flow
without getting identified with anything
without getting immersed in anything
I realize, everything is an illusion except this flow.
let it take me to heights and depths
let it take me to pain and love
let it take me to everything and nothing
How can I even resist?
I'm that flow
I'm that flow.
The inimitable Alan Watts - will give you goosebumps!!
The inimitable Alan Watts - will give you goosebumps!!...
Unbearable lightness of Truth
Illuminating poem
In reply to Unbearable lightness of Truth by miha
Hi Sunbow - that was a beautiful read - thankyou, very illuminating!
Open 🙏
Losing our way
Wrote something today. Just wanted to share here..the recording is from my phone. I hope you will be able to hear it.
I woke up today morning
Took myself into my garden
I spoke with the trees and the mountains
Let myself led by the river
Took me back when I was little
I lived as one with the movement
When did we loose our way
Bought into these illusions
Where did we loose our way
Forgotten our innocence
Times of deceit and vaccines
Noone seems to remember
We are all creators
Heaven or hell its our choice
Someone tell me why
We do it to our own children
Some explain to me why
Coz I can't find a reason
Broken hearts of mothers
Are we the ones to blame ?
Is it just beginning
Or are we on the edge?
Saint or sinner friend or a foe
We are all in this together
Why all the struggle
Why do we fight
Can we not see our future
I'm not giving up on my soul
In the end it's the only thing that's real
I'm standing my ground and shining my light
Even if the whole world is too blind to see
Soul-stirring music!
In reply to Losing our way by Vimal
This is wonderful Sky - beautifully soul-stirring.
Thanks so much for sharing with us all.
Greatly appreciated.
Open ♥️
In reply to Soul-stirring music! by Open
Thanks Open. Your kind words are much appreciated ❤
Fun Song
Wrote this today about how we so often search for the Divine without rather than within & the craze over artifacts (Noah's Ark, The Grail etc) rather than going inside, doing the difficult work & connecting with spirit there.. Meant to be a humorous, fun song..
'Afraid To Go In'
Gonna climb up the mountain
And find Noah’s ark
With no one around
He picked a strange place to park
Got a new submarine
It'll seat 20 of us
Has a sign on the back
Says 'Atlantis or Bust'
At a pawnshop in Cleveland
Someone spotted the grail
There was a unicorn too
But it was missing its tail
We dredged up the Nile
Looking for Moses' raft
Got a hundred foot pile
Full of crocodile crap
We’re searching for God
All over the place
Now I even hear
That we're digging in space
I think he’s hiding out,
Where he’s always been
We’ve had him surrounded,
We’re just afraid to go in ///
We camp out at Cavalry
With our shovels and pails
Quick, stop the presses
Found a rusty old nail
We've cleared out the temples
Deciphered the old texts
Got our television shows
About where to dig next
Lets go back to Peru
Or maybe even Tibet
Think we just haven't looked
High enough yet
Chorus //
We’re searching for God
All over the place
Now I even hear
That we're digging in space
I think he’s hiding out,
where he’s always been
We’ve had him surrounded,
We’re just afraid to go in. ///
I see your light
Convenience would be to play along
Pretend that I dont care
But I have played that game
A million times which lead nowhere
It takes courage to take a stand
No matter how hard it is
But I feel alive
To live in these times
To not know what my next step is
I feel alive
To live in these times
To gather my tribe who cares to live
To share from the heart
Without an ounce of untruth
To belong I must belong to myself
To live I must die a hundred deaths
With each step I let go of
What I thought was
To the unknown
Where I will meet you
In the depth of darkness
I see your light
- Vimal
Loved the lyrics
In reply to Thanks for sharing by Gary (not verified)
Thank-you Gary. It flowed out after a powerful confrontation with a friend about pandemonium and the lockdown. I feel these times have great potential to unlock our true selves. No compromise to the soul.
I loved your lyrics - well written and would make for a beautiful fun song.
For me, the whole world has disappeared,
for me,
the whole world has disappeared,
all I can see is the invisible You.
With each surrender to you...
Oh beloved,
with each surrender to you,
I became more and more of myself.
I'm a stranger to myself.
I'm a stranger to myself,
and this journey is to find him.
Why this separation ?
Even though you are me,
Why this separation? My beloved.
What if a firefly calls your name ?
What if a firefly calls your name?
would you pause and respond to her?
or rush to the same place
you'll never get to?
Make time to smell the roses!
In reply to What if a firefly calls your name ? by River
Your sharing reminds me - there's a rose bush right outside my front door.
It always speaks and reminds me that whatever is going on in life,
always take time to smell the roses!
Open 🥀
that's beautiful Open :)
In reply to Make time to smell the roses! by Open
happy to hear that, I'll also try to do the same, whenever I came across beautiful flowers. :)
Man with a message (story)
I was bloated from all the delicious ghee-filled masala Dosas and coconut chutney I ate that day. Maybe it was because I had fasted the day before and the food was heavy on my stomach. I knew this already, but I couldn't stop myself. After all, I had spent hours preparing the batter, chopping onions, and preparing Kerala style Dosas for my friends in Himachal Pradesh. Of course, they had banded together to assist, and I had thoroughly enjoyed the process; it was like a community cooking event. I've been living in Bir, Himachal Pradesh, for the past month and have made some close friends during that time. We were all foodies who held feasts like this on a regular basis. It could be a Himachali Dham or a Maharastrian style Paav bhaji, the list goes on.
That evening, when I returned to my room, all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and watch a movie. I was about to do that when I remembered I needed something from the local store. Every day, the country's government imposes new laws and imposes lockdowns, and shops are only open until 5 p.m. So I should hurry, I reasoned, because the movie could wait a little longer.
On my way to the shop, there was an SUV car in front of me, and the vehicle's name, written in large letters, struck me as odd. It said "Harrier," but in my mind it said "Warrior." Maybe the cosmos didn't want me to curl up in bed that evening, but rather to do something different, I reasoned. I'd gotten better at reading these signs over time, and they always said something essential. "How am I supposed to channel this warrior energy?" For me, the answer came quickly in the shape of writing on a t-shirt. "Work out and stand out." The only person I wanted to stand out was my own lazy self, who preferred comfort over obstacles. I abandoned my plans to curl up and instead went for a lengthy walk through the woods that evening. I used to enjoy walking along that road, which was flanked by an oak tree forest on both sides and was accompanied by the soft soothing sound of the stream and the birds in the trees. I knew exactly where I was going: to a popular campground a few kilometres away and then back before it got too dark.
I was drawn to a side trail through the trees just before my destination. I was perplexed as to why I had never noticed this path. I was becoming more intrigued with each step. What is the destination of this path? Is it going to take me to a village or a lovely valley I've never seen before? What might I discover as a result of this turn? I didn't wind myself in any magical mystery land, but I did see a gorgeous house and a man with long hair tending to his garden a few yards down the route. He was dressed simply, as I've seen sadhus do, and it gave him the appearance of being spiritually inclined. The man and his surroundings exuded a mysterious and calm aura. Away from the hustle and bustle of the road, the environment was profoundly silent.
I wanted to meet this man in the middle of nowhere because I sensed a connection between us even before we met. Is he the owner of this lovely home? The man smiled as he greeted me. He identified himself as Aadya.
"I normally keep to myself and don't mix with strangers," he explained, "but today seems to be an exception." Maybe he was curious to meet this guy who would travel this remote road through the woods alone at this time. Aadya offered me some lemon tea and biscuits. We both shared a passion for music and singing. I enjoyed the few bhajans that Aadya sung for me. Soon, the topic went to his spiritual journey, and when he mentioned desirelessness and flowing as one with the universe, I knew exactly why I was there that evening. It's to hear his message and feel the energy that he exudes. Perhaps I, too, had something to offer - a mutual connection simply by being. I'd been feeling restless for a few days, but it was gradually dissipating as the chat progressed, leaving me with a sense of deep stillness and peace. What else does one want besides this realm of nothingness when every desire is fulfilled from within? What on earth could ever replace its grace?
I felt like I had reconnected with a long-lost friend when I left him late at night. Perhaps I reunited with a long-forgotten and buried part of myself? I was astounded by the universe's skilled hands, which connect you with the right people, with the right energy, at the right time. What could possibly be better than this? It's priceless, and it's pure magic! That day, I made the commitment to myself to follow the heartfelt pull whenever it presented itself to me, even if it pushed me out of my comfort zone.
You guys rock!
Hey Vimal & Sharu,
You guys rock!
So inspirational.
Keep it flowing!
Thank you for your blessings
In reply to You guys rock! by Open
Thank you Open for your blessings. I appreciate this community space and energy beyond words.
Vimal <3
Bir, Himachal, after the rain, becomes breathtakingly gorgeous. The trees and bushes change colour and texture to a luscious dark green. It's as if nature ramped up the contrast while turning down the brightness. The forest and its inhabitants become much more alive and mysterious. If one is not engrossed in their own thoughts or glued to their smartphone, it is impossible to ignore the soothing sound of the stream. I was struck by how the white misty clouds looked to hug the far hills like the cream topping on an ice cream cone. If only I could taste it! Perhaps it would be a better idea to climb the hill near Bari Village so that I could admire the beauty of the mountains from above.
So I began my ascent, taking in the scenery around me. I came to a halt when I found a good spot to sit and meditate with a good view. Today was a vibrant and productive day, I thought, because it was filled with activities that I enjoyed doing with the people I cared about. But there was still a tinge of regret lurking somewhere in the back of my mind. I had previously visited this cafe and met a man with his girlfriend who was a paraglider. That had elicited an internal sense of desire. I watched as my mind took me on a ride to a fantasy island where I had a lot of money and could buy a camper van, put a bike in it, and travel wherever I wanted. It seemed to provide me with a sense of freedom that I felt I lacked at the time. I frequently let my mind run wild with its own sense of imagination. Then I realised that the things I seemed to want aren't so dissimilar to the things I already have, if only better. I'm travelling with an incredible friend who inspires and supports me, I have a bike and camping gear, I'm a good musician, and I have so much to offer. I'm in a lovely setting, and I consider myself fortunate to be able to walk around freely. What else do I require?
I began walking from where I sat and discovered this new path I had never taken before. New faces, new houses with lovely gardens in their front yards. How lovely and red are those roses? I'm smiling at everyone who crosses my path. It's as if the scenery on the outside coincided with an opening on the inside. What else could it be but a reflection of my own mind? If there is a state of freedom, it is one in which I am content and do not require anything else. Everything I need and consume seems to dim this light. I could hide and bury this light for a while, but it always seems to return, illuminating the path forward.
I recalled how my friend and I had been looking for a place to live for a few days and had not been able to discover anything that felt right. That was no longer required of me. I was ecstatic to try out this new way of living filled with adventure. How lovely it would be to camp near a stream one day and on top of a mountain the next, only eating raw, healthy fruits and salads. Then I realised - now that the need to find a place had passed, the universe will manifest exactly what we require! Only the need was cutting across the flow, with the mind attempting to take the flow somewhere I didn't need to be.
I was walking down from Bari to Bir Road when I observed this writing on a tshirt: "Swades." Yes, it felt like a homecoming - becoming who I am rather than who I want to be!
I was following the stream. I couldn't hear anything but the sound of the stream, as if she was continuously giving me instructions. There's path ahead which was barely visible. who would have taken such a difficult path through this deep forest valley, I wondered. I reached a point where there is no proper pathway ahead, only a slanting edge of a massive rock. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make it, but there were these tree roots tightened into the rock that helped me pass by. A butterfly has just flown away from the tree branch I was holding for support. I apologised.
Where am I following the steam ? It's been a long trail through this dense forest. It began to rain lightly, making my voyage even more difficult. The sound of the stream gradually increased to a roaring sound. I saw an old ladder slanted to a rock guiding somewhere. I climbed that ladder to get to a waterfall which was stunningly beautiful.
Is this where the stream was guiding me? I found a lake nearby with crystal clear water that caught my attention at first sight. I slowly approached it, gazing out at the water, where I saw this beautiful rock. I couldn't help but take the rock in my hand and look at it deeply. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I felt like I’m holding myself inside my palm. It was a strange feeling, but I was completely immersed in it. Suddenly something flashed in me, and the rock disappeared from my palm.
I was once this rock.
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